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Lifelong learning at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: lifelong learning

key words found 1 - 148 of 148

The Open University of Japan (OUJ) was founded in 1983 by the Open University of Japan Foundation, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. It is an accredited educational institution open to all the people in Japan. OUJ utilizes broadcasting media and other means for [...]

This Education Portal offers an extensive list of vocational training and adult education topics and providers (including commercial ones). Course information can be requested via a web form directly from the provider (in German). In addition, numerous tools for educational advice are offered.

The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) existed from 2007 till 2015. It was meant to support the EU member states and the European Commission in cooperating in lifelong guidance policy in education and the employment sector. In meetings, webinars and others, comprehensive material was elaborated to inform policy and decision makers. The website provides a [...]

The "Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency" of the European Commission provides a search of all its news here. The results can be filtered and subscribed to as an RSS feed. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Georgian Adult Education Network (GAEN) strives to support the development of relevant lifelong learning system in Georgia, which corresponds to the Georgian reality and local challenges and ensures all citizens equal access to education. The website informs about current projects, activities, cooperation partners and how to become part of the network.

As an interactive online tool the UNESCO eAtlas for Education 2030 presents worldwide statistical information which is collected to achieve the aims the Education 2030 Framework for Action has set. Users can individualize and combine the data given to the different sub-targets, draw up excel-files or graphical maps, and finally download and share it.

Turkey; international
The Faculty has 12 departments and hence is probably one of the biggest if not the biggest faculty of education in Turkey (see the list at the end of this abstract). Under "publications", you can find two e-journals published by the faculty, the "Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences" and the "Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal [...]

On its PIAAC information site, the EAEA provides information and links to the PIAAC Survey, to EAEA analyses and comments regaridng the PIAAC Survey results, as well as on reactions to PIAAC of EAEA's members and partners. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Palestinian Territories
The website of CARE provides an overview over its activities (projects, programmes, conferences, ...) and cooperations, amongst others the "Trauma Recovery Project" or the "Life Long Learning in Palestine" Programme. CARE, which was founded in 1989, has a focus on "providing democratic knowledge and educating teachers, students, parents’ councils and elementary school [...]

The mission of the International Network for Research in Arts Education is to promote high quality international research in arts education (formal non formal and informal), to conduct research on the implementation of UNESCO’s “Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education”, and to serve as a forum for the dissemination of research, the promotion of debates [...]

"[Founded in 1961], [t]he National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (ANPAE) is an academic civil society in the field of educational policy and management (...). ANPAE’s mission is to fight for the affirmation of the right to lifelong quality education for all (...). To this end, ANPAE´s objectives focus on the professional improvement and [...]

Northern Europe
Nordic network for adult learning (NVL) is a project initiated and financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and administrated by Vox, Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning. NVL is a meeting place for Nordic adult learning, supports Nordic co-operation, disseminates experiences and innovations, highlights Nordic expertise, creates new co-operation models. The objectives of [...]

Bermuda; United Kingdom
The Community Education and Development Programme remains committed to the empowerment of the people of Bermuda of all ages; youth, adults and seniors. It presents a variety of course offerings to assist in the growth and development of a culture of life-long learning. The Programme provides community based solutions to community based problems through a diverse range of [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Poland; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; United Kingdom
The main aims of the Network are: to promote Intergenerational Learning (IGL) by bringing together practitioners throughout Europe; to facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise and effective practice by establishing channels of communication; to create support structures for influencing policy through research, dissemination and advocacy.

Ireland; international; New Zealand; Scotland; Australia; Africa; Asia; United Kingdom
Founded in 1969, AONTAS' aim is to do research on and promote adult education in Irland. AONTAS is affiliated to the European Association for the Education of Adults. Since its beginnings, a focus of AONTAS work is on adult literacy. Based on a woking group on this topic, AONTAS decided to found the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) in 1976. Since the 1980s, women [...]

Palestinian Territories
The project "LifeLong Learning in Palestine" is a Tempus Project of the European Commission under the lead of the School of Education at the University of Glasgow with partner institutions in England, Malta and Palestine. The website offers a lot of fulltext documents and videos not only on lifelong learning but also on other educational topics in Palestine (e.g. civil [...]

GINCO aims to create a European wide network of adult education organisations actually running Grundtvig courses or willing to do so in the future. The aim of the network is to share expertise, to create and share useful material and to enhance communication and cooperation in order to improve the quality of Grundtvig courses, to enlarge the scope of provision and to improve [...]

The National Council for Lifelong Professional Learning (CNFPTLV) is a space of communication for the government, economy and social partners as well as regional councils. It is its task to advise on legislation and reglementation, to evaluate regional politics and to analyse the financing in the fields of professional training and apprenticeship. For this purpose, it products [...]

Cedefop´s work on statistics and indicators supports and contributes to statistical developments at European and international levels to improve the relevance and quality of data as well as methods and tools for data collection. Cedefop´s statistics and indicators work also aims to support evidence based policy and practice in vocational education and training, lifelong [...]

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

The system is a support mechanism for both the Education and Training 2010 work programme and its successor, the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. The website offers relevant, up-to-date, easily accessible and comparable information on national policy initiatives and practices in prioritised areas in the field of Education and Training [...]

The Centre for Innovation in Education (TEHNE Romania) is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, ICT in education, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training.

Europe; Germany; Finland; France; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; Slovenia; United Kingdom
The GOETE project is concerned with understanding how education systems deal with the changing relation between education and social integration in the knowledge society. It analyses young people’s educational trajectories in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and the UK. Applying a life course perspective it asks how young people’s access to [...]

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than a preparatory stage assisting the child’s transition to formal schooling. Today, early childhood policies are placed within a broader context of social development, gender equity and poverty reduction. UNESCO leads the international policy drive for an integrated early childhood care and education system that [...]

The homepage "Conference Alerts" offers an overview of worldwide academical conferences. One list shows conferences by category, the other by country. Under the category "Education", conferences about the themes e-Learning, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Teaching and Learning can be found.

The Centre for Diversity and Learning is attached to Ghent University in Flanders. The principal goal of the SDL is to support the interculturalisation of the Flemish education world by providing a coherent and scientifically-based support to professionals and organizations active both inside and outside the field of education. The central subject of the CDL is the social and [...]

This website offers a detailed overview of the EU legislation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It both describes, as reference point, the legal act and the specific political conditions of the EU for each of the four sectors, and shows a summary of the resulting consequences and measures. In this context, it analyses programmes and initiatives promoted [...]

The Austrian Federal Institute for Adult Education (bifeb) is part of the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture and is dedicated to the principles of lifelong learning and the equal access to education. The close national and international cooperation with affiliate organisations of adult education and other research institutions ensures the professionalisation of continuing [...]

The Austrian Institute for Adult Education is a research and development organisation and a consulting agency focusing on adult education and lifelong learning. The focuses of its activities include: regionalisation of education (learning regions); general aspects of adult education such as environmental education, political education, health education, etc.; developing [...]

The Slovak ministry for education, science, research and sport presents information about the Slovak education system, about regional education and its financing as well as about the Slovak program for lifelong learning.

The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (LAAE), in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign adult educators and institutions, is gathering individuals and representatives of various organisations for the purpose to promote an approach of life long learning within the society and the development of opportunities for continuing education.

EOPPEP is the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance, an all-encompassing statutory body investing on better quality and more efficient & reliable lifelong learning services in Greece. EOPPEP operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs and is seated in Athens. It has derived from the [...]

The Polish Association Europa Języków i Kultur aims to raise awareness about Europe from a multilingual and multicultural perspective and promote lifelong language learning in an innovative and creative way. The association carries out work to bring together teachers of different language and disciplines at all levels of education in Poland. It helps them to meet, [...]

The report from 2008 was published by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association, the National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO and the Adult Education Association of Tajikistan. Starting from the finding of high unemployment in Tadjikistan, the report presents polictical measures focusing on adult education and [...]

Tajikistan; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan
UCA was founded in 2000 by the governments of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, and the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Shia Ismaili muslim community. UCA is a private, self-governing institution with the aim to offer an internationally recognized standard of higher education in Central Asia adopted to the needs of the transitioning economies and moutain [...]

Moldova, Republic of
This article reveals basic conceptions of the standards for continuos training of teachers in the Republic of Moldova elaborated by Cara Angela, PhD, Prof. Gutu Vladimir, PhD, Prof. Gremalschi Anatol, PhD, Solovei Rodica, PhD , Baciu Sergiu, PhD. It is also concerned with the Teacher Education Policies in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of changes that are going [...]

Moldova, Republic of
The mission of Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA is to promote the principles of the open society, supporting individuals and organizations interested in continuous learning and development, in order to achieve a better personal and professional performance and to facilitate their integration into a society in transition. In order to accomplish that, the Center is offering [...]

[The Centre seems to have ceized its work around Jnuary 2017. The link provided here is from the Internet archive as of June 2019]. The Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL) was established in 2005 in order to provide expertise in the field of indicator-based evaluation and monitoring of education and training systems and their contribution to the achievement of [...]

Europe; international
The mission of the European Training Foundation is to help EU neighbouring countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU`s external relations policy. The website offers portraits of the target countries with links to projects and full text publications.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This site provides information on the school and administration system, on educational statistics and many publications on education in South Korea. The site is run by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI), which is also authorized as the National Center for Educational Statistics since 1997. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; England; Wales
In 2016, the ‘National Institute of Adult Continuing Education’ (NIACE) and the ‘Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion’ (CESI) formed the new 'Learning and Work Institute'. This policy and research organisation is dedicated to lifelong learning, full employment and inclusion. Thematical areas include 'Life and Society', 'Work and Careers', 'Improving the [...]

The website provides information on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), the Bologna Process, Euroguidance, European Language Label and pertinent exchange opportunities with Turkey.

The Foundation supports activities within the EU Lifelong Learning programme (2007-2013), thus acting as a national information and counselling agency for the EU education and science exchange programmes (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Mundus, Comenius). It further provides information on Lithuania and on English language study programmes.

The National Agency is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme in Slovakia. The programme aims to support Member States' policies on lifelong learning, education and vocational education and training.

This agenc in Slovenia acts as a contact point for the EU programmes forLifelong Learning (2007-2013): Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig.

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education ( SIU) is a public Norwegian agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.

This is the national contact point in Poland for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013) providing information and counselling as regards Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, the European Language Label etc.

This national contact point in Rumania provides and disseminates information and documentation on the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013).

The national agency in the Netherlands for the EU programme for Lifelong Learning co-ordinates projects and provides current information on ongoing activities.

The National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP) was established by the Czech Ministry of Education in 2007 as a part of Centre for International Services MoEYS. NAEP is a successor of the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies and it is responsible for implementation of the Lifelong Learning Programme and other educational programmes in the Czech [...]

Cirius is a national agency responsible for Danish cooperation in the area of EU education programmes, such as the programme for lifelong learning. It supports networking activities, and provides consultation and information services, e.g. for students from abroad, regarding grants and the recognition of qualifications.

This national agency was founded to support projects within the EU education programme for lifelong learning (2007-2013), providing counselling and information for networking activities.

This national agency for lifelong learning was founded as a national contact point within the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013). It provides information and counselling on EU funding opportunities, exchange programmes (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo, Grundtvig, Trasversale, Jean Monnet) and lifelong learning in Italy.

Within the framework of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning, the national agency in France supports projects by providing information and counselling and networking services.

State Education Development Agency (VIAA) has been established in order to implement national policy in the area of initial and further education, undertake the implementation and monitoring of projects financed by EU Structural Funds, as well as provide for the administration of EU Programmes and other financial instruments, projects and initiatives. VIAA functions as an [...]

As a member of the European Economic Area, Liechtenstein ahs collaborated in the EU education programmes since 1995. The national agencyfor international educational affairs (AIBA) was established as an independent body by the government to monitor all activities in the field of the EU programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), promoting the harmonisation of education and [...]

The national agency and contact point for programmes and projects conducted within the EU programme for Liflong Learning (2007-2013) in Bulgaria . It supports networking activities at home and abroad, including EUROPASS and EUROGUIDANCE activities

State Agency "Academic Programme Agency" (APA) is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science. Its main mission is to promote the implementation of European Union education programmes and other national and international education development projects. The main objective of the APA activities is to support the integration of Latvia in the common European education area [...]

The Icelandic national agency provides information, counselling and networking services within the EU programme for Lifelong Learning ( 2007-2013).

National agency for coordinating information and advice regarding projects within the EU programme for Lifelong Lerning (2007-2013). The English language website also provides information for young people interested in exchange programmes and studying in Finland.

Netherlands; Belgium
The National Agency in the Flemish-speaking area of Belgium is commissioned to co-ordinate programmes and projects, provide information and counselling regarding the EU Programme for Lifelong Learning (2007-2013), at home and with partners abroad.

Within the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2007- 2013), the national agency in the French-speaking community of Belgium acts as a partner, providing information and counselling regarding projects, networking and the co-operation with partners at home and abroad.

The national agency for lifelong learning in general and vocational education has been active since 1995 as a partner for initiating and promoting projects within the EU funding programmes for education. The organisation that was in charge of the national agencies for Leonardo da Vinci and Sokrates has also been commissioned as national agency for the new EU programme of [...]

United Kingdom
The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is the UK's largest voluntary provider of adult education. Ever since it was founded in 1903, in order to support the educational needs of working men and women, the WEA has maintained its commitment to provide access to education and learning for adults from all backgrounds, and in particular those who have previously missed out [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (The Framework) promotes lifelong learning in Scotland. The Framework: Describes the courses and programmes that lead to qualifications; Helps you develop ´progression routes´ for individual to follow; Allows individuals to make the most of the opportunities to transfer credit points between qualifications. The website is [...]

Japanese lifelong learning programmes for adults, despite their accomplishments and admirable objectives, require some significant improvements to fully realize their goals. This essay provides an overview of the principal features and problems of the Japanese system of lifelong learning for adults.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT) is one of the most important ministries in Japan. Information, statistics, research projects and outcomes are presented here. The National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan is affiliated to MEXT.

ENTEP exists to promote co-operation among European Union Member States regarding their teacher education policies in relation to initial, in- service and continuous professional development programmes, in order to: Develop opportunities to learn from each other by analysing and comparing policies and issues, as well as by sharing good practices; Promote the discussion and [...]

The ILO (International Labour Organization) Library in Geneva is the world's leading library on the world of work. It serves as a knowledge base of key information on work issues, sustainable livelihoods, and the work-related aspects of economic and social development, technological change and human rights. The ILO Library is the core repository of ILO publications produced [...]

European InfoNet Adult Education is a European network in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig Network. It is an agency providing information about current developments in adult education from European countries and the EU level. InfoNet provides a comprehensive, constantly growing database, a thematic information letter, has a network of around 25 [...]

The Danish Friskole is a part of the independent school tradition which - with common roots in N.F.S. Grundtvig's og Christen Kold's concepts of schooling - also include among others the folkehøjskoler (folk high schools) and efterskoler (continuation schools). The object of the association is: to strengthen and promote fellowship and cooperation among the Danish friskoler; [...]

The Danish Adult Education Association is an organisation which promotes nonformal adult education through collaboration, information and development. DAEA represents 32 member organisations. Adult education in Denmark consists of a broad variety of programmes and institutions, both in the formal and in informal sector. Most of them are partly financed by the state or the [...]

Introduction to the Danish adult vocational training programmes.

Guide to more than 2.000 education programmes and jobs in Denmark. You will find special sub-sites for youth education, higher education, adult education and infirmation for parents.

The first Folk High School was founded in Rødding, Denmark, in 1844, on the initiative of Kristen Kold who was inspired by the educational thinking of N.F.S. Grundtvig. Grundtvig identified a growing democratic need in society of enlightening the often both uneducated and poor peasantry. This social group had neither the time nor the money to enroll at a university and needed [...]

Office of the Non-Formal Education Commission (ONFEC), one of the administrative units under the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education has been established since July 7, 2003 as the consequence of the education reform process. The main tasks of ONFEC are to provide and support the services of nonformal and informal education to promote lifelong learning [...]

In July 2006 the former UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE) founded in Hamburg in 1951-52 has changed its name and is now the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The previous name was too unspecific and did not accurately reflect the Institute's long-standing focus on adult learning as well as out-of-school and non-formal education in the perspective of lifelong [...]

"U3A - the University of the Third Age - is an international movement that encourages retired people to take part in lifelong learning activities for pleasure. U3As allow people to study in a relaxed environment at low cost. There are no prior qualifications, no exams and no degrees awarded." The U3A Network Victoria represents its 65 member U3As and aims to promote the U3A [...]

Adult Learning Australia (ALA) is the national peak body representing organisations and individuals in the adult learning field. Its activities include advocacy at the national level for greater attention to adult learning, both in policy and funding terms as well as relevant research. Its website offers information on ALA and access to its research papers and reports as well [...]

This page describes the mission of the National Training Fund in the Czech Republic. Since its origin in 1994, the NVF has been engaged in the enhancement of quality and effectiveness of human resource development, lifelong learning development, support of employment and social development on the national level and it aspires to promote the importance of this issue in the [...]

Main task of the 2001 established National Qualifications Authority was to develop the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), which was launched in October 2003. It signals significant progress in the creation of a single, coherent, more easily understood qualifications system for all levels of education and training in this State. It also accords with European and [...]

United Kingdom
"The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) is a national body, representing the interests of the Continuing Education/ Lifelong Learning community within Higher Education."

The FES is conceived as a mechanism that enables the Education Division at the Ministry of Education to provide, among others, a range of innovative educational initiatives in the field of literacy support. It develops and manages educational programmes: the Hilti Programme ( family literacy clubs, named Hilti Clubs, are aimed at students in the early primary years and their [...]

United Kingdom
The agency is a non-departmental public body and the successor to the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA). It also hosts some of the resources of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), other ALI- resources are now available from Ofsted. The role of the QIA is to work across the learning and skills sector to improve performance. The agency conducts research, [...]

This education portal, published by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture offers access to federal and regional institutions of adult education, to consultation und information services, to the topics of continuation of education, women´s education and distance learning, to (online-) publications, an excerpt from the law on supporting adult education, [...]

On this page, UNESCO lists all of its databases and other tools (e.g. atlases, entire platforms and more) on the subject of education. The list is structured thematically: * Right to education * Literacy and lifelong learning * Policy, planning and management * Education statistics * Monitoring progress on education * Accelerating progress towards Sustainable [...]

The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.

This web site allows access to full texts and project information which concern e-learning in Europe. The homepage has three columns: what is e-learning (articles), projects, forums. The first column e.g. offers a glossary, the second one consists of a directory of programs and projects of the European Commission, institutions, agencies, services and networks, national [...]

Wales; United Kingdom
Education programmes on BBC Wales plus online materials for pre- school, primary, secondary and lifelong learning as well as resources for teachers and parents.

The Learning Cities Network responds to an urgent need to provide a central forum for lifelong learning ideas and activities. It is an international network of people and organisations involved in the implementation of lifelong learning concepts at all levels of society and the community. The vision of the LCN is to provide interactive services that members can use. The [...]

The Industrie-Education Partnership aims to help policy-makers and educators achieve sustainable use of new technologies and digital media to benefit learning for all. This website informs about the activities of the Partnership and the extension of the web/email based Innovations Service in 2003/2004, which attracts particular attention due to its high quality.

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about adult education in Chile, mainly about the various programmes for completion of basic and middle education (where you can learn what?), the lifelong education programme "Chilecalifica" and literacy programmes.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The website of the ministry offers a detailed description of the education system in South Korea, gives information about education policy and educational programmes in the school and higher education sectors and provides education statistics and statistics on science and technology.

United Kingdom
"TLRP (Teaching and Learning Research Programme) is a coordinated research initiative. Its overarching purpose is to support and develop educational research leading to improvements in outcomes for learners of all ages, in all sectors and contexts of education, training and lifelong learning throughout the UK. The first projects began work in 2000 and the Programme is [...]

PISA is developing a series of thematic reports that will examine the implications of the results from PISA 2000 in a series of policy-relevant areas. Currently, thematic reports are planned in the following areas: social background and student performance; analyses of the nature, development and impact of literacy skills; foundations of lifeflong learning; the role of [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
This is a text about the current state of vocational education in Latin America and the Caribbean and the future challenges for its modernization. Using the arrow at the end of each page, one can come to information about special projects in several countries of the region.

Ireland, is a one-stop shop operated by Learning Ireland - a Dublin-based educational publishing company. The guide incorporates The National Education Database with currently 22,000 courses ( education option at night) listed in the database. Wide range of information on education and lifelong learning.

Age Action Ireland is a network of organisations and individuals concerned with ageing and older people. Activities include an information service and library, career support and training, Life-long learning through the university of the third age, pilot projects, seminars, research and championing the rights of older people. Publications can be ordered free of charge.

CDVEC is the local education authority for Dublin City and its inner suburbs. It provides a wide range of opportunities for the younger generation of Dubliners, and its life-long education programme offers to adults in all age groups career- improvement, leisure, and self-development courses. Access to a course database, the CDVEC Newsletter ( in extracts online), information [...]

This website of the OECD provides, sorted by countries, a wealth of documents, publications, news, statistics and information about vocational education and qualifications, labour, labour market, human capital, employment and employment policy, social policy, international migration and related topics in OECD countries and some exclusive non-member-countries.

Asia; Pacific Rim; Oceania
The Bureau's mission is to build and strengthen an Asia-Pacific movement dedicated to advancing equitable access to relevant, quality and empowering education and learning opportunities for all; it is committed to enhancing the role and contribution of adult education and learning in promoting these aims. The website provides information about the respective programs, [...]

'Norgesuniversitetet' is a collaboration between institutions of higher education and employers' and employees' interest organisations in Norway. Major internet services are a database containing several thousand courses (Button: Finn kurs), and a Marketplace where industry and public organisations can find providers to help them develop new courses or training sch emes [...]

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia; Cambodia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) runs 26 spezilised institutes for research, training and transfer. You will find the following institues with an educational focus: * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Community Education Development (SEAMEO CED) * SEAMEO [...]

international; Ireland; Palestinian Territories
The Department has a focus on adult and community education as well as lifelong learning. It publishes the MACE Publications (Maynooth Adult and Community Education) and participates in the following projects: - DIALOGUE (bridging the gap between academic research on University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) and the professional practice around adult teaching, learning and [...]

United States of America (USA)
CCSSO is a nationwide nonprofit organisation composed of public officals who lead the departments responsible for elementary and secondary education in the states and the Department of Defense Education Activity. Project, partnerships and aims of the organisation are documented here with links to important education projects in the US and to all state education agencies. Most [...]

United Kingdom
A web site for the encouragement, promotion and development of lifelong learning. Lifelong Learning is supported by the Access to Learning for Adults Division of the Department for Education and Skills. It contains links to projects, initiatives as well as information on more than 10 key learning themes. There is also information on financing lifelong learning.

AEOA focuses on the development of a comprehensive system of life long learning in Ireland. To this end adult education organisers, of which there are 45 in Southern Ireland, provide advice and information on adult and further education opportunities and are responsible for the local development of the vocational training opportunities. On the website news about the aims and [...]

An assessment of the financial benefits to individuals of investing in vocational education and training (VET) is undertaken in this study using data from a representative sample of Australian employees. Full text, 54 pages saved as PDF-document.

United States of America (USA)
CAEL is a non-profit organization committed to providing better access to education for adults through partnerships with business, government, labour and higher education. Focusing on lifelong learning CAEL offers services and information on national and international adult learning and research in adult education on its website. Publications as 'CAEL News & Forum', books [...]

Speech of the Danish ambassador Henning Gade Berlin to task force 12 - Liflelong learning at the senate in Berlin (2000). The full text (nine pages) outlines the reforms undertaken in the Danish education system since the 90ies, especially in the VET sector and conditions for schools. Furthermore Danish initiatives to foster lifleong learning are described.

ASEM - Lifelong Learning is an initiative with the vision to strengthen dialog and exchange of experience and to develop co-operation to enhance focus on lifelong learning within the ASEM-countries ( European-Asian). The website informs about the establishment of an international network on lifelong learning, the activities of the work groups and the closing conference in July [...]

EuroPACE is a trans-European network of universities and their partners in education and training, i.e. private enterprises, regional and professional organisations and public authorities. It demonstrates and develops the potential of telematics for the European university of the future and thus contributes materially towards the realisation of the concept of lifelong learning [...]

The Association of Estonian Adult Educators (AEAE) ANDRAS is an Estonian non-governmental organisation, which unites the representatives of different branches of adult education and aims at increasing the competence of it members in the field of andragogics, the science and practice of adult education according to new requirements. The respective website offers information on [...]

This shared web site contains information on all open university studies organized in Finland, who have the aim to be open for all, regardless of age and educational background. In addition to the course database ( detailed database with linklist to projects and studies), this service gives information about the basic ideas of open university and offers student guidance [...]

AKKL, founded in 1972, is the cooperation body of the 47 Finnish vocational adult education centres. The association aims are to improve the professional competence of the working-age population, increasing the possibilities for studies based on the adults' own choices, to promote vocational adult education in a more international Finland, and to struggle against [...]

The European Institute for the Media (EIM), based in Düsseldorf and Paris, is a think tank for research and strategy concerning developments in European media and communications, including learning strategies. This website provides information on main areas of research and offers links to the buttons: communication policies; digital world; media and democracy; debate and [...]

This is the homepage of the GD Education and Culture of the European Commission in Brussels. The website provides information on: Programmes and strategic initiatives; eLearning - Designing tomorrow's education; Lifelong learning; Higher Education in Europe; Language teaching and learning; European associations and social; partners in the field of education; Evaluation of [...]

The Ministry presents full texts about the programs with which it implements its mission "to develop a learning workforce, supported by a vibrant manpower industry, for lifelong employability and a globally competitive Singapore": a school of lifelong learning, pre-employment education and training, a manpower development assistance scheme and other labour market policies.

Under "Population and Social Conditions" EL.STAT offers data on following educational topics: Primary Education, Secondary Education, Post-secondary Education, Tertiary Education, Special Education, Education expenditure, Lifelong learning. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme enables people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as helping to develop the education and training sector across Europe. There are four sub-programmes which fund projects at different levels of education and training: Comenius for schools, Erasmus for higher education, [...]

The General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning in Greece operates under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and is e.g. responsible for: - Development and administration of initial and continuing vocational education and training and general non-formal education - Planning, managing, evaluation and support of the national Lifelong Learning initiatives and programs [...]

Established in 1973, the International Council for Adult Education (ICA E) is a global partnership of adult learners and adult educators and their organizations, and others who promote the use of adult learning as a tool for informed participation of people and sustainable development. In the emergence of knowledge-society the ICAE promotes lifelong learning as a necessary [...]

The AQF is a unified system of 12 quality-assured qualifications in schools, vocational education and training and the higher education sector, i.e. vocational and academic qualifications are part of a single system. The Framework assists learners to plan their career progression, at whatever stage they are within their life time. The homepage provides information texts about [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government funded, yet independently operated R&D institution in education. Since its founding in 1972, KEDI has been active on almost every education front, developing educational policies, strategies, and programs. The main functions are: 1) providing support of educational information for schools, 2) research & development of educational policy, 3) [...]

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Myanmar; Timor-Leste; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) was established in November 1965 as a chartered international organization whose purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region. This website provides information on activities of the SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) which administers a variety of programmes on behalf [...]

The SPC is a state non-profit educational institution. It was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania in 2001 after the restructuring of the Institute of Pedagogy. The website comprises information about the SPC, a virtual library of education, services (consulting...), research project (Textbook Research and Information Centre, a project [...]

This White Paper sets out a blueprint for the future development and expansion of adult education. (224 pages, pdf-file to download).

United Kingdom; England; Wales; Northern Ireland
"Ufi is taking forward the Government's vision of a 'University for Industry', by stimulating and meeting demand for lifelong learning among businesses and individuals. Working as a public-private partnership in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Ufi aims to put individuals in a better position to get jobs, improve their career prospects and boost business [...]

Northern Europe
The Nordic Folk Academy offers courses, conferences and seminars for teachers and leaders in the field of lifelong learning. It is situated in Goteborg, Sweden. The homepage has a link to the study courses, a publication list, the library and special programmes of co-operation with the Baltic.

United Kingdom
A site devoted to the field of informal education. Informal education can be understood "as the lifelong process in which people learn from everyday experience" and which takes place outside institutions, organisations or community groups. The site contains numerous materials and texts on the subject.

The institute is engaged in research and development activities that aim to improve the efficiency of public education. The institute assists in making professionally well-founded decisions, improving school teaching and learning, strengthening the innovative ability of education and integrating Hungary´s school structure into the European educational environment. The [...]

This database provides a collection of definitions on specific terms on the European dimension of education. These definitions were selected from various national and European sources and comprise programmes, projects, networks and organizations as objects of explanation. All terms are available in three languages (DE, FR, EN). For the most part definitions are also given in [...]

The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]

The main objective of the agency is to work towards the creation of a coherent and permanent framework for extended European co- operation in the field of special needs education. Its main tasks are to collect, process and distribute information about new and innovative measures in the field of special needs education as well as to initiate research and distribute research [...]

EGRIS is a research network consisting of partners in Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The main activities consider the changing structures and processes of social integration in the context of new trajectories between youth and adulthood as well as the consequencies for education and welfare.- This homepages offers [...]

Wales; United Kingdom
The Welsh Government provides ample information on education and skills on its topic site.

South Africa, Republic
1996 fifty eight organisations involved in distance education formed an association committed to promoting access to lifelong learning of high quality. The homepage shows general information on the organization and links to NADEOSA projects, 'useful documents' and an archive.

The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation carries out studies and promotes an international dialogue about education across OECD countries. As part of the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development, based in Paris, it is a focal point for information and discussion on trends in education systems throughout the industrialised world. The website gives [...]

The ministry is responsible for the following sectors: Education, childcare and early education, compulsory education, higher education, university, vocational education and training institutions, life-long learning, examinations, employment and training, public broadcasting services, libraries, national archives, social policy, family policy, child policy, social security, [...]

The Centre Inffo an information centre for vocational (continuing) training under the aegis of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Health. Its role as a resource centre for processing and disseminating information is to devise and set up development programmes for information, documentation and studies in the field of continuing vocational training. It co-ordinates [...]

The research network has been funded by the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) to study informal learning and its relation to formal and continuing education throughout the life course. The NALL web Site provides information on the project and its constituting institutions and organizations, project summaries, papers and resources. A "survey of informal [...]

ABC Life Literacy Canada is a non-profit organization that inspires Canadians to increase their literacy skills. The organization connects and mobilizes business, unions, government, communities and individuals to support lifelong learning and achieve the goals through leadership in programs, communications and partnerships.

Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Beside statistical data on all areas of education Eurostat particularly provides statistics for the monitoring of the social dimension and mobility of the Bologna [...]

SVEB Switzerland is the umbrella organization of adult education and lifelong learning in Switzerland. It is a non governemental organisation, which represents nationwide private and state institutions, associations, representatives responsible for adult education on a cantonal level, institutions, in-house training departments and personnel managers. It also extends its [...]

The Swiss Association for Continuing Education "Swissuni" is an association based in Bern (year of foundation: 2002). Its purpose is to promote continuing education at universities in Switzerland and to promote cooperation between the continuing education offices of the universities (cantonal universities and federal institutes of technology). Members are the continuing [...]

The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
The SCRE's "aims are to conduct and communicate research to support policy-making and practice in education and to assist others ( including teachers and policymakers) to make the most effective use of research methods and research-based information". Annual reports, press releases, newsletters and briefing papers as full texts. Special pages on bullying at school, a research [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
Responsibilities include: Further and higher education, science and lifelong learning, school education, training and skills, HM Inspectorate of Education and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, nurseries and childcare, children's services, children's hearings, social work and HM Social Work Inspectorate.

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