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Karriere career at Education Systems International

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Asia; Pacific Rim; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; United States of America (USA); China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Cambodia; Guam; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Malaysia; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Vietnam
The Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) provides a forum for professionals working in career guidance and counselling in our about Asia and the Pacific - from early to adult education. Its website provides information about APCDA, about regional country members, about the annual APCDA conference, webinars, and publications (a newsletter and the Asia Pacific [...]

Established in 2004, the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) is rather a virtual network providing a forum, a virtual pinboard for all kinds of announcements and a reservoir for collecting literature, guidelines, frameworks, best practice examples, and many other documents concerning career development and guidance. All content can be [...]

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