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Didactics at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: didactics

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The project is developing an university didactic offer for lecturers in Switzerland. The objective is to support digital communication, cooperation and collaboration and generally digital education.

United States of America (USA)
Although religion is not a separate, required subject in public K 12 schools, religion is embedded in curriculum standards across disciplines, especially in social studies and English, and there are a growing number of elective courses that focus on religious themes or topics explicitly. Therefore, the American Academy of Religion has published these Guidelines on teaching [...]

The oldest institution of higher education in the modern Greek state is the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, usually referred to simply as University of Athens (UoA). The UoA was founded in 1837 and unites today 8 departments of various faculties. The department for Educational Sciences for example consists of the Faculty of Primary Education and the Faculty of [...]

Website of the Faculty for Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to their e-journal “Contemporânea de Educação”. The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci: * ADMINISTRAÇÃO EDUCACIONAL * DIDÁTICA * [...]

The Österreichische Fachverband für Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Zweitsprache (ÖDaF) is a network and forum for its members and for anyone who is interested in the field of German as a foreign language (´Deutsch als Fremdsprache´, DaF) or German as a second language (´Deutsch als Zweitsprache´, DaZ). On ÖDaF´s web page, information can be found concerning club activities, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Journal of Chemical Education is the journal of the Division of Chemical Education, Inc. of the American Chemical Society. Published continuously since 1924, and now copublished with ACS Publications, JCE is the world's premier chemical education journal. Their mission is to help chemistry teachers stay current with research advances as well as share new ideas in teaching [...]

United States of America (USA)
AAPT was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the "dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching." Paul E. Klopsteg, Ph.D. Today that vision is supported by more than 10,000 members in 30 countries around the world.

The International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP) is an international body of physics professors and teachers who want to cooperate in their work on physics teaching.

United States of America (USA)
The Physics Teacher Online (TPTO) publishes papers on the teaching of physics, and on topics such as contemporary physics, applied physics, and the history of physics—all aimed at the introductory-level teacher.

Costa Rica
Educ@Tico is the education portal of the Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) of Costa Rica which promotes and facilitates the access to new didactical instruments through the use of ICT. Its objective is to create opportunities for collaborative teaching through the access to information, auxiliaries, services and knowledge which respond to the needs and interests of the [...]

The Argentinian Group of Mathematics Education (GAEM) is an association of Argentinian researchers and teachers which are involved in mathematics education of every level. The first objective of the group was the creation of an independent virtual space which allows to exchange productions, research results and information in regard to didactics and education of mathematics. [...]

The Work Group of German-Argentinian Schools unites institutions with German-Argentinian origins in Argentina which have the objective to offer a qualitative and demanding formation in their schools. The mission statement of each of those schools includes, as a crucial point, the dissemination of the German language as cultural opening, the esteem of the needs of the [...]

United Kingdom
Within the British Society of Biology which represents those who are committed to biology in academia, industry, education and research and is the leading professional body, the websites offers a section on educational resources on biology matters. The material support teachers working to enthuse the biologists of tomorrow by providing a number of leading resources. The [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) is the “leader in life science education.” Since its inception in 1938, thousands of educators have joined NABT to share experiences and expertise with colleagues from around the world, keep up with trends and developments in the field, and grow professionally.

The Austrian society for higher education didactics (ÖGHD) was founded in 1977. Since then, it has its headquarter in Vienna. The ÖGHD works primarily in German speaking area. Its goal is to document and to promote the discussion of the universities, the public and the society for the amelioration of university teaching. Its task area comprehends research of higher education [...]

The association for Didactics of French as a foreign language (ASDIFLE) has been created to gather those who, in and outside France, are interested in didactics of French as a foreign language to raise awareness for the didactic in its scientific specifity. It wants to be a privileged place of encounter of teachers, researchers, public and private institutions which opens [...]

LEND is an association of languages teachers founded in 1971. It has carried out numerous studies and training activities in the field of languages education and, in doing so, has contributed to the development of the Italian education system. Its proactive approach is best illustrated by its journal LEND, by the Libri della Collana LEND, through its national conferences and [...]

The national agency for the development of school autonomy was founded in 2007. It fosters autonomy of pedagogical institutions in the European context and it supports pedagogical resaerch and documentation. The page offers links to regional pedagogical research institutions, the Italian ministry of education and the national institute for education evaluation.

Moldova, Republic of
The Link "Resurse Educationale" leads to the Online-Library and full texts. Among others there are texts about the didactical use of the internet. The link "Glosar" is especially interesting as it explains a lot of terms from the area of e-learning. The page is only in Romanian, though.

The "Institut Jean Jacques Rousseau" in Geneva was founded in 1912 by Edouard Claparède. Attached to the university of Geneva since 1920 it turned into the "Faculté de psychology et des sciences de l´éducation" (FPSE) in 1975. The "Archives Institut J.-J. Rousseau" - founded in 1984 - administers and analyses institute documents and document collections of different [...]

The Danish School of Education Press publishes quality publications within the entire field of education - pedagogies, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology. The area of publication covers teaching materials and research results for seminars and other forms of further and higher education. Our publications are also aimed at the more general public interested in the [...]

Teaching aids and information for teachers, pupils and parents.

The forum is an extra-university institution and information centre sustained by scientists from different branches of study (political science, chronicle, social science and economics) and specialists in didactics. Within the series "Informationen zur Politischen Bildung" ( information in political education), published by the forum, topical books are edited in cooperation [...]

Austria; Europe
The Austrian Competence Centre for Languages is a special field institute for innovation in the domain of language learning. It pursues actual developments in the politics and didactics of language and collaborates for this purpose in international boards. The website includes the working areas of the Competence Centre, among others the implementation of the European [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
CEDEAL is a documentation centre which focuses on adult education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The homepage provides bibliographic material and full text information in order to support the formation and vocational training of professionals in this area. Access to material about distant learning, programs of alphabetisation and reports of evaluations is given.

This website addresses all persons working as educators, students and parents. The information given is arranged according to the target group. An important thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides information texts on aspects of education in Peru and abroad, texts for teachers, resources, link lists concerning educational software, [...]

In the framework of the national education policy of Algeria the National Institute for Educational Research has the following tasks: Research in education and pedagogics, conception and experimentation of didactic material and textbooks, to meet the quantitative and qualitative needs of the education system. The institute has four departments: Department for the evaluation of [...]

The mission of the Centre is: applied research in education and didactics, information in the education field via educational radio and television and a bulletin, development of instructional programs, production of educational and didactical documents. The web site provides information about organization and personnel of the Centre, the projects realized until now and [...]

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about adult education in Chile, mainly about the various programmes for completion of basic and middle education (where you can learn what?), the lifelong education programme "Chilecalifica" and literacy programmes.

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

This site contains various offers for using computers in education, for example learning software, e-learning programmes, apps, teaching aids and a few hints on computer based learning.

The aims of SVIA are 1. to foster informatic lessons at schools scientifically and under methodical and didactical apsects; 2. the integration of ICT in all lessons and to offer all members a platform for ideas, experiences and information; 3. to represent the interests of teachers involved in integrating ICT in their lessons. Commented link lists (teaching material, [...]

EDUVINET is an initiative to promote the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in and between European schools through the development of exemplary teaching content, teacher training and a variety of other supportive measures.- The homepage offers multilingual access to various subjects and provides in particular didactical and methodical hints.

United States of America (USA)
ECT is an online magazine for child care center owners, directors and early childhood educators providing research, teaching tips, activities, management strategies, and technology updates (publishing house is Scholastic's). It offers online material for classroom activities, articles and surveys of experts for download. Special attention is turned on fostering early literacy [...]

ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]

These are the pages of the Faculty of Educational Studies, one of the faculties at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan . An overview on the sixteen research departments (general didactics, history of education, adult education etc.) and the College of Education is given. For each department the main topics of educational research are listed and the head of department is [...]

GOLD (Global On Line Documentation) is an national Italian online educational database which aims to provide and disseminate online information resources and documentations produced from and for schools. A consistent structure of the resources make them easy researchable. GOLD is documentating didactical experiences on all levels of education, including special education. [...]

This website of the Centre of Education Research of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas offers information on staff, objectives and goals of the Centre, the vision of the Centre and the provided programmes and services. CER purpose is to investigate the process of Lithuanian education reform at the academic level and its place in a European [...]

This website refers to nine databases on the following categories: Educational Journals; Education in the Press; Culture; Educational Legislation; Guide to enterprises and organizations in the education sector; children's and youth literature; professional books and curricular materials; Didactical CD-ROM; Didactical videos. These databases contain 70.000 records covering the [...]

The non-governmental organisation Cooperation for the Development of University Education (CODEU) has the objective to support the academic staff of Ecuador in improving their didactic and pedagogic capacities. The website gives information about various support projects, e.g. distance study for professors and the program RTAC-II which, in co-operation with USAID, distributes [...]

The databases REDINET contain information on educational research, periodicals, innovations in education and on didactical ressources produced in Spain. Via "Comunidades Autonomas" one can find regional resources.

Brazil; international
Here you will find a collection of educational websites from Brazil and other countries. It ist subdivided into 38 categories. There are also links to projects, which have keywords and provide a contact-mail. Focal points are evaluation and education statistics.

The full text describes the following research areas: self-directed and autonomous foreign language learning, language acquisition, cultural dimensions, learning material and technologies for foreign language instruction.

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to do practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics ( arranged in links for secondary and elementary schools).

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to make practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage of the Marseille IREM offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics (arranged in links for specific secondary schools - Lycée Professionel) , an overview about [...]

The IREMs have the mission to provide continuing education for mathematics teachers and to make practically relevant and basic research on mathematics instruction. The homepage of the Paris IREM offers links leading to publications, lectures and conferences, the research topics (arranged in links for specific secondary schools) and teaching examples.

United Kingdom
ASE is a forum for all concerned with science education from primary school to tertiary levels. There are zones for teachers and technicians, a section on safety and health in science, databases on literature and events, publications and an online shop.

The research network has been funded by the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) to study informal learning and its relation to formal and continuing education throughout the life course. The NALL web Site provides information on the project and its constituting institutions and organizations, project summaries, papers and resources. A "survey of informal [...]

United States of America (USA)
Networks is the first on-line journal dedicated to teacher research. The journal will provide a forum for teachers' voices, a place where teachers working in classrooms, from pre-school to university, can share their experiences and learn from each other. In each issue, you will find feature-length articles, as well as short reports of work-in- progress, book reviews, and [...]

The ADEAF is the association for French German-language teachers in France. It promotes the dissemination of German language in France and works in close cooperation with the DFJW / OFAJ (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk / Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse), the Goethe institutes and Austrian cultural institutions and the French-language teachers` association in [...]

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