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Learned society at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: learned society

key words found 1 - 164 of 164

The IAIED is an interdisciplinary association that brings together the fields of computer science, education and psychology. It promotes research and development of interactive and adaptive learning environments. Among other things, IAIED organises an annual conference and publishes the International Journal of AI in Education (IJAIED) (not freely accessible). You can also [...]

The "International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE)" is network of several societies worldwide in the field of information technology and education. The platform primarily offers information about the goals of the alliance, its member societies as well as an event calendar with conference announcements and a list of publications and lectures by members [...]

The WERA research network "Extended Education" deals with extracurricular learning and informal learning places worldwide. The network provides an annual report on its activities, organises its own conference and publishes conference proceedings. It also works closely with the "International Journal for Research on Extended Education (IJREE)". WERA was founded in 2009 and [...]

The website of the "International Educational Data Mining Society (EDM)" provides a "Journal of Educational Data Mining", information about its annual conference and the conference proceedings, a mailing list and other resources.[Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

On its website, the "Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)" provides an introduction to the term "Learning Analytics", information about its two major events, the "International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK)" and the "Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) ", publications (a journal, a handbook and the LAK conference proceedings), as well as [...]

The Netherlands Educational Research Association VOR provides English information on its organisation, on the eleven thematical sections of VOR (including a PhD group) as well as on the annual Educational Research Days (Onderwijsresearchdagen) that VOR organises jointly with the Flemish Educational Research Forum (VFO). The Dutch version of the website provides more detailed [...]

The "Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO)" aims at strengthening the cooperation between research, practice and educational policy. NRO's main activities are the coordination and funding of programmes and projects (among others, e.g. the big international assessments like PISA, TIMSS or PIRLS). The English website provides a list of projects whose detailed [...]

Flemish Educational Research Forum (VFO) unfortunately doesn't have an English website. VFO is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). Together with the Association for Educational Research of the Netherlands (VOR), it organizes the annual conference for educational research (Onderwijsresearchdagen). VOR's website mainly informs about this [...]

We link to the automatic Google translation of a list of associations in the education sector in Turkey. Among them, you will find professional associations in educational research as well as many educators' associations for different subjects. The educators' associations sometimes also have some information on research and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

international; Turkey
The English version of the website provides background information on the Turkish Association of Curriculum and Instruction (EPÖDER), a list of completed doctoral theses from 2003-2014 and an Open Access journal, the International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS). This journal has some articles in English. For all Turkish articles, you will find an [...]

international; Turkey
[The website has no English version anymore since about its relaunch in 2019. For older / static information about the association please take a look at an older version of the website in the webarchive.] The Association of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology (EPODDER) was founded in 2013. Its website provides background information about the [...]

The working group Historical Educational Research belongs to the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF / SSRE). The aims of the working group are to foster historical research on national as well as international level, and to promote results to a broad public. The website offers information on research, publications and events.

international; Turkey
The website of the Turkish Educational Administration Research and Development Association (EARDA) provides information on their annual congresses including the fulltext of the proceedings (mainly in Turkish, sporadic English articles) as well as their English language journal (Research in Educational Administration & Leadership) which is Open Access. EARDA is a member of the [...]

international; Turkey
The website of the Turkish Educational Research Association (EAB) provides information on its goals, organisation and activities as well as on its 35 departments for different education sectors, including a list of researchers for each sector. Furthermore, you will find two open access journals in English - the International Journal of Research in Teacher Education (IJRTE) and [...]

The International Association of School Librarianship IASL provides an international forum for people interested in promoting effective school library programs. IASL also provides guidance and advice for the development of school library programs and the school library profession. It organizes an annual conference and publishes the research journal "School Libraries Worldwide".

Australia; New Zealand; Hong Kong; China, People's Republic of
The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia is a scholarly society for people committed to the advancement of higher and tertiary education. It promotes the development of higher education policy, practice and the study of teaching and learning.

Facebook account of the Argentinian Society for the History of Education, SAHE. It provides information on events and current topics. SAHE publishes the journal "Historia de la Educación. Anuario", containing the freely accessible fulltext of articles starting with Vol 13, No 1 (2012). SAHE also published a Newsletter whose last issue is of June 2014. The original website of [...]

The international society for the professionalisation of school practice sees itself as a forum for discussion, development and research on professionalisation processes in the context of practical studies in teacher education worldwide. It aims to foster: 1) discussion and exchange on theoretical and empirical questions in practical studies and professionalisation of [...]

ASPENSI is an Indonesian Association of scholars of history education. The pages "about us" and "journals" are in English and inform you on the creation and the aims of ASPENSI as well as on the four journals published by ASPENSI (most of the articles are open access). The journals don't focus exclusively on history education but look at education in a broad sense. The news [...]

Pacific Rim; Australia; China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong; Indonesia; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); New Zealand; Philippines; Singapore; Taiwan; Thailand; United States of America (USA)
PECERA is an international association for research in early childhood education in the Pacific. It organises an annual conference. The respective programmes can be found on the website. Furthermore, it publishes the "Asia-Pacific Journal Of Research In Early Childhood Education". The journal's articles are open access. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"The Finnish Society for the History of Education is a science association that was founded in 1935. The society promotes historical research concerning education and training and supports interests in such in Finland. The society publishes the peer-reviewed journal, Kasvatus & Aika (Education & Time), which is published quarterly [under "Julkaisut" in the Finnish version [...]

The Finnish Educational Research Association is in charge of organising the annual conference of Finnish researchers in education, of the association's publications and of the special interest groups inside the association. The website hence provides information on conferences, the subjects of the special interest groups as well as English abstracts of the articles in the [...]

Unfortunately, the Finnish Society for Social Pedagogy doesn't have an English website. On its Finnish website, it informs about the society's activity, like organising conferences and seminars, supporting a youth network, awarding a prize for PhD theses. The site also provides information on sociopedagogical studies and research in Finland.[Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

This page provides a list of Finnish (university) institutes and centres that are related to evaluation in education, but also to teaching and educational research. Amongst others, it lists faculties and school of education of important Finnish universities, as well as professional associations, lobby organisations, unions and others. The list is provided by the Finnish [...]

The webpage of the Hellenic Educational Society informs about their objectives, functions and provides helpful links (Σύνδεσμοι) on Greek educational institutions in politics and research. There is, too the possibility to have an online insight in already published issues of the 'Pedagogical Review' [...]

There is no obvious mention of the link of this mailinglist to the SEEE. The only link that was drawn can be found in the article by the SEEE president, who mentions the mailing list and its origin in Spain. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

North America; international
This is the listserv of the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).

North America; international
A section from the newsletter of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). This part especially reports and informs about ethnology (cultural anthropology) and education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

international; Francophone Countries
The research group ´´Les approches qualitatives et ethnographiques de la recherche en sciences de l’éducation´´ (Qualitative and Ethnographic Approaches in Educational Research) is a section of AFIRSE, the International Francophone Association for Scientific Educational Research. Among others, AFIRSE publishes an e-journal, organizes conferences and focuses especially [...]

Europe; international
The Ethnography network aims at focussing on ethnographic educational research. It organizes the Ethnography and Education Conference, publishes the journal Ethnography and Education and a book series. Additionally the network runs an email listserve. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Portugal; Spain; Germany; France; Belgium; Ireland; Italy; Norway; Switzerland; Australia; Mexico; Morocco; Brazil; Europe; international
SEEE (European Society for Ethnography of Education) is almost non-existent on the web. However, this article by the president of the society outlines the creation, the objectives and held conferences and informs about their Revue de la Société Européenne d'Ethnographie de l'Education (REEE). SEEE also uses a mailing list called ETNOEDU. The article appeared in: [...]

North America; international
One mission of CAE is ´´to advance anti-oppressive, socially equitable, and racially just solutions to educational problems through research´´. Among others, the Council publishes the peer-reviewed journal Anthropology and Education Quarterly. Furthermore it offers a notification list to get in touch with the CAE Executive Board and inform about events. The CAE is a [...]

ABAVE is an association for people working in the field of educational evaluation and assessment in Brazil. The website mainly contains documents from this sector (dating from 2006 to 2011), some general news, and information on the conference CONBRATRI - Congresso Brasileiro de Teoria da Resposta ao Item. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

ANPEd is the Brazilian national association for post-graduates and researchers in Education. The website provides information on the structure and the activities of ANPEd, on news from the education sector, on documents and laws from the educational policy sector, or on conferences and other events. ANPEd also organises the Fórum Nacional de Coordenadores de Programas de [...]

"[Founded in 1961], [t]he National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE) is an academic civil society in the field of educational policy and management (...). ANPAE’s mission is to fight for the affirmation of the right to lifelong quality education for all (...). To this end, ANPAE´s objectives focus on the professional improvement and [...]

Russian Federation
The website of the Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature provides information about its activities, proceedings of conferences, information on published journals and others. The website is available only in Russian. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

South Africa, Republic; international
EASA is the professional organisation for educational research in South Africa. The website provides basic information on its structure, aims and membership, as well as a newsletter, activity reports, information on the annual EASA conference, and free access to the fulltexts of their e-journal "South African Journal of Education" (SAJE). [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

South Africa, Republic
"SACE is the professional council for educators, that aims to enhance the status of the teaching profession through appropriate Registration, management of Professional Development and inculcation of a Code of Ethics for all educators." The website provides information on the structure and work of SACE, including the work of their two departments "Professional Development & [...]

Germany; China, People's Republic of
The Sino-German Centre for Science Promotion (CDZ) was created jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the German Rsearch Foundation (DFG). The cooperation therefor mainly takes place in the natural, life, engineering and managament sciences. The website provides information on the Chinese and the German science system, on cooperation projects, [...]

Brazil; international
The website of the Brazilian Association for Early Childhood Education (created in 1981) provides some information on its structure, aims and statutes. Otherwise, the website seems to be used mainly for announcing the three-annual "Congresso Internacional de Educação Infantil" (the 7th taking place in 2013). Other event announcements and small articles were last updated in [...]

The website of the Brazilian Association for Distance Learning provides very ample information and resources on distance learning in Brazil. You will find a course serach, a search for course providers, a search for professionals in this area, fulltext documents, podcasts, legislative documents, periodically published evaluations and statistics on distance learning in Brazil, [...]

Website of the Brazilian Association for Education (ABE), created in 1924. The website provides information on the history, structure and aims of ABE, some articles on educational issues, the wordings of laws in the Brazilian educational sector, a small newsletter as well as further current news on education in Brazil. Access to the archive and library is subject to (free) [...]

Brazil; international
Website of the Brazilian Society for the History of Education, created in 1999. The website provides information on the history, structure, aims, and annual reports of the society, as well as on the bi-annual conference with many fulltexts of papers presented there; it provides information on publications of the society, on their free e-journal "Revista Brasileira de História [...]

The All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) established in 1983 contains more than 3,700 members in India. Besides promoting and supporting the development of educational research (with an focus on Indian issues) by conferences, seminars and discussion groups the organization publishes related information through journals, books and other publications. Under the [...]

The `Philosophy of Education Society´ was founded to promote the fundamental philosophic treatment of the problems of education and to advance and improve teaching in the philosophy of education both in schools for the education of teachers and in other educational institutions.

The Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik (ÖGS) is a non-profit society that fosters remedial language education in theory and practice in Austria (through research and cooperation for the purpose of specialized exchange, of information and further education). The ÖGS publishes the specialist journal "mitSPRACHE" (The German title is ambiguous and means [...]

international; Africa; Africa South of the Sahara; Asia; Pacific Rim; Europe; France; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) unites researchers on Giftedness around the world. The website offers information on the biannual WCGTC World Conference, on national associations for gifted and talented children, on gifted support and events and news around the topic. Furthermore, WCGTC publishes a newsletter and a journal, the Gifted and Talented [...]

AISHE is a society for research in learning and teaching in higher education. It organises the annual "AISHE International Conference Series (AISHE-C)" and publishes the open access e-journal "All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J)", the AISHE Readings (AISHE-R), an occasional series of scholarly publications, and their conference [...]

The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) is open to all those with a research interest in education. ESAI organises an annual conference (the 37th in 2012) and publishes a newsletter and the journal "Irish Educational Studies". The webiste furthermore offers an Index of Education Theses from 1993 to 2000, listing all the theses written in Ireland on educational [...]

United States of America (USA)
AAPT was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the "dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching." Paul E. Klopsteg, Ph.D. Today that vision is supported by more than 10,000 members in 30 countries around the world.

The International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP) is an international body of physics professors and teachers who want to cooperate in their work on physics teaching.

Switzerland; international
"The Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE) was founded in 1975 and is a member of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW) as well as of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). It consists of approximately 550 members from all scientific disciplines relevant to education and pursues the goal to consolidate educational research on a [...]

Argentina; international
The Argentinian Society for Comparative Studies in Education (SAECE) was founded in 2001. Its main task is to promote and disseminate development and investigation in the Comparative Studies in the fields of Education and Culture. The website provides news as well as information on conferences, the journal RELEC (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada), whose articles [...]

The Italian Society for Pedagogics promotes the development of pedagogical research and supports cooperation among researchers in Italy and worldwide. The website offers information about the society, events, and links to other research societies.

Austria; international
The Austrian Association of Research and Development in Education (ÖFEB) was founded in 2000 and is divided into 7 sections reflecting the different fields of educational research it is focussed on: >> VET and adult education >> elementary pedagogy >> empirical research in education >> (research in) teacher education >> media pedagogy >> research [...]

WERA was founded in 2009 and consists of national and regional educational research societies from more than 20 countries as well as of individual membership of educational researchers. WERA aims at connecting educational researchers worldwide. A number of international research networks were created to achieve that, they deal with the following topics: >> Education [...]

United Kingdom
The website by the Montessory Society UK (AMI-UK) providing information on Montessori pedagogy, and targeting parents and teachers. Information regarding training, teaching and learning resources, schools and membership.

The Association disseminates publications and teaching materials related to Montessori pedagogy, it distributes materials as well as providing for training (and training of trainers), and networking activities ( e.g. by conferences).

The Association for the Development of Education in Africa maintains several working groups on educational issues in Africa, including education sector analysis, distance and open learning, informal learning, learning material, early childhood education, higher education in Africa. A biennial conference is held, and publications can be searched and accessed from the database [...]

INASP's work focuses on communication, knowledge and networks, with particular emphasis on the needs of developing and emerging countries. INASP responds to their national priorities for: capacities to use, create, manage and communicate scholarly information and knowledge via appropriate ICTs, access to national and international scholarly information and knowledge. [...]

The website provides information on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), the Bologna Process, Euroguidance, European Language Label and pertinent exchange opportunities with Turkey.

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education ( SIU) is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.

This agenc in Slovenia acts as a contact point for the EU programmes forLifelong Learning (2007-2013): Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig.

The Foundation supports activities within the EU Lifelong Learning programme (2007-2013), thus acting as a national information and counselling agency for the EU education and science exchange programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Mundus, Comenius). It further provides information on Lithuania and on English language study programmes.

This is the national contact point in Poland for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013) providing information and counselling as regards Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, the European Language Label etc.

The National Agency is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme in Slovakia. The programme aims to support Member States' policies on lifelong learning, education and vocational education and training.

The national agency in the Netherlands for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning co-ordinates projects and provides current information on ongoing activities.

This national contact point in Rumania provides and disseminates information and documentation on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013).

The Icelandic national agency provides information, counselling and networking services within the EU programme for Lifelong Learning ( 2007-2013).

State Education Development Agency (VIAA) has been established in order to implement national policy in the area of initial and further education, undertake the implementation and monitoring of projects financed by EU Structural Funds, as well as provide for the administration of EU Programmes and other financial instruments, projects and initiatives. VIAA functions as an [...]

This national agency was founded to support projects within the EU education programme for lifelong learning (2007-2013), providing counselling and information for networking activities.

State Agency "Academic Programme Agency" (APA) is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science. Its main mission is to promote the implementation of European Union education programmes and other national and international education development projects. The main objective of the APA activities is to support the integration of Latvia in the common European education area [...]

As a member of the European Economic Area, Liechtenstein ahs collaborated in the EU education programmes since 1995. The national agencyfor international educational affairs (AIBA) was established as an independent body by the government to monitor all activities in the field of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), promoting the harmonisation of education and [...]

The national agency and contact point for programmes and projects conducted within the EU programme for Liflong Learning (2007-2013) in Bulgaria . It supports networking activities at home and abroad, including EUROPASS and EUROGUIDANCE activities

The National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP) was established by the Czech Ministry of Education in 2007 as a part of Centre for International Services MoEYS. NAEP is a successor of the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies and it is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme and other educational programmes in the Czech [...]

Within the framework of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning, the national agency in France supports projects by providing information and counselling and networking services.

Netherlands; Belgium
The National Agency in the Flemish-speaking area of Belgium is commissioned to co-ordinate programmes and projects, provide information and counselling regarding the EU Programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), at home and with partners abroad.

Within the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2007- 2013), the national agency in the French-speaking community of Belgium acts as a partner, providing information and counselling regarding projects, networking and the co-operation with partners at home and abroad.

"VSJF - German Association for Social Science Research on Japan" was founded in 1988. Its general aim was and still is to strengthen the study of contemporary Japan in the German-speaking countries. Under "activities" you can find the section group on education. The database experts allows the search for experts in specific fields.

The International Society for Music Education was formed at a conference convened by UNESCO in 1953 'to stimulate music education as an integral part of general education'. ISME is the world wide network for music educators in all areas of education and offers publications, world conferences, regional conferences and seminars, networks, special commissions.

Australia; New Zealand
The History of Education Society website offers contact opportunities, research conference information, publication references, and a newsletter as well as links to related sites.

Europe; North America
The History of Education Society publishes bibliographical references, lists of history of education research associations in Europe and North America, and information concerning topical conferences on its web site.

The web site is supported by the Ministry of Education, Austria, and provides access to reports and documentations on various aspects of special needs education with a focus on the employment of information technology (computers) in schools. It is linked to the European SNE network.

South-East Asia; East Asia; Pacific Rim; Australia; China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong; Indonesia; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Laos; Malaysia; New Zealand; Thailand; Vietnam; Sri Lanka; India; Singapore
APERA was founded in 2001 as a regional association for educational research in the Asia-Pacific region. Among its members, you will find national institutes and societies for educational research from East and South East Asia as well as Australia and New Zealand. APERA organises a bi-annual conferences, publishes the journal "Education Research for Policy and Practice", the [...]

United Kingdom
"The Society seeks to advance the practice, teaching and study of educational management, administration and leadership in the United Kingdom, and to contribute to international developments in these areas. " The society publishes two journals and offers a collection of links.

United Kingdom
The Association for Physical Education (afPE) came into existence through the merging of baalpe (The British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education) and PEA UK (Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom). The association is committed to being the UK representative organisation of choice for people and agencies delivering or supporting the [...]

This search engine on the homepage enables users - after selection of a country and a language school - to find an ideal English language course. The homepage offers further services, particularly for English Language Teachers (ELT).

The organisation was founded in 1985 with the aim of offering high quality higher education to a broad spectre of people particularly in remote areas. It has meanwhile established a comprehensive network of programmes and sub-divisions all over the country. The homepage provides numerous links relating to the Ministry of Human Resources, the Distance Education Council, [...]

The Society unites professionals in higher technical education in order to improve the quality of engineering and technical education at higher education level. The projects operate both nationally and internationally. Newsletters, publications and regular conferences provide opportunities for exchanging information. Moreover, the Society is advisory to the Government of India [...]

The project "Child Research Net" defines itself as a non profit organisation concerned with educational aspects in Japan. Its addressees are teachers, researchers, and young academics. It provides links to online publications on education related topics, an archive that can be searched for specific topics, a mailing list and a link list as well as a forum for discussion. The [...]

This website provides information about the Latvian education and higher education system, higher education institutions and of the "Bologna- process" in Latvia.

The CNCRE operated from 1995 to 2000, aiming at coordinating several big studies (synthesis, orientation, evaluation) on the state of educational research in France. CNCRE was affiliated to the National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP) which since 2010 has become the French Institute for Education (ifé). This archive website of the CNCRE provides the results and [...]

The general mission of this organization is to promote higher education as a basic prerequisite of the enhancement of social, scientific and technological progress and to disseminate knowledge into the society. The web site provides information about the corporation itself, a study program in "asentamientos humanos", publications (among them the journal "Estudios Sociales") [...]

Costa Rica
The National Rectors Council (CONARE) is commissioned with the coordination and planning of higher education policy in Costa Rica - four tertiary institutions are the members of the body - they can be found on the homepage which provides information about structure and activities of the Council, its legal bases and various special programs, e.g. civic education, sustainable [...]

international; Latin America
This organization has as its objectives to promote postgraduate studies and assure the quality of the training of university staff in the member states and, furthermore, to provide information about respective programmes. With the button Información one gets information texts about statutes, activities and objectives of the AUIP. Additionally, there is a list of member [...]

international; Latin America
This association has as objective the information, coordination and cooperation of distance study institutions in Latin America. The following fields are concerned: research, training of professors, promotion of the use of new technologies in distance study, development of instructional material, promotion of and participation in evaluation, quality assurance and certification [...]

international; Africa
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the African region are listed.

international; Asia; Pacific Rim; Oceania
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the Asian / Pacific region are listed.

international; Europe
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire European region are listed.

international; Middle East; Arab States
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire Middle East region are listed.

international; North America; Central America; Caribbean; Latin America
This link list has 4 sections: North America, Central America, Caribbean and South America. Each section contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. At the beginning regional institutions from the entire continent are listed.

international; Russian Federation; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan
This link list contains various educational institutions of each country which sometimes have a short description added. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. At the beginning supranational resp. regional institutions of the entire region are listed.

The Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) is a non- governmental, non-profit society established in Beirut in 1995. Its thirty eight members (as of March 2003) are university members and/ or education experts from various fields: education, math education, language education, social studies education, curriculum, sociology of education, economy of education, [...]

WCCES is an international organisation of comparative education societies worldwide and is an NGO in Operational Relations with UNESCO. Its specific goals are: to promote the study of comparative and international education throughout the world and enhance the academic status of this field; to bring comparative education to bear on the major educational problems of the day by [...]

This Society was founded in 1965. The homepage provides access to information about history and present situiation of the Society, including an archive for past activities, publications, the annual meeting and the organizational structure.

The BCH/FPS supports its members in the realization of the challenges in the training system and represents their requests on Swiss federal level. It works project-oriented with authorities, federations and other institutions, coordinates the parliamentary agency of the interests of vocational training on Swiss level and engages itself in particular for fields of activity and [...]

The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences is an association of the five Swiss academies of natural sciences, medical sciences, humanities and social sciences and technical sciences. The academies engage themselves specifically for an equitable dialogue between science and society, and they advise politics and society in science based and issues relevant to society. They [...]

The ETH-Board is elected by the Federal Council as the controlling body of the ETH (Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences) domain. It determines the strategic direction of the ETH domain, allocates the funding provided by the Swiss Confederation to the six ETH institutions, coordinates their activities, puts forward their presidents and directors to the Federal Council for [...]

Besides "general topics" the site provides links to the Academies of Sciences, research and development institutions, international relations and collaborations, R & D legislation and conferences.

United Kingdom
"BAICE promotes teaching, research, policy and development in all aspects of international and comparative education. It is the British affiliate of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. BAICE produces the journal Compare and organises a series of one- day research conferences annually. BAICE also has a major annual conference".

SARG is representing subject and teacher associations of Ireland. SARG exists to provide a forum for those associations to share information on topics of mutual interest. Linklist of associations by subjects. Constitution, forms and reports to download. Links to Irish teaching councils and an event calendar are kept.

Francophone Countries; international; France
The homepage of this association of francophone comparative educational researchers provides information on the organisation (members, organizational structure), activities (congresses, publications) and more (information material, yearbook, news). Until 2011, the AFEC website could be found under . [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Association of Swiss Mathematics and Physics Teachers is one of the members of the Association of Swiss Secondary Teachers. Its aim is the furtherance of the mathematics and physics instruction under the dual viewpoint of science and methodological / educational research.

New Zealand
Physical Education New Zealand - Te Reo Kori Aotearoa is a non-profit organisation for people interested in promoting quality physical education. PENZ actively promotes and develops physical education, and supports educators and others by providing opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding about all aspects of physical education. On the website you will find [...]

Russian Federation
This website focuses on projects promoting different target groups in handling new technologies, especially the Internet. It offers specialized information for teachers, parents, teenagers and writers. Providers invite for social rating of electronic resources in the field of education.

Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]

The Society's primary objective is to offer a forum for cooperation between youth researchers and other people who are interested in questions concerning young people. Jointly with Finnish Youth Cooperation 'Allianssi' it publishes a quarterly entitled 'Nuorisotutkimus' (Youth Research), which reviews youth research of specific themes. A register of youth researchers, [...]

United States of America (USA)
SRCD is a multidisciplinary, not-for-profit association with an international membership of approximately 5,000 researchers, practitioners, and human development professionals from over 50 countries. 'Child Development', the journal of the Society, is devoted to original interdisciplinary contributions on topics in child development from the fetal period through adolescence. [...]

The AIU enhances the cooperation of Indian universities in many ways. It looks after its interests in national higher education policy and helps its member universities to fulfil their objectives and services. The homepage shows links to texts about: objectives, organisation of AIU and its publications, including short summaries and order forms. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The American Society for Continuing Education (ASCE) is one of the country's leading private providers of cost-effective, quality Continuing Professional Education (CPE) for accounting and tax professionals. Their CPE materials are used by thousands of accounting firms, individuals, corporations, universities, and government agencies. There is a particular link on CPE - [...]

The Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN) is the national non-governmental organization representing Colombian institutions of higher education; it cares for higher education policy, the cooperation of universities, improvement of higher education and higher education research. The web-site provides a directory of member institutions, information about the organization [...]

The website of the Brazilian Society for Comparative Education provides information about its structure and members, about publications (boks, journals, reports), some of them available online for free, about conference announcements and other events as well as a bibliography of Brazilian theses in Comparative Education from 2008 to 2011 (including abstracts).

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) NWO falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and is the biggest funding institution for science and research in the Netherlands. As such, it also decides about the funding of broader research programmes or strategies. NWO's website provides detailed and ample information on [...]

The purpose of the Society is to encourage and promote comparative and international studies in Canadian education by: (1) Promoting and improving the teaching of comparative education in institutions of higher learning; (2) Stimulating research; (3) Facilitating the publication and distribution of comparative studies in education; (4) Interesting professors and teachers of [...]

The International Society for Educational Planning was established in Washington 1970 to foster the professional knowledge and interests of educational planners. Through conferences and publications, the Society promotes the interchange of ideas within the planning community. The membership includes persons from the ranks of governmental agencies, school-based [...]

The aim of the association is to promote the teaching, research, training, application and creation of knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education ( TICE). The homepage refers to texts of declarations of ATIEF, content pages of the review "Sciences et techniques éducatives" (STE), information about research groups in this subject [...]

The Association of French University Staff and Researchers in Education was founded in 1971 and has more than 400 members. The website provides information about its tasks and organisational structure, about events, conferences, publications and journals in educational sciences, as well as on other associations and research institutions in education. To communicate with fellow [...]

The Mexican Council of Educational Research is an association aiming at coordinationg actions and interests of educational researchers and at promoting quality research. This homepage provides in tabular form information on status, organization and activities of the Council.

HERDSA is a scholarly society which encourages and promotes quality teaching and learning in higher education in Australasia. Its website provides information on the society and its activities as well as links to teaching resources from Australasian Universities and other related websites.

United States of America (USA)
ASA is a scientific and educational society founded in 1839 to promote excellence in the application of statistical science which serves the members of ASA as well as the broader scientific community. It offers different links and resources and leads to the ASA Center for Statistics Education.

Japan Society of Educational Policy tries to help answer questions as: What education should we privide for children who will live in the 21st century? What kind of ecducation system should we construct in view of enourmous changes occuring in the society? JASEPS has been established and conducting various activities overcoming difference of ideology and standpoints. [...]

The purpose of JAPET is to contribute to the promotion of education through its activity based on educational technology. Survey and study for improvement of education is the core part of its activity. JAPET is also involved in spreading the results obtained by such survey and study to practical scenes of teaching and learning not only in classrooms but also in various phases [...]

The Academical Network of Uruguay (RAU) is an association of the faculties and institutes of the National University and ov numerous other institutions of education and research. One focus is the promotion of the use of information technologies and the Internet for academic purposes. The site provides access to institutions with similar missions and to national, Latin-American [...]

The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]

The website of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education provides information about the Society, the publications of its members and other relevant publications concerning comparative education, indexes of the SEEC journals, actualities and interesting issues for comparatists. A link list of national and international research and documentation centres, international [...]

EGRIS is a research network consisting of partners in Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The main activities consider the changing structures and processes of social integration in the context of new trajectories between youth and adulthood as well as the consequencies for education and welfare.- This homepages offers [...]

This Website serves as an information and communication platform for European educational researchers in the field of Comparative Education. It concentrates on the organisational and content-related preparation of its annual conferences. This website provides information on the history of CESE, its members and their publications. At a time when European education faces immense [...]

Europe; international
The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) was founded in the 80ies and meanwhile, it has more than 2400 members in more than 60 countries. Many of its more than 25 Special Interest Groups have their own websites and / or newsletters and organise their own workshops. EARLI also has a Network for Junior Researchers (JURE), organises conferences [...]

AEDE aims to be an association for all teachers wishing to work together for the creation of a united Europe, aims to widen the teachers knowledge of European issues and to show them the means and methods which can rapidly lead to the creation of a European Union.

New Zealand
NZEALS is a professional body which provides support and professional development for educational leaders across all sectors. It is a national organisation with branches covering most parts of New Zealand and links with kindred organisations throughout the world. The site contains information about the organisation, activities and a link list concerning information on [...]

United States of America (USA); international
The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) was founded in 1956 to foster cross-cultural understanding, scholarship, academic achievement and societal development through the international study of educational ideas, systems, and practices. The Society´s members include some 1,000 academics, practitioners, and students from around the world. Their professional [...]

United Kingdom
"ALL is the major subject association for those involved in teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) at all levels and in all languages". It offers books and journals for language teaching, events and a linklist.

Europe; international
Founded in 1994, EERA is the umbrella organisation for more than 30 national and regional European associations for educational research. EERA organises the annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) and publishes the "European Educational Research Journal" (EERJ) (Opean Access except the last three years). EERA is made up of more than 30 thematical networks [...]

The site contains: membership information and other information ( conferneces, links to web sites etc.) of the Swiss Psychological Society.

The Academy coordinates research and teaching in the field of humanities and social sciences. The site contains: a newsletter, an agenda, information about fellowship, a publication list, documents concerning educational policy.

The National Institute of Disability Management and Research ( NIDMAR) is a cooperative venture between employers and trade unions which conducts research and education directed towards re- integrating disabled workers into the work place. The web site provides links, information on training programs, research activities, products and services, and information on REHADAT [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Principals' Federation offers news, media releases and resources for download as well as a magazine with full text archive.

New Zealand
The society presents texts on their activities and service resources, it also provides an online-library with publications and a separate section for members.

New Zealand
This website provides information about the Association, conferences and linklists concerning institutions and courses for media studies, a online journal "Script" and a text about why to teach and study media studies.

This site offers an index of contents and a full text archive of the Swiss teacher journal ( "Bildung Schweiz").

"AVETRA is Australia's only national, independent association of researchers in vocational education and training (VET)." Its web site provides information on the association, projects and useful link lists to information sources and related organisations.

The purpose of this page is to provide all teacher-librarians, library technicians and library assistants in schools across Canada with a site that will provide instant access to a wealth of pertinent information related to the provision of quality school library programs and service in Canada. There are links to the journal SLIC (School Libraries in Canada) and SLIP/PiBs [...]

The Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) was organized in 1990 to ensure the well-being of learned journals in Canada as important disseminators of scholarly work. Representing over one hundred and forty Canadian journals, CALJ concentrates its efforts in three main areas, Education, Promotion, Lobbying. The website is funded in part by Canada's Schoolnet. It [...]

The bilingual Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE/SCÉÉ) was founded in 1972 and is the largest organisation of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada. CSSE is the major national voice for those who create educational knowledge, prepare teachers and educational leaders, and apply research in the schools, classrooms and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is to promote understanding of means by which resources are generated, distributed and used to enhance human learning. The AEFP is a non-profit professional and academic association representing a variety of disciplines, perspectives and points of view. The AEFP promotes its mission by: Encouraging [...]

AARE is an association of persons interested in fostering educational research in Australia. AARE facilitates contact between educational researchers and encourages and actively lobbies for development of all aspects of educational research. AARE assists members with educational research by conducting an Annual Conference, conducting Research Training Workshops, supporting [...]

The AFPA is the largest organization in the field of adult professional education in France and Europe. Its tasks are counselling, advice and information for employees and job seekers as well as for State and Territorial administrations and employers in the administration of human resources. The homepage has links to training programs, the various services for employers and [...]

United Kingdom
"SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education, and was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training [...]

United Kingdom
"The Society for Research into Higher Education, established in 1965, exists to stimulate and co-ordinate research into all aspects of higher education. It aims to improve the quality of higher education through the encouragement of debate and publication on issues of policy, on the organisation and management of higher education institutions, and on the curriculum, teaching [...]

Australia; New Zealand
The Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society promotes the scholarly study of education in its widest sense, including global, regional, national, local and community policies, processes, and practices, and the social and cultural contexts in which education occurs. Its website offers information about its conferences and how to contact

The "National Institut of Education" (formerly Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique INRP) is the central institution for organisation, implementation, coordination and evaluation of French educational research. The website provides information on educational research and infrastructure in France: information on the organisation and activities of ifé, on institutions of [...]

This society is dedicated to the fields of educational research and pedagogics and offers on its homepage information about the S. E.P. and its activities as well as electronic publishing.

United Kingdom
"BERA - the British Educational Research Association was founded in 1974 and now has about 890 members...The aim of the Association is to sustain and promote a vital research culture in education...It publishes (in association with Carfax) the British Educational Research Journal five times a year...BERA is trying to enhance the impact of research on both policy-making and [...]

United States of America (USA); international
Founded in 1916, AERA is the largest US organisation of education professionals and researchers. It has more than 25,000 members, 28% of which are students, 12 thematical divisions and almost 160 special interest groups. AERA organises an annual conference, publishes six journals and is engaged in educational policy advise. The website provides comprehensive information about [...]

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