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Design design at Education Systems International

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GDI Hub is a research and practice centre for disability innovation. It focusses on the following themes: * Assistive & Accessible Technology * Inclusive Design * Culture and Participation * Climate & Crisis Resilience * Inclusive Educational Technology The website offers a wide range of news, publications, events, projects and more. According to GDI Hub, it works [...]

A short comparison of the concepts of Universal Design, Design for All, and Inclusive Design. The textprovides further links to the Design for All Foundation, to a Universal Design Handbook, an an Inclusive Design Research Centre. The text is part of the "Inclusive Design Toolkit" of the University of Cambridge. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

A short overview over the concepts of Universal Design compared to the Design for All, including further links. The text is only available in German. You can find an English article here (access is subject to a fee). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This article is in German only. But for English readers, the list of different concepts of Universal Design in Pedagogy (p. 9) can be interesting too, as the designs themselves have English names and a reference to literature is given. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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