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Bildungsgerechtigkeit educational equity at Education Systems International

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This thematic site, which specialises in artificial intelligence and inclusion, is operated by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University (USA). With the help of various partners around the world, it compiles information and resources on AI and Inclusion. For a start, you will find resources that were created at the "Global Symposium on AI and [...]

This Unesco page is an overview on the topic of education and artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on the importance and influence of AI on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proclaimed by the United Nations. The overview offers links to UNESCO publications on the topic, to international conferences, to political declarations, and to news. [Abstract: Editors [...]

This paper examines practices of the Afghan Taliban in relation to the provision of education in Afghanistan. In particular, it focuses on the Ministry of Education’s (MoE) general curriculum, which includes mathematics, sciences, social studies, languages, arts, and culture. Schools run by the MoE (maktabs) also provide several hours per week of Islamic education, though [...]

The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America; Caribbean
The online library of the "Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean" (CEPAL / ECLAC) of the United Nations provides information on "Disability and Social Inclusion" in this research guide (available only in Spanish). The site lists links to publications, data, statistics, reports and more. The information is divided into the following categories: * ECLAC and [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America
With its portal SIETAL (information system on educational trends in Latin America), the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) provides information on inclusion and educational justice. You will find the original documents of political measures and legal regulations concerning inclusion and educational justice for all countries in Latin America. In [...]

Latin America
[The English article is not available in Open Access. Nevertheless, you can find a Spanish version free of access and free of charge] This artcile provides a comparative analysis of inclusive education in different countries in Latin America (as of 2009). The analysis is based on a series of documents published as part of the 48. International Conference on Education by [...]

Website of the "Research Centre for Inclusive Education" in Chile. Several universities participate in the work of the centre. The website provides information on the centre's 9 thematic research areas, on publications and some fulltexts. Furthermore, a short introduction into the centre's work is provided in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Website of the national Mexican network for inclusive education and family. The website mainly provides information on its vision, mission and objectives as well as on the members of the six thematic areas including their contact emails. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Starting in 2020, this new website by Unesco provides education profiles of countries worldwide with a focus on the respective themes of the Global Education monitoring Report (GEM Report). The first theme is inclusion. Forthcoming themes include equitable finance and provision and regulation of non-state actors in education, the latter of which is the theme of the 2021 GEM [...]

Extensive information page by the United Nations on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The page provides the following resources: > Conference of States Parties to the CRPD > Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities > Ratifications and Signatures of the CRPD and Optional Protocol > Map of Signatures and [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
"Riberdis (Repositorio IBERoamericano sobre DIScapacidad) is an Iberian-American repository for literature on disability. It summarizes and disseminates the scientific production generated in Latin America and Spain on subjects related to disability, in a digital format and in free access. Riberdis is managed by the Spanish Centre for Disability Documentation (CEDD), [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America
The "Regional Observatory for Inclusive Education" tracks and documents the status and development of inclusive education in Latin America. The website offers extensive information and resources. You can view them either by category or by country. The categories of observation include: data and statistics, laws, policies, practices, materials, publications, news, and more. [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America
The "Regional Network for Inclusive Education (RREI)" is a coalition of Latin American organisations of and for people with disabilities that aim at promoting inclusive education. The website provides a list of all member organisations in Latin America, information on the status of inclusion in the respective countries, information on actions, webinars, important documents and [...]

Only the English publications are listed here. For ther languages you have to reste the filter. The Unesco Digital Library provides access to publications, documents and other materials either produced by Unesco or pertaining to Unesco’s fields of competence. Most of them are accessible online for free. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Paul Prinsloo from the University of South Africa points at the risk of seeing patterns where none actually exist when analysing big data. These assumed patterns may then lead to personalised assessments, curricula and the allocation of resources in education, although they might be incorrect. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Latin America; Caribbean
The Spanish pdf document linked here lists all countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that ratified the "UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (CRPD). You will find the date of the signature and the date of the ratification - of the convention and the optional protocol. Countries that are not listed didn't sign the convention as of November 2017 [...]

Latin America
This English Wikipedia article is based on Chapter 3. "Inclusive Education 2030: Issues and implications for Latin America". In: Youth and changing realities. Rethinking secondary education in Latin America (2017). It gives a short overview over the following aspects of inclusive education in latin America: 1 Combining traditional programmes with new approaches 2 Focusing [...]

For a long time now, Jordan has been hosting refugees from other countries. The Syrian refugees have become the biggest refugee community during the last years. Among them, there are many school-aged children. This website documents challenges and solutions about how to organise the schooling of these children. One major solution was the introduction of the socalled "double [...]

The "Programme Education" at the "Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies for Social Equity and Growth" CIPPEC aims at doing research and consulting for more justice in the educational system of Argentina. The programme's website provides information on projects, some of them with websites of their own, as well as many publications (fulltexts), videos, press releases [...]

Indonesia Mengajar is a programme founded in 2010 by Indonesian Minister for Education Anies Baswedan (since 27.10.2014). Young students in education or young teachers get recruited to teach in some rural and remote areas of Indonesia for some time. The programme is based on the expreience that remote areas often lack good teachers who don't want to teach in these areas for [...]

Palestinian Territories
The website of the Unesco Office in Ramallah provides a short overview over its activities and its programme for inclusive education. According to its goal of "Education for All - EFA" inclusion is not merely defined as including children with disabilities but as including all children "regardless of their gender, abilities, disabilities, backgrounds and circumstances". [...]

IEA is a project of UNESCO in co-operation with the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. The website provides the fulltext of the "UNESCO policy guidelines on inclusion in education" in different languages, a glossary and abbreviation list for concepts and termes in the field of inclusion, as well as Best Practice examples from different continents, for [...]

The Centre for Disability Law & Policy located at the National University of Ireland (NUI Galway) provides a bibliography of scientific journals with a focus on disability. A website for the respective journal is provided if available. The journals are classed by themes: A: Disability Studies B: Disability Area Studies (e.g., Europe) D: Intellectual disability E: [...]

Unesco main website about the issue of inclusion in education. On the right hand side, you will find publications, guidelines, toolkits and "Ten questions on inclusive education". On the left hand side, there are introduction to different groups that traditionally suffer from exclusion (Roma Children, Street Children, Child Workers, People with Disabilities, Indigenous People, [...]

The Salamanca Statement was a result of the "World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 June 1994". It is a major international policy document, outlining the global consensus on the needs for educational reform and the policies and strategies needed to include disabled children in the education system. The document is available [...]

The website provides ample information on Indian statistics, initiatives, programmes, events, laws etc. to fulfill the Education for All goals. Eduaction for all is based on a declaration made during the "World Conference on Education for all" 1990 in Jomtien. The declaration contains several educational goals to be achieved on a worldwide scale until 2015. Unesco is the [...]

"Priority education" is a French focus programme in educational policy that has its origins in the 1980ies and that led to the socalled "priority education areas" (ZEP). The aim of the programme was a greater equity in educational opportunities, especially for socially disadvantaged children. The official website for this programme provies background information on the [...]

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