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Periodical at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: periodical

key words found 1 - 240 of 240

The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.

The Education History Network in Sweden aims to facilitate cooperation between representatives of various academic disciplines. The purpose of the website is to provide an overview of Swedish and Nordic educational history research. Contents include educational history conferences, vacancies, projects and publications. The offer is supplemented by thematic pages, which present [...]

This page of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides a link list arranged by topic. The section on education offers links to general resources, learning Hebrew, universities and other institutions of higher education, research institutes and academic journals, elementary and secondary schools als well as miscellaneous resources. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The Österreichische Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik (ÖGS) is a non-profit society that fosters remedial language education in theory and practice in Austria (through research and cooperation for the purpose of specialized exchange, of information and further education). The ÖGS publishes the specialist journal "mitSPRACHE" (The German title is ambiguous and means [...]

The site of the Royal Library of Belgium offers a broad access to the onlince catalogues of the Belgian libraries and universities and a overview of current publications and source collections of the library's inventory. Additionally, it exists the possibility to inform about library services, current expositions, projects and a sector with online publications.

FESET (Formation d'Educateurs Sociaux Européens / European Social Educator Training) is a European association of training centres for socio-educational care work. Besides promoting the education and training for socio-educational purposes, its aims are to participate in programmes of European bodies and to ensure that the training centres be represented at the institutions [...]

The search function offers access to general news, including news about the educational system.

This Website is part of one of the two most important Japanese daily newspapers. It offers addresses, information, news and links to and about Japan's universities.

European InfoNet Adult Education is a European network in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig Network. It is an agency providing information about current developments in adult education from European countries and the EU level. InfoNet provides a comprehensive, constantly growing database, a thematic information letter, has a network of around 25 [...]

The Learning Post is an English-language newspaper and part of the Bangkok Post. It contains a collection of articles on various aspects of the Thai education system.

SourceOECD provides online access to all OECD publications - in particular those in the field of education - issued from January 1998. It comprises about 2,000 monographs, 30 databases and more than 20 periodicals. SourceOECD offers access to full-text publications in pdf format. It is also possible to access the OECD statistical databases and build one's own data tables and [...]

Russian Federation
"Russkij Pereplet" is a literary Internet Journal, which has been published since April 1999. Part of the portal is the page "Education", which offers a variety of scientific contributions in full text. A particular link is titled "Critical articles and materials on educational reform in Russia".

Russian Federation
This ist he website of the weekly newspaper of the Perm District which is located at the western rim of the Ural Mountains at the border to the Asian part of Russia. Its area covers approximately the territory of France. The homepage offers access to the categories Education and Information.

Russian Federation
The "Teachers' Newspaper" has a long tradition which began in the Soviet Union and has been continued in the Russian Federation. The print version has been edited since 1924, the online version has been available since 1995. The website of the weekly newspaper deals with a wide range of school topics: national school, school library, class management, experiments, health, [...]

The article discusses the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the goal towards a universal primary education, in the light of girls' education in Turkey. Statistical figures display a close connectioin between school enrolment and financial status and a strong difference between the West and Eastern regions of Turkey. While progress in the enrolment of girls has been [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Future of Children is a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution. The mission of The Future of Children is to translate the best social science research about children and youth into information that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant-makers, advocates, the media, and [...]

The Age is Victoria's leading broadsheet newspaper. The education section provides access to the current edition's articles on educational topics. Older editions can be searched. Editions from up to eight days ago are accessible for free, but a charge applies to view the full text of older articles.

The periodical "Panorama" supplies articles on vocational training, vocational education advice, and the labour market. It appears bimonthly, and is available in German and French. Readers can choose between pdf and HTML format.

This list is provided by the American Education Research Association Special Interest Group (AERA SIG) Communication of Research and offers links to electronic journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed, full text and accessible without cost. Journals from all over the world are included, but the majority is from the US.

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1979, Child Trends is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to improving the lives of children by conducting research and providing science-based information to improve the decisions, programs, and policies that affect children and their families. Research areas are: child well-being, marriage/family, research methods, welfare and poverty. Several reports, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a service of the Child Care Bureau, is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information. The website offers access to a childcare database, state profiles, a virtual library (quick, basic and advanced [...]

United States of America (USA)
ACEI is an organization of teachers, parents, and other adults interested in promoting best educational practices for children from infancy through early adolescence. Members are dedicated to a flexible, child-centered approach to education. ACEI, is represented at the United Nations and has been granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council [...]

United States of America (USA)
The AACTE is a national voluntary organization of colleges and universities that prepare the nation's teachers and other educational personnel, based in Washington. AACTE is dedicated to innovation in and reforms of teacher education. Publisher of the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), Newsletter "AACTE briefs". Reports, CD tapes and further data can be obtained. The website [...]

United States of America (USA)
CEEP is the successor to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), which was part of the national information system in education, called ERIC, from 1967 through December 2003. CEEP is part of the Early Childhood and Parenting ( ECAP) Collaborative within the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They work [...]

"The ACCE (Australian Council for Computers in Education) is the national professional body for those involved in the use of learning technology in education. The Council consists of representatives from the state and territory Computer Education Groups and the Australian Computer Society. It publishes the journal 'Australian Educational Computing' and authorises annual [...]

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) is over 6000 members strong, representing all grades of teachers in the public and private sectors from Kindergarten to University. Over the years the MUT developed its dual role of a strong and effective trade union and an experienced professional educational organisation. This website offers information on joining, the Capital Language [...]

Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania
This is the website of the Journal of Baltic Science Education (JBSE) which is published twice a year. Editorial policy is explained on the homepage. The journal publishes original scientific research articles in the field of Natural Science Education and related areas for all educational levels in the Baltic countries. Papers are published in English. JBSE promotes the [...]

The teacher union has been established in 1992. It represents teacher with the following French occupational titles: instituteurs, professeurs des écoles (inclusive école maternelle), des collèges, des lycées et lycées professionnels, technologiques, des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive, des conseillers principaux d' éducation, enseignants spécialisés, [...]

With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, the Charlotte Bühler association ( registered association) was founded in 1992. Its aim is to conduct an institute for early childhood research combining theory as well as practice. The institute was given the name "Charlotte Bühler Institute for Practice-Oriented Early Childhood Research" [...]

United Kingdom
The Association for Physical Education (afPE) came into existence through the merging of baalpe (The British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education) and PEA UK (Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom). The association is committed to being the UK representative organisation of choice for people and agencies delivering or supporting the [...]

United Kingdom
"The Society seeks to advance the practice, teaching and study of educational management, administration and leadership in the United Kingdom, and to contribute to international developments in these areas. " The society publishes two journals and offers a collection of links.

The Bonn liaison office of the JSPS was the first to be founded in Europe in 1992. Its objective is to offer advice to scientists and graduates who intend to perform research in Japan. It offers information on fellowships, research projects, contact adresses, and recent developments. The links "forschen in Japan" and "Links" lead to more facts concerning residence in Japan [...]

Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. The homepage of the office in Argentina presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text [...]

Latin America
After subscription (free of costs) the current and late articles of this electronic review are available online (htm or pdf-files).

The CNCRE operated from 1995 to 2000, aiming at coordinating several big studies (synthesis, orientation, evaluation) on the state of educational research in France. CNCRE was affiliated to the National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP) which since 2010 has become the French Institute for Education (ifé). This archive website of the CNCRE provides the results and [...]

United Kingdom
The NPC was constituted to represent and support the growing number of post-graduate students in Britain. Besides facts and issues concerning postgraduates the site offers the Journal of Graduate Education as well as a discussion and mailing list.

international; Latin America
This organization is concerned with various topics of promotion and coordination of the tertiary institutions in the member states, their quality development, institutional empowerment of the universities, coordination and integration of study programs and research. The web site provides extensive information, documents, statistics, and links to institutions and programs

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
ANSTI, the African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions, is an organ of cooperation that links African institutions engaged in university level training and research in the fields of science and technology. It was established in January 1980, through the financial support of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and [...]

Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Côte d'Ivoire; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Mali; Nigeria; Senegal; Sierre Leone; Togo; Mauritania; Niger; Central African Republic; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Guinea-Bissau; West Africa
ERNWACA-ROCARE was founded in 1989 as a network of educational researchers from 17 West and Central African countries. The network cooperates with education ministries, NGOs and universities of the respective countries concerning research projects but also giving advice and dealing with implementation of concepts etc. The website also provides a digital library with many [...]

Africa South of the Sahara
The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) has been at the forefront of efforts in Africa to promote the education of girls and women. Created in 1992 as a response to the slow pace of implementation of Education For All (EFA) Goals in sub-Saharan Africa and registered in Kenya as a pan African NGO in 1993, FAWE has since grown into a network of 33 National Chapters [...]

United Kingdom
"ITTE aims to promote the education and professional development of teachers in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning with ICT in all phases of education." The association supports the initial teacher training departments of universities and colleges of education, organises conferences and publishes the journal "Technology, Pedagogy and Education". Technology, [...]

This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]

This online-journal is edited by the Education Ministry and reports on the current developments in Spanish education policy. Further columns are: opinions, experiences, publications of books and resources, services like the texts of educational legislation and a job market. The numeral in the URL (here 725) indicates the issue number - the menu point "Otros numeros" provides [...]

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong
The Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (APFSLT) is a refereed online periodical (ISSN 1609-4913) dedicated to the effectiveness and interest of learning and teaching science subjects in schools. It was launched by the Science Department of Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2000. This Forum invites contributions in form of hypertext/hypermedia articles for [...]

The BCH/FPS supports its members in the realization of the challenges in the training system and represents their requests on Swiss federal level. It works project-oriented with authorities, federations and other institutions, coordinates the parliamentary agency of the interests of vocational training on Swiss level and engages itself in particular for fields of activity and [...]

Switzerland; Liechtenstein
The Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (centre for teaching materials of the Swiss cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein) develops teaching and learning aids and provides the basic supply of teaching material for schools in the German-speaking and multilingual cantons and Liechtenstein. The products are conform to the new curricula and developed in close cooperation [...]

United Kingdom; England
"Teachers magazine was launched in the spring of 1999 and is the Department for Education and Skills' magazine for the teaching profession in England. The magazine is primarily written for classroom teachers in the primary and secondary sectors but heads of department, senior teachers and headteachers also form part of the readership. Since January 2002, the magazine has been [...]

Like the University Grants Commission (UGC), NCERT works under the Ministry of Human Resource Development as a coordinative organ in educational training and research. It develops standards, instructional materials and textbooks. The latter is available online as fulltext. It also provides information about programmes and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Hong Kong; Asia
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education and Development ( APJTED) is an international refereed journal dedicated to theory development, empirical research, policy formulation, and practical improvement in teacher education, staff development, and teaching. It is published biannually with articles in English or Chinese. The Journal is one of the major publications of The [...]

The Center was founded by the General Directorate of Educational Technologies, Ministry of Education Turkey to provide access to information sources in different formats and user services for the researchers in the field of education. The Center's collection includes monographs, videotapes, filmstrips, presentations, audiotapes, CDs- DVDs-VCDs, posters and photos. Search in a [...]

Malta; Mediterranean Countries; Europe; Africa; Middle East
The Centre operates as a loose network of associated scholars, engaging academics from across the region according to the profiles required by the different research projects it is involved in. Its main activities are: research, particularly qualitative research that involves field work in different Mediterranean and European societies in order to capture the lived realities [...]

KVS Foundation, was founded in 1874. It is the oldest adult education organisation in Finlan. Publications e.g.: the Adult Education Yearbook; The Finnish quarterly Aikuiskasvatus (Adult Education); LLinE - Lifelong Learning in Europe, published in English (here link to archived volumes since 2000 [index only]).

Achieve Online has been developed to provide a range of educational tools, utilities, and reference materials for students, teachers and parents in one convenient location. It offers link databases on educational subjects, articles on educational hot topics (archived) and information on educational competitions.

Student Xpress is a free paper for secondary school pupils. Much of the content of the paper is written by students. Free access to articles online and former volumes .

The VCAA sets the guidelines for what students learn in Victorian schools up to year 12 (replacing the former Board of Studies since March 2001). It is also the VCAA' s job to oversee how learning is assessed. The VCAA services both government and non-government schools and is directly responsible to Victoria's Minister for Education and Training. The website offers [...]

HEEU is a national body, established in 1992. The HEEU is funded by the HEA. Its role is to promote greater equality in Irish higher education institutions. Report on the College network, information on activities, recommendations, submissions. Free access to publications.

United States of America (USA)
The RRCNA is a not-for-profit association of Reading Recovery professionals (teachers, university trainers and professors) and partners. The Council provides a wide variety of programs and services, including publications, annual conferences, and special institutes and academies (link lists). Access to research reports to download and to the journal 'Literacy Teaching and [...]

An all-Ireland network to promote effective interventions with young people at risk. Project database and examples of good practice, information about involved agencies, networking, online journal free of charge, link list.

NWCI ist the national representative organisation for women and women' s groups in Ireland with around 158 women's organisations and groups from all parts of Ireland affiliated to the Council. The aim is equal participation of women in all aspects of social and economic life. Information on various projects to foster education and training among women. Detailed information [...]

United States of America (USA)
NCME is an organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Members include e.g. university faculties. Information on structure, activities and membership. Free access to the newsletter. Several journals e.g. the quarterly journal ' Jem' ( Journal of Educational Measurement) are online only available with [...]

Information and guidelines for employers and employees on familiy friendly working arrangements. Access to various programmes and case studies (full texts) and a newsletter. Guided tour available.

The aim of this website is to provide information about: the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in general; latest developments in the programme; current issues for teachers / tutors and schools /centres; forthcoming activities that might be of interest to teachers. The LCA is a distinct, self-contained two-year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working [...]

GAELSCOILEANNA is a voluntary national organisation, established in 1973 as Coiste Náisiúnta na Scoileanna LánGhaeilge (the National Committee of Irish-medium Schools). GAELSCOILEANNA acts as an intermediary between Irish-medium schools and the Department of Education and meets regularly with it to discuss matters relating to Irish medium education and teacher education. [...]

United Kingdom
"BAICE promotes teaching, research, policy and development in all aspects of international and comparative education. It is the British affiliate of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. BAICE produces the journal Compare and organises a series of one- day research conferences annually. BAICE also has a major annual conference".

CASWE-ACFTS is a national, charitable voluntary, association of university faculties, schools, departments, and modules offering social work education in Canada. The Association´s primary mandate is to support the promotion of excellence in social work education, scholarship, and practice. This mandate is primarily carried out through the accreditation of BSW and MSW social [...]

The Association was founded in 1995. Members are over 40 universities and university colleges in Sweden. The association aims at safeguarding the external interests of the institutions and at strengthening their internal co-operation. It co-operates with the European University Association (EUA), the Nordiska universitetssamarbetet (NUS) and the International Association of [...]

As the co-ordinating and development agency for local youth services in Ireland, the National Youth Federation is committed to promoting community based youth services for young people. Information on the structure, youth education, local/national programmes and activities of the organisation. Publications, reports and a newsletter to download.

The aims of ACT are to support the teachers of Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and to represent them. Information on the constitution, action projects and events. Free access to 'ACTIVATE' , the newsletter of ACT. Full text articles and statements and commented useful links for CSPE teachers are available.

CESI has as its general aim the promotion of information technology in education. Information on CESI and the government efforts to implement IT in education (links to reports). Information on schools and IT and European IT partner projects. Links to directory of school websites, related educational sites and centres. Archive with research reports.

CDVEC is the local education authority for Dublin City and its inner suburbs. It provides a wide range of opportunities for the younger generation of Dubliners, and its life-long education programme offers to adults in all age groups career- improvement, leisure, and self-development courses. Access to a course database, the CDVEC Newsletter ( in extracts online), information [...]

Information on council and branches of the association. Linklist to science associations, events and programmes. Access to the ' Primary Science Newsletter'.

Information on aims, membership and the annual conference. Newletter ' Update' and Journal of Special Need in Education "REACH".

United States of America (USA)
The Center provides information and analysis for those involved in managing the higher education enterprise internationally through publications, conferences, and the maintenance of a database of individuals and institutions. It is especially concerned with creating dialogue and cooperation among academic institutions in the industrialized nations and those in the developing [...]

United States of America (USA)
CEO focuses on three areas in particular: racial preferences, immigration and assimilation and multicultural education. Information, publications, full texts, links and newsletter. Special information on bilingual education.

NOSEB is an interdisciplinary research institute of the NTNU Trondheim, and the research foundation Allforsk. It is supported by the research council of Norway through a strategic university programme. It is NOSEB's purpose to initiate and carry out research on the life worlds of children and childhood, also in an international context. Information on NOSEB, useful links, and [...]

Adapt was a significant European social policy instrument aimed at increasing competitiveness by helping companies and employees adapt to and cope with the challenges and opportunities posed by global industrial change. As an experiment in knowledge management, ADAPT has created a knowledge map on the impact of information technology ( Link to the knowledge site). This website [...]

United States of America (USA)
The foundation supports research, publications, and action projects of national significance in elementary/secondary education reform, as well as significant education reform projects in Dayton, Ohio and vicinity. On the website access to a broad range of publications e.g. on school-, teacher and education reform; to the weekly bulletin ' The Education Gadfly' with news and [...]

United States of America (USA)
NACSA is a nonprofit membership association of educational agencies across the U.S. that authorizes and oversees charter public schools. Links and information on educational projects. Access to the monthly bulletin ' NACSA Notes' and a quarterly newsletter. Linkliste.

United States of America (USA)
CRESST is a partnership of UCLA, the University of Colorado, Stanford University, RAND, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Southern California, Educational Testing Service, and the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. The CRESST mission focuses on the assessment of educational quality. Virtual library with reports (searchable by author or keyword; full texts [...]

France; Europe
This international institute regards itself as an experienced and innovative service provider in elaborating educational policy, the evaluation of educational reforms and the provision of education and training programs at European, national and institutional level. The focus of its work is education policy in a European context. The website compiles information about the [...]

Francophone Countries; international; France
The homepage of this association of francophone comparative educational researchers provides information on the organisation (members, organizational structure), activities (congresses, publications) and more (information material, yearbook, news). Until 2011, the AFEC website could be found under . [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Norway; Iceland; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
NOSP contains references to serials available in Nordic and Baltic libraries. Article copies may be requested from the holding libraries via the online ordering service. NOSP covers all subject areas. The main emphasis is, however, on natural science, medicine and social science. NOSP has been existing since 1977 and is based on a co-operation between national union [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. On the website information on aims, membership and conferences. Access to ' JELIS', a quarterly (only against subscription); to the ALISE statistical report; to the 'KALIPER' report ('Educating Library and Information Science Professionals for a [...]

The mission of CAUCE is to enlarge the scope and quality of educational opportunities for adults at university level by enhancing the stature and expertise of those institutions and individuals devoted to providing those opportunities. A member directory with addresses and links is available. Access to information on research projects which have been funded (with links to [...]

The mission of CRCA is the protecting and development of children's rights in Albania based to the standards and principals of the Convention for the Rights of the Child of UN. Members of CRCA are well-known lawyers, physicians, journalists, sociologists specialised on children's rights and issues (non-governmental, non-profit, non- political organisation). Information on [...]

This site is a link list of important websites for the purpose of procuring of information (libraries, information centres, education servers etc.) für education and instruction. The focus is on vocational and secondary education. Meanwhile, the WWW provides a wealth of institutions and information abouth this branch of knowledge. Here, one finds a variety of international, [...]

This site presents an overview about a professional journal "BZL". BZL contains themes about teacher education and further education of teachers and serves as a forum for conceptual and practical problems of teacher education.

United States of America (USA)
Created in 1985, the CPRE unites researchers from five of the nation's leading research institutions - the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison -in an effort to improve elementary and secondary education through practical research. On the website access to research projects [...]

United States of America (USA)
Established in 1990 by the American Association for Higher Education as a special project to encourage colleges and universities to support K-12 reform efforts. Since then, the Ed Trust has grown into an independent nonprofit organization working for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, kindergarten through college. The Ed Trust focuses on the [...]

United States of America (USA)
In 1983, the Family Research Council incorporated as a nonprofit educational institution in the District of Columbia and fosters public debate and formulates public policy that values the family. Special information site on educational issues. Access to 'Ed Facts' analyzing fast-breaking education news with reagads to family policy, schools ( especially in the Washington [...]

United States of America (USA)
The NCTQ has its origins in the 'Teacher Quality Initiative', a joint project of the 'Education Leaders Council' and the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation. NCTQ is a nonprofit organization devoted to the pursuit of teacher quality. It aims to provide up-to-the-minute information on what the various education policy options are, which may work well, which seem not to work at [...]

United States of America (USA)
CTA is a teacher organization that represents and serves more than 330, 000 members - consisting of teachers and other education employees in California. Comprehensive information offer on e.g. training, legal services, quality education, higher education. Link to the Student California Teachers Association's ( SCTA), the own magazine "California Educator" (online features, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Writing Project (NWP) is to improve the teaching of writing and improve learning in American schools. Access to a map or a list of NWP local sites in each state. Links to local national networks and national projects. Publications are available in HTML- and PDF-format. 'E-Voice' is a free, bi-monthly email newsletter that provides news updates, articles of the [...]

United States of America (USA)
ATE's aim is to improve the effectiveness of teacher education through development of quality programs to prepare teachers, by analyzing issues and practices relating to professional development. Information on research in teacher education and awards and on standards (also as PDF-brochure). A broad range of publications: journals ( subscription necessary), newsletter free, [...]

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1915, the association has helped to shape American higher education by developing standards and procedures for quality education and academic freedom in American colleges and universities. Highly reputated publications as 'The Redbook' - Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice (can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press); [...]

United States of America (USA)
NAESP wants to support elementary school principals and other educational leaders in their commitment to children. Various educational information accessible via subject search or through a broad range of link lists. Furthermore 'prinicipal's online network', chat and forums are offered. Articles of their magazine "Principal" are partly available online (archived since [...]

United States of America (USA)
Website about the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001" (NCLB) signed into law by President George Bush in January 2002. It represents his education reform plan and contains the changes to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA 1965). Comprehensive information with news, fact sheets, stats and graphs, glossary available and links to further resources. Special [...]

New Zealand
Physical Education New Zealand - Te Reo Kori Aotearoa is a non-profit organisation for people interested in promoting quality physical education. PENZ actively promotes and develops physical education, and supports educators and others by providing opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding about all aspects of physical education. On the website you will find [...]

New Zealand
DEANZ is a national association for professionals working in flexible, open and networked education committed to fostering growth, development, research and good practice in distance education, open learning and flexible delivery systems for education. Access to the Journal of Distance Learning (only latest issue with abstracts online) and to the newsletter 'Flier' (archive [...]

United States of America (USA)
Promoting educational excellence and equity through bilingual education, NABE is the only national organization exclusively concerned with the education of language-minority students in American schools. The website informs about acvtivities, membership ( seperate member log-in), conferences and legislation. Publications are the Bilingual Research Journal, the Magazine 'NABE [...]

United States of America (USA)
NNELL is an organization for educators involved in teaching foreign languages to children. The mission of the organization is to promote opportunities for all children to develop a high level of competence in at least one language in addition to their own. On the website link to the Journal "Learning Languages" (samples online, volumes can be obtained over ERIC) and to more [...]

The Clare Family Learning Project a programme funded by the Adult Education Board of Clare and other educational institutes. The aim of the project is to provide family learning courses which support the educational needs of families who are marginalized from the education and employment sectors by the double disadvantages of low income and low educational achievement. On the [...]

Offer for professionals involved in vocational education. The portal comprises information from apprentice ship firms, professional associations, charges for vocational education, vocational schools and other related institutions. The links are arranged in these groups: vocational schools and training companies, training of teaching staff, vocational education in Switzerland [...]

Allianssi is an umbrella organisation for Finnish youth organisations offering educational services to local youth workers and organisations. It runs a Youth Policy Library (the collection contains some 13 000 publications and 200 volumes of journals and reviews) and maintains a Youth Info House (web service). Allianssi publishes the youth research magazine [...]

The Australian National Library's database of Australian electronic journals. Search of the AJOL database by entering title, keywords or subjects. Access to more than 2000 resources. Established in 2001.

UNYA is a non-profit, community organisation run for young people by young people and dedicated to raising youth awareness. The youth network is playing an important educational role in Australian society and maintains contact to the ministry of education and organisations supporting children and youth. On the website, information about the aims of UNY the National Youth [...]

The purpose of this site is to inform and keep up-to-date the members, associates and stakeholders of vocational education and training in Australian schools. VETnetwork is a membership-based organisation, and draws its members from all states and from government, independent and catholic school sectors. It has strong links with most of the peak education and training bodies, [...]

United States of America (USA)
NIFL is a federal organization that shares information about literacy and supports the development of high-quality literacy services. Access to various programmes and databases. The 'partnership for reading' programme offers information about effectiv teaching of reading for all ages. America' s Literacy Directory. Nifl's learning dissabilities initiative. Policy and [...]

ACYS provides information products and services for those working in the youth field and for anyone with an interest in youth: 1.) 'Youth Studies Australia', an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, issued quarterly 2.) 'Youth Field Xpress', a monthly email newsletter free of charge 3.) Bibliography on youth and the future. Two ACYS databases: 1. ) 'Youth Monitor [...]

ALIA is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector. On the website, information on and access to its publications ( e. g. ALJ Australian Library Journal, newsletters, periodicals, slide-shows, carrier development kit...) can be obtained as well as listings of library and information sector activities. Link lists to Australian [...]

United States of America (USA)
JSE disseminates knowledge for the improvement of statistics education at all levels, including elementary, secondary, post- secondary, post-graduate, continuing, and workplace education. It is published by editors of various American universities. Free access to articles and abstracts, archived since 1993. Index to articles available. Links to related organisations and web [...]

YRC has expertise in research on education and youth. The website informs about the research projects (access to full texts as html- or pdf-documents). A newsletter is archived online since 1994. Other publications can only be obtained against a handling fee. The site belongs to the network YARN ( Youth Affairs Research Network).

YARN was established as an informal, interactive network that enables people interested and involved in 'youth research' to communicate with each other. The Youth Research Centre at the faculty of education of the University of Melbourne maintains this network. Access to research publications, Australian and international research centres, information on research funding and [...]

NPC is the nationwide organisation of parents of primary school children. More than 900 parent associations are members of NPC, recognised by the government as the organisation that represents the parents of children in primary schools. NPC negotiates with the Minister and Department of Education for improvements in the education system and better resources for primary [...]

SURFnet is the national computer network for higher education and research in the Netherlands. SURFnet connects the networks of universities, colleges, research centres, academic hospitals and scientific libraries to one another and to other networks in Europe and the rest of the world. On the website information on the organisation SURF, seminars and innovative projects can [...]

The KDC forms part of the Catholic University Nijmegen. Its objectives are to collect and make accessible documentation on catholic life in the Netherlands and to promote research and publications about historical and present developments in Dutch Catholicism. On the website on-line search over the Online Public Access Catalogue. Accessible are bibliographies of individuals, [...]

NIZW is an independent organization which targets innovation and improvement in the care and welfare sector. It provides information and support to professionals and volunteers working in fields as varied as child care, social services, community work, services for the elderly, youth care, shelter, nursing homes, home care and services for disabled people. Concrete products [...]

United States of America (USA)
PASE was founded in 1993 by a group of afterschool practitioners to promote innovative education programs. PASE works with community- based organizations to improve the lives of under-served children and youth in New York City through creative afterschool programming. The website offers information on PASE, its projects, a comprehensive linklist and free access to 'The [...]

The Society's primary objective is to offer a forum for cooperation between youth researchers and other people who are interested in questions concerning young people. Jointly with Finnish Youth Cooperation 'Allianssi' it publishes a quarterly entitled 'Nuorisotutkimus' (Youth Research), which reviews youth research of specific themes. A register of youth researchers, [...]

Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEFF) is an organisational and technological partnership between research libraries co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. DEFF's purpose is to advance the development of a network of electronic research libraries that make available their electronic and [...]

United States of America (USA)
SRCD is a multidisciplinary, not-for-profit association with an international membership of approximately 5,000 researchers, practitioners, and human development professionals from over 50 countries. 'Child Development', the journal of the Society, is devoted to original interdisciplinary contributions on topics in child development from the fetal period through adolescence. [...]

United States of America (USA)
NAEYC, founded in 1926, is an organization of early childhood educators dedicated to improve the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade. The website offers information on their accreditation programs, which set professional standards for early childhood education programs. The section "Early Childhood Issues" provides information and research reports [...]

United States of America (USA)
CFNN was established in 1996. Its mission is to promote quality charter schools by connecting and supporting resource centers, charter school associations and other state-level charter support organizations and activities. Research, publications, online communications, a grant program, and multi-state initiatives on high priority issues of common concern to charter schools [...]

United States of America (USA)
ECRP, an Internet journal, features articles related to the development, care and education of children from birth to approximately age 8. Published electronically twice annually (since 1999), the focus is on applied research, or on research with practical implications. No subscription is necessary. The articles are accessible in HTML-format.

NSD, established in 1971, is a national multidisciplinary research service facility under the Research Council of Norway with a strategic responsibility for maintaining data resources and data access for Norwegian research. NSD has established e.g. the Norwegian Research Database (NFI) and a national database for statistics on higher education. The homepages gives access to [...]

NTNU is a centre for technological education and research in Norway, with a solid foundation in the natural sciences. This tradition is interwoven with broadly based expertise in the classical university disciplines. Acces to the NTNU Library, the oldest academic library in Norway (its origin can be traced back to 1768) and to the journal "GEMINI" - research news. Further [...]

This is the website of the European Educational Research Journal (EERJ). It is a new online-only journal devoted to European educational research. Policy-makers, administrators and practitioners with an interest in European issues are invited to register their subscriptions. The journal commenced publication with Volume 1, Number 1, 2002, and be the official journal of EERA, [...]

The Institute is a research and information agency established in 1980 to promote the understanding of factors affecting family stability in Australia. The website offers several databases (e.g. "Family - Australian Family and Society Abstracts Database), journal abstracts about family and education, information on research projects, full text ressources, a page with courses [...]

ECA is a non-government organisation acting in the interests of young children aged 0-8 years of age. It develops and advocates policies on early childhood education and care. ECA also acts as the national umbrella organisation for children's services. The homepage provides information on ECA, its activities and policies, on its publications and Early Childhood Conferences. [...]

The ARC makes recommendations to the Minister for Education for the funding of research proposals. This site aims to provide information about the ARC, its research programmes, grant application information, some information on research highlights, research collaboration between Universities and industry and its people. All ARC publications are online and are in Portable [...]

This full text from the magazine "TIME Asia" informs at three pages on current problems of education in Asian countries. After years of bureaucratic stagnation particularly parents demand more flexibility of their political decision makers in the education system. Despite that, students from Asia have achieved the best results in the international achievement tests in the [...]

United States of America (USA)
ECT is an online magazine for child care center owners, directors and early childhood educators providing research, teaching tips, activities, management strategies, and technology updates (publishing house is Scholastic's). It offers online material for classroom activities, articles and surveys of experts for download. Special attention is turned on fostering early literacy [...]

IVEA was founded in 1902, restructured in 1999 and is the representative body for the 33 Vocational Education Committees in Ireland. The homepage displays access to a card with addresses of all committees in the various counties, provides information about IVEA, events and a historical review. Press releases, policies and submissions can be reviewed in fulltext as well as the [...]

ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]

"Educationmatters" is Irelands foremost monthly educational journal, published as print version, in the Internet and can be obtained via Email. The Internet homepage provides up to date national and international information in all educational fields.The comprehensive information is offered mostly in short articles or fulltexts (only a few for download. A forum provides the [...]

international; Ireland
CRITE is a multi-disciplinary research centre formed as a joint initiative between the Departments of Computer Science, and Department of Education at Trinity College, Dublin. Its remit is to investigate the overlap between technology and education. The aim of the centre is to carry out research on the use of technology in learning and to develop new pedagogically inspired [...]

United States of America (USA)
TED is an organization composed of teacher educators, supporting the professional development of individuals who provide education and supports to individuals with diverse abilities and disabilities and their fam ilies. Access to TESE (Journal of TED of the CEC) with abstracts and indexes online. Broad range of links to related organisations.

The Institute for Educational Research (KTL), a national centre for educational research is a multidisciplinary research institute based at the University of Jyväskylä, established in 1968. The national task of the KTL is investigating, assessing and developing the Finnish educational system and school culture. The institute' s website navigation leads to: introduction, [...]

This page gives access to the monthly and yearly statistics of the republic of Taiwan. The path "Statistics by categories" > "Education, science and technology, and Mass Communication" leads to the chapters on education. Those provide information about the number of schools, students and teachers from 1995 to 2009 as well as on the average duration of first education.

United Kingdom
"ERA is a comprehensive database comprising specially selected high-quality abstracts which cover the current international research in education. A versatile research tool, ERA is supported by a fully-flexible search engine, and comprises links to the full-text online versions of articles where possible. Library's Articles Direct TM document supply service provides access to [...]

The homepage shows a link list by which one can reach education news from Africa; a country index is available.

United Kingdom
"Teaching Times is Questions Publishing's daily online news service dedicated to bringing you the latest stories from the educational sector. We gather stories on everything from nursery education to adult learning". In addition there are various materials for teachers and a job search database.

The institute is an inter-university, national research institute that conducts research on the education and development of children and adolescents from birth through young adulthood. The main goal of ISED research is to determine in what manner, and to what extent, the development of children and youth can be optimized through better child rearing, socialization and [...]

This site is useful for anyone who is involved or interested in education and development in Africa. The site mainly comprises annotated lists of links to relevant sites of interest, and the emphasis is on distance education. Main sections are: institutions, associations and resources of distance education, education research for quality of life, journals and distance [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
"The principal aim of the journal, which is published annually, is to provide information, comment and research findings on all aspects of Scottish educational life in a way that will have a broad appeal to a readership drawn predominantly from teachers in primary and secondary schools in Scotland."

The National Centre for the Coordination and Planning of Scientific and Technical Research has the following main tasks: promotion of scientific-technical research, Coordination of research activities on national level, Development of co-operative relations. The homepage of the CNRST supplies information on: research areas promoted, call for tenders for research projects, co- [...]

Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela
In this link list, the institutions and working groups of distance education are arranged according to the countries. There are also links of the categories: online courses and training programs, international resources, and journals and writings.

Latin America
The links are structured in 4 separate lists: distance study (institutions, on-line courses, journals and writings, other resources), higher education, international co-operation, scholarships), language programs (studying Latin American languages in the countries) and primary and secondary education (school inventories and children's literature). The lists are structured [...]

The website of the research and service laboratory "Department of the History of Education" provides information about the research programme, seminars and conferences and publications of the department and shows the content pages of the review "Histoire de l`éducation". A database "International Guide for Research in the History of Education" is announced. Furthermore, an [...]

The aim of the association is to promote the teaching, research, training, application and creation of knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education ( TICE). The homepage refers to texts of declarations of ATIEF, content pages of the review "Sciences et techniques éducatives" (STE), information about research groups in this subject [...]

The Spanish Association for Orientation and Psychopedagogy is a professional association of people involved in orientation and counselling in the fields of education, work, business both in governmental as well as non-governmental institutions.- A tabular overview on the homepage provides access to information on character, objective, structure and activities of the [...]

Denmark; Finland; Iceland; Norway; Sweden; Northern Europe
NFPF/NERA was founded in 1972 and is an educational research association that covers all the Nordic countries. NERA supports educational research in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The association publishes the journal Nordic Studies in Education and organises an annual congress.

The journal presents articles about recent developments in Africa, among others in the education area.

The databases REDINET contain information on educational research, periodicals, innovations in education and on didactical ressources produced in Spain. Via "Comunidades Autonomas" one can find regional resources.

The Revista Española de Pedagogía publishes three issues a year, which constitute a volume of about 600 pages. This website provides a table of contents and abstracts of the various contributions. Articles of previous years can also be found.

This privately run information service on the educational area in Italy supplies present-day information on every subject relevant for education. Legal acts, decrees and circulars as well as educational research papers and contributions to the current educational debate are offered in full-text. There are moderated mailing and discussion lists on various subject areas. The [...]

United Kingdom
ASCL, is the professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges. Heads, principals, deputy heads, vice-principals, assistant heads, assistant principals, bursars and other senior post holders are eligible for ASCL membership. Members of ASCL are entitled to professional advice and guidance from experienced national and local officials, legal and hotline [...]

This organization promotes the democratic development of education and education policy in Peru, including both the local and national levels. High participation of the citizens and citizenship education are the leading principles. The website provides educational news and policy documents and a journal named "Tarea" - content pages of the journal can be viewed.

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

China, People's Republic of
Chinese Education and Society offers unabridged translations of articles from Chinese journals, newspapers, and collections of articles published in book form. The aim of the journal is to present the more important Chinese studies in this field in the light of the interest of those who are professionally concerned with it. Sources used are: Jiaoyu yanjiu (Education Research), [...]

The web-site of the professional association of French information and documentation specialists offers - besides information about the association - full texts about the fields and occupational profiles of the occupation, training courses and continuing education, congresses, and articles from the journal edited by ADBS. There are also lists of addresses of information [...]

The web-site provides information about study courses, continuing education, research and library services of this college for library and information sciences. An electronic journal "Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France" is accessible.

United Kingdom
The NEU was created in 2017 by merging the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. It is now the biggest education union in the UK. The site offers a wide range of information on all aspects of the teacher profession as well as on the union's work. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom
"UKLA aims to inform all those concerned with the development of language, literacy and communication, encouraging them in reflection and dialogue, supporting their practice and giving public voice to their concerns." The site informs about UKLA's work in schools, other activities, articles and publications.

United Kingdom
"With over seventy branches across the country The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) is the leading organisation in the UK which aims to promote the education, training, advancement and development of all those with special educational needs". The site offers a book list with order service, papers of the organisation as full texts and a database on [...]

United Kingdom
"This website provides online access to a selection of news stories and features from The TES and each of its magazines, as they are published. There is also a complete editorial archive, a fully searchable jobs database (from Summer 1998), a daily 'Hot News' service and the TES Staffroom, an open forum for anyone interested in education".

United Kingdom
"ALLFIE is an organisation of disabled people, parents and disabled children and their allies, campaigning for an to compulsary segregation in the education system". The site offers addresses, literature and an electronic journal.

United Kingdom
"A partnership to promote the education of children from birth to thirteen". Its activities include the publication of the journal "New Childhood" and an annual conference.

New Zealand
NZEALS is a professional body which provides support and professional development for educational leaders across all sectors. It is a national organisation with branches covering most parts of New Zealand and links with kindred organisations throughout the world. The site contains information about the organisation, activities and a link list concerning information on [...]

United Kingdom; Ireland
"eduserv CHEST negotiates for the supply of software, data, information, training materials and other IT related products to the Higher and Further Education community in the UK and Republic of Ireland".

These "international linkages on African education" permit to reveal internet information about all aspects and institutions of education in Africa, for example: universities and other national educational institutions, African Studies and Africa-related institutions, research, indexes of online journals and radio programmes, further link collections about research and [...]

The texts of the law gazette of the Education Ministry is available online under this URL since the issue of June 11, 1998. The Bulletin is published weekly. The homepage provides an easily understandable direction for use and links to the indexes of each issue. The full texts can be downloaded as pdf-files.

The site contains information about the public schools in New South Wales: departmental information, information for teachers, students and parents (documents, curricula, e-journal, calender of events, links to related organistaions, statistical data).

Norway; Europe
The history of the Institute goes back to the late 1950s as a group within the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, NAVF. Through over twenty-five years of activities, the Institute has gained considerable expertise in issues related to research and higher education nationally and internationally. The Institute is a key actor in delivering statistics, [...]

The contributions to the journal can be viewed and downloaded, except the articles of the current issue.

South Africa, Republic
This website provides access first to detailed information on the policy and key activities of the institution in the field of open learning and distance education. SAIDE has instigated in a number of initiatives across the various sectors of education, mainly adult basic, further, teacher, and higher education. Other information sections are services and projects.

United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.

United Kingdom
ASE is a forum for all concerned with science education from primary school to tertiary levels. There are zones for teachers and technicians, a section on safety and health in science, databases on literature and events, publications and an online shop.

Comparative Education Review investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it. Founded in 1957 to advance knowledge and teaching in comparative education studies, the Review has since established itself as the most reliable source for the analysis of the place of education in countries other than the United States.

United Kingdom
"ALL is the major subject association for those involved in teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) at all levels and in all languages". It offers books and journals for language teaching, events and a linklist.

Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"Since 1959 USI has represented student's concerns on educational issues in the Republic and Northern Ireland. USI represents 150,000 students defending and promoting the social, cultural and welfare rights of all its members". The website contains information about the history of USI, its services for students and activities. The student newspaper is available in full text.

Classroom of the future is a project by Broadcom and Telecom Eireann. Schools are equipped with computers to find out how the Internet can be used by schools. A guide to Internet in schools is available online and as a downloadable file.

United States of America (USA)
Most important US journal on Higher Education. Subscription USD 82, 50 per year. Some parts of the site are free to all. They include: Colloquy, an open forum on issues in higher education and a searchable job database.

INTO "is the largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland and at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland". Besides information on the union's services, policy and publications the website contains a section on professional development, an electronic journal and offers a variety of interactive [...]

"This magazine is a publication of the University of Limerick. It is aimed at 5th and 6th year students in Irish schools and their teachers. Each issue contains articles by scientists and engineers from UL and elsewhere describing interesting aspects of their work".

"India Literacy Project, ILP, is a US-based non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to spreading the cause of literacy in India". The website gives information on the various projects in India and how the organisation can be supported. There is also a newsletter in full text.

"The ASTI acts as a professional association voicing the concerns and interests of the teaching profession at second-level and as a registered trade union which protects teachers and fights for improvements in their pay and conditions of employment". The website informs about the services for members and publications by ASTI. Press releases and the association's magazine are [...]

The Academy coordinates research and teaching in the field of humanities and social sciences. The site contains: a newsletter, an agenda, information about fellowship, a publication list, documents concerning educational policy.

United States of America (USA)
ER publishes review recently published books in education. ER contains sixteen departments covering the range of educational scholarship, and is intended to promote wider understanding of the latest and best research in the field. All articles are published on-line, with current articles archived on the ER web page and disseminated via an e-mail distribution list (listserv) [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Principals' Federation offers news, media releases and resources for download as well as a magazine with full text archive.

The Institute for Work and Vocational Guidance is a branch of the CNAM. Its missions are: 1) initial and continuing education of ( vocational) guidance personnel, 2) research in the area of the psychological foundations of vocational guidance (done in an institute at the university Paris V) and 3) operating an information centre with library and test- library. Furthermore the [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Education Gazette Online offers an internet alternative for readers of the New Zealand Education Gazette. As well as holding the information from current and past issues of the Gazette, including information on vacancies and notices, the Gazette Online offers a variety of new features and will be continuously updated. It is produced by the Education Department [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority coordinates qualifications in secondary schools and in post-school education and training, maintains national standards, ensures recognition of overseas qualifications and administers national secondary and tertiary examinations. Scholarships and awards, adresses of education professionals, teaching and examination materials, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education is the nation's premier organization dedicated to enhancing the field of adult learning. With members from 60 affiliates and 40 nations, the Association represents its members from secondary and post- secondary education, business and labor, military and government and from community-based organizations. AAACE [...]

The Centre is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and associated with the CNDP; it was founded in 1983. Its mission is to promote, especially by means of training activities, multiple use of news media in teaching. The following activities are described: Liaison between teachers and news professionals, training, documentation of materials about "media and the [...]

This site offers an index of contents and a full text archive of the Swiss teacher journal ( "Bildung Schweiz").

United States of America (USA)
NCSALL was established in 1996 from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). It was closed in 2007. The goal of NCSALL was to help the field of adult basic education define a comprehensive research agenda; to pursue basic and applied research under that agenda; to build partnerships between researchers and practitioners; and to [...]

The Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) was organized in 1990 to ensure the well-being of learned journals in Canada as important disseminators of scholarly work. Representing over one hundred and forty Canadian journals, CALJ concentrates its efforts in three main areas, Education, Promotion, Lobbying. The website is funded in part by Canada's Schoolnet. It [...]

United States of America (USA)
Networks is the first on-line journal dedicated to teacher research. The journal will provide a forum for teachers' voices, a place where teachers working in classrooms, from pre-school to university, can share their experiences and learn from each other. In each issue, you will find feature-length articles, as well as short reports of work-in- progress, book reviews, and [...]

The bilingual Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE/SCÉÉ) was founded in 1972 and is the largest organisation of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada. CSSE is the major national voice for those who create educational knowledge, prepare teachers and educational leaders, and apply research in the schools, classrooms and [...]

The Canadian Association of University Teachers is the national voice of university academic staff in Canada. Established in 1951, CAUT is a federation of faculty associations/unions and represents members in every province by: promoting the interests of teachers, professional librarians and researchers in Canadian universities and university colleges, advancing the standards [...]

Australia; international
"UltiBASE is a peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. Its aim is to promote teaching best practice in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education in all tertiary settings." The journal is no longer published, but its archive containing issues from December 1996 till November 2003 is still accessible.

The Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy ( CJEAP)is a peer reviewed electronic journal operating as a free Listserv. All work - submission, review, revision and distribution - is carried out by electronic mail. Full articles are simultaneously archived and are available on-line at this site. The Journal seeks to publish thoughtful work that raises [...]

The Canadian Education Association is the only national, bilingual and not-for-profit organization that informs, assists and brings together everyone concerned with education. As a non-partisan association, CEA develops and manages projects and services that facilitate knowledge-sharing and the building of collaborative relationships. Its publications deal with key issues, [...]

ABES is a public national institution under the tutelage of the French Education Ministry. Founded in 1995, its mission is to operate a university documentation system as information network of the French university libraries ("Système universitaire de documentation SU"). ABES records and locates the resources of the French university libraries and gives access to them via [...]

La Documentation francaise is a central service administrative direction of the Prime Minister with the function to inform citizens, public administration and professionals about "basic and actual problems interesting France and the world", i.e. political. economic and social actualities. The homepage shows the three fields of action: 1) documentation: collecting documentary [...]

United Kingdom
This interactive journal serves a a discussion forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of interactive media and education. "JIME is not simply making the conventional media of paper-based articles available on the Net, but addressing the interactive dimensions which are the essence of the new media; JIME is not simply adding an e- mail listserver to allow [...]

The website of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training provides the most up-to-date information about education and training in Ontario today, including: information about the ministry and its various agencies; the latest news releases and statements by the minister; ministry publications and connections to related websites.

This web site provides information on the Ministry, its programs/ services and publications. A list of "Related Internet Resources" is included.This page provides links to other relevant Internet sites and full texts (PDF format). Information includes funding for students in higher education, first nations education.

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) is to promote understanding of means by which resources are generated, distributed and used to enhance human learning. The AEFP is a non-profit professional and academic association representing a variety of disciplines, perspectives and points of view. The AEFP promotes its mission by: Encouraging [...]

"The Faculty of Education has taken on a variety of roles that are linked to a wider conception of education and training. Its main focus remains pre-service and in-service teacher education." The Faculty's website offers a short survey of its main fields of study, courses, admission, boards, conferences, programmes, projects and journals as well as addresses and publications [...]

United Kingdom; international
The site informs about titles obtainable from libraries.

The LCH (umbrella organisation of Swiss teacher associations) promotes the reputation of the teaching profession, stands up for good working conditions and supports professional development. It represents the opinions of teachers in public and in the media and initiates developments in education. The site offers access to the current issues and archive of the periodical [...]

United Kingdom
THE replaced the famous THES magazine in 2008. It provides information about the British and international higher education system and academical job market. The website contains also an archive of back issues from October 1994 onwards. For full access registration is necessary, a free issue is available.

The website of Australia's union for tertiary education staff offers information on the union itself, its campaigns and services for members, information about employment rights and current debates concerning higher education policy. It also provides access to full text versions of its journals and other publications.

United Kingdom
"The NFER is Britain´s leading educational research body. Its mission is to gather, analyse and disseminate research-based information in order to improve education and training. The Foundation maintains a large research programme, comprising over 100 projects at any given time. The major part of this programme is concerned with the public education system - early years, [...]

Russian Federation
The Centre for Informatization of the Russian Ministry of Education is the guiding institution for the partial programme "Informatization of higher education institutions, development of the system of education and training on the basis of modern information technologies". There are 14 links on this website mainly providing information on: the structure of the education [...]

Links to electronic journals on education.

The Centre is the documentation and information centre of the Institute of Educational Innovation. It collects and disseminates educational resources. These materials (monographs, journals, videos, software, slides, cassettes, CDs and CD-ROMs) are searchable through the bibliographical database EDUCbase.

Swiss e-journal in French.

United Kingdom; international
"The ICDL is a documentation centre specialising in collecting and disseminating information on distance education worldwide. ICDL is part of the Open University Institute of Educational Technology, which received world class rating in the 1992 and 1996 Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Research Assessment Exercises". It offers databases on distance [...]

United Kingdom
"A centre of international excellence, for the teaching research and development of technology in the service of student learning. We work in collaboration with Open University Faculty and Regional Colleagues. For Practitioners worldwide we offer: Professional development in educational technology, Postgraduate qualifications in open & distance education, International centre [...]

United Kingdom
"SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education, and was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training [...]

United States of America (USA)
Some education newspapers are presented for on-line inspection, mainly this site provides links to a wealth of links to educational resources and lesson plans for several curriculum subjects (see navigation bar at the right side).

United Kingdom
"The Society for Research into Higher Education, established in 1965, exists to stimulate and co-ordinate research into all aspects of higher education. It aims to improve the quality of higher education through the encouragement of debate and publication on issues of policy, on the organisation and management of higher education institutions, and on the curriculum, teaching [...]

United Kingdom; England
"The Council's main function is to distribute funds provided by the Secretary of State for Education and Employment. The Council funds education and research at 136 universities and higher education colleges in England. It also funds courses at 74 further education colleges, who receive their main funding from the Further Education Funding Council". There are full texts on [...]

international; Europe
This journal is future-orientated and dedicated to electronic publishing. It wants to be a discussion forum for Open and Distance Learning with a broad range of topics covering all areas and levels of education. This includes the intention to deal with European matters and experiences.

The Canadian Network of Innovation in Education is the voice for Canada´s distance and open education communities. CNIE connects educators, administrators and practitioners in a bilingual, pan Canadian network. It promotes research and advances practice in both open and distance education and the use of educational technologies. CNIE addresses all educational contexts, [...]

United States of America (USA)
This electronic version of the hard copy journal contains articles and information for educators, as well as "issues pages" that cover hot topics in the education industry, like school vouchers, charter schools, the Internet, and more. They plan to start charging for access shortly, but at the moment they're offering it on a free trial basis.

United States of America (USA)
This website is announced that it is an "Index to all things Early Childhood!" It provides practical information for parents and pre-school teachers on special teacher and family pages, texts of articles, magazines and newspapers and online-courses.

United States of America (USA)
This homepage provides access to many useful databases in the fields of handicap, special needs and rehabilitation: The reference database REHABDATA, and databases about support and research projects, resources, internet addresses and much more.

This society is dedicated to the fields of educational research and pedagogics and offers on its homepage information about the S. E.P. and its activities as well as electronic publishing.

United Kingdom; international
"The magazine is designed to act as: a resource for Educational Developers, Librarians and Academic Staff, with material arranged by Discipline and by Educational Issue; a forum for readers to discuss and develop ideas, and identify resources that will aid their work. Content includes: evaluated case studies of teaching and learning in subject discipline areas; contact lists [...]

This website offers topic-related data from the recently published issues of the journal, in particular on evaluation, achievement and quality assurance in schools as well as analyses for decision-making and school administration.

Revista de Educación is a quarterly published journal of the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE), which belongs to the Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. On the website the recently published issues on twelve subject categories are offered dealing among others with student [...]

The Interuniversitary Association for Pedagogical Research offers a wide range of information for educational research reaching from electronic publications and the provision of teaching aids up to the organisation of virtual conferences. The association is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).- The user can find a great variety of links to [...]

United Kingdom
"BERA - the British Educational Research Association was founded in 1974 and now has about 890 members...The aim of the Association is to sustain and promote a vital research culture in education...It publishes (in association with Carfax) the British Educational Research Journal five times a year...BERA is trying to enhance the impact of research on both policy-making and [...]

United Kingdom
CAUTION: As of 1 August 2013 the British Education Index (BEI) was sold to EBSCO Information Services. Therefor, services that were previously free of charge might become subject to a fee. The British Education Index (BEI) began life in the early 1960s as a simple author and subject index to the contents of educational journals published in the UK. The service now also [...]

United Kingdom
"The Institute is the largest institution in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of education and related areas...The Institute of Education' s mission is to pursue excellence in education by engaging in: research and scholarship of national and international significance, which builds on the Institute's strong research base; high quality, innovative postgraduate and [...]

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