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Zugang accessibility at Education Systems International

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The Strategic Plan [by the Ministry of Education] is presented in three main sections: 1) Quality and relevance; 2) Equitable access, and 3) Efficient and transparent management. Past Plans reflected the institutional organisation of the Ministry and were divided into Programmes (General Education, Curriculum, Literacy, etc.). The change anticipates the planned review of [...]

The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]

A short comparison of the concepts of Universal Design, Design for All, and Inclusive Design. The textprovides further links to the Design for All Foundation, to a Universal Design Handbook, an an Inclusive Design Research Centre. The text is part of the "Inclusive Design Toolkit" of the University of Cambridge. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

A short overview over the concepts of Universal Design compared to the Design for All, including further links. The text is only available in German. You can find an English article here (access is subject to a fee). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This article is in German only. But for English readers, the list of different concepts of Universal Design in Pedagogy (p. 9) can be interesting too, as the designs themselves have English names and a reference to literature is given. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Accessibility is one of the Areas of Action of the "Telecommunication Standardization Sector" of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ITU is "a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for all matters related to information and communication technologies". DCAD's aim is to "ensure that ICT accessibility is included in the [ITU] key debates around [...]

"The mission of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), (...), is to define, promote, improve, and diversify the accessibility profession globally through certification, education, and networking in order to enable the creation of accessible products, content, services, and environments." The website provides many resources, e.g. webinars, [...]

GAATES deals with both digital inclusion and accessibility in (analogue) public spaces and built environments. The website provides information on projects and resources created by GAATES, such as various guides for creating inclusive digital tools, websites, etc. In addition, GAATES offers global news on inclusion and accessibility (both analogue and digital) on a separate [...]

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