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Partnerschaften at Education Systems International

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Germany; United Kingdom
[German only. For a pre-Brexit version of the website as of 2011, take a look at the Internet Archive] Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and the United Kingdom in the educational and research sector. The site is available only in English. [...]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) is a national organisation with about 1800 members, most of them German language teachers or German studies scholars. The website provides a newsletter, official information (educational policy etc), information about relevant events, thematic articles, information about ADEAF activities, and more. [...]

France; Germany
The VDFG ("Association of German-French Societies for Europe") has a French counterpart, the 'Fédération des Associations Franco-Allemandes pour l´Europe' (FAFA). Both were created in 1957 and form a unit. Currently, there are about 160 members, like German-French Societies, partnership associations, German-French choirs and others. The website provides ample information [...]

India; Brazil; South Africa, Republic
The Dialogue Forum of India, Brazil and South Africa was established with the Brasilia Declaration in 2003. About once a year, the heads of the governments meet in Summits and the foreign ministers in Joint Ministerial Commissions. Besides trilateral cooperation on a political, economic and societal level, common international projects are another central issue. Education, [...]

Russian Federation; Germany
Even if this site is provided by the same authors and under almost the same name with the same categories as the "DR-Portal", the content itself is different. Additonally to the categories "Parnership, Education, Research and Innovation", a focus is on the "German-Russian Year of Education, Science and Innovation 2011/12". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Russian Federation; Germany
The portal of the International Office of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the German-Russian cooperation in education, research and innovation. You will find information on the political framework for the cooperation, on means of conveyance, on education and research projects and others. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Germany; South Africa, Republic
Under the category "Bi- and Multilateral Cooperation" (in this case forwarded to "International Science Years"), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the Science Year 2012/2013 betwenn Germany and South Africa. Furthermore, you will find information on the political framework for scientific and technological cooperation, on key [...]

Germany; Brazil
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on key areas and highlights of German-Brazilian cooperation, and on special activities of the International Bureau. Additionally, you will find some official [...]

Germany; China, People's Republic of
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and China. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities, on the political framework, on priorities of the cooperation, on research and education in China, on the German-Chinese Innovation Platform and more. Additionally, you will find some official [...]

Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the political framework for the bilateral cooperation, on priorities and highlights of German-Indian cooperation, and on funding for collaborations with India. Additionally, you will find some official documents and [...]

Germany; India
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and India. Among others, this includes information on the development of the cooperation, the political framework, and on key areas. Additionally to the website of the International Office of the BMBF, this website has a focus on cooperation in vocational education and [...]

Germany; South Africa, Republic
Official website of the German-South African Year of Science 2012/13. The main part of the website provides information on cooperation projects sorted by topics: Astronomy, Bioeconomy, Climate Change, Social Sciences & Humanities, Human Capital Development, Health Innovation, Urbanisation / Megacities. Furthermore, you will find information on events, partners, press releases [...]

Russian Federation; Germany
This website of the German Ministry for Education and Research provided information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Because of Russia's war on Ukraine, these cooperations have been halted since 2022. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Russian Federation; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Russia. Among others, this includes information on funding opportunities for Russia, on the political framework, on highlights of the bilateral cooperation as well as its priorities. Additionally, you will find some official documents and further relevant links. [...]

Germany; China, People's Republic of
The Sino-German Centre for Science Promotion (CDZ) was created jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the German Rsearch Foundation (DFG). The cooperation therefor mainly takes place in the natural, life, engineering and managament sciences. The website provides information on the Chinese and the German science system, on cooperation projects, [...]

China, People's Republic of; Brazil
[Please note: As the original website is not available anymore, we link to a copy from the Internet Archive as of 2013] Short article by the China Scholarship Council on the China-Brazil Education Forum (Diálogo Brasil-China em Educação) held on 19-21.11.12 in Brazil. A focus was on higher education and languages. The forum doesn't have a website of its own. You will [...]

China, People's Republic of; Russian Federation
This chronology of China-Russia cooperation from 1999-2002 is provided by the Chinese TV channel CCTV. Amongst others, it mentions the "Sino-Russian Committee of Cooperation in Education, Culture, Health and Sports", which took place in december 2000, as well as the following meetings. The last one took place in 2012, it is sometimes also called "Meeting of China-Russia [...]

China, People's Republic of; India
This information is provided by the Chinese embassy in India. You will find information for Indian students who would like to study in China, information on language courses as well as news on cooperation between India and China in the educational sector. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

China, People's Republic of; Germany
Official website of the German-Chinese Year of Science and Education 2009/10. The website provides information on research and educational policies, on education landsacapes, on educational and university cooperation, on events, partners, supported projects and official statements and memoranda. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Germany; China, People's Republic of
Under the category "International Affairs", the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides information on the partnership between Germany and China in the educational and research sector. The website provides an introductory text on the partnership, as well as news on relevant events and many links to projects, events, other relevant organisations and [...]

Brazil; Germany
Official website of the German-Brazilian Year 2010/11. The website provides information on goals of the year, events, event support, partners, important persons in the German-Brazilian cooperation, press releases, as well as the final report and the joint declaration of intention for free download. You will also fin general information on science policies, science cooperation [...]

Brazil; Germany
This website provides information on the official cooperation in education and research between Germany and Brazil. Among others, this includes information on - Funding the cooperation with Brazil - Mobility projects - Political framework - Focus of the German-Brazilian cooperation - Germany and Brazil jointly research climate and resource protection - [...]

Ireland; international
The Conference Archive offers information on the annual conferences of the ESAI since 2007. You will find information on the most recent conference in the tab on the left hand side of the archive. The conference primarily addresses national researchers, although international researchers are equally welcome. Each conferences has a special theme: The themes of the last [...]

United States of America (USA)
Information on partnerships and their value to strengthen quality in education at public schools, published by the Council for Corporate and School Partnership, and have an positive impact on business in the regions. PDF- file, 36 pages.

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