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Ariadne Pfad:


2018 - Archive of Education News Worldwide

"With rising pupil numbers, shortfalls in the number of trainee teachers and an increasing proportion of teachers leaving the profession, retaining teachers who are already in the profession is vital for managing the current and future supply of teachers. This report draws out a number of key factors impacting on teacher retention and makes recommendations for policy makers [...]

"The four UK National Academy Presidents have written to The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Home Secretary, as his department prepares to publish a White Paper on immigration. They highlight the importance of international mobility for research and innovation in the UK and ask for the opportunity to meet with him to discuss this further." [Abstract: Site editor’s information]

50 Years of Educational Science and Research in France

Detail eines Hauses in den französischen Nationalfarben Blau, Weiß, Rot

New webdossier by Education Worldwide

In 2017, France celebrated 50 years of educational science and research. Two major conferences took place to recall the beginnings of educational science as a university subject in 1967, and to look back on its development during the last 50 years.

In December 2018, a special issue of the journal Éducation et socialisation. Les cahiers du CERFEE will be published. It will include contributions from the two anniversary conferences mentioned above on 50 years of educational science in France.

On this occasion, Education Worldwide compiled a webdossier on educational research in France. It offers an insight into professional societies & associations, research institutes & centers, research history, themes & trends, as well as conferences and journals of French educational research.

UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2019 was published: Focus on migration & displacement

Cover des UNESCO-Weltbildungsberichts 2019 zu Flucht und Migration
Cover of the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2019 on migration & displacement.
Copyright: Unesco

The new Unesco Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2019 has been published. This year, the report's focus is on migration, displacement & education.

The UNESCO GEM Report has been published since 2002. From 2002 to 2015, it was published under the name "Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report". Its aim was to frame the Unesco "Education for All" action program  and to examine its implementation. The action program was replaced in 2016 by the "Education Agenda 2030", which has similar goals. Along with this, the report was renamed and is now called the "Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report".

Midterm elections in the USA on 6 Nov 2018: the issue of education

Die Nationalflagge der USA mit dem Schriftzug
Copyright: Becky McCray, "Voting", CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

On November 6, 2018, the so-called midterm elections take place in the USA. New representatives will be elected for the US congress, consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate . Many federal states also elect their governors and their parliaments.

In our dossier, we have put together links to articles dealing with the role of education and education policy in the 2018 midterm elections.

What positions do the various candidates have on education? Why did so many teachers register as a candidate in these 2018 elections?

Answers to these questions can be found in the media reports listed here and in one Bachelor thesis on this topic.

Georgia - Guest of Honour of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

Offizielles Logo des Ehrengastes Georgien, Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018
Official logo of the Guest of Honour Georgia, Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

Georgia will be the country of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2018. On this occasion, Education Worldwide will take a closer look at the school system and general education system in Georgia. We offer you the most important websites concerning

  • the education system in Georgia
  • individual education sectors in Georgia
  • education statistics in Georgia
  • authorities & national centers in education in Georgia
  • literature on education in Georgia

And what does all this have to do with the singer Katie Melua? Find the answer here in our webdossier! ;-)

Full title: Ganzer Titel: Ensuring the right to equitable and inclusive quality education - Results of the Ninth Consultation of Member States on the implementation of the UNESCO Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education.

"Education at a Glance 2018" was published by OECD

Cover der OECD-Publikation
Copyright: W. Bertelsmann Verlag; OECD

The latest edition of "Education at a Glance" was published on 11 September 2018. Besides the general publication, you will again find many country notes with specific information on the respective countries.

 "OECD's annual Education at a Glance looks at who participates in education, what is spent on it, how education systems operate and the results achieved. The latter includes indicators on a wide range of outcomes, from comparisons of students’ performance in key subject areas to the impact of education on earnings and on adults’ chances of employment. This book includes StatLinks, urls linking to Excel® spreadsheets containing the background data." [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors of Education Worldwide]


New Publication: Early Childhood Workforce Profiles in 30 Countries with Key Contextual Data (2018)

Cover der Publikation
Copyright: Project SEEPRO-R

This editorial volume presents the results of  project SEEPRO-R ("Systems of early education and profession­alisation in Europe"). You will get information on 30 European countries concerning two sectors:

  • ECEC (early childhood education and care) Workforce Profile:  Country report on the current status quo regarding the qualification requirements for early childhood education and care professionals (pedagogues, teachers, educators), the composition of the workforce, the systems of initial professional education and continuing professional development, current reform initiatives and research projects and selected aspects of the working conditions of staff.

  • Key Contextual Data: A synopsis of the main features of the ECEC system and relevant demographic data

United Kingdom; Europe
Information page of the Royal Society, which is the United Kingdom's National Academy of Sciences. You will find a lot of information and statements on Brexit and Science in the UK / EU - for example questions on access to research funding or working in the EU and UK as a scientist. You will also find factsheets, like [...]

"Wie schaut die Welt auf Deutschland? Und wie sieht Deutschland seine fernen und nahen Nachbarn? Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik, kurz AKBP, liefert Antworten auf beide Fragen zugleich. Denn spätestens seit den 1960er Jahren ist sie als dritte Säule der deutschen Außenpolitik neben Außenwirtschaftspolitik und klassischer Diplomatie anerkannt. AKBP kennzeichnet [...]

On average across OECD countries, 4.2% of 15-year-old students expect to work as teachers - a greater proportion than the share of teachers in the adult population.  In many countries, 15-year-old students who expect to work as teachers have lower mathematics and reading scores than students who expect to work in other professions that, like teaching, require at least a [...]

After a decade of severe fiscal crisis also impacting education, Greece is looking ahead. Now is the time to invest effectively in education and define a forward-looking path for Greece. Building on the current reform agenda, this report offers an analysis of the context and underlying policy issues that once addressed, can contribute to raising the quality and equity of [...]

10 messages and 10 recommendations on disability and education

Die Cover der seit 2010 publizierten Berichte, Logo der Unesco und des GEM Reports.

A summary of 8 years of Unesco Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Reports

A recent article by the "World Education Blog" provides a summary of content related to disability and education from the Unesco Global Education Monitoring (GEM) reports since 2010. The reason for this is the new GEM Report 2020 that will focus on inclusion.

Nelson Mandela's 100th Birthday

Eine bemalte Mauer mit einem Portrait von Nelson Mandela
Copyright: Ben_Kerckx / Pixabay, CC0

Nelson Mandela would have been 100 years old on 18th July 2018. He was regarded as charismatic freedom fighter and later became the president of South Africa. Throughout Africa and beyond, he became a symbol for the fight against Apartheid and for equal rights and democracy.

On the occasion of his 100th birthday,  we present to you our webdossiers on Mandela and South Africa. You will find a lot of teaching material and information on education in South Africa.

EPALE focus in July 2018: Learning in prisons

Maschendrahtzaun vor blauem Hintergrund
Copyright: pixabay, CC0

The European expert network EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) has a thematic focus on "Learning in prisons" in July 2018. You will find news, blog articles, events, publikations, and teaching and learning materials for this topic.

All you need to know about refugee education worldwide

Wortlaut des Zitats auf Deutsch: 'Nur jedes zweite Flüchtlingskind geht in die Grundschule, jedes vierte in die Sekundarstufe. Dies ist eine Tragödie. Bildung ist das wichtigste, was ein Flüchtlingskind über Grenzen hinweg mitnehmen kann, und es ist ihre größte Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft.'
Quote by António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Source
Copyright: N. Cohen, CC0

The World Refugee Day is celebrated annually on June 20th. On this occasion, we remind you of our webdossier on "Refugee Education in an International Perspective". It provides informationon:

  • International Refugee Aid and Policy
  • the Educational Situtation of Refugees Worldwide
  • Research on Refugees and Forced Migration

"This post introduces a new blog series by NORRAG [Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training] and INEE [Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies ] to promote discussion of and explore the linkages between financing and evidence for education in emergencies (EiE). The strikingly low share of international humanitarian funding [...]

The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation (EBLIDA) provides an overview of activities and materials (flyer, poster, ...) that public libraries in different European countries have compiled for refugees. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

With the law on "Ori­en­ta­ti­on et réus­si­te des étu­di­ants" (orientation and academic success) a higher education reform was initiated in France in 2018. One of its key aspects was the reform of the system of allocation of study places / universities ("clearing"). Almost exactly 50 years after May '68, this has given rise to considerable student protests [...]

"(...) [L]ike his predecessors Macron, who was elected in May 2017, promised priority for higher education and research, and increased the budget. (...) Fréderique Vidal, minister for higher education, research and innovation(...), has already launched her new plan for students, which aims to cut the high first-year failure rate and increase the number of places for [...]

In our webdossier you will find a multilingual glossary with terms from the field of educational and vocational guidance as well as the following information on Career Guidance and Educational Counselling Worldwide: Associations, Networks & Centres - Research - Policy - Training, Models & Standards - Literature.

10 years of "Born to Read" project in Switzerland [courtesy translation]

Screenshot der Webseite

Our portal "Education in Germany" has published a small report on 10 years of the "Born To Read" project in Switzerland. The project aims at improving language development and the love for books in early education. Our report is available in German only. The website of the Swiss reading project is available in german, French and Italian.

In this book, a multicultural, international team of authors examine the global rise of scholarly research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health (STEM+) fields. This insightful text provides historical and sociological understandings of the ways that higher education has become an institution that, more than ever before, shapes science and society. Case [...]

"This is the final report of MOOCs4inclusion project, which was designed and financed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The report summarises the research conducted between July-December 2016 on the efficiency and efficacy of free digital learning (FDL) for the integration, inclusion and further learning of migrants and refugees in Europe and in [...]

This 2016 issue of NORRAG News focusses on education, educational policy and development for refugees and displaced persons. The single articles are sorted into the following chapters: Editorials - New Challenges For Development And Humanitarian Aid - Education, Skills And Forced Migration: Thematic Priorities (Quality Education And Resilience - Skills Development - Teachers [...]

Last Update: 21.10.2020  -

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