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Assistance for the handicapped at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: assistance for the handicapped

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Theme page of the World Health Organisation on assistive technologies with a lot of news and information on projects, events, pubications and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

GDI Hub is a research and practice centre for disability innovation. It focusses on the following themes: * Assistive & Accessible Technology * Inclusive Design * Culture and Participation * Climate & Crisis Resilience * Inclusive Educational Technology The website offers a wide range of news, publications, events, projects and more. According to GDI Hub, it works [...]

"The Global Report on Assistive Technology presents a comprehensive dataset and analysis of current assistive technology access, drawing the attention of governments and civil society to the need for, and benefit of, assistive technology, including its return on investment. The Global Report sets out ten recommendations for improving access to assistive technology, which in [...]

A short comparison of the concepts of Universal Design, Design for All, and Inclusive Design. The textprovides further links to the Design for All Foundation, to a Universal Design Handbook, an an Inclusive Design Research Centre. The text is part of the "Inclusive Design Toolkit" of the University of Cambridge. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

A short overview over the concepts of Universal Design compared to the Design for All, including further links. The text is only available in German. You can find an English article here (access is subject to a fee). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This article is in German only. But for English readers, the list of different concepts of Universal Design in Pedagogy (p. 9) can be interesting too, as the designs themselves have English names and a reference to literature is given. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Accessibility is one of the Areas of Action of the "Telecommunication Standardization Sector" of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ITU is "a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for all matters related to information and communication technologies". DCAD's aim is to "ensure that ICT accessibility is included in the [ITU] key debates around [...]

GAATES deals with both digital inclusion and accessibility in (analogue) public spaces and built environments. The website provides information on projects and resources created by GAATES, such as various guides for creating inclusive digital tools, websites, etc. In addition, GAATES offers global news on inclusion and accessibility (both analogue and digital) on a separate [...]

"The mission of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), (...), is to define, promote, improve, and diversify the accessibility profession globally through certification, education, and networking in order to enable the creation of accessible products, content, services, and environments." The website provides many resources, e.g. webinars, [...]

The "Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index" (DARE Index) is published by the The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs ( G3ict). The website linked here provides a lot of resources and background information on the index. Among others, you will find the index and its predecessor published since 2008, country profiles, top performing countries, the progress made by [...]

G3ict develops policies, standards and technical resources for inclusive ICTs together with United Nations agencies. It engages in institutional advocacy, provides training and certification and organises an annual summit. You will find a lot of information on these tasks on their website. Furthermore, you will find an Open Access publications' section (among others, G3ict [...]

"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will make content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities (...) Following these guidelines will also often make Web content more usable to users in general." They were published by the World Wide Web [...]

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides a list of tools that help evaluate Web accessibility. As there are different definitions of accessibility in different countries, you can filter country specific accessibility guidelines, among others. W3C was created in 1994 as a membership organisation that seeks to standardise techniques in the World Wide Web. [Abstract: [...]

international; United Kingdom
"Digital technologies have transformed daily life. Yet capacity for producing accessible digital tools and services has not kept pace with demand, exacerbating digital exclusion for disabled people and older people.

United Kingdom
The Imperial College London's project is first of all meant to help making the College's own websites more accessible according to a UK regulation as of 2018 on accessibility within public sector bodies. Nonetheless, the tips and guides compiled by the College can also help others in making their websites more accessible and inclusive. You will find links to the regulation [...]

The author of the blog compiles information on Web Accessibility laws and policies in more than 20 countries worldwide. For each country you will find information on the respective discrimination law/policy (because of disability) and on laws/policies concerning communication etc. The name of the law is mentioned and the author gives a short comment. Unfortunately, there are [...]

The EU project "Digital Accessibility" provides six different quizzes that deal with accessible digital platforms and tools. The quizzes address different stakeholders that create, develop, design, implement or evaluate digital content. One more quiz addresses interested people in general and tests basic knowledge about digital accessibility. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

"The project aims to develop specialized digital accessibility training and accessible e-learning platform to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of diverse groups of key stakeholders. The training follows web accessibility standards and enables website developers, designers, managers, and others to respond to the needs of visual, auditory, physical, or cognitive [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The research chair "Disability, Education and Digital Technologyl" is a project by the "research group on Disability, Accessibility, Educational and School Practices" (Grhapes). Grhapes, for its part, is the research unit of the French "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching"(INSHEA). The [...]

The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) was founded in 1983. It aims at improving the lives of children and adults with complex communication needs. ISAAC’s goal is to create worldwide awareness about how AAC can support individuals without speech. ISAAC accomplishes this by sharing information and promoting innovative approaches [...]

Quality Matters (QM) is an international network of more thn 1500 organisations in more than 25 countries worldwide. It deals with questions of quality control and management of digital educational resources. We link to a White Paper Series first published by QM in 2020 on digital accessibility and inclusion. The series shares the results of a 2019 survey conducted aming QM [...]

France; Francophone Countries; international
The "Observatory for Adapted Digital Resources" (Orna) was created in November 2007 by the Digital Education Department of the French Ministry of National Education. The "National Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young People with Disabilities and for Appropriate Teaching" (INSHEA) is in charge of Orna. Orna's task is to identify, analyse and evaluate [...]

Only the English publications are listed here. For ther languages you have to reste the filter. The Unesco Digital Library provides access to publications, documents and other materials either produced by Unesco or pertaining to Unesco’s fields of competence. Most of them are accessible online for free. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Inclusion Africa is the regional member of Inclusion International. The NGO was establisehd in 2012 with headquarters in Kenya. It advocates for the inclusion and the rights of persons with disabilities in Africa. The website provides some background information on the aims and the activities of Inclusion Africa, as well as links to conferences, news and others. "Inclusion [...]

"Inclusion International is a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities worldwide." Over 200 federations in 115 countries are members of Inclusion International. The webiste provides information on international developments in the field of inclusion, as well as in the respective member countries. [...]

Ukraine; Belarus; Russian Federation
This Russian language website provides a lot of information on disability in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. You can look up thematic keywords, links to organisations in the three countries, authors and their publications. Many links also provide fulltexts (reports, articles, analyses, guides, guidelines, and more). Among others, you will find information on the issue of [...]

Ukraine; Canada
Short final report of a Canadian-Ukrainian project to support inclusive education in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the project website is offline since 2016. An older version of the website as of 22.06.2016 from the Internet Archive doesn't provide the material that was on the site. The website provided information on inclusion in Ukraine, sometimes also compared to the situation [...]

United States of America (USA); international
AHEAD is a professional membership organization for individuals involved in the development of policy and in the provision of quality services to meet the needs of persons with disabilities involved in all areas of higher education. Its membership is international. AHEAD is actively involved in all facets of promoting full and equal participation by individuals with [...]

The objective of the Dysphasia Corporation of Chile: Yo puedo comunicar (YPC) is to support children and youth so that they can have an efficient education and that they can include themselves in society.

United States of America (USA)
The National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) was initially established (in 1962) to investigate the broad aspects of human development as a means of understanding developmental disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the events that occur during pregnancy. Today (april 2011), the Institute conducts and supports research on [...]

Buea school for the Deaf is a boarding school for deaf children. It was opened in 2003 and placed under the authorisation of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Its objectives are to provide formal education programs that foster the moral, intellectual, physical and social development of deaf children and youths, to promote the effective integration of deaf children and youths [...]

Inclusion Europe is a European association that campaigns for the rights and interests of people with intellectual disabilities and their families throughout Europe. Inclusion Europe is also a member of Inclusion International. The website provides information on the legal situation in the respective European countries, on political developements, or on their own projects, [...]

Informantion on special needs education in the Danish primary and lower secondary school. A short English description is available here.

In January 2013 The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, TPB, changed its name to Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM. MTM is a government body that, in collaboration with local libraries, provides access to printed materials for people with print disability.

Vecova is an affiliate research institute of the University of Calgary. Its mission is to build the capacity of persons with disabilities and to enrich communities through leadership, innovation and collaboration. Besides research it offers social, residential, recreational, training amd employment opportunities.

The LDAC is a national, non-profit voluntary organization. It is dedicated to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well-being of people with learning disabilities. There is a Learning Disabilities Association in each province and territory of Canada and from these extends a network of chapters in more than 140 communities across the [...]

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