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Educational programme at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: educational programme

key words found 1 - 237 of 237

The Strategic Plan [by the Ministry of Education] is presented in three main sections: 1) Quality and relevance; 2) Equitable access, and 3) Efficient and transparent management. Past Plans reflected the institutional organisation of the Ministry and were divided into Programmes (General Education, Curriculum, Literacy, etc.). The change anticipates the planned review of [...]

The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia covers the issues general education, higher education, vocational education and science. For each topic there are news, facility registers, information on current projects, education programmes and further notes. All infrastructure projects are charted and catalogued, but they are only available in Georgian.

Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American Institute for Social Sciences) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by the UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. Since 1982, the Argentinian office of FLACSO has an area and website for education and educational research. Two programmes are central to this education area: the [...]

Education is one of the development topics the World Bank has defined for Indonesia. this website provides ample information and resources on the World Bank's activities in this field, about reports and studies on different educational aspects in Indonesia (as fulltexts) as well as news on education in Indonesia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Overview of the European Commission on evidence based educational policy. This site provides a very good starting point to explore the many activites of the EU, like international comparisons and assessments (e.g. PISA, PIAAC or TALIS), resulting strategic frameworks, EU programmes, projects, portals, networks, reports and more. Interesting sub-sites could be "EU policy in the [...]

Greece; Germany
The website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides ample information on academic exchange and cooperation with Greece. Information only available in German. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Erasmus+ is the programme following Erasmus Mundus (2009-2013), which had a focus on developing joint master and PhD programmes in Europe. Erasmus+ will run from 2014 to 2020 and has a focus on general education, training, youth, and sport. The Erasmus Programme of the European Union was founded in 1987 and since then aims at supporting the cooperation of higher education [...]

Overview of the European Commission on activities of the European Union in the field of Higher Education in Europe. The site provides introductions and links to activities, programes, strategies, agendas and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is responsible for all matters concerning Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in Sweden. It analyses labour market demands for qualified workforce, decides which vocational programmes are to be provided as HVE and allocates public funding to education providers. It also monitors and audit education quality and outcome.

The education radio Paraguay was started in 1998. It offers cultural and educative programs which communicate ethical, environmental and civic values and strive for the preservation of traditions. The radio has its listeners in Alto Paraná, Iguazú (Argentina) and a large part of Paraná (Brazil).

The objective of the Council for Training in Education (CFE) is the formation of professionals in social pedagogics. Therefore, it develops teaching-learning processes which correspond to the respective education level and supervizes the development of the plans, programs and courses which result from these processes.

Site of the United Nations Development Program with information about progresses in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Benin

The Panamanian Institute for Radio Education (IPER) offers formal education programs on different levels to raise the standard of education of the Panamanian population. This is effected by the radio as efficient, inclusive and participatory system of distance education which is supported by the population, enterprises and the government of Panama.

The Vice Ministry of Alternative and Special Education (VEAyE) is a public entity of the education sector. It contributes to the construction process of the plurinational state and the socio-communal and productive education, prinicpally through the constitution of the plural education and the democratisation of the access to education as well as the sustainable, integral [...]

Cuba; Caribbean; Latin America
The objective of the Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute (IPLAC) is the promotion of the professionality and the continuing vocational training of educators in Latin-America and the Caribbean in the field of educational sciences which is pursued by special programs for teachers, professors and directors of education. Furthermore, the institute contributes to the [...]

This 2008 published report of the Burundian Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research describes the programs and activities of governmental and nongovernmentale organisations and institutions, esp. the mesures from the National Centre of Alphabetisation (CNA) of Burundi, towards the massive problem in Burundian education system: the alphabetisation. Additionaly, [...]

This website of the Central Statistical Office Zambia provides recent statistical data about the main sectors of Zambian society and policy, for the field of education the Zambia DHS EdData Survey from the year 2003 which is available for download. This report offers up-to-date household-based information on education among children of primary school age in order to inform [...]

USAID is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. Its Work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. USAID provides [...]

The National Forum for `Education for All` was created by governmental institutions and civil-society organisations as a multisectorial commission of the education sector to integrate the public and private efforts in the world education forum Dakar-Senegal which is organised by the UNESCO. One of the main objectives of the forum was the formulation and elaboration of the [...]

The Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research (CPEIP), a department of the Chilean Ministry of Education, has the task to develop, implement and evaluate programs which facilitate the professional development of teachers and managers relating to educational policies of the Ministry of Education. These programs are developed with regard to the [...]

Dominican Republic
"UNIDOSRD" is a nonprofit association dedicated to creating a society of leaders who can improve and contribute effectively to the development of a model nation, bringing the program both national through projects leadership to help raise educational standards in the country. Its objectives are to maintain a cultur of youth leaders which is obtained by programs which are [...]

The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.

Romania; Europe
EUROPEAN EDUCATION FAIR is an initiative of EDvisory Education Network and IEC - International Education Center Romania. The Fair has three major aims: 1. to provide prestigious European universities, public high-schools and boarding schools with a forum at which they could present their high quality education programmes to the public in Eastern Europe; 2. to give potential [...]

Dominican Republic
The Junior Achivement Dominicana is a non-profit service organisation which supports the development and the execution of education programs in economic and vocational aspects and aspects of human relations of children and the youth: through helping them to understand the importance of the economy of the free market, the roll of the bureaus and negociations in global economy, [...]

Dominican Republic; Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Panama; Nicaragua
The Central American Educational Community and the Dominican Republic created an education portal (CEDUCAR), which links eight countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, the Dominican Republic and their respective educational systems. Its purpose is to function as a virtual meeting place for all educators in training and service, where [...]

World Bank's Early Child Development (ECD) is part of the Child and Youth Group in Human Development Network (HDN). Its primary mission is to improve World Bank's staff and clients' knowledge of ECD programming and to improve the quality of World Bank's lending for ECD. This mission is accomplished by maintaining a knowledge base on ECD to support World Bank's [...]

The mission of the Uganda Education Project is to provide funds, materials, and human assistance for the education, care and maintenance of the orphans and vulnerable children of Uganda. In furtherance of this mission, the UEP as a charitable organization will maintain the lowest possible administrative costs ensuring that all goods, funds and services are delivered optimally [...]

Uganda; Germany
The association Tukolere Wamu incorporated society is active in Uganda as well as in Germany. In Uganda, it plans, supports and realizes projects which serve the help for self-help, the promotion of education and upbringing, the formation, further education and continuing education, the improvement of the live situation for certain socially weak groups, the promotion [...]

The collection of documents from the University of Botswana is on a great variety of topics. There are statistics on education, different university policies ans strategy papers.

The objectives of the Goodness and Mercy Missions (GMM) are the support of disadvantaged people in Cameroonian communities, the supply of education programs which allow youths to enter adult life successfully as well as the fostering of equality for women, the supply of community leadership trainings and the dissemination of the teachings of Christianity.

Die Cameroon Education For All Network (CEFAN) is an association of different organisations of the civil society (associations, non-governmental organisations, syndicats), which are active in the field of education in Cameroon. This non-profit, non-political organisation was founded on october 21, 2005 in Yaoundé and pursues the objective of the realisation of education which [...]

Botswana; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Seychelles; South Africa, Republic; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; Southern Africa; East Africa; Angola
The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) consists of 16 Ministries of Education in Southern and Eastern Africa: Angola,Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania (incl. Zanzibar), Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. SACMEQ´s mission is to undertake integrated research [...]

Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; Yemen; United Arab Emirates; Middle East; North Africa
AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program. Today [...]

USAID’s strategy for education programming reflects unique niches for youth assistance and is based on a two pronged approach. The first prong will target in-school youth through improvements to education quality and relevance aimed at the crucial middle school years in an effort to enhance educational attainment and stem the tide of youth dropping out of school. The [...]

Azekka France-Maroc is an association of development aid with the goald to organize a collaboration in the fields of education, access to knowledge, rural development, environmental development and health. On the homepage, information about current projects, news and about Morocco in general can be found.

Morocco; United States of America (USA)
The website of Fulbright - International Educational Exchange Program contains informations for Moroccans who want to study in the United States as well as for Americans who want to study in Morocco. Listings of related programs in both countries as well as of contact persons can be found.

The Superior Council for Education is an institutional organ which is consulted on account of education and formation reforms. It gives it`s opinion on all issues of national interest which deal with the sectors education and formation, conducts global evaluations of the national education and formation system (institutional, pedagogical and resource-based evaluation) and [...]

This website presents activities which the PNUD realizes in Togo as well as objectives it wants to achieve. Furthermore, there are an overview of Togo and publications concerning education and the promotion of development.

On this website, IREX presents it`s activities concerning education programs in "Basic Education Development", "Higher education development", "International Education" and "Research Support".

Côte d'Ivoire
This website of the UNICEF gives a short overview of the profile of the Cote d'Ivoire. In addition, press releases and official statements can be looked at. The category activities > education offers information about the current situation of education of the Cote d`Ivoire as well as about local projects run by the UNICEF and key data as well as news on the topic of education [...]

This website of the croatian ministry of science, education and sports contains an overview of the education system in Croatia and its branches. Thus, there is information about "Preschool Education", "Elementary Education", "Secondary Education" and "Higher Education". In addition, there are indications about education programs and about education of national minorities.

Norway Opening Universities (NOU) is a national political initiative for opening Norwegian universities and colleges the access to higher education, opening institutions of higher education to a better understanding of the needs of society and working life and opening universities and colleges to more flexible modes of teaching and learning by stimulating the creative and [...]

The internet portal offers a list of the university cities of Slovakia inlcuding basic information about the city, a link list of the local universities and cultural offerings. Besides, it informs about scholarships of different providers as well as about regional, national and Europe-wide education programs. The category "Study in English" contains specifications [...]

The website "studyindenmark" provides information about study programs (programs taught in English, summer schools etc.), a link list of Danish education institutions including a list of their courses of studies as well as links to their homepages, progress reports of foreign students, indications about tuition and scholarships as well as a categorie for student life in [...]

Kansalaisopistojen liitto KoL - Medborgarinstituternas förbund MiF ry acts as an umbrella organisation for 207 adult education centres in Finland. It represents the associations in negotiations with decision-makers in order to improve facilities for adult education and learning. KoL also carries out training programmes and projects for the staff of adult education [...]

The report from 2008 was published by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association, the National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO and the Adult Education Association of Tajikistan. Starting from the finding of high unemployment in Tadjikistan, the report presents polictical measures focusing on adult education and [...]

The Programa de Alfabetización y Educación Básica de Jovenes y Adultos (PAEBANIC) is a literacy program created in 1996 on the summit of the Latin American heads of government. The site presents the programm as well as measure having been taken so far.

The website links to evaluation reports on education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information and a variety of specialised topics. It provides information on the mode of independent UNESCO external evaluation, on various reports to governing bodies and the aims of the Internal Oversight Service (IOS) which was established in 2001. [...]

The Institute is an independent educational institution that focuses on developing and implementing educational programs to teach the basic principles of democracy and peace, civic education and conflict resolution. These programs target adults and teenagers, esp. Jews and Arabs in the formal and complementary education systems of Israel. They are designed to help participants [...]

United Kingdom; England
Beginning with the academic year of 2005,the British government has launched an ambitious programme to rebuild, modernise and equip secondary schools in England so that they may be able to meet educational reform requirements. One key issue concerns information and communications technology and services. The website TeacherNet provides details and contacts.

This report on the situation of ICT in Portugal, published within the framework of the Insight web base on information and communication technology at schools, outlines action programmes and bodies responsible for respective strategies, objectives and implementation. While the school curricula are decentralised, certain recommendations apply to teaching ICT competencies and [...]

United Kingdom
Teach First combines excellent initial teacher training with volunteer coaching, networking opportunities and a bespoke leadership development programme. By giving exceptional graduates the opportunity to teach and make a difference in the most challenged schools, we are equipping tomorrow's leaders in all fields with the motivation, skills and understanding to address [...]

United Kingdom
As a programme that is designed to facilitate access to higher education and make HE accessible for a large number of students, Aimhigher conducts events and projects in schools and universities, local communities throughout Britain, e.g. visits to university campuses, residential summer schools .

The website provides information on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), the Bologna Process, Euroguidance, European Language Label and pertinent exchange opportunities with Turkey.

The Foundation supports activities within the EU Lifelong Learning programme (2007-2013), thus acting as a national information and counselling agency for the EU education and science exchange programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Mundus, Comenius). It further provides information on Lithuania and on English language study programmes.

The national agency provides counselling, information and networking activities for Luxembourg for educational programmes within the EU Lifelong Learning programme, i,.e. Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci.

This is the national contact point in Poland for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013) providing information and counselling as regards Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, the European Language Label etc.

This agenc in Slovenia acts as a contact point for the EU programmes forLifelong Learning (2007-2013): Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig.

This national contact point in Rumania provides and disseminates information and documentation on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013).

The National Agency is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme in Slovakia. The programme aims to support Member States' policies on lifelong learning, education and vocational education and training.

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education ( SIU) is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.

The national agency in the Netherlands for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning co-ordinates projects and provides current information on ongoing activities.

The National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP) was established by the Czech Ministry of Education in 2007 as a part of Centre for International Services MoEYS. NAEP is a successor of the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies and it is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme and other educational programmes in the Czech [...]

This national agency was founded to support projects within the EU education programme for lifelong learning (2007-2013), providing counselling and information for networking activities.

Within the framework of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning, the national agency in France supports projects by providing information and counselling and networking services.

This national agency for lifelong learning was founded as a national contact point within the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013). It provides information and counselling on EU funding opportunities, exchange programmes (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo, Grundtvig, Trasversale, Jean Monnet) and lifelong learning in Italy.

State Agency "Academic Programme Agency" (APA) is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science. Its main mission is to promote the implementation of European Union education programmes and other national and international education development projects. The main objective of the APA activities is to support the integration of Latvia in the common European education area [...]

National agency for coordinating information and advice regarding projects within the EU programme for Lifelong Lerning (2007-2013). The English language website also provides information for young people interested in exchange programmes and studying in Finland.

As a member of the European Economic Area, Liechtenstein ahs collaborated in the EU education programmes since 1995. The national agencyfor international educational affairs (AIBA) was established as an independent body by the government to monitor all activities in the field of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), promoting the harmonisation of education and [...]

The Icelandic national agency provides information, counselling and networking services within the EU programme for Lifelong Learning ( 2007-2013).

The national agency and contact point for programmes and projects conducted within the EU programme for Liflong Learning (2007-2013) in Bulgaria . It supports networking activities at home and abroad, including EUROPASS and EUROGUIDANCE activities

Cirius is a national agency responsible for Danish cooperation in the area of EU education programmes, such as the programme for lifelong learning. It supports networking activities, and provides consultation and information services, e.g. for students from abroad, regarding grants and the recognition of qualifications.

State Education Development Agency (VIAA) has been established in order to implement national policy in the area of initial and further education, undertake the implementation and monitoring of projects financed by EU Structural Funds, as well as provide for the administration of EU Programmes and other financial instruments, projects and initiatives. VIAA functions as an [...]

Netherlands; Belgium
The National Agency in the Flemish-speaking area of Belgium is commissioned to co-ordinate programmes and projects, provide information and counselling regarding the EU Programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), at home and with partners abroad.

Within the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2007- 2013), the national agency in the French-speaking community of Belgium acts as a partner, providing information and counselling regarding projects, networking and the co-operation with partners at home and abroad.

[The original website is offline. We link to a copy from the webarchive as of 31.01.2018] Erasmus Mundus (2009-2013) was a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union as a worldwide centre of excellence in learning. The programme supports European top-quality master's courses and enhances the visibility and [...]

As part of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), VLIR-UOS is responsible for the policy and management of the international cooperation between the 6 universities and 22 university colleges in Flanders, Belgium, and their partner universities in the South. The website offers information about the various scholarship programmes, also available as download.

Guam; United States of America (USA)
Official and up to date website of the Department of Education on the island of Guam (Insular Areas of the United States). The U.S. Department of Education provides a different link for Guam on its website, but this link is outdated. This site offers information about the public education system in Guam, especially about education policy, the curriculum, statistics and [...]

This site presents a five-year strategic benchmark to rise the level of education in Afghanistan. It comprises the following programmes: 1. primary and secondary education, 2. higher education, 3. skills development and 4. culture, media, and sport.

This is the official site of the Afghan ministry of education. It provides information about the reconstruction of the education system. Most parts of the site are under construction.

This site offers a database for practical further training courses in Belgium. You can search for examples of training and vocational programmes, continuing education and language courses, as well as companies or educational institutions. Additionally, in the sector "bibliothèque", there are selected literary abstracts available.

Russian Federation
The Federal Portal is being elaborated by a Department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and is dedicated to the field of supplementary education of children. The content of the pages is dedicated to both children and their parents. It comprises national and international programmes in supplementary education, their normative- legal and [...]

Andorra is the Andorran education server. It provides information and weblinks about the education system as well as an electronic platform for Andorran schools to present themselves on the internet.

In July 2006 the former UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE) founded in Hamburg in 1951-52 has changed its name and is now the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The previous name was too unspecific and did not accurately reflect the Institute's long-standing focus on adult learning as well as out-of-school and non-formal education in the perspective of lifelong [...]

UNESCO's Asia and Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL) is a regional co-operative programme designed to promote basic education for all in the Asia and Pacific region. This website serves as a portal to the programme themes of APPEAL, e.g. eradication of illiteracy and early education care. Originally launched in 1987 to focus mainly on non-formal adult education, [...]

This website provides information about history and scope of this network of eight SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres. SALTO-YOUTH stands for Support and Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities within the European YOUTH programme. As a network of resource centres is working on European priority areas within the youth field. It provides youth work and training [...]

Russian Federation
The worldwide in the field of computer technology operating Intel Corporation (headquarters in the U.S.A.) presents itself as innovator and initiator of activities in the education system of the Russian Federation. Several links provide information about the areas and levels of Intel engagement and the educational programmes which are supported by the enterprise.

Asha for Education, a secular organization, is aiming to catalyze socio- economic change in India through education of underprivileged children. It is dedicated to the task of strengthening basic education in India by numerous projects according to the Unesco strategy "Education for All". This website offers information on project aims and the localities of project [...]

The web site portrays the Girls' Education campaign the Ministry of Education and UNICEF launched in June 2003 in order to augment the number of girls enrolled in primary schools in the Eastern provinces of Turkey. The site lists figures proving a gap between boys ' and girls' enrolment in primary schools, and barriers to girl education,. It also describes the campaign [...]

New Apprenticeships were introduced in 1998 to establish a single, national, integrated system of training and employment incorporating the previously separate apprenticeship and traineeship systems. This website addresses students to assist them with their career choices as well as employers. It contains information on New Apprenticeships, training packages, job prospects, [...]

United States of America (USA)
Created in 1965, Head Start is a national school readiness program in the United States. It provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families. The National Head Start Association is a private not-for- profit membership organization dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of Head Start children and [...]

United States of America (USA)
NBCDI sponsors educational programs to assist in the development of children. ln many regions of the country, the NBCDI is represented by affiliate chapters that provide direct services at the community level. Focus is to improve child welfare services, make universal early care and education a reality, build family support services, press for educational reform and provide [...]

"Over the past decade there has been considerable community concern that boys in Australian schools are not achieving as well as possible. Some areas of concern for boys compared to girls are their lower literacy achievement, lower school retention and lower levels of participation in higher education. To help those boys who are not achieving in school, the Australian [...]

The website of the Educational Programme of the European Union LEONARDO DA VINCI for Liechtenstein contains descriptions of the objectives of the programme. There are also lists of adresses, deadlines and news as well as a link list with programme partners and databases in the field of initial vocational training.

The website of the Educational Programme of the European Union SOKRATES for Liechtenstein contains adress lists, deadlines, forms and the description of the programmes and projects ARION, COMENIUS, ERASMUS, EURYDICE, GRUNDTVIG, LINGUA and MINERVA.

This page describes the mission of the National Training Fund in the Czech Republic. Since its origin in 1994, the NVF has been engaged in the enhancement of quality and effectiveness of human resource development, lifelong learning development, support of employment and social development on the national level and it aspires to promote the importance of this issue in the [...]

This World Bank page summarizes answers to three questions: 1. What is EFA? 2. What is the EFA progress in view of the Millennium Developing Goals? 3. What has to be done? Education for All (EFA) is an international commitment first launched in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990 to bring the benefits of education to "every citizen in every society". Website-texts provide information [...]

Young Enterprise Malta is a non-profit organisation in the field of enterprise education and economic development. It improves young people's understanding of business, economics, and entrepreneurship through a partnership between local business and education communities. With a learning-by-doing experience it provides groups of pupils over a full academic year with the [...]

China, People's Republic of
This is the website of the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) subordinated to the national Ministry of Education. The site reflects the various tasks, projects, programmes and partnerships in view of the development of Chinese co-operation with other countries in education. In particular programmes are mentioned which are being implemented with [...]

The FES is conceived as a mechanism that enables the Education Division at the Ministry of Education to provide, among others, a range of innovative educational initiatives in the field of literacy support. It develops and manages educational programmes: the Hilti Programme ( family literacy clubs, named Hilti Clubs, are aimed at students in the early primary years and their [...]

Pratham is one of the largest privately funded networks promoting the elementary education of children, particularly in slum areas of large cities. It was awarded the World Bank Global Development Prize.

UNDP in Albania works to reach the Millennium Development Goals, supports European Union integration, and responds to other national priorities through the Human Development Approach. The website features a broad range of information, a virtual library, country reports, projects, a newsletter ... .

China, People's Republic of
This website has been developed in the framework of an educational project as a global resource that fosters and supports the study of Tibet in school and community-based education. It offers links on professional development of teachers, on curriculum and resource development as well as on student programmes and projects up to grade 12.

This website of the network EPJA provides a platform aiming at bringing together all interested and engaged persons from all regions of Mexico who are dedicated to raise the quality of education of young persons and adults. What concerns them primarily is the articulation of their efforts to elaborate and implement projects, programmes and actions in teaching and research. [...]

United Kingdom
The agency is a non-departmental public body and the successor to the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA). It also hosts some of the resources of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), other ALI- resources are now available from Ofsted. The role of the QIA is to work across the learning and skills sector to improve performance. The agency conducts research, [...]

This website of the learning initiative can be understood as an international contribution to eLearning. The initiative was established as a result of Anglo-American co-operation. It is a transnational programme to synthesize the best of research and development into the nature of human learning, and to examine its implications for education, work and the development of [...]

This website is an information and communication platform for about 11,000 schools participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme (as of 2003/2004). Initiated as a European programme, Eco-Schools have reached now an international dimension. It aims at developing environmentally sustainable schools and the promotion of education for sustainable development. [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Italy. Several thousand schools worldwide participate in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education (F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme and receive an award in case of success.

South Africa, Republic; Morocco; Tunisia; Uganda; Kenya
This page provides information on the eco-school movement in South Africa. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme [...]

United Kingdom
This page provides information on the beginning of the eco-school movement and its programme in Great Britain. Currently more than 40,000 schools in 51 countries are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme founded by the Foundation for Environmental Education (F.E.E.). Members (Eco-Schools) have to complete seven steps of the programme and can get some awards [...]

This information on the Polish education system after the educational reform in 1999 has been compiled by the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange in Poland. It provides a comprehensive overview on all levels and areas of the education sector and on academic titles and degrees. The presentation contains a graph on the structure of the education system.

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in France.

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Ireland. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Portugal. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Romania. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Spain. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]

This search engine on the homepage enables users - after selection of a country and a language school - to find an ideal English language course. The homepage offers further services, particularly for English Language Teachers (ELT).

Austria; Europe
The European Year of Citizenship through Education aims at the implementation of the policies and programmes of the European Council for EDC ( Education for Democratic Citizenship) in the national education systems. The Austrian contribution, authored by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, offers for this purpose news on this topic, a survey on the [...]

The distance learning institute is an autonomous body which is largely funded by the government. Apart from providing general knowledge and academic courses, it offers community and vocational training. The site provides links to course programmes, course material (order forms and online sources), student and teacher information, admission regulations, and exam results. [...]

The Ministry for Tribal Affairs was constituted in order to improve the social and economic situation of the impoverished tribes living in rural areas. Its particular objective concerns educational measures such as hostels for scholars, literacy schemes in low literacy districts educational and vocational training schemes and a book bank. The web site contains links to related [...]

Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. The homepage of the office in Argentina presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text [...]

Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo is an Mexican institution which seeks in cooperation with the Secretary of Education to improve the quality and equity of education for marginalised groups and within rural communities by developing regional programs and initiatives. The website offers abundant information about the objectives, projects and programs in the area of [...]

On the homepage links are available leading to the areas of education and science. The well structured science page offers information about educational legislation, scientific research management, the network of research institutes as well as on programmes and projects.

The program Huascarán of the Peruvian Education Ministry intends to develop, execute, evaluate and supervize a national network with educational content which has access to all information resources and which can transmit multimedia contents, to foster the quality of education in rural as well as in urban regions.

This is the website for educational matters of the Council of Europe. It provides information on the following cooperation programmes: Education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe; Teaching Remembrance (i.e. Education for the prevention of crimes against Humanity); Education for democratic citizenship and human rights; History teaching; Intercultural education; Languages; Higher [...]

This is the homepage of the education sector of the World Bank, "the world' s largest external financier of education which is today more committed than ever to helping countries develop holistic education systems aimed both at achieving Education For All ( EFA) and building dynamic knowledge societies that are key to competing in global markets through Education for the [...]

Among the "key issues" in the homepage there is also a topic "Education and Training" which links to 190 useful web resources about reconstruction of the Afghanistan education sector and current training programs.

The mission of this program is described as "enhancement of the capacity of research and production of knowledge in the area of educational research". The results shall be transformed into educational practice and policy. The homepage has links to the text of the National Plan for the Development of Educational Research, several instruments for implementation of research [...]

international; Latin America
This association has as objective the information, coordination and cooperation of distance study institutions in Latin America. The following fields are concerned: research, training of professors, promotion of the use of new technologies in distance study, development of instructional material, promotion of and participation in evaluation, quality assurance and certification [...]

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
This web site provides a complex and detailed overview of development and current isues of education in Puerto Rico and the various offers of educational programs at many levels and in many educational fields. The homepage has the following main areas (buttons): mission and tasks of the Ministry (asuntos); organizational structure and responsibilities within the Ministry, [...]

At this site one finds online courses, accredited degree programs, certificates, professional continuing education and learning resources in 241 subject areas offered by educational institutions, companies and individuals from all over the world. World Wide Learn allows to find hundreds of online degrees, courses, training, tutorials, workshops and other educational resources [...]

Africa South of the Sahara; Cape Verde; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Senegal; Sierre Leone
The UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa / Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'éducation en Afrique (BREDA) in Dakar is the largest UNESCO Office in Africa. Established in 1970 to address educational planning issues in Africa South of the Sahara, BREDA, over years, extended its fields of action so much that it now covers not only other education sub-sectors but [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The Regional Office of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile provides on its homepage information about the following issues: programs and projects, activities and events, regional education statistics, publications and about the services of the Documentation Centre (data base, bibliographies). The menu point "laboratorio" offers texts about research [...]

IRA is a professional membership organization dedicated to promoting high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research and information about reading, and encouraging the lifetime reading habit. Beside news and "top stories" the homepage provides access to two large topic areas: the programs ( e.g. special interest groups, [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim
The programme focuses on the Eradication of Illiteracy (EOI), Universalization of Primary Education (UPE) , and Promotion of Continuing Education for Development (CED). The main target groups include the marginalized and disadvantaged groups, especially, the under-served, un-reached and the children with special needs. The website provides information about strategies, program [...]

Costa Rica
The mission of PROMECE is to coordinate and execute the ressources of the project "Equidad y Eficiencia de la Educación" for equity and quality of the rural education in Costa Rica. A full text presents information about the mission, legal bases and beneficiaries of the Programme of Improvement of the Quality of Pre- school and Basic Education in Costa Rica.

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about adult education in Chile, mainly about the various programmes for completion of basic and middle education (where you can learn what?), the lifelong education programme "Chilecalifica" and literacy programmes.

EFIL is the umbrella organisation of the European AFS Organisations in Europe. AFS (formerly American Field Service) is a non-profit volunteer based educational organization offering exchanges for students, young adults and teachers in over 50 countries around the world. The respective website provides information on member organisations, programmes and activities. Besides it [...]

This web site provides online-courses in Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physiks and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Geography and History, English.

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

This full text in pdf-format is a briefing note on recent developments in adult education in the European Union, with special emphasis on lifelong learning. This report presents a summary of relevant developments. This overview of programmes, actions, and policies provides a snapshot of the resources dedicated to achieving the goals of lifelong learning (LLL) both within the [...]

France; Europe
This text presents the most important organizations of the European Union in the field of education, to the European action programs and to various texts about a common European education policy, e. g. recognition of diploma and the construction of a European higher education space.

Central Europe; Eastern Europe
The Central and Eastern European Education Directory aims to provide comprehensive information on undergraduate and post-graduate programmes offered by over 1300 academic establishments in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS. The Directory is constantly being updated to include the latest information available directly from the universities.

This website provides information on the present situation in Ukraine and the efforts of the UN in the country, also with the implementation of projects in the field of primary education for all children of the relevant age group. The respective link "Achieve universal primary education" is offered on the homepage.

TAURIS Publishing House (DNT) is a publishing entity focusing on the area of education. It is part of the Institute for Information on Education ( IIE) and has its own graphic studio and printing works. Every year TAURIS publishes statistical yearbooks of education. It publishes for specialists and the general public.- This page provides information on the publishing [...]

The objective of this organization is to accomplish equality of educational opportunities for all school children through various programmes - not only educational programs, but also nutritional programs and programs for health promotion. JUNAEB is a comprehensive network and is present in over 9.000 schools. The homepage leads to information about these programs and their [...]

NWCI ist the national representative organisation for women and women' s groups in Ireland with around 158 women's organisations and groups from all parts of Ireland affiliated to the Council. The aim is equal participation of women in all aspects of social and economic life. Information on various projects to foster education and training among women. Detailed information [...]

United States of America (USA)
PBS - Ready To Learn is supported from the National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education in the U.S. Department of Education. Internet portal reflecting puppet or animal shows on TV ( sesamstreet, between the lions...) with education programmes and e- learning offers, games, stories, music ... for children. Seperated entry with broad range of ressources for [...]

Age Action Ireland is a network of organisations and individuals concerned with ageing and older people. Activities include an information service and library, career support and training, Life-long learning through the university of the third age, pilot projects, seminars, research and championing the rights of older people. Publications can be ordered free of charge.

The aim of this website is to provide information about: the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in general; latest developments in the programme; current issues for teachers / tutors and schools /centres; forthcoming activities that might be of interest to teachers. The LCA is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim
The aim of this Programme is to identify and stimulate innovative activities and co-operative action among the Member States, with a view to encouraging systematic experimentation and accelerating the adoption of educational innovations in response to problems of development, to assist Member States in respective national programmes and to enhance the cooperation between the [...]

international; Asia; Pacific Rim
The Institute has two roles. As the Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, it is the technical advisory body to all field offices and Member States of the region and the site of regional programmes in most areas covered by the Education Sector. It also houses regional advisory units in Culture and Social and Human Sciences and staff from the Communication and [...]

INCE is the leading and central organization of professional education in Venezuela and subordinate to the Education Ministry. It is responsible for the entire planning and implementation of vocational education policy and for the promotion of human capital training in certain economic sectors of the labour market. The homepage shows a text about the function of the institute.

The Education Provider Locator - an offer of the Department of Education and Science has three search criteria to use: selection by county, by a type of education provider or by a school number.

The purpose of the PCSP is to mediate the Primary School Curriculum for teachers towards enabling them to implement it in their schools. This website aims to inform them of the workings and structures of the Support Programme. Each curricular area contains details of the timescale for in-service training and implementation, as well as useful downloadable resources. PSCP was [...]

Youthreach is part of a national programme of second-chance education and training in Ireland. Information on the centres, networks, co-ordinators. A virtual library with access to legal matters, reports and relevant documents. Broad range of links to relevant partners national and international. Supported by the Irish Ministry of Education and Science.

CDVEC is the local education authority for Dublin City and its inner suburbs. It provides a wide range of opportunities for the younger generation of Dubliners, and its life-long education programme offers to adults in all age groups career- improvement, leisure, and self-development courses. Access to a course database, the CDVEC Newsletter ( in extracts online), information [...]

Full text (PDF-file, 24 pages) of the public consultation document with thirteen key questions about future programme actions in the EU. The document should help to develop a new generation of programmes which respond better to educational needs and reinforce the quality of education, training and youth activities in Europe.

Asia; Pacific Rim; Oceania
The Bureau's mission is to build and strengthen an Asia-Pacific movement dedicated to advancing equitable access to relevant, quality and empowering education and learning opportunities for all; it is committed to enhancing the role and contribution of adult education and learning in promoting these aims. The website provides information about the respective programs, [...]

This authority has to formulate and present recommendations to the Government for the formal adoption of Urdu, the national language, as the official language, and to develop linkages for cooperation and collaboration with various academic, research, and educational institutions. The website contains information about aims, organization, achievements and publication of this [...]

VTOS is funded by the Department of Education and Science with assistance from the European Social Fund to enable, as a priority group, unemployed people to access education and training with a view to progression to employment. Information on VTOS projects, centers, research. Links to the network for Irish schools, the European Social Fund and the Education Ministry.

The Post-Primary Languages Initiative is in place since September 2000 with the purpose of implementing the policy of the Department of Education & Science Ireland of enhancing and expanding the teaching of languages in second-level schools. The initiative is also engaged in research on teaching materials, the planning networking days for teachers and the dissemination of [...]

Solomon Islands
The homepage contains a short description of the ministry of education. Also, it informs about activities of the VSA on the Solomon Islands and about vacancies with the VSA, the partner organisation.

The IITE is an autonomous Institute, forming an integral part of UNESCO. It aims to contribute to the design and¤ implementation of programmes with regard to the application of information and communication technologies in education (ICTs). The multilingual website offers links to programme activities, IITE focal points, publications, events, information resources and on the [...]

The European Association for the Education of Adults is an association of non-governmental organisations actively involved in the development of adult education throughout Europe. The association is made up of more than 100 organisations in 34 countries (as of September 2005) . Die EAEA closely co-operates with UNESCO and the European Commission. Links on the homepage lead to [...]

The National Board for Youth Affairs is a government authority working to ensure that the national objectives of the youth policy are met. Focus is laid on monitoring young people´s living conditions and the coordination of the follow-up of the youth policy at government and municipal level. It is also responsible for the 'Youth Programme' and EU exchange programmes.

This website provides information about all preventive and educational activities of Unesco against AIDS.

United States of America (USA)
The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. On the website information on aims, membership and conferences. Access to ' JELIS', a quarterly (only against subscription); to the ALISE statistical report; to the 'KALIPER' report ('Educating Library and Information Science Professionals for a [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Indian Education Association ( NIEA) provides adresses who offer educational programs for natives. Contact information and links are provided. Further links to national networks, programs and media.

NALA is a membership organization, concerned with national co- ordination, training and policy development in adult literacy work in Ireland. Current and closed research projects are presented as well as the strategic plan, training programmes, national and European projects. A broad range of publication is avalaible for free download. A Resource Center to different topics of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Center provides a base for those interested in multilingual education, English-as-a second language, and foreign language instruction, multicultural education and related areas. There are four principal activities the Center strives for: ( 1) research; (2) publications; (3) training; and (4) public service. On the website links to numerous educational programs CMMR is [...]

United States of America (USA)
CEF is a nonprofit coalition of over 100 education organizations providing information on the organisation and updates on federal education funding (CEF takes positions on federal education funding issues) along with many other helpful resources (e.g. press releases; advocacy materials; events and publications; membership information; links to research reports on different [...]

United States of America (USA)
CCSSO is a nationwide nonprofit organisation composed of public officals who lead the departments responsible for elementary and secondary education in the states and the Department of Defense Education Activity. Project, partnerships and aims of the organisation are documented here with links to important education projects in the US and to all state education agencies. Most [...]

United States of America (USA)
HECSE is a private, non-profit organization representing colleges and universities which offer doctoral programs that prepare leaders for the fields of special education and early intervention. Information on mission, activities and programmes of HECSE. Links to information retrieval services and organisations in the field of special education.

United States of America (USA)
Website about the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" (NCLB) signed into law by President George Bush in January 2002. It represents his education reform plan and contains the changes to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA 1965). Comprehensive information with news, fact sheets, stats and graphs, glossary available and links to further resources. Special [...]

FAS provides information on all educational and vocational training opportunities within the European Union. On the website access to an interactive multimedia career guidance database, a job and course database, reports on Irish vocational education and labour market development. A comprehensive linklist with Irish, European and international URL's.

The Clare Family Learning Project a programme funded by the Adult Education Board of Clare and other educational institutes. The aim of the project is to provide family learning courses which support the educational needs of families who are marginalized from the education and employment sectors by the double disadvantages of low income and low educational achievement. On the [...]

International education in the Netherlands is offered in special departments affiliated to eight regular Dutch schools for primary education and eight schools for secondary education. The principle aim is to provide children with such education that they are prepared optimally for either the transition to English language education abroad or a possible transition to full Dutch [...]

Curriculum Corporation works in the education sector and is owned by all Australian Education Ministers. It is the key national organisation providing curriculum support to schools and school systems, and producing and disseminating high quality education products and services including books, videos, magazines, multimedia, online services and professional development. Its [...]

SURF is the joint network services and ICT organisation of the Dutch institutions of higher education and research. It supports and facilitates realisations in the field of ICT. The internet platform for the network is SURFnet ( On the website the organisation and a comprehensive list of projects with relevant links are provided. Publications can be [...]

United States of America (USA)
PASE was founded in 1993 by a group of afterschool practitioners to promote innovative education programs. PASE works with community- based organizations to improve the lives of under-served children and youth in New York City through creative afterschool programming. The website offers information on PASE, its projects, a comprehensive linklist and free access to 'The [...]

Cirius is a governmental institution connected to the Danish Ministry of Education. Established in July 2000, it informs the Danish educational sector and foreign nationals who want information about the Danish education system. The three major educational programmes of the European Union, Socrates, Leonardo, Youth are coordinated here. The website offers information on grants [...]

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.

Europe; United States of America (USA)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers on this page information about EU programmes with third countries, in particular on a cooperation programme EU-USA in higher education and vocational training. This programme aims to improve transatlantic cooperation and student mobility by means of partnerships and projects in the field of training and the recognition of [...]

international; South America
This web site describes the policy area Lifelong Learning of the European Commission and provides links to two basic documents: "Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a Reality" and the "Resolution on lifelong learning" von 2002.

United States of America (USA)
CFNN was established in 1996. Its mission is to promote quality charter schools by connecting and supporting resource centers, charter school associations and other state-level charter support organizations and activities. Research, publications, online communications, a grant program, and multi-state initiatives on high priority issues of common concern to charter schools [...]

United States of America (USA)
DSC is a non-profit organization and has developed programs and research to foster children's intellectual, social, and ethical development. Wellknown for its comprehensive school change program developed in the 1980's (Child Development Project CDP). On the website Links to furhter projects, in- and after school programs & materials, and materials for educators. Further [...]

The International Programme Office for Education and Training is now part of the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet). It informs about international aspects in all areas of education and supports those interested in international cooperation. It is also responsible for the education programmes within the EU.

This website contains information about education, international education, research, cooperations, teaching programmes and most recent developments at the faculty of Educational Science and Technology. Comprehensive linklist.

This full text "National Education Programme" in Armenia is provided by the Open Society Institute Armenia, an institution sponsored by the SOROS Foundation Network centers in New York and Budapest. The programme is one out of 13 (as of July 2002) directed towards various areas of social transformation in the country. This page includes information on the Programme Strategy [...]

Eastern Europe
The East East Programme "Partnership Across Borders" (coordinated by the Open Society Institute Budapest) supports practical cross-border work between Eastern European countries in the process of social transformation particularly in the field of education. This website provides information on the programme principles and forthcoming activities.

The International Summer School (ISS) is an academic center for learning in an international context, and a forum for fostering intercultural understanding. 500 students from all over the world to its wide variety of graduate and undergraduate courses, mostly within the liberal arts and social sciences. The ISS course catalogue, addresses and information about ISS are kept on [...]

"myfuture" (launched in 2002) is a high quality system, covering education, training and employment for all Australians. It is designed to explore skills and interests, identify possible career paths, develop career plan and research options for further study and training. With a guide (password necessary/free of charge) assistance in determining personal carrier can be [...]

This report describes the current situation and measures inititated in the 1980ies in the Netherlands to overcome the high rate of unemployment at that point of time. Its written in the context of an EU conference on the subject of integrating youths with a secondary vocational education into the labour market.

This is the website of the Baku Education Information Center (BEIC), an independent education and information centre created and supported in Azerbaijan by the Open Society Institute (OSI - Azerbaijan), committed to provide information about international education opportunities. The homepage provides information on programmes, activities, tests and events.

The Le@rning Federation is an initiative of State and Federal governments of Australia and New Zealand and primarily concerned with delivering online curriculum content over the period 2001-2006 for schools. The aim of this website is to inform about the progress of the Initiative. The site includes information about the project, key documents and resources (pdf. or html. [...]

The ARC makes recommendations to the Minister for Education for the funding of research proposals. This site aims to provide information about the ARC, its research programmes, grant application information, some information on research highlights, research collaboration between Universities and industry and its people. All ARC publications are online and are in Portable [...]

This internet portal offers two search facilities 1. to find information about courses offered by Australian education institutions, 2. and/or education institutions themselves. The search can be defined and limited through offered search criteria. The results the databases are supplying are: 1. overview of all search results with the headings links, provider, course degree, [...]

The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education was established in 2002 assuming the responsibilities of the former Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC). Its aim is to promote and support strategic change in higher education institutions for the enhancement of learning and teaching, including curriculum development and assessment. Its website [...]

United States of America (USA)
SERVE is an education organization with the mission to support the continuous improvement of educational opportunities for learners in the Southeast of America. The website informs about developed educational programmes and tools for educational practitioners and policymakers. Link to the ELO programs (Expanded Learning Opportunities programs). A variety of free and low-cost [...]

United States of America (USA)
The NSBA is a not-for profit federation of state associations of school boards across the United States ( including Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Aims are to foster excellence and equity in public elementary and secondary education in the United States. This internetportal offers a sitemap as guide to the comprehensive information about NSBA, the Federation, the [...]

United States of America (USA)
This Internet portal offers detailed and comprehensive information about education, assesment and the education system in Alaska, files and an online directory for Alaska public schools and districts as well as a list of links and contact addresses to ministries, organisations and educational information providers. Fulltexts are available for download.

AANDC is one of the federal government departments responsible for meeting the Government of Canada´s obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North. The section on education informs about education programmes and the development of a First Nations Education Act.

This website offers short versions of school and education systems in 31 European countries as well as Information on European educational programmes and comparative country studies. They include e.g. the duration of school time, transitions from one level to the other on the educational ladder, access requirements to universities, VET and continuing education according to [...]

The web-site provides information about trade union education in Europe: courses, resources (i.e. a database of documents in the ETU Education Research Centre), programs of the EU concerning trade union education, projects and access to a "virtual campus".

The study examines access by mature and disadvantaged students and students with disabilities to third level education. Chapter 1 explores definitions of access and illustrates why access by underrepresented groups to third level education should be improved. Chapter 2 considers the need to increase representation by students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. [...]

The Institute for Educational Research (KTL), a national centre for educational research is a multidisciplinary research institute based at the University of Jyväskylä, established in 1968. The national task of the KTL is investigating, assessing and developing the Finnish educational system and school culture. The institute' s website navigation leads to: introduction, [...]

The UGC is a national body for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of University education. It serves as a vital link between the Union and State Governments and the institution of higher learning. In addition to its role of giving grants to universities and colleges, it also advises Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for the [...]

This full text describes the programmes for promotion of foreign and local indigenous languages in India; further information about the responsible institutions is accessible via links in the full text.

The foundation is a private organization which has the aims to promote the consciousness for education in the Honduran population, promote research about educational realities in the country, influence education policy and reach a participation of the population in educational matters as large as possible. The website provides information about objectives, mission and vision, [...]

The web site is an annotated link list of: libraries and educational centres, foundations supporting education, universities (2 entries), educational and university programs, educational materials.

The website presents links to secondary schools (colegios), educational associations, courses and programs, furthermore to information texts concerning several curriculum subjects.

The link list is arranged into the following groups: academies, associations, libraries, academic centres, secondary schools, pre- school institutions, institutes and university institutes, portals, graduations, educational projects, resources, universities and their subdivisions.

United States of America (USA)
This website of the U.S. Network for Education Information offers a structured full text with links on the education system in the U.S. according to the following items: General Resources; Organisation of U.S. Education; U.S. Institutions and Programs; Studying in the United States; Teaching in the United States.

This is the homepage of the GD Education and Culture of the European Commission in Brussels. The website provides information on: Programmes and strategic initiatives; eLearning - Designing tomorrow's education; Lifelong learning; Higher Education in Europe; Language teaching and learning; European associations and social; partners in the field of education; Evaluation of [...]

CHILDE (Children's Historical Literature Disseminated throughout Europe) is a project, funded under the European Commission's CULTURE 2000 programme, that uses web technology to allow wider and more open access to images from collections of early children's books in Europe. The digitised European historical children's book collection featured on this site will be a key [...]

The Center for Multiculturalism and Educational Reaserch, the first of its kind in Israel, integrates two interrelated issues: the promotion of educational opportunities for Arab citizens in Israel and the creation of cultural bridges between the different groups in Israeli society. In particular this website provides information on multiculturism and democracy in divided [...]

The fundamental objective of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) of Paraguay is to guarantee a qualitative education to contribute to the improvement of life quality of the population. Also, it stimulates and develops investigation programs for education, research and technology, promotes the use of social communication media for education, develops and implements the [...]

This website of CIMO provides information for all those who are interested to study or getting training in Finland.- The Centre for International Mobility, CIMO, offers services and expertise to encourage cross-cultural communication. CIMO administeres scholarship and exchange programmes and is responsible for the implementation of a number of EU education, training and youth [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government funded, yet independently operated R&D institution in education. Since its founding in 1972, KEDI has been active on almost every education front, developing educational policies, strategies, and programs. The main functions are: 1) providing support of educational information for schools, 2) research & development of educational policy, 3) [...]

"Priority education" is a French focus programme in educational policy that has its origins in the 1980ies and that led to the socalled "priority education areas" (ZEP). The aim of the programme was a greater equity in educational opportunities, especially for socially disadvantaged children. The official website for this programme provies background information on the [...]

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
This distance university uses modern information and communication technologies to give the countries of sub-Saharan Africa direct access to some of the highest quality academic faculty and learning resources throughout the world. World-class professors from universities around the globe deliver classes from a studio classroom. The website provides the program schedules in [...]

Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela
In this link list, the institutions and working groups of distance education are arranged according to the countries. There are also links of the categories: online courses and training programs, international resources, and journals and writings.

international; United States of America (USA)
The Center for Global Education, affiliated with the University of Southern California's International and Intercultural Education programme in the Rossier School of Education is committed to international and global education as an integral part of the primary, secondary and higher education of students in the U.S. and abroad in the 21st century. Working in partnership with [...]

The Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) is a constituent unit of the National Council of Educational Research and Training ( NCERT), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. Established in 1984 with the merger of the Centre of Educational Technology and Department of Teaching Aids, its chief aim is to [...]

The web-site provides links to the courses of vocational training offered in Malaysia across various occupational fields and levels and to the training providers.

Bolivia; Colombia; Chile; Ecuador; Peru
The programme for intercultural, bilingual education is a project of the Andes countries. Its main purpose is to promote the education of the indigenous people. The homepage informs about mission and actions of the programme: training of teaching staff, research, publications and documentation.

This White Paper sets out a blueprint for the future development and expansion of adult education. (224 pages, pdf-file to download).

Haiti; Caribbean
This website provides information about the programs and activities of the francophone distance education institution AUF in the Caribbean, especially in Haiti.

This website provides vast information about the continuous literacy campaigns in India. The homepage has 17 links to texts on issues like goals and objectives, literacy rates, successes, monitoring and evaluation, management and challenges of the Indian literacy programs.

Restode is the Eduserver of the French-speaking community of Belgium. The network provides overall information on the educational system and intends to facilitate the communication and to help realise educational projects. The starting points are "Education", "Library", "Orientation" and "Events". They provide e.g. access to texts with various issues, to addresses of [...]

South Africa, Republic
This is the official website of the Ministry for Basic (primary and secondary) Education in South Africa. The website provides information on school development, different forms of performance assessment, materials for educators / teachers, information on educational management and administrative questions. Furthermore, you will find information on educational programmes like [...]

The homepage of the Education Ministry provides an overview of all questions of education and education policy in this country. The links are leading to project and program descriptions of the Ministry (educational reform, literacy, educational planning), educational indicators and statistics. The education law and other documents concerning the Ministry's policy are offered [...]

The ministry is responsible for early learning, kindergarten to grade 12, post- secondary education, adult learning and offers information on education programmes, the curriculum, reports and funding.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was founded in 1946 as organization of the United Nations specialized for education, sciences, culture and communication. The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is to promote academic excellence, enhance educational opportunities and equity for all of America´s children and families, and to improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support. The OESE website offers information on reports and resources, laws, [...]

The centre is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Culture. By means of its programme it inspires and supports the spreading of new technologies at non-universitary level in particular in the areas of preschool education, primary and secondary education.- On this homepage possibilities are explained which the Internet offers in view of interpersonal and [...]

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