Democracy in Theory and Practice - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p : / / t e a c h e r s . y a l e . e d u / c u r r i c u l u m / i n d e x . p h p ? u r l = h t t p : / / w w w . y a l e . e d u / y n h t i / n a t i o n a l c u r r i c u l u m / u n i t s / 2 0 0 8 / 3 /

The twelve units range from concerns with electoral politics in the U.S. (partly prompted by the election year 2008), to constitutional politics and the founding, to the impact of the media (including the internet) on US democracy, to democratic politics as viewed through and influenced by literature, to the enfranchisement of marginalized groups, and specific policy issues such as the distribution of income and wealth and terrorism and civil liberties. ?(Yale National Initiative? 2011)


Sekundarstufe II

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Practice; Democracy; Theory




Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Bilingualer Unterricht Politik Democracy Parliament and Government USA
Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Bilingualer Unterricht
Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Landeskunde, Soziokulturelles Orientierungswissen Landeskunde Großbritanniens Politik

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