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Abkommen agreement at Education Systems International

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Russian Federation
NIC ARM is the national Russion centre for scientific accreditation and mobility. The website provides information on legal frameworks, accreditation centres in other countries (and Europe, ...), about political agreements on the recognition of educational certificates, about accreditation procedures and criteria, about quality assurance, about officially recognized Russian [...]

India; international
The Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India provides a search for bi- and multilateral agreements between India and other states. You can search for agreements with specific countries or on specific topics like education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

South Africa, Republic; international
[The Register including the search for treaties does not function currently. Therefore, we at least linked to the superordinate page for you. 05.01.16] The South African Treaty Register is the official custodian of all international agreements of the Republic of South Africa with other states. Among others, you can search for agreements in the field of education as well as [...]

India; Brazil; South Africa, Republic
The Dialogue Forum of India, Brazil and South Africa was established with the Brasilia Declaration in 2003. About once a year, the heads of the governments meet in Summits and the foreign ministers in Joint Ministerial Commissions. Besides trilateral cooperation on a political, economic and societal level, common international projects are another central issue. Education, [...]

China, People's Republic of; Russian Federation
This chronology of China-Russia cooperation from 1999-2002 is provided by the Chinese TV channel CCTV. Amongst others, it mentions the "Sino-Russian Committee of Cooperation in Education, Culture, Health and Sports", which took place in december 2000, as well as the following meetings. The last one took place in 2012, it is sometimes also called "Meeting of China-Russia [...]

Brazil; international
This website is run by the Brasilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides information on international agreements of Brazil with other countries. The agreements can be searched for in a database. Among others, you can search for agreements in the field of education or science and technology. We provide a link to results for "educação" (education) in the title of the [...]

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