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Computer based training at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: computer based training

key words found 1 - 16 of 16

international; Europe
Facilitate - AI is an EU project that aims to support teachers and learners in grades 7-12 in dealing with artificial intelligence. This is to be achieved primarily through the following three project results: * Result 1: AI Teaching Guide for teachers facilitating the learning of students in grades 7-12 (published 10/23) Result 2: Training Course for Facilitators of [...]

Turkey; international
The Department of Educational Sciences of this Faculty seems to be identical to the Institute of Educational Sciences (for a list of further Faculty departments: see at the end of this abstract). The first provides links to its sub-departments, most of which unfortunately are only in Turkish. The latter provides a list of Master's and Doctoral Thesis as well as a database of [...]

Turkey; international
You will find information on research (publications, projects, ...) on the staff's personal websites. A faculty journal doesn't seem to exist. The Faculty has 6 Departments: * Department of Primary Education * Department of Foreign Language Education * Department of Fine Arts Education * Department of Educational Sciences -> Program in Guidance and Psychological [...]

Turkey; international
The Faculty has the following Departments: * Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) * Educational Sciences (EDS) (among others with a project list and a list of PhD theses) * Elementary Education (ELE) * Foreign Language Education (FLE) * Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (SSME) * Physical Education and Sports (PES) Under "publications" you [...]

Turkey; international
The Faculty has 12 departments and hence is probably one of the biggest if not the biggest faculty of education in Turkey (see the list at the end of this abstract). Under "publications", you can find two e-journals published by the faculty, the "Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences" and the "Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal [...]

Turkey; international
Under "staff", you will find the staff's personal websites (each of which has to be switched into English again) with a very good documentation of their research interests, publications, projects and more. The Faculty has five departments: * Computer and Educational Technology Education Department * Educational Science Department [is not listed in the English version [...]

Turkey; international
Istanbul University obviously has a new website. Unfortunately, the website of the Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education has no English version yet. The website provides a project list and some information on research interests and publications on the professors' personal homepages. The Hasan Ali Yücel Journal of Education published by the faculty is Open Access, has [...]

Turkey; international
The website provides access to the faculty's Boğaziçi University Journal of Education which appears twice a year, one issue in Turkish, one in English, in Open Access. Research is listed centrally on the university website under "Araştırmacı Kataloğu". You will find a catalogue of research as of 2020. The Faculty of Education of the Bogaziçi [...]

The website of the Brazilian Association for Distance Learning provides very ample information and resources on distance learning in Brazil. You will find a course serach, a search for course providers, a search for professionals in this area, fulltext documents, podcasts, legislative documents, periodically published evaluations and statistics on distance learning in Brazil, [...]

Enlaces, the Centre for Education and Technology (CET), a department of the Ministry of Education of Chile, has the task to improve the quality of education by including educational IT in the school system, which is adequat to the necessities of the information society. Concrete objectives are the support of school to make the lessons more efficient, the developemt of new [...]

Dominican Republic
Educando - The Dominican Education Portal is an initiative, which supports the development of the Dominican digital infrastructure; it examines resources and contents which are of interest for the educational society. Educando directs itself to all participants of the national education: schools, teachers, graduates and managers. The goals of educando are to promote the [...]

The Rwanda Education Commons (REC) aims to help Rwanda expand access to quality education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It hopes to realize this goal by improving the climate for collaboration in the use of ICTs in education, and by implementing activities that use ICTs to supplement teaching and learning. The REC aims to realize a [...]

This agency for education and information technology was established by the administration of canton Zurich. Its objectives are to promote and to link activities in the following areas: use of information technology in education and learning, use of new media in learning, development of information competence, information technology as a subject at school and vocational [...]

The aim of CRILT is to improve learning, teaching and assessment practices at the National College of Ireland. CRILT runs the project "Usability Testing in the National E-Learning Laboratory (NELL)" and takes part in the project "E-View - Building a European Virtual Environment for Work-based Learning". A further focus is on digital literacy and blended learning.

This site contains various offers for using computers in education, for example learning software, e-learning programmes, apps, teaching aids and a few hints on computer based learning.

Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]

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