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Lesemotivation at Education Systems International

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The Lesezentrum Steiermark (Centre for Reading in Styria) helps communities, parishes, schools etc. to build up libraries and advises them on managing their stock. It initiates and accompanies reading events, trains librarians, works in the field of reading education and thus contributes to the establishment of an efficient network of libraries in Styria.

The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organization which represents an international network of people from all over the world who are committed to bringing books and children together.

“Hamelin“ is a cultural association dedicated to promoting child literacy. Besides its many other activities, the organisation runs the national reading competition “Xanadu. Comunità di lettori ostinati“ (Xanadu. society of avid readers). Experts for child and youth literature from Bologna University are organised in “Hamelin Associazione Culturale“. “Hamelin“ [...]

“Biblioteca De Amicis“ was founded as Italy’s first child and youth library in 1971 in Genua following the example of the International Child and Youth Library in Munich. The library is acclaimed for its innovative activities, it promotes literacy and especially media and information competency. In particular, the library maintains many reading clubs for different age [...]

"I Presìdi del libro“ is an association of local societies engaged in the promotion of reading and literature in Italy. The priorities span a broad range of activities, programmes and events. "I Presìdi del libro“ was established in 2002 by eight publishing houses from Apulia. Similar associations have since been founded in the region of Piemont, in Sardinia and other [...]

The South Tyrol Book Institute was founded in 1954 with the aim to foster the German language and related culture in the area of South Tyrol, by organising events and setting up initiatives. In 1999, the child and youth centre was started. It supports children and young people with an enthusiasm for reading and writing in the German language, many of its projects are now [...]

South Africa, Republic
Biblionef puts new children`s books at the disposal of children from 3 to 18 years in disadvantaged areas of developing countries. It has subsequently developed into a network of international aid organisations with the same aim: To provide deprived children and adolescents with new children’s books, thus stimulating their curiosity and desire to learn and laying a solid [...]

South Africa, Republic
The Family Literacy Project’s aim is to make literacy a shared pleasure and valuable skill among families who have had very little formal education and who do not have the resources to buy books and other reading materials. The project work combines four thematic areas: Adult literacy, early learning and literacy, libraries and health. The learning is shared through courses, [...]

The Children`s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a volunteer run, not for profit, organisation that was established in 1945 and is comprised of branches of individual members who are passionate about children`s and young adult literature. Its aim is to celebrate and promote children and young adults’ literature in Australia, by providing merchandising, networking and [...]

The Centre for Youth Literature, State Library Victoria is Australia`s leading advocate on reading for teenagers. Established in 1991 as the `Youth Literature Program`, the Centre was originally based at the Victorian Writers Centre. The Centre for Youth Literature is now a fully integrated program and resource of the Library. In 2005, the name was abbreviated to the Centre [...]

New Zealand
“Literacy Aotearoa“ is an organisation dedicated to promoting and monitoring developments in adult literacy and numeracy skills. “Aotearoa“ means “New Zealand” in Māori, the official national language next to English. The organisation endorses a holistic approach to literacy, encompassing basic educational skills in reading and writing, numeracy, cultural [...]

The organization “La Joie par les livres“ was founded in 1963 by a private sponsor, Anne Gruner-Schlumberger. The organization intends to provide children with free access to a library in their neighbourhood. The respective library was opened in 1965. Today, “La Joie par les livres“ is associated with the French National Library, more precisely with its department [...]

United Kingdom
While the School Library Association is located in the UK, many of its members reside all over Europe and in other parts of the world. Anyone who is committed to developing school libraries can join the SLA. Materials provided by the SLA are published in English. SLA members are offered counselling, training, publications and the magazine “The School Librarian“. The SLA is [...]

The Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL) supports adult literacy promotion. It thus provides a forum offering an opportunity for practical exchange, and the Council also supports research on adult literacy promotion. The ACAL website features a newsletter, the so-called Literacy Link, as well as the ACAL eNews, an electronic newsletter readers can subscribe to (back [...]

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