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Mandate of education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: mandate of education

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Article by the German radio broadcast Deutsche Welle on the question of how identity and language ae related to education and school in Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The online magazine Catalan News informs about a statement of the former Catalan Education Minister Clara Ponsatí. Ponsatí, like the rest of the Catalan government, was dismissed by the Spanish central government after the severe conflicts concerning the Catalan independence movement. Ponsatí and several other former members of the Catalan government went to Brussels out of [...]

When it comes to identity and national feelings, the issue of education is never far away. The online magazine Catalan News discusses accusations of “indoctrinating” children made by some objectors to the independence movement in Catalonia. Catalan News provides news from and about the region of Catalonia in English and for an international readership. It is part of [...]

The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]

The Académie Réunion is subordinate to the French Ministry of Education and is responsible for the formation of the island, from early childhood to university. On the Internet portal of the Academy you will find information about the organization and program of the institution as well as current information for students.

The non-profit association `Youth - Education - Help in Bolivia` is the result of an initiative of teachers on a Bolivian-German model school in Sucre, Bolivia, and its friends and members in 1964. Its intention is to offer complementary education measures to the existing school system, but especially for the underpriviledged country population.

Educación Sin Fronteras is a non-governmental, independent, laic and non-profit development organisation which consists of persons which participate actively in the challenge to effect a more just and more solid education in which the values of equity, democracy and respect of diversity prevail. The organisation was founded in 1988 by a group of professionals of education [...]

The Education Alliance for the Construction of Cultures of Peace consists of national and international institutions. Its aim is to work on the education level for the construction of peaceful cultures and democratic coexistence on the national, regional and local level. Therefore, the alliance provides technical help and cooperation. Furthermore, there is an intensive [...]

The National Agency for the Fight againt Illiteracy (ANLCI) was founded in October 2000. It works together with people which are able to fight or to prevent illiteracy on an institutional level. Its roll is to gather and to optimize the energies, activities and resources of those people, to make the efficiency of their efforts visible. As a group of public interest, ANLCI [...]

USAID is an independent federal government agency that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. Its Work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. USAID provides [...]

The Direction for Communal and Environmental Education (DIECA) has the tasks to foster, to analyse and to evaluate teaching in organisations of the civil society as well as to regulate and to coordinate environmental education in the community of education. This is effected by sustainable development, conservation, the use of ecosystems and the risk and prevention management [...]

The Regional Directorate of Education of the region Ancash was founded in 2003. As specialized organ of the regional government, it is responsible for the education service in its region. It maintains technical-normative relations with the ministry of education. The task of the directorate is the promotion of education, culture, sports, leisure, science and technology. It [...]

The General Directory for Alternative Basic Education (DIGEBA) is a technical-pedagogical qualified management body. It elaborates norms, policies and proposes agreements for the best development and construction of alternative basic education. Furthermore, it guides the conversation process of centres and education programs for youth and adults, especially of autonomous [...]

Coherencia is a political pedagogical institution which debates about problems and opportunities of the country. It was founded by and for citizens to achieve the productive transformation of persons and institutions through vocational training, participation and an impact on society. Coherencia consists of two independent organisations: the project Coherencia, which was [...]

The Association of Parents and Friends of Autistics (ASPAUT) is a private, non-profit corporation, which orientates its actions on the improvement of the quality of life of autistics through education and therapy services as well as on the support of families and involved persons of those who are concerned with autistic spectrum disorder. ASPAUT is the largest association of [...]

The Grouping of Regional Universities of Chile (AUR) was founded in 1996 and is the continuation of the "Coordinación de Iniciativas de Universidades Regionales". In 2002, AUR resolved on creating the network Sinergi@ Regional, whose task is to foster the capacities and the engagement of citizens, public and private organisations and academies of the regions of Chile to [...]

UNICEF partners with government and non-governmental organisations (NGO) to ensure that the basic learning needs and potential of all child ren are met, and to build the capacity of schools and authorities to assist children, especially those from vulnerable communities. The website presents UNICEFs activities in Romania. Under the categories "The Children" > "Early [...]

On Ghana's official governmental website you can find a directory of schools and universities as well as other information and articles on Ghana's education system.

The Inspectorate General of Education (IGE) was created to work out the standards of education and to control the implementation of the standards of education for the improvement of the quality of education to enable Rwandese to compete on the world market. The improvement is ensured at different levels (nursery, primary, secondary, vocational training, specialized education, [...]

The mission of the Uganda Education Project is to provide funds, materials, and human assistance for the education, care and maintenance of the orphans and vulnerable children of Uganda. In furtherance of this mission, the UEP as a charitable organization will maintain the lowest possible administrative costs ensuring that all goods, funds and services are delivered optimally [...]

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is a statutory agency, a supervisor for quality and relevant higher education established under the "Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001" to regulate higher education and to guide the country in the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure that quality and relevant education is [...]

United States of America (USA)
ESCORT is a national resource center located at the State University College of New York at Oneonta since 1986. It is dedicated to improving educational opportunities for all students, with expertise in serving highly mobile and at-risk populations, specifically children of migrant farmworkers, English learners, homeless students and struggling readers. ESCORT provides [...]

Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; Yemen; United Arab Emirates; Middle East; North Africa
AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program. Today [...]

The ECAM unites private educational institutes which are under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Morocco (diocese Rabat) and whose persons responsibles are interested in the amelioration of pedagogical activity. The institutions pursue a common educational project which is defined by intern documents of the ECAM.

The objectives of the Moroccan Organisation for Human Rights (OMDH) are: * The diffusion and deepening of awareness of individual and collective human rights in socio-economical, cultural, civil and political fields * The teaching of human rights * A contribution to the effective protection of those rights, in particular in case of infringement. * The ratification of the [...]

The sphere of competence for education and labour market of the IWI carries out studies and reports about the themes "educational system and - policy", "formation and further education", "entrepreneurship", "labour market" and "gender mainstreaming". A focal point of research deals with the problematic of disadvantaged target groups in advanced vocational training and [...]

Europe; Belgium
The European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) is an independent association, with its head office in Antwerp. Its infrastructure is provided for by the University of Antwerp. ELA aims to encourage progress in educational rights by promoting the right to education as a right, by elaborating education law as a discipline and by actively supporting every serious [...]

This website presents activities which the PNUD realizes in Togo as well as objectives it wants to achieve. Furthermore, there are an overview of Togo and publications concerning education and the promotion of development.

The task of the ministry of national education and vocational training is the planning and the administration of education available in Luxemburg, except for higher education which is the responsibility of the ministry for culture, higher education and research. Over links on the homepage, comprehensive descriptions of the educational environment of Luxemburg as well as [...]

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