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1. Stage (2012/13): Reform of the Primary School (School Reform in France under François Hollande)

The Course of the Debate on the Proposals for Reform

French Minister for Education Vincent Peillon (2012 – 2014) and President François Hollande (2012 – 2017) at a speaker's desk during an event in Bondy, France, on 15.11.2011.
French Minister for Education Vincent Peillon (2012 – 2014) and President François Hollande (2012 – 2017) during an event in Bondy, France, on 15.11.2011.
Copyright: Mathieu Delmestre : Solfé Communications, Bruno Julliard, François Hollande et Vincent Peillon, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

July 4, 2012
President Hollande made the reformation of the school system one of his priorities. In a cabinett meeting held on July, 4th, 2012, a project called "Refondons l’école" (Let’s re-establish school”) was announced.
In the following months, the French government suggested a legislative framework for the school reform.

July until October 2012
Based on this legislation, a nationwide debate took place. 23 ministries were involved, as well as about 8.200 internet users who posted their opinions on the govermental website To coordinate the debates, four teams were compiled to work on the following topics: ”School success for all“ (La réussite scolaire pour tous), ”Students at the heart of the reform“ (Les élèves au cœur de la refondation), ”A fair and effective educational system“ (Un système éducatif juste et efficace), ”Well-trained and recognized personnel“ (Des personnels formés et reconnus).

October 9, 2012
These debates led to a final report which was submitted on October 9th, 2012.

In the week following October 15, 2012
Discussions with school stakeholders (unions, parental organisation, students’ unions, movements, ..)

Until the end of October 2012
Preparing the framework act

Mid-December 2012
Presenting the framework act in the Council of Ministers

January 2013
Beginning of the parliamentary debate

July 2013
Adoption of the new education law "La loi d`orientation et de programmation pour la refondation de l`École de la République" (English version)
(Click here for French version of the law)

German Articles

German language article of the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger about the French debate on the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon (2012/2013).

English Articles

An article from the US news agency Associated Press, published by the US e-journal US News on Oct 5th 2012, author Lori Hinnant, about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

An article published by the the Times, UK (Sept 6th 2012) about the planned educational reform under the French government of Hollande and the Minister for Education Peillon in 2012 / 2013.

Websites, Articles, and Further Information in French

A website provided by the French Ministry for Education under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon about the planned comprehensive educational reform in 2012 / 2013 (called "Refondons l'école" or also "Concertation sur la refondation de l'école"). The website appears as it was archived by the French government in 2016 [...]

The link leads you to a overview of the articles published in the French journal Le Monde about the planned educational reform under President Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon in 2012. Le Monde is considered to be one of the most influential newspapers on public opinion in France, alongside with Le Figaro.

The biggest French labour union for educational matters and the public sector, the Fédération Syndicale Unitaire, offered a platform to discuss the planned educational reform of 2012/2013 under president Hollande and Minister of Education Peillon. You will find articles and statements by researchers, unionists, parents' and students' [...]

This blog entry offers links to some articles, dossiers or discussions about the planned educational reform ("Refondons l'école") in France under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013.

Article written by the French teachers' union "Syndicat des enseignants - UNSA (SE-UNSA)". The articles presents the main suggestions for an educational reform in France made by the government under President Hollande and Minister for Education Peillon in 2012/2013 and states the union's position on these suggestions.

Last Update: 11.07.2023  -

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