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Praxis at Education Systems International

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The theme of the UNESCO International Conference on Education 2008 was inclusive education. The website provides national reports on the development of inclusive education in the particpating countries, a final report, conclusions and recommendations, presentations, national reports and messages of the ministers. The conference "is a major international forum for education [...]

Russian Federation
"The academy is supposed to be a link between basic research and applied sciences on the one hand, and education, psychology and adjacent disciplines on the other hand. Moreover it shall help to transfer basic educational assumptions to practical school and professional training." The website, which is available only in Russian, provides a lot of information and fulltexts: [...]

Europe; Latin America
"The project intends to foster the adoption and pilot of open educational practices (OEP), and open educational resources (OER) in Latin America as a bottom-up approach to develop a common Higher Education Area. (...) The OportUnidad project is co-funded with support by the European Commission under the EuropeAidALFA III Programme." One of the main results is the trilingual [...]

international; Poland; Brazil; United Kingdom; China, People's Republic of; Africa South of the Sahara; Netherlands; Slovenia; Japan; Latin America; Russian Federation; Mauritius
While the World OER Congress invites government officials, the "Open Seminar and Exhibition" , that takes place at the same time, invites NGOs and individual experts and researchers worldwide to discuss the topic. The website offers their presentations as fulltext documents, as well as background information on the presnters. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]

international; Ireland; Palestinian Territories
The Department has a focus on adult and community education as well as lifelong learning. It publishes the MACE Publications (Maynooth Adult and Community Education) and participates in the following projects: - DIALOGUE (bridging the gap between academic research on University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) and the professional practice around adult teaching, learning and [...]

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