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Schools and Europe

'ELOS' stands for 'Europe as a learning environment in schools'. It is both a concept and a network. Elos includes about 200 schools and support organisations from about 15 European countries and continues to grow. The network ‘ELOS’ aims at implementing (bottom-up) ‘Europe as a learning environment in schools’, by exchanging [...]

This European parent organization represents the national associations of private and independent schools and associated members. The website mainly provides conference papers and other statements, statistical data about the number of such schools in each country and the bulletin (including country reports) and an additional link list.

NEOS is a network of schools in European countries, based on the ‘Cologne Declaration’. The Cologne Declaration comprises of a binding mission statement and quality standards in the areas Intercultural Learning, Language Learning, Foreign Projects, Orientation Knowledge, European Career Orientation, Curriculum/School Programme, [...]

European Schools

Schools whith european profile

Last Update: 11.07.2012  -

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