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Ariadne Pfad:


2016 - Archive of Education News Worldwide

"Media reports that a German school in Turkey has banned Christmas celebrations are causing political furore in Germany, despite a partial denial from the school administration." BBC News 19 December 2016

"This year nationalist political events, such as the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union, Donald Trump’s election as US president and the Indian visa issues in the UK, seem to indicate a fall in some traditional leading countries’ appetite for international student exchange. This new scenario creates new opportunities for others." by Bruno Morche, University [...]

"How Ataturk rescued the Jews: Highlighting a chapter of German-Turkish history that has largely been forgotten, Eren Onsoz′ ″Haymatloz″ tells the stories of five German Jewish academics who emigrated to Turkey in the 1930s, to be welcomed with open arms." By Heike Mund, Deutsche Welle / Qantara 31.10.16 [Abstract: Site editor’s information]

"What is at stake for higher education in the United States presidential elections? The divisions are huge and, although higher education has featured very little, the general campaign rhetoric could have significant implications for universities. If Trump is elected, we must prepare for dire consequences for international higher education." by Hans de Wit and Philip G Altbach [...]

This website presents dossiers on the education system of the respective Guest of Honour country of the Frankfurt Book Fair each year.

Article by the German online magazine "Der Spiegel" about a worksheet for schools that invites to discuss a caricature of Turkish president Erdogan. After the Turkish consulate in Germany criticized the worksheet, the educational publisher withdrew it. Article by Swantje Unterberg, Spiegel Online, 14.09.16

Die Website verzeichnet deutsche Kindergärten im Ausland, nach Ländern und Orten sortiert. Außerdem gibt es einen Newsletter für pädagogische Fachkräfte und einen Praktikums- und Stellenmarkt für deutsche Auslandskitas.

"More than 15,000 education staff in Turkey have been suspended after last week's failed coup, as a purge of state officials widens still further." BBC article 19 July 2016

Education Worldwide was restructured slightly. The focus is now on browsing for countries and topics. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors of Education Worldwide]

Beginning 20.06.2016

Die UN-Vollversammlung hat den 20. Juni zum zentralen internationalen Gedenktag für Flüchtlinge ausgerufen. An diesem Tag wird auf die besondere Situation und die Not von über 50 Millionen Flüchtlingen aufmerksam gemacht.

This website provides video recordings and text documents of the workshop "Vocational Skills Development in the context of Violent Extremism". This workshop was organised by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in March 2016 in Geneva. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

German radio broadcast ("Deutschlandfunk" 27.04.16), available only in German.

German radiobroadcast ("Deutschlandfunk" 27.04.16), available only in German

[We link to a copy of the website from the Internet Archive as of 2016. The original website is no longer online]
"...The LeaCoMM-Project aims to offer tools for teachers, teacher educators and members of school administration [with regard to] professionalization in the area of migration, minorities and school. (...) [...]

Launched by the Varkey Foundation, the Global Teacher Prize was awarded for the first time in 2016. The awardee was Palestinian teacher Hanan Al Hroub. The prize gets support from the dynasty of the United Arab Emirates, Pope Francis, Prince William of Britain, US Vice President Joe Biden, or Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon. You can find the original [...]

The Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) was founded in 1999 at the University of Chicago. Meanwhile, the network has more than 300 institutional members in about 40 countries. SAR aims at providing refuge for scholars who face discrimination, censorship, intimidation, or violence in their home countries. The website provides [...]

Last Update: 13.10.2020  -

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