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Personality development at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: personality development

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This page provides a list of research centres and institutes at the University of Haifa. You will find the following centres for educational research: - Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center for the Study of Learning Disabilities - Center for Multiculturalism and Educational Research - Center for the Study of Child Development - Center for Brain and [...]

Task and aim of the Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft is to raise parent´s and experts´ awareness of an active partnership between parents and children in their upbringing and education, and of a careful and cooperative approach to children in order to establish human relations. Children should not be passive objects in the educational efforts of adults. It is therefore [...]

The first Folk High School was founded in Rødding, Denmark, in 1844, on the initiative of Kristen Kold who was inspired by the educational thinking of N.F.S. Grundtvig. Grundtvig identified a growing democratic need in society of enlightening the often both uneducated and poor peasantry. This social group had neither the time nor the money to enroll at a university and needed [...]

This website is designed for secondary school teachers and students who require information about bullying. It provides tips how to cope with this problem, as well as myths and facts on the topic.

Young Enterprise Malta is a non-profit organisation in the field of enterprise education and economic development. It improves young people's understanding of business, economics, and entrepreneurship through a partnership between local business and education communities. With a learning-by-doing experience it provides groups of pupils over a full academic year with the [...]

With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, the Charlotte Bühler association ( registered association) was founded in 1992. Its aim is to conduct an institute for early childhood research combining theory as well as practice. The institute was given the name "Charlotte Bühler Institute for Practice-Oriented Early Childhood Research" [...]

The online full text "Bildungswegweiser Österreich" (education map Austria), authored by "Schulpsychologie-Bildungsberatung" (school psychology-educational guidance), offers a comprehensive and detailed survey of the Austrian educational system und additionally contains descriptions of diverse educational institutions' characteristics and curricula. By way of introduction it [...]

The institution ´school psychology - education consulting´, sustained by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK) and integrated into the school system, offers its services to pupils, teachers and parents with respect to their search for insights, experiences and implementation that prevent, reduce and solve problems. Moreover it fosters the individual, [...]

United States of America (USA)
This center will provide support and information for and about schools involved in character education and civic engagement. Through the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 students should leave school armed with the skills they need to compete in a global society. CETAC offers a variety of online resources to help educators learn more about selecting, implementing, and [...]

Central Europe; Eastern Europe
The CEU seeks to contribute to the development of open societies in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union by promoting a system of education in which ideas are creatively, critically, and comparatively examined. On its website the University provides information on their academic units, special and extension programmes as well as on events and international [...]

United States of America (USA)
HighScope Foundation, an independent nonprofit research, development, training, and public advocacy organization located in Ypsilanti, Michigan, was founded in 1970. The Foundation's principal goals are to promote the learning and development of children worldwide from infancy through adolescence and to support and train educators and parents as they help children learn.- [...]

The Academy of Human Resource Development was formed to encourage systematic study of human resource development theories, processes, and practices; to disseminate information about HRD, to encourage the application of HRD research findings, and to provide opportunities for social interaction among individuals with scholarly and professional interests in HRD from multiple [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Character Education Partnership (CEP) is a nonpartisan coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to developing moral character and civic virtue in our nation's youth as one means of creating a more compassionate and responsible society.- On this website eleven principles of effective character education are mentioned. Besides quality standards for character [...]

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