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Fachzeitschrift at Education Systems International

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Central America; Latin America; South America
Website of the "Latin American Study Centre for Inclusive Education (CELEI)" in Chile. Unfortunately, the website is somewhat confusing and many parts lead to empty pages. Nevertheless, you get an idea of the research work done by the centre. You can find news on inclusive education in Latin America, on important events and more. One of the most interesting parts of the [...]

The Netherlands Educational Research Association VOR provides English information on its organisation, on the eleven thematical sections of VOR (including a PhD group) as well as on the annual Educational Research Days (Onderwijsresearchdagen) that VOR organises jointly with the Flemish Educational Research Forum (VFO). The Dutch version of the website provides more detailed [...]

Flemish Educational Research Forum (VFO) unfortunately doesn't have an English website. VFO is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). Together with the Association for Educational Research of the Netherlands (VOR), it organizes the annual conference for educational research (Onderwijsresearchdagen). VOR's website mainly informs about this [...]

The Centre for Disability Law & Policy located at the National University of Ireland (NUI Galway) provides a bibliography of scientific journals with a focus on disability. A website for the respective journal is provided if available. The journals are classed by themes: A: Disability Studies B: Disability Area Studies (e.g., Europe) D: Intellectual disability E: [...]

North America; international
One mission of CAE is ´´to advance anti-oppressive, socially equitable, and racially just solutions to educational problems through research´´. Among others, the Council publishes the peer-reviewed journal Anthropology and Education Quarterly. Furthermore it offers a notification list to get in touch with the CAE Executive Board and inform about events. The CAE is a [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Journal of Chemical Education is the journal of the Division of Chemical Education, Inc. of the American Chemical Society. Published continuously since 1924, and now copublished with ACS Publications, JCE is the world's premier chemical education journal. Their mission is to help chemistry teachers stay current with research advances as well as share new ideas in teaching [...]

The CNCRE operated from 1995 to 2000, aiming at coordinating several big studies (synthesis, orientation, evaluation) on the state of educational research in France. CNCRE was affiliated to the National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP) which since 2010 has become the French Institute for Education (ifé). This archive website of the CNCRE provides the results and [...]

Founded in 1921, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) is the largest university publishing house in France. We link you to the book section on "education and society". You will find books, but no journal is published by PUF in the educational sciences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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