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Physical education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: physical education

key words found 1 - 6 of 6

Turkey; international
The Faculty has the following Departments: * Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) * Educational Sciences (EDS) (among others with a project list and a list of PhD theses) * Elementary Education (ELE) * Foreign Language Education (FLE) * Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (SSME) * Physical Education and Sports (PES) Under "publications" you [...]

The Faculty for Humanities and Educational Sciences (FaHCE) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) has an Institute for Research in Education (Instituto de Investigaciones Educativas - IIE) which provides a list of projects and a small list of publications. The faculty also has an Area for Studies and Research on Physical Education (Área de Estudios e Investigaciones [...]

Palestinian Territories
The English website of the Faculty unfortunately only provides a contact address and the title of its four study programmes. They comprise basic education as well as physical education. The Arabic version of the website provides some more detailed information about the programmes. You will find some more interesting information on a page with fulltexts from An-Najah scholars [...]

international; Ireland
The School of Education has a focus on the following topics: * Sports Studies and Physical Education (SSPE) Home * Early Years and Childhood Studies Section * Science Education Section * PDE (Post-Primary Teaching) * Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education Needs (SEN) There are currentlich three bigger research projects: * Multiple [...]

The objective of the General Administration of Physical Education (DIGEF) is the promotion of students through qualitative education processes and programs which establish a sport culture. Through physical education - sports as well as recreation - health and activity of the Guatemalan youth are ensured.

The Ministry for Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP) has the task to develop, implement and evaluate sport policies and policies for physical education. In concrete terms, this means, relative to education, that it conceptualizes strategies and development schedules for sports and physical education, that it generates education programs for physical education in the [...]

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