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Minority group at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: minority group

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The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.

Between 1831 and 1996, residential schools operated in Canada through arrangements between the Government of Canada and the church. One common objective defined this period — the assimilation of Aboriginal children. This site is a counterpart to Where are the Children? Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools, a touring exhibition that explores the history and legacy of [...]

The article was published on 22.04.2014 on the blog "Euro Crisis in the Press" which is run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The authors argue that in their opinion the current language policy in Catalan schools is unfair as Spanish-Castilian speaking students were disadvantaged by the almost exclusive use of the Catalan language. The blog article also [...]

The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]

The online magazine Catalan News informs about a statement of the former Catalan Education Minister Clara Ponsatí. Ponsatí, like the rest of the Catalan government, was dismissed by the Spanish central government after the severe conflicts concerning the Catalan independence movement. Ponsatí and several other former members of the Catalan government went to Brussels out of [...]

Belgium; Netherlands
English translation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. This treaty includes the "cooperation in terms of Culture, Education, Sciences and Welfare" between the country and the region linked by a common language. A commission (CVN) was created to monitor the implementation of the treaty. The commission is evaluated regurlarly, newly installed [...]

Belgium; Netherlands
Website of the Commission in charge of the monitoring of the implementation of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. Unfortunately, the site is not available in English. The Dutch site informs about the commission's wirk and the implementation of the treaty in the form of projects and more. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Belgium; Netherlands
Short article about the celebrations on the occasion of the 20 years of the "Cultural Treaty" between the Netherlands and Flanders in 1995. The article links to relevant information on the treaty, on cooperating institutions and the commission monitoring the implementation of the Treaty. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

[We link to a copy of the website from the Internet Archive as of 2016. The original website is no longer online] "...The LeaCoMM-Project aims to offer tools for teachers, teacher educators and members of school administration [with regard to] professionalization in the area of migration, minorities and school. (...) LeaCoMM is mainly concerned with: * language [...]

Fact Sheet of the International Labor Organization ILO (as of July 2013) on inclusion in Indonesia. You can find a somewhat newer version of the fact sheet (as of December 2013), but which has slightly less content. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Israel; Palestinian Territories
This analyses of the special education situation of the Arab people living in Israel is only available in Hebrew. Nevertheless, the automatic Google-translation can give you some first ideas about the topic. At the end of the first page, you will find a table of contents leading to more chapters. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"[ANED] was created by the European Commission in December 2007.DOTCOM: the Disability Online Tool of the Commission [...] to support policy development in collaboration with the Commission's Disability Unit. Its philosophy and aims support the objectives of European disability policy towards the goal of full participation and equal opportunities for all disabled [...]

IEA is a project of UNESCO in co-operation with the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. The website provides the fulltext of the "UNESCO policy guidelines on inclusion in education" in different languages, a glossary and abbreviation list for concepts and termes in the field of inclusion, as well as Best Practice examples from different continents, for [...]

Recommendations from the Lifelong Learning Programme Inclusion (European Union) which ran from 2010 to 2012. Unfortunately, the only thing left of the original project website is a copy of the front page from the internet archive as of 15.02.2015. You can also find a Verlinkter Text>youtube channel with some videos. Amongst others, the [...]

Europe; international
The "European Educational Research Association" (EERA) has several networks, amongst others the network 4 "Inclusive Education" which brings together European researchers working on inclusion in an international perspective. The network organises conference sessions together with other thematically close networks. Their website furthermore provides some literature information. [...]

The Salamanca Statement was a result of the "World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 June 1994". It is a major international policy document, outlining the global consensus on the needs for educational reform and the policies and strategies needed to include disabled children in the education system. The document is available [...]

Bolivia; United States of America (USA)
Edu-Futuro (Educación Para Nuestro Futuro) empowers Latino children, youth and families through education and leadership development to succeed and contribute to their community, while teaching others about Latin American cultures. In 1998, a group of Bolivian parents and the Bolivian Ambassador met with the Superintendent of Arlington Public Schools to establish an academic [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) has been a federally-funded collaborative effort of several councils and universities of the United States.The CLAS Institute identifies, evaluates and promotes effective and appropriate early intervention practices and preschool practices that are sensitive and respectful to [...]

The autonome academy of the germanophone community of Belgium concentrates on the education of primary school teachers, kindergarden teachers and on health and nursing sciences offering the adequate study program. The site provides information about the studies with instructions on practical courses, the teaching program, organisational facts like access and immatriculation [...]

Buea school for the Deaf is a boarding school for deaf children. It was opened in 2003 and placed under the authorisation of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Its objectives are to provide formal education programs that foster the moral, intellectual, physical and social development of deaf children and youths, to promote the effective integration of deaf children and youths [...]

Moldova, Republic of; Bulgaria; Ukraine
CReDO (Centrul de Resurse pentru Drepturile Omului = Ressource Centre for Human Rights) is a democracy and human rights nongovernmental organization that provides lobby and consultancy in the implementation of democratic reform oriented policies. The report from 2008 analyses the current bilingual education curriculum in Moldova and especially its implications for native [...]

The "Center for US-Japan Comparative Social Studies" is an internet- based non-profit organisation founded in 2000. It aims to provide the general public with information about education, society and culture in Japan in English and about education, society and culture in the United States in Japanese. The book "Japanese Education in the 21st Century" offers detailed [...]

On this website, the portal "academics-India" provides links to texts on Supreme Court rulings concerning (higher) education, e.g. ruling on the funding of private higher education institutions, and quotes for muslim students.

United States of America (USA)
NBCDI sponsors educational programs to assist in the development of children. ln many regions of the country, the NBCDI is represented by affiliate chapters that provide direct services at the community level. Focus is to improve child welfare services, make universal early care and education a reality, build family support services, press for educational reform and provide [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Belgium. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

The Ministry for Tribal Affairs was constituted in order to improve the social and economic situation of the impoverished tribes living in rural areas. Its particular objective concerns educational measures such as hostels for scholars, literacy schemes in low literacy districts educational and vocational training schemes and a book bank. The web site contains links to related [...]

This is the website for educational matters of the Council of Europe. It provides information on the following cooperation programmes: Education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe; Teaching Remembrance (i.e. Education for the prevention of crimes against Humanity); Education for democratic citizenship and human rights; History teaching; Intercultural education; Languages; Higher [...]

AIATSIS is an independent Commonwealth Government statutory authority devoted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. It is Australia's premier institution for information about the cultures and lifestyles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The website offers access the catalogue of audiovisual archives and the library as well as research information.

United Kingdom
"The section on education gives details of Learning for all, the CRE's standards for racial equality in schools, provides codes of practice for education in England and Wales, and in Scotland, and summarises a report on OFSTED: Inspecting schools for racial equality."

This URL provides an overview of internet resources and services whcih the Council of Europe offers for youth. They are arranged according to topics ans types. There is also a link list concerning youth issues.

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in South Tyrol (Italy). It comprises information on features of the educational system, [...]

This regional dossier, prepared by Mercator-Education the European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education, aims at providing concise descriptive information and basic educational statistics about minority language education, in this case the German language in education in Alsace, France. It comprises information on features of the educational system, recent [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Indian Education Association ( NIEA) provides adresses who offer educational programs for natives. Contact information and links are provided. Further links to national networks, programs and media.

United States of America (USA)
Established in 1990 by the American Association for Higher Education as a special project to encourage colleges and universities to support K-12 reform efforts. Since then, the Ed Trust has grown into an independent nonprofit organization working for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, kindergarten through college. The Ed Trust focuses on the [...]

United States of America (USA)
Promoting educational excellence and equity through bilingual education, NABE is the only national organization exclusively concerned with the education of language-minority students in American schools. The website informs about acvtivities, membership ( seperate member log-in), conferences and legislation. Publications are the Bilingual Research Journal, the Magazine 'NABE [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
This website of CAIN provides some brief background information on education in Northern Ireland with special emphasis on religion and values. The CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) Web site contains information and source material on 'the Troubles' and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present. [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors [...]

Australia; international
A comprehensive collection of Indigenous links from around the world.

The aims of the Centre for Sámi studies are to contribute to increased research and education regarding Sámi relations at the University of Tromsø. The website is an information portal not only about sami but also about indegenous related research. The homepage provides articles and bibliographies (some online) and links to other indigenous web-pages.

Report on a NEEF project who wished to develop actions to address some of the key problems of disadvantaged groups in Australia. NEEF had its genesis at the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Council of the World Education Fellowship (WEF) in January 2000. Five forums brought together a diverse group of prominent Australians, business people, welfare executives and [...]

This governmental website provides information for indigenous students, parents and teachers and covers all levels of education. It also inlcudes information on the goevernment's policy and programmes concerning indigenous education.

United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This paper examine the significant changes the Act will have in future education for children, teacher, parents and the whole American education system (30 pages, pdf. format for download).

United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This document is a copy of the complete statute (670 pages, pdf. format for download).

AANDC is one of the federal government departments responsible for meeting the Government of Canada´s obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North. The section on education informs about education programmes and the development of a First Nations Education Act.

The Center for Multiculturalism and Educational Reaserch, the first of its kind in Israel, integrates two interrelated issues: the promotion of educational opportunities for Arab citizens in Israel and the creation of cultural bridges between the different groups in Israeli society. In particular this website provides information on multiculturism and democracy in divided [...]

Formerly known as "European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education", the network has meanwhile become a research centre. Its main goal is to gather, store and distribute information through a documentation and information network for regional and minority languages in the European Union. Mercator is a network of three research and documentation centres (in [...]

Bolivia; Colombia; Chile; Ecuador; Peru
The programme for intercultural, bilingual education is a project of the Andes countries. Its main purpose is to promote the education of the indigenous people. The homepage informs about mission and actions of the programme: training of teaching staff, research, publications and documentation.

This database provides a collection of definitions on specific terms on the European dimension of education. These definitions were selected from various national and European sources and comprise programmes, projects, networks and organizations as objects of explanation. All terms are available in three languages (DE, FR, EN). For the most part definitions are also given in [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Association for Experiential Education is to develop and promote experiential education in all settings. The Association is committed to support professional development, theoretical advancement, and evaluation in the field of experiential education worldwide. Based in the USA, AEE has approximately 2, 000 members in over 20 countries. The focus is on [...]

News, general information and documents relating to education and research are provided by the Norwegian Government and its ministries.

The Department of Education is comprised of several operational units, including: Acadian and French Language Services, Early Years, Public Schools, Corporate Policy, Corporate Services.

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality early childhood education, school education, higher education, vocational education and training, international education and research.

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