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Infant at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: infant

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Task and aim of the Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft is to raise parent´s and experts´ awareness of an active partnership between parents and children in their upbringing and education, and of a careful and cooperative approach to children in order to establish human relations. Children should not be passive objects in the educational efforts of adults. It is therefore [...]

international; Ireland
The School of Education has a focus on the following topics: * Sports Studies and Physical Education (SSPE) Home * Early Years and Childhood Studies Section * Science Education Section * PDE (Post-Primary Teaching) * Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education Needs (SEN) There are currentlich three bigger research projects: * Multiple [...]

The International Pikler Association was founded in 2012. Its objectives are to bring together associatons, groups and individuals worldwide who support the ideas of the Hungarian paediatrician Emmi Pikler, and to promote exchange and contacts. The association aims to spread further education on Pikler's ideas, to support research, to improve the quality of the qualification [...]

World Bank's Early Child Development (ECD) is part of the Child and Youth Group in Human Development Network (HDN). Its primary mission is to improve World Bank's staff and clients' knowledge of ECD programming and to improve the quality of World Bank's lending for ECD. This mission is accomplished by maintaining a knowledge base on ECD to support World Bank's [...]

United Kingdom
The National Literacy Trust is an independent charity founded in 1993, which intends to improve literacy skills and reading competence in the United Kingdom. Its campaigns (e.g. Reading is Fundamental, Talk to Your Baby) intend to empower people from all age groups and social backgrounds as regards reading and information competencies. To this purpose, the NLT connects [...]

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