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Legal basis at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: legal basis

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The article presents the 2017 in the Ukraine enacted new education act and outlines the basic principles of the reform of the school system that begin in the school year 2018/19.

The Ukrainian parliament has sparked a conflict with the adoption of the new education law. The governments of Hungary and Romania, among others, are strongly criticising the restriction of minorities' rights to learn their mother tongue. Russia calls the act a "Ukrainisation of the education space". The page documents the statement of the Ukrainian government and reactions [...]

United Kingdom
The Imperial College London's project is first of all meant to help making the College's own websites more accessible according to a UK regulation as of 2018 on accessibility within public sector bodies. Nonetheless, the tips and guides compiled by the College can also help others in making their websites more accessible and inclusive. You will find links to the regulation [...]

The author of the blog compiles information on Web Accessibility laws and policies in more than 20 countries worldwide. For each country you will find information on the respective discrimination law/policy (because of disability) and on laws/policies concerning communication etc. The name of the law is mentioned and the author gives a short comment. Unfortunately, there are [...]

Acts and regulations in Norway concerning families and children.

United States of America (USA)
The Religious Freedom Center is focused on educating the public about the religious liberty principles of the First Amendment. In collaboration with a variety of National Organisation they provide Consensus Documents that offer guidlines to maintain the principles of religious freedom. Teachers and Public Schools can find information on the role of religion in public education [...]

United States of America (USA)
In this Document, the U.S. Departemen of Education provides information on the current state of the law concerning religious expression in public schools as well as guidance regarding religious expression in particular contexts and teaching about religion in school.

United States of America (USA)
Although religion is not a separate, required subject in public K 12 schools, religion is embedded in curriculum standards across disciplines, especially in social studies and English, and there are a growing number of elective courses that focus on religious themes or topics explicitly. Therefore, the American Academy of Religion has published these Guidelines on teaching [...]

United States of America (USA)
School districts in Texas have to navigate seemingly contradictory legal requirements in the area of religion in public schools. Schools cannot establish religion by coercing, endorsing, or promoting religious views in schools. At the same time, schools cannot interfere with individuals’ free expression of their beliefs and religion can be a part of the school curriculum. [...]

Southeastern Europe; Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Kosovo; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Serbia; Romania; Austria; North Macedonia
The Cluster of Knowledge on Vocational Education and Training & the South East Europe Regional VET Network (SEEVET-Net) are networks of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE). They organise annual meetings whose presentations and results can be found on the website. Under "Library per SEE Countries" you can find legal regulations for the vocational [...]

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) reviews the states that signed the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The respective countries are asked to show their development in implementing the convention. The table shows which countries get reviewed in which period of time. You first have to filter the data of the table to [...]

Africa; Sierre Leone; Uganda; Malawi; Ethiopia
A-PODD was a three year research project (2009-2011) run by the Centre for Global Health at Trinity College Dublin in cooperation with two institutions in South Africa. The website provides the four project reports for the countries analysed (Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia). "[The] research investigated the need for disability to be included on the agenda of national [...]

The African Disability Rights Yearbook is presented as an annual peer-reviewed journal. Contributions to the journal mainly come from scholars doing research on the rights of people with disbilities in Africa. The yearbook has 3 sections: (thematic) articles, country reports, and regional developments. The yearbook was first published in 2013 by the Centre for Human Rights, [...]

Africa; Southern Africa
[Caution: As the original website is momentarily not accessible we link to a copy from the web archive as of March 2022 instead]. The Africa Disability Alliance (ADA), formerly Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (SADPD) until April 2014, is a pan-african agency that works to promote disability programming and policy implementation processes by [...]

"The African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1999-2009) was adopted by the 35th Session of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government held in Algiers, Algeria in July 1999. The 1st AU Conference of Ministers of Social Development, which convened in Windhoek, Namibia, 27-31 October 2012, extended the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities for the period [...]

The website provides a short introduction into the creation, history and activities of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine, which is part of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. More information on official documents and reports, legal protection, international and regional activities, the trade union bulletin and others are available in Ukrainian.

The website of the Brasilian National Trade Union of Workers in the Educational Sector provides very broad information on education and working conditions in the educational field in Brazil. Among others, you will find information on legislation and bills, on events and meetings, on networks, as well as fulltexts of reports, studies, whole books and a feminist journal called [...]

AFEP is the French association for gifted and talented children and youths. AFEP is supported and aknowledged by the French Ministry for Education. The website offers information on the French legislative history concerning giftedness (including laws, decrees etc), on their activities, in formation for parents and children, a bibliography, links to partner organisations in [...]

Brazil; international
[Project ended. For final information please visit This website offered a very well-arranged overview over Brazilian OER projects, worldwide OER projects, legislations / legislative projects on OER in Brazil, literature and guides on OER as well as OER in the media. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

United Kingdom
Education in England aims to provide students, teachers, lecturers and researchers with information and original source material relating to the development of England´s school system. It contains the full texts of more than 200 important documents, including Reports, Official Papers and Acts of Parliament. The site is divided into three main sections: 1) History: tells the [...]

The Uruguayan Children and Adolescents Institute (INAU) is the rector of policies which are destined to promote, protect and restore the rights of children and the youth. Furthermore, it fosters social integration of the youth of the INAU in cooperation with housing, work, education and health policies. Also, INAU promotes the cultural transformation through communicative [...]

Information on the human right to education provided by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). There is information on activities concerning human rights education and training and a link to the website of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education.

General school legislation in Australia, 11th republication (effective 1 July, 2011).

The website outlines the history and principles oft he Right to Education Act, passed in 2009, which ascertains a right to basic education for each child in India between the ages of six and 14. The Act itself and the amendment of 2012 are directly accessible.

The portal, maintained by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, provides information about the studies in France covering all important fields of studying and students' life like subjects of study, inscription and admission procedures or legal questions, furthermore an overview of financial issues (grants and scholarships), details for handicapped students, [...]

The United Nations Statistics Division, in its mission to promote the development of national statistical systems, has developed a central repository of country profiles of statistical systems. The country profiles include, among others, a brief history of the country's statistical system, legal basis, the statistical programme and much more. Country profiles of statistical [...]

The Nicaraguan Coordniative Federation of Non Governmentals which work with Childhood and Adolescence (CODENI) is an impartial, non-confessional, civil, non-profit association. It was founded in 1992 and attained legal capacity in 2002. CODENI is a coordination and articulation authority of different expressions of the population, of associations, foundations and social [...]

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

The Peruvian Institute for Education in Human Rights and Peace (IPEDEHP) is an education institution of the public sector which makes proposals in the themes of its competences and supervises their application. Its mission is the promotion of education in human rights and democracy, it works for the construction of a culture of peace, equity and justice in Peru.

Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF) is an independent, non-governmental organisation, established in 1994 at the initiative of European Commission. Its mission is, through information, financing, training and advocacy, to develop the capacity of civil society organizations and communities to improve the lives of people.

The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre in Florence, Italy, was established in 1988 to strengthen the research capability of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and to support its advocacy for children worldwide. The Centre, formally known as the International Child Development Centre, has as its prime objectives to improve international understanding of the issues [...]

The Professional Syndicate for Childminders and Family Assistants (SPAMAF) was founded in 1988 and represents all categories of child care and family assistance. It distributes texts such as work contracts, technical information, legal texts and texts which inform about work conditions and conventions. Furthermore, there is an annual congress which discusses about the [...]

This website offers a detailed overview of the EU legislation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It both describes, as reference point, the legal act and the specific political conditions of the EU for each of the four sectors, and shows a summary of the resulting consequences and measures. In this context, it analyses programmes and initiatives promoted [...]

The web page of the European School Bergen informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Varese informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Brussels I informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Brussels II informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Brussels III informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Mol informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Alicante informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Luxembourg I informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Luxembourg II informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

United Kingdom
The web page of the European School Culham informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Frankfurt informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School München informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The web page of the European School Brussels IV informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. In all these countries they are legally regarded as public institutions. The mission of the European Schools is to provide a multilingual and multicultural education for nursery, primary and secondary level pupils.

The SDBB, a Swiss service centre for vocational education, study and career advice, is a special agency founded by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). It offers services on national level and for the language regions in the fields of vocational education and training and career and study advice.

The Database contains all the bilateral and multilateral treaties or agreements concluded by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the former European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and those concluded under the Treaty on European Union. Agreements signed but not yet in force are identified by an asterisk ( *). The Database does not include [...]

Find-eR is the European Commission union catalogue referencing library collections of a network of libraries. In addition to the Central Library, some 15 smaller specialised libraries and documentation centres participate in this co-operation network. Find-eR covers the EU's official publications and documents of most intergovernmental organizations, commercial, academic and [...]

EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union law. Here you can consult the Official Journal of the European Union as well as the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals. You can also use the extensive search facilities available on EUR-Lex.

Trinidad and Tobago
The website offers general information about the education system, a school directory and special sections for teachers, parents and pupils.

Information from the Ministry of Education on private schools and on the relevant legislation. Links to private schools in Denmark. Link to the factsheet: Private schools in Danmark.

The Higher Education Register is a legal register that contains all the accredited higher education programmes in Flanders, Belgium. The search engine ('Find a programme') gives access to all these programmes. The Website provides also links and information about studying in Flanders, the degree structure, admission and visa requirements, institutions of higher education, [...]

United Kingdom
The website offers an overview of recognised awards and recognised bodies awarding degrees in the UK. Additional information is given about legislation and bogus degrees.

The Amt für Berufsbildung (office for vocational education and training) is the supervisory body for basic vocational education and training. It is responsible for: advising apprentices, parents and trainers, all questions concerning legal and contractual matters, financing of vocational education and training and further education. The website offers basic information to all [...]

Cape Verde
This website of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development provides above all information on the organisation and structure of the Ministry, the national education system, educational statistics, proposals and projects, legislation, comparative education, useful links.

The Department of Health and Children's statutory role is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for the health services. One of the divisions is the Child Care and National Children's Office. Information on social services nurseries from birth to four years, on childcare acts and further legislation. Further related publications for download.

China, People's Republic of
Urged by media and advocates, Beijing and many other Chinese cities have issued regulations to provide and guarantee basic education for migrant laborers' children. This full text with photos explains how the situation of children - whose parents left their villages to find a job in one of the big cities - has changed now in view of school attendance under the new conditions.

China, People's Republic of
This list compiled by China Internet Information Center offers above all links on basic education. Furthermore there are links on the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China and on information with regard to the advancement of the quality of education: preschool education as a promising industry; measures against school failure; extension of native-speaking [...]

China, People's Republic of
This list of links on vocational education and training was compiled by China Internet Information Center as a common concern of educational sector and industry. This page leads to full texts on the following aspects: history of vocational education; training of teaching staff in vocational schools; current developments in the field of vocational and technical education; [...]

United Kingdom
"JCQ is the single voice of the Awarding Bodies offering the majority of the UK's qualifications." The council helps the represented bodies to create standards, regulations and guidance.

This full text describes the stages of the educational reform in Poland since 1989 and explains fundamental aims, content and tasks of the Law on School and Education passed in 1999. Information is provided how these aims are to be realised in practice.

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). The organization and levels/areas of the Latvian education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the school system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the Turkish education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases [...]

The Counsil of Rectors of Panama has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e. g.coordination and information of the member universities and developing regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees. The web site provides information about these tasks, the organisation structure, projects and [...]

The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Belarus is not available for the moment. We therefore link to a copy of the homepage in the Internet Archive (as of April 2023).

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
This link list provides access to the texts of all educational laws and regulations of the country.

international; China, People's Republic of; Greece; Japan; Turkey; United States of America (USA)
The International Youth Exchange and Visitors´ Service in the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) e.V. offers an online manual for experts in the field of international youth work. The category ´Länderinfos´ (country information) provides structured dossiers on youth work and youth politics for several countries. The dossiers are subdivided as follows: 1. General country [...]

Costa Rica
The National Rectors Council (CONARE) is commissioned with the coordination and planning of higher education policy in Costa Rica - four tertiary institutions are the members of the body - they can be found on the homepage which provides information about structure and activities of the Council, its legal bases and various special programs, e.g. civic education, sustainable [...]

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
This web site provides a complex and detailed overview of development and current isues of education in Puerto Rico and the various offers of educational programs at many levels and in many educational fields. The homepage has the following main areas (buttons): mission and tasks of the Ministry (asuntos); organizational structure and responsibilities within the Ministry, [...]

The main objective of this administrative body is to promote and evaluate quality in higher education in Catalonia, based on the resp. law. Other objectives are assessment, accreditation and certification of study programmes and of academic degrees and evaluation of the teaching staff. The web site provides details concerning these tasks, links to publications (among others [...]

The Council's members are the persons responsible for higher education in the regional governments, the heads of the universities and 21 representatives of the society. It executes various functions of higher education policy, e.g. creation and accreditation of universities, planning of study programs and diplomas, regulation of admission etc. The homepage has navigation [...]

The Peruvian National Rectors Assembly has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e.g. coordination and information of the member universities, development of regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees or conflict solving within the universities. The web site provides information about these [...]

The council, consisting mainly of the ten heads of the country's tertiary institutions, is the administrative body which coordinates and advises the functioning of the universities and works out propositions for higher education policy. The web site provides texts about objectives, vision and mission of the CNU, the text of a law concerning autonomy of higher education [...]

This web site provides vast information about all issues of policy, reforms and programmes concerning pre-school education in Chile, about curriculum development and publications

This web site provides excerpts of texts or, at least, summaries of the Bahrain educational laws concerning private education institutions, training, evaluation of student achievements, equivalence of degrees.

Costa Rica
The mission of PROMECE is to coordinate and execute the ressources of the project "Equidad y Eficiencia de la Educación" for equity and quality of the rural education in Costa Rica. A full text presents information about the mission, legal bases and beneficiaries of the Programme of Improvement of the Quality of Pre- school and Basic Education in Costa Rica.

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about all issues of higher education. Particular features are: higher education statistics (see "SIES") and a searchable data base of all tertiary institutions ( see "directorio de instituciones").

This web site provides the texts of legal prescriptions which were promulgated in order to improve the quality of tertiary education. Texts of the results of respective evaluations are also offered.

This web site provides access to the texts of legal prescriptions concerning international mobility of higher education staff and researchers (also post-graduate students).

This web site provides information about higher education laws and prescriptions. It is arranged in 1) legislation conerning the students ( admission, scholarships, various degrees), 2) legislation concerning the higher education institutions themselves ( mainly administration) and 3) legislation for the teaching staff. There is also a link to the resp. database LEDA [...]

Unfortunately, the web site of this "School Council" doesn't provide any description of its tasks. The links on the homepage give access to texts about the organizational structure of the Council and its legal bases (which obviously define the Council's participation in the formulation of education policy in the country). The link "informes" provides annual reports of the [...]

This database enables to search the texts of all educational laws and prescriptions which the Federal State or the provinces have promulgated.

Since the French law for equality of opportunities and rights (2005), the Promotion of school integration of disabled children increased. The website presents various texts, statements and political declarations concerning this issue, the texts of legal prescriptions, reports and dossiers, references to publications and multimedia resources and a link list.

This report is a stocktaking research on policies for education for democratic citizenship in Southeast Europe. It examines a wide spectrum of the actions taken and changes happening in the country in the field of building democratic capabilities.

This website presents information about funding of research of non- university institutions in Switzerland: the procedure of approval of applications, the criteria for assessment of applications, legal prescriptions. There is also a link list with currently funded research and service institutions.

This association is devoted to the matters and interests of highly gifted children and their parents. Such children possess unusual abilities within completely different ranges. If these are not recognized and are not promoted, the children can suffer particularly because of the too low demands at school . Therefore the association promotes the following goals: Assistance to [...]

The Swiss Higher Education Conference is the joint organization of the cantons and the Confederation for university politics. It has the power to enforce a number of decisions in defined areas and has the following tasks: Issuing directives on the length of studies and recognition of previous studies and qualifications binding on the partners to the agreement; awarding [...]

Article 64 of the Swiss Constitution obliges the Confederation to promote scientific research. In carrying out this task the Confederation supports free basic research by financing the Swiss National Science Foundation and scientific academies as so-called National institutions promoting science. The website provids information baout the vraious conditions, regulations and [...]

This website of the French Public Administration provides information for the citizen - in this case the handicapped one - who wants to learn about his / her rights and the ways how to push them through. The link list at the left has, among others, links to: financial aid for handicapped persons, handicapped children, vocational training and labour market for the handicapped.

This is a core document (Prague, 2001 submitted by the Centre for Higher Education Studies of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the purpose of comparison with other European countries. This country report consists of six sections. Central part is section 3 on Higher Education which includes almost all essential aspects of this educational level: history, [...]

This website provides link lists about current developments in European education and training policy, EU documents and legal issues in this area.

This institution promotes the social integration of disabled persons and their equality of opportunities through an efficient administration of the financial resources which are placed at their disposal. The website provides information about various services, advice and subsidies for handicapped persons and about handicaps; regulations, institutions, technologies, [...]

Legal information, resolutions or statements of the Finnish government, e. g. in the field of education can be searched here (documents, speeches and press releases sorted by years/months/days.).

Besides "general topics" the site provides links to the Academies of Sciences, research and development institutions, international relations and collaborations, R & D legislation and conferences.

NDA is an independent statutory agency established under the Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform by the National Disability Authority Act 1999. NDA strives to ensure that the rights and entitlements of people with disabilities are protected. In this context NDA undertakes e.g. research and develop statistical information for the planning, delivery and monitoring of [...]

Comhairle is the national support agency responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on social services, belonging as a statutory agency, to the Department of Social & Family Affairs. Access to research reports on social policy. The Citizens Information Database (CID) covers all aspects of civil and social rights and entitlements [...]

The Conference of the Spanish University Principals in this website provides information about its mission and organization (commissions for many special agenda, e.g. student orientation), its political actions, the developments concerning the Higher Education Administration Law (LOU), international cooperation and statistical sources. Furthermore, there is a link list of all [...]

The purpose of this Bill is to provide a statutory framework within which the education of children and people who have special educational needs because of disabilities can be guaranteed as a right enforceable in law. Fulltext of the Bill together with an explanatory memorandum ( HTML-file, 38 pages).

ACHBE is a special interest group, committed to providing support, advice and information to individuals and organizations on the subject to educate children at home. The association has no political or religious affiliations and provides information on home education, standardising testing, legislation on the website.

The Danish Agency for International Education is an authority within the Danish Ministry of Education with the aim to support the internationalisation of education and training in Denmark. The objective of the unit is to make it easier for persons with foreign credentials to enter the Danish labour market and higher education institutions. It is the place to contact in [...]

ECA is a non-government organisation acting in the interests of young children aged 0-8 years of age. It develops and advocates policies on early childhood education and care. ECA also acts as the national umbrella organisation for children's services. The homepage provides information on ECA, its activities and policies, on its publications and Early Childhood Conferences. [...]

The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. In all these countries they are legally regarded as public institutions. The website provides information about school organisation, teaching and the legal basis.

South Africa, Republic
This website embodies numerous links of Word or PDF-files with texts (laws, regulations, accompanying documents) relating to the South African Vocational Education Law which is named Skills Development Act.

This website of the French public administation povides information on family law, parents' and children law. Among others, there are section on school and higher education where you will find information on how to register foreign children for school on France. Unfortunately, this website is only available in French. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Under "About Us" the act of the establishment of the Board can be read. It says that "the Board shall have power to organize, regulate, develop and control Intermediate Education and Secondary Education." The site is newly constructed and yet incomplete. At time being (2002 May) links to texts are available about activities of the Board, rules and regulations concerning [...]

The new Constitution of Finland entered into force on 1 March 2000. This web site contains information on the new Constitution under the heading the constiution in full-text version and the development of constitutional law in Finland under the: The Finnish System of Government . The Constitution of Finland is available in English translation, as well as in a number of other [...]

This website of the Argentinian Education Ministry provides information about all issues of studying in Argentina and the higher education system. An index of the services offered and a thematic index give access to the texts.

The National University Evaluation and Accrediation Committee (CONEAU), part of the Education Ministry, is responsible for questions of evaluation and accreditation within the higher education system of Argentina. The website provides full texts with descriptions and basic texts regarding external evaluation, accreditation of curricula and courses, postgraduate study and [...]

The UGC is a national body for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of University education. It serves as a vital link between the Union and State Governments and the institution of higher learning. In addition to its role of giving grants to universities and colleges, it also advises Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for the [...]

The main objective of the NCTE is to achieve planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system throughout the country, the regulation and proper maintenance of Norms and Standards in the teacher education system and for matters connected therewith. The programmes cover the training of all teaching personnel, from the school to adult education sector. The [...]

The homepage of the Slovak PHARE project on recognition of higher education diploma contains full text information about the education system, the higher education system, the legislative framework and the access to higher education in the Slovak Republic.

This full text published by Laura and Carol Capita is a national report on "European educational collaboration for peace, stability and democracy". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into six main sections: 1. Introduction; 2. The Situation Prior to 1989. The Situation in 1990; 3. The Significance [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This full text published by Christof Bender bears the heading "Searching for a Strategy ...: Multiethnicity, Tolerance and National Stereotypes in the Educational Systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided five main sections: 1. Introduction; Background - Key-Factors; 3. [...]

This full text published by Albert Mrgole bears the heading "Perspectives for Multicultural Co-operation in Slovenian Education: Framework for a Country-Wide Report". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into four main sections: Part 1: European and Multicultural Perspectives in Elementary and Middle [...]

France runs 470 primary and secondary schools with 280,000 students in 130 countries of the world. AEFE is the official organization (associated to the Foreign Office) which cares of these schools. The website contains information about living, teaching and studying at a school abroad, organizational issues, texts of legal documents (see repères) and a list of the French [...]

United Kingdom
"Education Otherwise is a UK-based membership organisation which provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school, and for those who wish to uphold the freedom of families to take proper responsibility for the education of their children". Besides general resources there is also legal information.

The CNVL is a body of elected representatives of secondary pupils. The council has an advisory function for the Education Ministry in matters of school work and of the financial, social, cultural and sportive life in the lycées. Unfortunately, the website doesn't seem to be up to date any more, the last information being the one on the autumn meeting in 2013. [Abstract: [...]

This website can be used as a very comprehensive entrance to information about the French education system, mainly school education. The index page offered here has links to texts (programs and courses) for the primary school, the general and the vocational secondary school, curriculum subjects the programs for the priority education zones, continuing education for teachers [...]

A search engine gives access to all information secondary school students should have about the French secondary school leaving examinations (baccalauréat), e.g. official regulations, admission, realization, results, statistics, elaboration of the exam themes.

The information provided on this website of the Higher Education Department of the Education Ministry includes information about all issues of higher education policy such as legislation, evaluation of higher education staff and other evaluation issues, congresses, research etc.

This web-site provides an overview of the vocational schools in Austria, the legal regulations which guide them, the admission rules and the occupations for which training is offered.

The National Accreditation Council (CNA) is responsible for the accreditation of institutions and programs of higher education; the result of the evaluation process is a proposal about the accreditation which is given to the Education Ministry if the program seems appropriate. The website provides information texts about the structure and mission of CNA, the standards used, [...]

United Kingdom
School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They are in charge of planning the school´s future direction and can thereby help raise the standards of pupil achievement. Governors are also accountable to parents and their wider community for the performance of the school. In this section you can find information and guidance on finding, appointing, training and [...]

The network aims at improving academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study in the Member States of the EU and the EEA countries. The network is part of the Community's Programme SOCRATES, which stimulates the mobility of students and staff between higher education institutions in these countries. This homepage offers a guide to higher education systems and [...]

United Kingdom
"CSIE is an independent organisation working towards the inclusion of all children with disabilities or learning difficulties in mainstream schools , as well as lobbying and networking. The website on inclusive education contains links, publications, legal information

The FCPE, a Federation of parents` organisations in France, was founded in 1947. According to their own statement, FCPE is the "most representative parents` council" of France because the majority of persons in the parents' participation bodies of the French school system are members of the FCPE. The homepage gives access to statements of the FCPE concerning current school [...]

The texts of the law gazette of the Education Ministry is available online under this URL since the issue of June 11, 1998. The Bulletin is published weekly. The homepage provides an easily understandable direction for use and links to the indexes of each issue. The full texts can be downloaded as pdf-files.

This homepage of the University Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo refers to the history of the university, the rectorate of the single faculties with the study courses and programmes offered, to the teaching staff and the students, to legal regulations and to the annual report. Besides information is provided on the student association, the Centre for African Students and the library [...]

The UHR was created in 2000 by merging the "Norwegian Council of Universities" and the "Norwegian Council of University Colleges". According to their own statement, "UHR aims to be a central supplier of terms to the parliament and government and an important education and research policy player." Besides information on UHR and their activities, you will find several full text [...]

The website of the ministry provides information on education programmes for early education and school education, legislation and publications.

The French Ministry of Labour and Health is also responsible for vocational education and has installed an own department for this section (Formation professionnelle / Apprentissage). The URL is the entry to this area which offers full texts on the legal basis of work and vocational education, research and statistics and links to publications and documents and to the regional [...]

The Centre Inffo an information centre for vocational (continuing) training under the aegis of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health. Its role as a resource centre for processing and disseminating information is to devise and set up development programmes for information, documentation and studies in the field of continuing vocational training. It co-ordinates [...]

Overview of the Portuguese higher education system, public and private universities, post-graduate studies, scholarships and funding, teaching personnel and higher education laws and regulations.

With special reference to the region Ile de France this site offers comprehensive information about vocational training and continuing training opportunities. Additionally, there are full texts about various issues of vocational education: official texts, legal documents and studies, programmes for the introduction of adolescents into the labour market and a special site [...]

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