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Publikation at Education Systems International

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Israel; international
The Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space provides information on research, scientific cooperations, events, Call for Papers, publications and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The National Center of Social Research –ΕΚΚΕ- was established in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and is the only public institution in Greece dedicated to the social sciences. ΕΚΚΕ is a public law legal entity supervised by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and religious matters. [...]

The International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) is made up of some 200 Catholic universities and institutions of higher education. They have at their disposal a permanent secretariat tasked with implementing the orientations and policies as set forth by the General Assembly and the administrative bodies. In addition to administrative tasks and managing the [...]

United Kingdom
The Department for Education publishes official documents (white papers, green papers, strategy papers) on this site. Documents can be downloaded or ordered online. The publications can be filtered by keyword, topic, publication type, etc.

This website of the OECD provides, sorted by countries, a wealth of documents, publications, news, statistics and information about vocational education and qualifications, labour, labour market, human capital, employment and employment policy, social policy, international migration and related topics in OECD countries and some exclusive non-member-countries.

Founded in 1921, Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) is the largest university publishing house in France. We link you to the book section on "education and society". You will find books, but no journal is published by PUF in the educational sciences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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