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Literatur at Education Systems International

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Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
"Riberdis (Repositorio IBERoamericano sobre DIScapacidad) is an Iberian-American repository for literature on disability. It summarizes and disseminates the scientific production generated in Latin America and Spain on subjects related to disability, in a digital format and in free access. Riberdis is managed by the Spanish Centre for Disability Documentation (CEDD), [...]

"tXt" for young people was initiated in 1997: it is the largest and oldest reading promotion campaign for Norwegian youth aged 13 to 16 years. With the participation of "Foreningen! Les", the campaign is funded by the Norwegian Center for Arts and Cultural Education. Every year from August to December, high school students throughout Norway are encouraged to develop a positive [...]

"NM i poesi slam" - poetry contest The poetry contest "NM i poesi slam" was founded in 2005 by the Forenigen! Les and combines poetry, hip-hop, theater, sports and the performing arts. Participants will be judged on the basis of their lyrics and performance arts. Preselections are held at literature festivals throughout Norway. The master of the "Poetry Slam" is determined [...]

Argentina; Latin America; Brazil
The book "El quehacer de la investigación en educación" (~ The work of research in education) deals with the research objects, the research methods as well as future developments in the field of educational research in Argentina. In some chapters, comparisons are drawn to Latin America as a whole or to single countries (e.g. Brazil). You can find some more information about [...]

Author: Ian Coxhead, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Draft as of 18 January 2015, do not cite. "Economic growth is strongly associated with increased education, yet export booms in low-income countries often spark an opposite trend. Rapid growth of jobs in low-skill occupations may lower overall returns to schooling and raise dropout rates, especially among teens from [...]

The Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Freiburg, Germany, since 2004 regularly organises annual student-centered “Tandem-Research” summer schools. In the Freiburg Anthropological Working Papers, you can find some project reports of a tandem of 2007 and a resulting Master Thesis related to educational (mainly higher education) in Indonesia. [...]

"I Presìdi del libro“ is an association of local societies engaged in the promotion of reading and literature in Italy. The priorities span a broad range of activities, programmes and events. "I Presìdi del libro“ was established in 2002 by eight publishing houses from Apulia. Similar associations have since been founded in the region of Piemont, in Sardinia and other [...]

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Myanmar; Timor-Leste; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) was established in November 1965 as a chartered international organization whose purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region. This website provides information on activities of the SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) which administers a variety of programmes on behalf [...]

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