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2022 - Archive of Education News Worldwide

New webdossier: Cyber attacks on education - a worldwide problem

Ein Laptop mit ganz vielen Zahlen und einem Schlosssymbol.

We admit that the topic of our new dossier is not a very festive one given that Christmas is coming soon.  But it is a topic that has directly concerned us at the DBS and DIPF Institute over the past few weeks, as we ourselves have been victims of a cyber attack. Education Worldwide took the opportunity to research the topic of cybercrime in the field of education. It turned out that education is one of the most popular targets for hackers around the world. The sources we compiled for our webdossier will tell you the reasons for this, it will present you facts and statistics, and it will show you some examples of how different countries are dealing with this problem in the education sector.

"This report presents a comparative analysis of 13 European Higher Education Institutions’ strategies for migrant and refugee inclusion as part of their social responsibility and diversity approach. (...) This report has been produced in the framework of the Erasmus+ project 'UNI(di)VERSITY'." [Abstract: Site editors' information]

"Between December 2021 and June 2022 European Schoolnet hosted a number of webinars on the topic 'Re-imagine School Education Beyond Covid-19'. We invited policymakers, schools leaders, teachers and other education stakeholders to share their observations and ideas about quality digital resources, (digital) assessment and monitoring of school systems, student and teacher [...]

Europe; international
A critical position paper on Opn Educational Resources, published by the European EdTech Alliance in 2022. "he European Edtech Alliance (EEA) is a consortium of national trade associations and clusters working with founders and providers of education technology (Edtech) (...)". It was founded in 2019. [Abstract: Site [...]

New webdossier: Education in Spain

Foto der spanischen Nationalflagge

It's already a tradition at Education Worldwide and the German Education Server, whose physical headquarters are in Frankfurt: Every year at the Frankfurt Book Fair we present a dossier on the education system in the respective Guest of Honour country. This year Spain is the special guest of the Book Fair. In 2017, the escalating dispute over the independence of the Catalonia region caused a stir - Education Worldwide also published a dossier on educational issues within the conflict in Catalonia at the time. Since then it has become a little more quiet around Spain. Nevertheless, the country remains exciting, not only from a literary point of view. You can find information about the education system in Spain in our web dossier.

Connected, inclusive and green: How UNESCO wants to transform education

Logo der Unesco
Copyright: Unesco

An estimated 60 percent of children worldwide are unable to read and understand a simple text by the age of ten. Nearly one-third of school-age children (463 million) lack access to distance learning. 222 million children and youth either have their education disrupted or are not learning due to armed conflict, forced displacement and climate-induced disasters. And while progress has been made in recent decades, gender inequalities persist in education. UNESCO's goals are therefore to expand public digital learning and improve access for children and youth affected by the crisis.
Recent UNESCO findings reveal that around half of the 100 countries reviewed had no mention of climate change in their national curriculum. This shows the discrepancy between current learning content and present and future realities. Adapting education (systems) to climate and environmental catastrophe is therefore another UNESCO concern.

New Webdossier on Digitisation, Digital Education & Inclusion in an International Perspective

Event on digital inclusion at the Campus Party Mexiko 2008. The Campus Party is said to be the biggest "technology festival" in the world.
Copyright: Marco Ruiz, "Campus Party Iberoamérica", photo cropped by N. Cohen/DBS, CC BY-SA 2.0

In the new web dossier, Education Worldwide has compiled internet resources on the subject of digitisation and digital education in relation to inclusion. The respective web resources examine the extent to which digitisation can support inclusion, but also what barriers there can be to using digital media and new technologies, especially for people with disabilities. We compiled this web dossier in two different ways. You can browse the links to the selected websites either by subject or sorted by source type.

"This policy brief (2021) is part of the Global Programme Supporting Disability Inclusive COVID-19 Response and Recovery at National Level, funded by the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD). Proceeding from the review and analysis of the Programme-related research findings, the document presents recommendations to support relevant [...]

"In this 2022 report, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education addresses the risks and opportunities of the digitalization of education for the right to education. She calls for discussions relating to the introduction of digital technologies in education to be framed around the right of every person to public, free, quality education and the commitments of States [...]

During 2021, one of the most emerging technologies has been the socalled metavers. For this reason, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has published a study on the metavers to explain its concept, to understand its antecedents and the current context which favors its development, and, above all, to analyze the potential impact it may have on the education sector in the [...]

Special Focus: Digital Education in Ukraine

Screenshot der Webseite der NGO Osvitoria (Bildungsprojekte in der Ukraine) mit dem Text
Website of the NGO Osvitoria which runs educational projects in Ukraine. Among others, it created the national e-platform for distance and blended learning "All Ukrainian Online School (AOS)" jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Copyright: Osvitoria

During the war in Ukraine in 2022, many Ukrainians had to flee to other countries. Once there, the question of schooling for the Ukrainian children quickly arose. In this context, Ukraine's good digital education infrastructure was often praised. It allows Ukrainian children to go on learning in their own language with their own curricula, their own teachers, and maybe their own classmates - no matter whether they may still be in Ukraine or in a totally different country. "Education Worldwide" therefore adds a new section to its webdossier on "Education in Ukraine" which provides information on digital education in Ukraine.

Chart of the month: Worldwide attacks on education in the context of armed conflicts (2015-2020)

Grafik, die für ausgewählte Länder zwischen 2015-2020 die Anzahl an Angriffen auf Bildung im Kontext bewaffneter Konflikte dokumentiert.
The chart documents the number of incidents of attacks on education from 2015 to 2020 in selected countries in the context of armed conflicts. (Link to the original chart)

With regard to current events (war in Ukraine 2022), our chart of the month highlights the number of attacks on educational institutions in selected countries between 2015 and 2020. As you can see, Ukraine was already included in the sad statistics before 2022. The graph is part of the Unesco Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) 2021/22. The data used for the graph are taken from "Education Under Attack 2020", a report published by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA). There is a "Country Profile" for each country examined. We provide links to the publications of Unesco and the GCPEA as well as to the country profile on Ukraine below.

Education and COVID-19 - All publications by the Unesco and the OECD at a glance

Tagcloud zum Thema
Copyright: DBS/Cohen (created with, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Communication Organisation) and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) are two of the largest international players when it comes to reports, studies and other publications on education. Both have therefore published several interesting publications on the subject of the corona pandemic (COVID-19) and education. We link their publication lists here. The literature is usually free of costs and freely accessible. Sometimes it is also available in different languages.

New publication on first wave of worldwide school closures related to COVID-19 pandemic

Cover der OECD-Publikation
Cover of the OECD publication "How Learning Continued during the COVID-19 Pandemic" (2022)
Copyright: OECD / The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; Wirestock Creators/

The OECD and the World Bank have released a new publication on school closures during the first wave of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. 45 examples from countries around the world document how governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) dealt with school closures and "reinvented learning", often using digital solutions.

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, the OECD has published a number of reports on the subject of "Education and work in COVID-19 times", which we also link to here.

Chart of the month: Unequal distribution of scientific publications between "North and South"

Grafik zu Anteil an wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen pro Kontinent 2015-2019
Graphic on share of scientific publications per continent 2015-2019. The statistics only include the so-called "hard" sciences, excluding Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. [Link to the original chart]
Copyright: UNESCO Science Report: The Race Against Time for Smarter Development, 2021, CC BY-SA 3.0

Our chart of the month looks at the unequal distribution of scientific publications worldwide. The dominance of publications from North America, Europe and East/Southeast Asia in contrast to the other regions is particularly striking. In addition to the impressive graphic, we suggest further reading if you are interested in the topic of north-south divide in science and research.

The conference report of the 3rd "European research & innovation days 2021" was published

Cover des Konferenzberichtes der 3. European Research & Innovation Days 2021
Copyright: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission), CC BY 4.0

The "European Days of Research & Innovation" took place for the third time in June 2021. The European Commission invites policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate the future of research and innovation in Europe. The conference was particularly interesting because it dealt with the new EU research and innovation programme "Horizon Europe". The conference report contains summaries, quotes and images from the two-day event. The conference website also provides videos of the individual sessions and workshops.

The article in the Unesco journal "The Courier" looks back on 20 years of neuroscientific research in the field of school and learning and asks whether the great hopes of revolutionising learning have been fulfilled. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide].

Last Update: 22.02.2023  -

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