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Educational activities at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: educational activities

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Syria; Europe
EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program is a humanitarian project funded by the European Union to improve the livelihood options of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian youths in Jordan through having access to higher and vocational education and having improved their employability. German Jordanian University is the administrative and management body of the project via a consortium [...]

The Georgian Adult Education Network (GAEN) strives to support the development of relevant lifelong learning system in Georgia, which corresponds to the Georgian reality and local challenges and ensures all citizens equal access to education. The website informs about current projects, activities, cooperation partners and how to become part of the network.

The Education Working Group brings together experts in Holocaust education from around the world to provide expertise, advice, and recommendations about teaching Holocaust education. As the Stockholm Declaration states, “We share a commitment to encourage the study of the Holocaust in all its dimensions. We will promote education about the Holocaust in our schools and [...]

China, People's Republic of
The "National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health and Sports Workers' Union" (JKWWT) is a socalled Industrial Union and member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Its website provides information on the work of the committee, on news about working conditions in the educational sector, on conferences (also scientific ones), on [...]

The registered independent non-profit association for ´´German-Indian Cooperation´´ (DIZ, Deutsch-Indische Zusammenarbeit e.V. formerly known as Ecumenical Sangam e.V.) works in order to support the understanding among nations and to strengthen European-Indian development cooperations. Their activity covers development cooperation in India, educational work in Germany and [...]

The Education Alliance for the Construction of Cultures of Peace consists of national and international institutions. Its aim is to work on the education level for the construction of peaceful cultures and democratic coexistence on the national, regional and local level. Therefore, the alliance provides technical help and cooperation. Furthermore, there is an intensive [...]

The National Agency for the Fight againt Illiteracy (ANLCI) was founded in October 2000. It works together with people which are able to fight or to prevent illiteracy on an institutional level. Its roll is to gather and to optimize the energies, activities and resources of those people, to make the efficiency of their efforts visible. As a group of public interest, ANLCI [...]

The Centres for Techical-Productive Education in Peru (CETPROs) are institutions which offer educational services in the different education sectors and by that obtain the authorization to enact certificates and corresponding technical titles with accordance to the reglementation. They conduct further education activities, actualization and structural change of the work fields [...]

The Peruvian Institute of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of the Quality of Basic Education (IPEBA) is a public, autonomous institution which is part of the National Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification System of Quality Education (SINEACE). Its main task is to guarantee the quality and permanent improvement of pulic and private colleges and technical [...]

The Regional Directorate of Education of the region Ancash was founded in 2003. As specialized organ of the regional government, it is responsible for the education service in its region. It maintains technical-normative relations with the ministry of education. The task of the directorate is the promotion of education, culture, sports, leisure, science and technology. It [...]

The General Direction of Regular Basic Education is responsible for the formulation and the structured proposal of policies of education, of objectives, pedagogical strategies, norms and orientations in the national realm of early, primary and secondary education. It is dependent of the vice ministry of pedagogical management.

Coherencia is a political pedagogical institution which debates about problems and opportunities of the country. It was founded by and for citizens to achieve the productive transformation of persons and institutions through vocational training, participation and an impact on society. Coherencia consists of two independent organisations: the project Coherencia, which was [...]

UVirtual is a network of higher education institutions that fosters the integral use of ICT and supports the acquisition of new knowledge and capabilities in this area. UVirtual tries, through innovation and competences, to increase the development in professional and technical information with the efficient use of methodological and technical ressources. Furthermore, UVirtual [...]

The State universities of Chile have organized a consortium to create an authority, which ensures coordination, cooperation and complementation between the universities. Problem areas of public politics are identified and analysed, joint academical, administrative and economical programs are developed and the common use of available resources is organised by the consortium. [...]

UNICEF partners with government and non-governmental organisations (NGO) to ensure that the basic learning needs and potential of all child ren are met, and to build the capacity of schools and authorities to assist children, especially those from vulnerable communities. The website presents UNICEFs activities in Romania. Under the categories "The Children" > "Early [...]

The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.

Dominican Republic
Due to the high analphabetism in diverse regions of the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Education Radio (RED). Its goal is to help children and adults of regions with a high rate of analphabetism and in which normal education is difficult to apply, to a basic education through radio.

Uganda; Germany
The association Tukolere Wamu incorporated society is active in Uganda as well as in Germany. In Uganda, it plans, supports and realizes projects which serve the help for self-help, the promotion of education and upbringing, the formation, further education and continuing education, the improvement of the live situation for certain socially weak groups, the promotion [...]

The Uganda National Education Support Center (UNESC) is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in the country. In particular, it focuses on Ugandan government policies, programmes, events, publications and resourcing. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the [...]

The objectives of the Goodness and Mercy Missions (GMM) are the support of disadvantaged people in Cameroonian communities, the supply of education programs which allow youths to enter adult life successfully as well as the fostering of equality for women, the supply of community leadership trainings and the dissemination of the teachings of Christianity.

The Cameroon Education Corporation (CEC) is a recognized non-profit organization founded in 1997 in Nashville, Tennessee and now based in Buea, Cameroon. This organization was created for the purpose of fundraising to build the Children’s Reading Corner Library, the CRC Remedial Nursery & Primary School (CRC.Rem) in Buea. CRC. Rem provides pre-nursery, nursery, and [...]

The committee for the support of the school enrolment of rural girls (CSSF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1998. The association works on national level for the promotion of the complete school enrolment in all education levels of rural girls. The CSSF supports and initiates actions which aim at the quantitative and qualitative amelioration of the educational offer [...]

The ECAM unites private educational institutes which are under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Morocco (diocese Rabat) and whose persons responsibles are interested in the amelioration of pedagogical activity. The institutions pursue a common educational project which is defined by intern documents of the ECAM.

Azekka France-Maroc is an association of development aid with the goald to organize a collaboration in the fields of education, access to knowledge, rural development, environmental development and health. On the homepage, information about current projects, news and about Morocco in general can be found.

The objectives of the Moroccan Organisation for Human Rights (OMDH) are: * The diffusion and deepening of awareness of individual and collective human rights in socio-economical, cultural, civil and political fields * The teaching of human rights * A contribution to the effective protection of those rights, in particular in case of infringement. * The ratification of the [...]

Since 2002, the Moroccan section of Amnesty International has been developing a human rights promotion program called REAP (Rights Education Action Program) in partnership with the Norwegian section of AI. Following the success of the REAP and the section's influence over the Moroccan Government, the National Ministry of Education accepted to draw up an agreement in terms of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) was founded in 1994. SSWAA is the only national organization solely dedicated to advancing the profession of School Social Work. The School Social Work Association of America is dedicated to promoting the profession of school social work and the professional development of school social workers in order to enhance the [...]

The informal network for educational reflection is open for all those who deal with the child and youth care. It is a non-political, non-confessional organisation with the goal to comprehend how to educate children and adolescents in a way that they develop an individual and social equilibrium.

England; Europe; United Kingdom
DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) was established in 1993 in Cambridge, UK. It is a limited liability company and a “Not for Profit” organisation. DANTE's purpose is to plan, build and operate pan-European research networks. It was set up, and is owned, by a group of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs).

A National Research and Education Network (NREN) is a specialised Internet service provider to the research and educational communities within a country. NRENs provide connectivity and services to higher education establishments (typically universities) and research institutes, but can also support schools, further education colleges, libraries and other public institutes. In [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
This website of the UNICEF gives a short overview of the profile of the Cote d'Ivoire. In addition, press releases and official statements can be looked at. The category activities > education offers information about the current situation of education of the Cote d`Ivoire as well as about local projects run by the UNICEF and key data as well as news on the topic of education [...]

Znanie Association – Sofia, Bulgaria, is a non-profit making organisation, established in 1990, with priorities in training and education. It is an Association of teachers, lecturers, University tutors, and various specialists, aimimg to create possibilities for out-of-school education and long-life qualification to every personality, regardless of his personal background, [...]

The Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA) is a non-governmental, national umbrella organisation in the non-formal adult education field associating education-orientated NGOs (69 member organisations in 2007). The mission of the Estonian Non-formal Adult Education Association as a civic association and nation-wide organization connecting educationally [...]

The website of the Kosovan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology outlines the pre-academic and the academic education system as well as the vocational education. Different links lead to international partnership projects and to cognizant contact points. In addition, educational laws and regulations, administration instructions and publications can be found.

international; Ireland; Palestinian Territories
The Department has a focus on adult and community education as well as lifelong learning. It publishes the MACE Publications (Maynooth Adult and Community Education) and participates in the following projects: - DIALOGUE (bridging the gap between academic research on University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) and the professional practice around adult teaching, learning and [...]

Formerly know as Association Française des *Administrateurs* de l`Education (AFAE) founded in 1978, AFAE is open to all persons working in the educational sector and willing to improve the quality of education in France. The website provides information on the association's organisation and goals, news, events and publications (a journal and a reference book both subject to [...]

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