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Commonwealth: Education system and education information - Education Systems International

Country / region: Commonwealth

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"The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government [UK and former British Colonies] to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies." Following this aim, the promotion of OERs is part of COL's policy. You will find their official position on [...]

Commonwealth; international
Our goal is to support Commonwealth governments in their efforts to attain universal, sustainable and high quality education for all citizens. We work closely with ministries of Education and various partners to address the six action areas in education across the Commonwealth. These include achieving Universal Primary Education; eliminating gender disparities in education; [...]

The Commonwealth Consortium for Education has been established by a group of education-related Commonwealth NGOs, to coordinate their efforts on behalf of Commonwealth education, to stimulate more coherence in their work and to provide a collective mechanism for interaction with ministries and official Commonwealth organisations.

Commonwealth; British Virgin Islands; United Kingdom
"COU provides adult continuing education. It was developed to meet the needs of adults by offering non-resident degree and other programs on an international basis. Commonwealth Open University is an international institution registered and established in the British Virgin Islands (U.K.) and a member of the Council for Education in the Commonwealth".

"The Plan aims to provide a network of study opportunities throughout the Commonwealth. Although special emphasis is placed on the needs of developing nations, the scheme is intended as a genuine partnership, with opportunities and benefits for all member countries. Awards under the scheme are not made by any central body. It is for each Commonwealth country to decide whether [...]

Commonwealth; United Kingdom
The CYEC is dedicated to the development of youth work and exchange links between the UK and Commonwealth nations. The site provides a guide to developing a Commonwealth youth exchange.

Commonwealth; United Kingdom
"LECT's mission is to support teachers and promote excellence in education through developing, supporting and promoting a wide range of international professional development programmes for teachers and educators." Activities include study visits and exchange, information sharing and international collaboration.

"CASTME is a professional organisation that links Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Educators across the Commonwealth." Its objective is the enhancement of teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics throughout the Commonwealth.

"The mission of the CCEAM is to improve educational administration, management and leadership in Commonwealth countries. CCEAM is an international organisation linking professionals who manage educational institutions and/or teach or research in educational administration."

Commonwealth; international
"CENSE is an initiative of the Commonwealth of Learning, ComSec and Comnet-IT to facilitate contact between national learning grids, schools and institutions throughout the Commonwealth. CENSE will host Commonwealth information, provide support to teachers, learners, education administrators, and promote the awareness and practice of local cultures."

Commonwealth; international
"The Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC), a parliament- based NGO, was founded nearly 40 years ago, at the time of the first Commonwealth Education Ministers' Conference. Its purpose is to create an informed public opinion on the salient issues concerning education and training in the Commonwealth and to identify appropriate ways in which Britain and the European [...]

Commonwealth; international
"The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is a voluntary society, founded in 1913, which is registered as a Charity and governed by its member institutions through an elected council. Among its key activities are: assisting members to develop the capacity of their human resources; promoting, through several programmes, the movement of academic and administrative [...]

Commonwealth; international
"The Commonwealth of Learning is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. COL is helping developing nations improve access to quality education and training."

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