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Datenerfassung data collection at Education Systems International

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Paul Prinsloo from the University of South Africa points at the risk of seeing patterns where none actually exist when analysing big data. These assumed patterns may then lead to personalised assessments, curricula and the allocation of resources in education, although they might be incorrect. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) was an EU funded project in the 7th Framework Programme involving nine partners from across Europe. The website itself seems to have no new content since the end of the project in 2016. However, the community itself continues to exist through social media and conference meetings. The website offers various resources on [...]

[Please notice: The theme's website is offline. We provide a copy from the Internet Archive as of May 2021 for people interested in research output etc.] The Theme Trusted Learning Analytics is part of the Research Line "Technology Enhanced Learning Innovations for teaching and learning (TELI)", which in turn is part of a larger research programme at the Dutch Open [...]

The aim of the SHEIA project is to "build a policy development framework that promotes formative assessment and personalized learning, by taking advantage of direct engagement of stakeholders in the development process." The project website provides reports, LA policies, infomration about events and other news. SHEILA is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European [...]

This is the official website of the Working Group 2 "Learning Analytics" (GTNum2) as part of the Numerilab, which aims at initiating and supporting projects in the field of digitization. The NumeriLab was / is located at the Directorate for Digitization of Education (Direction du Numérique pour l'Education - DNE), a department of the French Ministry of Education. The site [...]

"The Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) aims to accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks and support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions [...]." This is to be done with the help of an emerging Open Learning Analytics Platform. Apereo was created by merging Sakai, a free, community source, educational software [...]

Since May 2017, the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) also has a Learning Analytics Cluster. Under the tag "Learning Analytics" you will find news about the Cluster, as well as publications (studies, reports, presentations - sometimes linked in the news text). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

On its website, the "Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)" provides an introduction to the term "Learning Analytics", information about its two major events, the "International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)" and the "Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) ", publications (a journal, a handbook and the LAK conference proceedings), as well as [...]

The website of the "International Educational Data Mining Society (EDM)" provides a "Journal of Educational Data Mining", information about its annual conference and the conference proceedings, a mailing list and other resources.[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Latin America
The LALA project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It is dedicated to the promotion and support of Learning Analytics (LA) in Latin America, especially in Higher Education. Among other things, the project created a framework for the design, implementation and use of LA, as well as plans for quality assurance and dissemination of LA. The website also [...]

Keeping Up With ... is a publication by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) with brief information on trends in academic library science and higher education. It provides an introduction to the topic and a summary of key points. The present article on Learning Analytics also contains some critical thoughts on the topic. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The Guide of the Northcentral University Library is a good and well sorted resource for information about Learning Analytics. The resources are sorted as follows:* Specialized Databases * Journals * News & Magazines * Books * Background Information * Reports * Dissertations * Videos * Websites * Statistics * Organizing Research & [...]

"The IMS Global Learning Consortium Learning Data & Analytics Innovation Leadership Network has released this document articulating eight principles that all higher education institutions should consider when implementing technology for the collection and use of learning data. As higher education institutions continue to leverage learning data generated by multiple systems, [...]

LACE (Learning Analytics Community Exchange) presents four frequently asked questions on Learning Analytics and their answers: * What are learning analytics? * What benefits can learning analytics provide? * What are the main barriers in making use of learning analytics? * What are ethical and privacy questions that can arise? LACE was an EU funded project in the 7th [...]

The project "Learning analytics for European educational policy – LAEP" (2015-2016) compiled a small glossary of terms used in Learning Analytics. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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