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Level of education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: level of education

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The article provides an overview of the Ukrainian education system, with a particular focus on the field of vocational education and training and the educational attainment of the Ukrainian population, as well as women's employment.

The Management for Social Responsibility of Corporations in the Educative Sector (DIRSSE) is an organ of the ministry for education and culture of Paraguay. Its task is the creation of public-private alliances for the promotion and the expansion of social responsibility in the educative sector on all its levels: entrepreneurial, corporative, university, public and gloabl, [...]

This website of the Paraguayan ministry of education offers extensive education statistics from 1999 to 2010 for all education levels.

The objective of the Council for Training in Education (CFE) is the formation of professionals in social pedagogics. Therefore, it develops teaching-learning processes which correspond to the respective education level and supervizes the development of the plans, programs and courses which result from these processes.

Site of the United Nations Development Program with information about progresses in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Benin

The National Directorate for Education Services (DINSE) is an entity of the ministry of education which is charged with the planification and the improvement of educational infrastructure, technological equipment and student furniture as well as the supervision and the control of those fields. DINSE participates as well in the fabrication and the commercialisation of school [...]

EducarEcuador is an education portal of the ministry of education. It is a working basis which supports all pedagogic issues of the teaching staff on the level of early education, basic education and secondary education. The portal is a virtual space which allows teachers to participate actively in learning processes and thereby contribute to the qualitative improvement of the [...]

The Counsil of Private Higher Education (CEPS) is the superior organ of private universities and higher education institutions of Guatemala. Its tasks are to make sure that the academical niveau in the private universities is maintained without endangering their independency as well as to authorize the founding of new universities. In addition, CEPS organizes the application [...]

The non-profit association `Youth - Education - Help in Bolivia` is the result of an initiative of teachers on a Bolivian-German model school in Sucre, Bolivia, and its friends and members in 1964. Its intention is to offer complementary education measures to the existing school system, but especially for the underpriviledged country population.

Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Palestinian Territories; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; North Africa
World Bank report on the progress of education reforms in the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa), as of 2008.

The social objective of the Central Institute for Educational Sciences (ICCP) is, since its foundation in 2001, the normative and methodological management of research activities and pedagogical experimentation to perfect and transform the national education system. It contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of education and observes the implementation of [...]

The United Nations Statistics Division collects data on literacy, educational attainment and school attendance from national statistical offices around the world and disseminates them in tabular form in special issues of the United Nations Demographic Yearbook. These official statistics provided by countries are derived from population censuses. In addition, the Statistics [...]

USAID is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. Its Work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. USAID provides [...]

The General Directory for Alternative Basic Education (DIGEBA) is a technical-pedagogical qualified management body. It elaborates norms, policies and proposes agreements for the best development and construction of alternative basic education. Furthermore, it guides the conversation process of centres and education programs for youth and adults, especially of autonomous [...]

The General Direction of Regular Basic Education is responsible for the formulation and the structured proposal of policies of education, of objectives, pedagogical strategies, norms and orientations in the national realm of early, primary and secondary education. It is dependent of the vice ministry of pedagogical management.

Department for Evaluation, Survey and Educational Registration (DEMRE) is the technical organism of the university of Chile which is responsible for the development and the construction of evaluation and inspection instruments which are entrusted with the survey of the capacities and abilities of the university graduates of secondary education. Also, DEMRE is responsible for [...]

The State universities of Chile have organized a consortium to create an authority, which ensures coordination, cooperation and complementation between the universities. Problem areas of public politics are identified and analysed, joint academical, administrative and economical programs are developed and the common use of available resources is organised by the consortium. [...]

UVirtual is a network of higher education institutions that fosters the integral use of ICT and supports the acquisition of new knowledge and capabilities in this area. UVirtual tries, through innovation and competences, to increase the development in professional and technical information with the efficient use of methodological and technical ressources. Furthermore, UVirtual [...]

Arab States; North Africa; Middle East
Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF) is a non-religious, non-political institution which works with every segment and class of the Arab society and responds to their needs by offering capacity building services to aspiring Arab youth, teachers, business leaders and administrators. Sustainable development, social solidarity, good citizenship, social [...]

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is a statutory agency, a supervisor for quality and relevant higher education established under the "Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001" to regulate higher education and to guide the country in the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure that quality and relevant education is [...]

The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) is an umbrella organization for Private Training Institutions formed to improve the quality and the image of private vocational institutions, and to strengthen this educational sector as a whole. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between private training institutions throughout the country and to [...]

The Uganda National Education Support Center (UNESC) is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in the country. In particular, it focuses on Ugandan government policies, programmes, events, publications and resourcing. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the [...]

IWEPS offers statistics on pupils, students, advanced training and the educational level of the population.

Cameroon Education Network (CAMEDNET) is an organisation dedicated to inspire educational innovation through cost-effective ICT in order to fight poverty in Africa by and large and Cameroon in particular. Cameroon Education Network is one of Africa's training and recruitment consultancies in the educational arena with a wealth of experience in teaching and learning, [...]

Anabin is the acronyme for "Acknowledgement and evaluation of foreign education certificates. For this purpose, this data base provides an extensive documentation about the education systems, the different certificates and academical degrees for multiple countries as well as their significance at the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)at the office of the permanent [...]

Dominican Republic
The mission of the Ministry of Education (MINERD) is to regulate the Dominican education system according to the education laws and thus guarantee the equal right to quality education for every Dominican. This is possible by means of the formation of liberal, critical and creative Dominicans which are capable of participating and constructing a free, democratic, participative, [...]

Costa Rica
The categorie `Estadisticas` - `Social` - `Educación` offers statistical data of the National Statistical and Registers Institute (INEC) of Costa Rica. The data is ordered in two sections: The `Encuesta Nacional de Hogares` (ENAHO) offers information of a national survey of households about the education level of children of 15 years and above which is sorted by sex, region [...]

The OECD Education Database provides internationally comparable data on key aspects of education systems. The database covers: enrollments, graduates and new entrants by sex, age and level of education, foreign students, teaching staff and expenditure.

The website offers data on the following topics: formal education (child care, school education, higher education, educational expenditure, teaching staff), adult education, further training, lifelong learning, educational attainment and culture.

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Beside statistical data on all areas of education Eurostat particularly provides statistics for the monitoring of the social dimension and mobility of the Bologna [...]

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