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Professional association at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: professional association

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The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.

The "Israel Science and Technology Homepage" lists websites of professional educational associations in Israel. According to their own statement, "Israel Science and Technology Homepage is the national database and directory of science and technology related sites in Israel." [Abstract: Site editor’s information supplemented by editors of Education Worldwide]

South Africa, Republic
"SACE is the professional council for educators, that aims to enhance the status of the teaching profession through appropriate Registration, management of Professional Development and inculcation of a Code of Ethics for all educators." The website provides information on the structure and work of SACE, including the work of their two departments "Professional Development & [...]

China, People's Republic of
The "National Committee of the Chinese Educational, Scientific, Cultural, Health and Sports Workers' Union" (JKWWT) is a socalled Industrial Union and member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Its website provides information on the work of the committee, on news about working conditions in the educational sector, on conferences (also scientific ones), on [...]

The website of the Brasilian National Trade Union of Workers in the Educational Sector provides very broad information on education and working conditions in the educational field in Brazil. Among others, you will find information on legislation and bills, on events and meetings, on networks, as well as fulltexts of reports, studies, whole books and a feminist journal called [...]

The website of the Brazilian Association for Distance Learning provides very ample information and resources on distance learning in Brazil. You will find a course serach, a search for course providers, a search for professionals in this area, fulltext documents, podcasts, legislative documents, periodically published evaluations and statistics on distance learning in Brazil, [...]

Brazil; international
The website of the Brazilian Association for Early Childhood Education (created in 1981) provides some information on its structure, aims and statutes. Otherwise, the website seems to be used mainly for announcing the three-annual "Congresso Internacional de Educação Infantil" (the 7th taking place in 2013). Other event announcements and small articles were last updated in [...]

The International Association of Schools of Social Work, IASSW, is the worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary level social work educational programmes, and social work educators. The IASSW promotes the development of social work education throughout the world, develops standards to enhance quality of social work education, encourages international [...]

The association of teachers and educators in pre-school education (until 2006 ´Association Générale des Institutrices et Instituteurs des Ecoles et classes Maternelles publiques´ AGIEM) deals with current developments in its vocational field, informs about the daily work in pre-schools and features a list of publications. The website shows the range of activities of its [...]

The purpose of the association is to emphasize and promote the philosophy of social education and its uniqueness in being actively involved in partnership with clients, working with them, not only individually but in groups, families, communities, in the milieu, towards the development of their strengths and in resolving personal, social, and community difficulties. The [...]

The VSLCH represents the interests of its members towards all federal and cantonal authorities as well as organisations from education, culture and the economy. It aims at co-operation with other school management associations and takes part in all education-relevant topics concerning compulsory education level.

United Kingdom
The General Social Care Council is responsible for setting standards of conduct and practice for social care workers and their employers, for regulating the workforce, and for regulating social work education and training. The GSCC is a Non Departmental Public Body established in October 2001 under the Care Standards Act 2000. It is sponsored by the Department of Health but [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NISCC is the regulatory body for the Northern Ireland social care workforce. We are an independent public body, established to increase public protection by improving and regulating standards of training and practice for social care workers.

Scotland; United Kingdom
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) is responsible for registering people who work in social services and regulating their education and training. The SSSC was set up to raise standards in social services. Our role is to increase the protection of people who use social services, to raise standards of practice and to strengthen and support the professionalism of the [...]

Anguilla; United Kingdom
The website offers news and contributions supplied by teachers.

United Kingdom
AUA is the professional body for higher education managers and administrators in the UK and worldwide. AUA is committed to promoting excellence in higher education management, advancing a code of professional standards, providing information networks, developing international links, and enhancing the profile of the profession nationally and internationally.

United Kingdom
NPH is not a Union, and does not seek to take on the roles and responsibilities of the established Unions and Associations. It speaks out on current issues, especially the funding of primary school education.

The Australian Council for Education through Technology (ACET) is a council of Australian affiliated technology organisations. It exists to promote and improve the quality of technology education provided in Australia. ACET is the National Professional Association for technology educators representing members from all sectors of education including pre-school, primary schools, [...]

Europe; North America
The History of Education Society publishes bibliographical references, lists of history of education research associations in Europe and North America, and information concerning topical conferences on its web site.

"The Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) is the major professional association for educational leaders. It draws its membership from all sectors of education in Australia." Its website offers information on ACEL, its activities and publications.

"The Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE) is the peak organisation representing the deans of faculties of education and heads of schools of education in Australian universities and other higher education institutions." Its website provides information on the council, access to its publications as well as links to related websites.

The Technology Education Federation of Australia (TEFA) was formed in 1991 as a federation of national professional associations of technology educators. Its website offers information on technology education in general, TEFA and its projects and provides links to technology education resources.

The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) aims to advance the practice and study of distance education in Australia and foster communication between distance educators. Its website provides information on ODLAA, its activities and publications as well as links to related websites.

"The Primary English Teaching Association (PETA) is committed to promoting awareness of the importance of children's language development and the significance of the teacher's role in education." The website informs about PETA and its projects and provides information on resources for teachers and links to related websites.

The Australian Joint Council of Professional Teaching Associations ( AJCPTA) is a federation of state and territory joint councils of teacher professional associations representing its members' interests on a national level. Its website contains information on the AJCPTA and its activities, provides links to related websites and gives access to full-text versions of relevant [...]

The AATE is the national arm of Australian state/territory associations for the teaching of English. It gives teachers a voice on national issues concerned with teaching and learning in English. Its website provides information on its conferences and publications as well as links to projects, member and other organisations.

"The Australian College of Educators (ACE) is a peak body that exists to advance the education profession nationally across all sectors and levels for the individual and collective success of Australia' s educators. " To non-members, the website offers information on the College, its activities and research and a list publications.

"The Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations (AFMLTA) is the national professional body representing teachers of all languages in Australia. Its role is to promote language learning in Australia." The website contains information on the federation, its publications and links to its member organisations.

"The Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) is the peak body representing science teachers in Australia. It is the federation of eight state and territory Science Teacher Associations. Through its council structure it represents and supports science teachers and teaching." Its website informs about ASTA and provides links to its member organisations and to resources [...]

"The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation ( ACHPER) is a national professional association representing people who work in the areas of Health Education, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, Dance, Community Fitness or Movement Sciences. The mission of the Council is to promote healthy lifestyles for all Australians and particularly to study and [...]

The Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA) is the national coordinating body for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Its objectives are to represent and support the interests of its members, to ensure access to English language instruction for speakers of other languages and to promote study, research and development of TESOL at state, national [...]

"The Australian Secondary Principals' Association (ASPA) is the national association for leaders of government secondary schools in the eight states and territories in Australia. It seeks to promote quality teaching and learning, to enhance confidence in Australian schools and principalship, and to meet the professional needs of members." Its website provides information on [...]

"The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT) is a confederation of affiliated associations. It aims to support and enhance the work of teachers, to promote the learning of mathematics and to represent and promote interests in mathematics education." Its website provides information on the AAMT and its projects and a comprehensive link list.

"The Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA) is dedicated to the improvement of literacy development and language learning at all levels. It provides support and professional development to educators and others interested in literacy through international, national, state and regional conferences, workshops and seminars, journals, position papers and other [...]

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) is over 6000 members strong, representing all grades of teachers in the public and private sectors from Kindergarten to University. Over the years the MUT developed its dual role of a strong and effective trade union and an experienced professional educational organisation. This website offers information on joining, the Capital Language [...]

Early Childhood Ireland (ECI) was created in 2012 by merging two organisations: the Irish Preschool Play Association (IPPA) and the National Children’s Nurseries Associations (NCNA). This made ECI the largest membership organisation in the sector of early childhood education. Membership extends not only to persons working in this sector, but also to parents, toddlers, [...]

The teacher union has been established in 1992. It represents teacher with the following French occupational titles: instituteurs, professeurs des écoles (inclusive école maternelle), des collèges, des lycées et lycées professionnels, technologiques, des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive, des conseillers principaux d' éducation, enseignants spécialisés, [...]

ÖDHK stands for an umbrella organisation of professionals in early childhood education and care in Austria, established in 1994. As a non-profit organisation it integrates relevant occupational groups from the Länder. Representation of interests and of childrens rights are the main aims of the organisation. The website features beside information on ÖDHK, position papers, [...]

This document published by the Austrian Chamber of Trade contains all relevant information companies need to become firms where apprentices are trained. From the table of contents: 1) General information on vocational training, trainers, company, finances, controllership, rights and duties; 2) Choosing apprentices; 3) Employing apprentices: contracting and registering at a [...]

United Kingdom
The Association for Physical Education (afPE) came into existence through the merging of baalpe (The British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education) and PEA UK (Physical Education Association of the United Kingdom). The association is committed to being the UK representative organisation of choice for people and agencies delivering or supporting the [...]

This website of SEFI, a non-profit organisation founded in 1973, serves as an information and communication platform for the respective specialists. SEFI is presently the largest network of higher engineering institutions and individuals involved in engineering education in Europe. Through its numerous and various activities, SEFI contributes to the development and improvement [...]

The Caribbean Union of Teachers offers a common forum for the teacher unions of the Caribbean and organises events.

The Society unites professionals in higher technical education in order to improve the quality of engineering and technical education at higher education level. The projects operate both nationally and internationally. Newsletters, publications and regular conferences provide opportunities for exchanging information. Moreover, the Society is advisory to the Government of India [...]

"CASTME is a professional organisation that links Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Educators across the Commonwealth." Its objective is the enhancement of teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics throughout the Commonwealth.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland is the statutory, independent body for the teaching profession and is dedicated to enhancing the status of teaching and promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice."

Wales; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Wales is the statutory, self- regulating professional body for teachers in Wales. It seeks to raise the status of teaching by maintaining and promoting the highest standards of professional practice and conduct in the interests of teachers, pupils and the general public."

The aims of ACT are to support the teachers of Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and to represent them. Information on the constitution, action projects and events. Free access to 'ACTIVATE' , the newsletter of ACT. Full text articles and statements and commented useful links for CSPE teachers are available.

IPPN is a new national structure, which, inpractical co-operation with the Department of Education and Science will help to foster nationally a culture of professional support and development for primary principals. Information on local professional support groups, local and national networks and membership. Publications to download (Word- files), curriculum, managment and [...]

Information on the federation and the point system for universities. List of publications, annual reports to download, links to legal statements, salary schemes and research information.

Information on council and branches of the association. Linklist to science associations, events and programmes. Access to the ' Primary Science Newsletter'.

Information on aims, membership and the annual conference. Newletter ' Update' and Journal of Special Need in Education "REACH".

Online resources for German language lessons and on language certificates. Links to related organisation and competitions in Ireland.

'Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening' (GL) was founded in 1890 and has more than 11.500 members. Information on the organisational structure of the union, activities, teacher working conditions and international co-operation. General information on teacher education and the Danish Education System.

SULF, is the association for university teachers, researchers and doctoral candidates. SULF, is a member of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco), whose members are professionals with university or college education. It is one of three confederations of trade unions. It represents the professional interests of its members.

'Landsforbundet af Voksen- og Ungdomsundervisere' is an adult education teachers' trade-union organisation which primarily safeguard the interests of its members. LVU also works in an educational policy capacity. In English only general information. Publications, statements and educational information in Danish only. Link list to further Danish teacher trade unions and [...]

New Zealand
The association represents the interests of all teachers in independent schools. Information on the history of ISTANZ and on membership. A newsletter can be obtained free of charge. Link list to related organisations in NZ.

United States of America (USA)
CTA is a teacher organization that represents and serves more than 330, 000 members - consisting of teachers and other education employees in California. Comprehensive information offer on e.g. training, legal services, quality education, higher education. Link to the Student California Teachers Association's ( SCTA), the own magazine "California Educator" (online features, [...]

United States of America (USA)
AFSA is a national education organization supporting school principals at various schools (especially public schools). Broad range of link lists in the field of education with keyword search, labor news, information on scholarship and the organization.

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1915, the association has helped to shape American higher education by developing standards and procedures for quality education and academic freedom in American colleges and universities. Highly reputated publications as 'The Redbook' - Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice (can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press); [...]

United States of America (USA)
NAESP wants to support elementary school principals and other educational leaders in their commitment to children. Various educational information accessible via subject search or through a broad range of link lists. Furthermore 'prinicipal's online network', chat and forums are offered. Articles of their magazine "Principal" are partly available online (archived since [...]

United States of America (USA)
NABSE is the nation's largest network of African American educators and dedicated to improving the educational accomplishments of African American youth. The website presents the organisation and informs about the NABSE foundation and the linked Charles D. Moody Research Institute on African American Education

Russian Federation
This website of Virtual Methodical Association of Teachers of Geography in the Russian Federation offers a platform for subject specialists to exchange their experiences, to upgrade their professional level and for preparing lessons, particularly with regard to the use of new technologies in teaching geography. On the respective homepage a link to newly developed lessons is [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NASUWT is one of the largest teachers' unions and the only one to organise in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. NASUWT has members in all sectors of education and represents teachers in all roles including heads and deputies. The website provides news and information for teachers and informs about legal services and training courses. Addresses of local councils [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Founded in 1919, the Ulster Teachers' Union is one of the largest organisations of teachers in Northern Ireland. The page informs about protection, benefits and services for teachers and about comments on educational issues.

The homepage of the French Association of Mathematics Teachers has links to texts about the organization itself, its publications, services, activities and statements and databases concerning problems of mathematics instruction.

The Canadian Teachers´ Federation (CTF) is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations that represent nearly 200,000 elementary and secondary school teachers across Canada. CTF strives to help with increasing teachers´ influence with the government, with improving salaries and working conditions and with being a contact for teachers in hard times [...]

The web-site provides information about trade union education in Europe: courses, resources (i.e. a database of documents in the ETU Education Research Centre), programs of the EU concerning trade union education, projects and access to a "virtual campus".

The Association of Estonian Adult Educators (AEAE) ANDRAS is an Estonian non-governmental organisation, which unites the representatives of different branches of adult education and aims at increasing the competence of it members in the field of andragogics, the science and practice of adult education according to new requirements. The respective website offers information on [...]

AKAVA - the Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland - is a trade union formed by 32 affiliates and with about 400 000 members and with 80% unionization rate. The website provides information: about AKAVA and a list of the 32 affiliates ( without links) , useful general information about trade unions in Finland, about Finnish trade union work in the EU and [...]

The organization of Suisse highschool teachers is a national professional association. It represents a united articulated policy in educational panels and takes part in societal discussion about school and education matters.

EFVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to support and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational co-operation by building a pan-European network of institutions and practitioners.- [...]

This union represents those French teachers who work as documentalists in the schools and are responsible for the application of media and technologies. The website provides information about the union itself, the occupational profile, recruitment and official texts, the actions and publications of the union, e.g. the full text of the members' newsletter.

United States of America (USA)
The American Federation of Teachers (AFL) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers and health professionals in the United States. It represents about one million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its Web Site the AFL supports teaching staff and health care workers in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for [...]

United States of America (USA)
The National Education Association (NEA) is one of the leading trade unions of teachers in the United States. It represents about 2.6 million employees in schools and colleges. Providing comprehensive information on its website the NEA supports teaching staff and parents in fulfilling their task to ensure optimal learning conditions for all pupils/ students and to guide them [...]

The Mexican Council of Educational Research is an association aiming at coordinationg actions and interests of educational researchers and at promoting quality research. This homepage provides in tabular form information on status, organization and activities of the Council.

France; international
A list of associations that work in the field of education and are officially accredited and sometimes subsidised by the French Ministry of Education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The AVCC is the peak organisation representing Australian universities nationally and internationally. It seeks to advance higher education through voluntary, cooperative and coordinated action. Besides a description of AVCC, its policies and actions, the website provides information about Australian universities (overview of the university system, links to individual [...]

Since 2022, the representative body of French universities has been called "France Universités". It was previously known as the "Conférence des présidents d'université - CPU" (Conference of University Presidents). The website provides information on its tasks, higher education policy positions, members and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United States of America (USA)
This association is dedicated to the professional development of all who participate in decision-making related to higher education. Its members are similar associations from all over the world. This website of the AIR offers resources for educational research, an on-line journal and fulltexts of papers presented in its annual forum.

United Kingdom
"The Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) is an independent trade union and professional association for teachers, head teachers, lecturers; education support staff (PAtT) and, in our Professional Association of Nursery Nurses (PANN) section, nursery nurses, nannies and other childcarers". The site informs about the organisations activities and sub-sections.

United Kingdom
ASCL, is the professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges. Heads, principals, deputy heads, vice-principals, assistant heads, assistant principals, bursars and other senior post holders are eligible for ASCL membership. Members of ASCL are entitled to professional advice and guidance from experienced national and local officials, legal and hotline [...]

United Kingdom
"As a professional association of teachers of students with specific learning difficulties, it is for all those concerned with the teaching and support of pupils with SpLD: dyslexic, dyspraxic, ADD, and Aspergers syndrome". The website offers events and publications.

The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]

United Kingdom
NAHT provides support to head teachers and speaks on educational issues covering primary, secondary and special school sectors.

United Kingdom
"ATL's 150,000-strong membership spans every sector of education, from early years through to further education. It includes special needs teachers, peripatetic tutors and teacher trainers, deputy heads and FE management spine staff - but not serving headteachers and principals". Besides information on current political and professional issues there are sections about [...]

The web-site of the professional association of French information and documentation specialists offers - besides information about the association - full texts about the fields and occupational profiles of the occupation, training courses and continuing education, congresses, and articles from the journal edited by ADBS. There are also lists of addresses of information [...]

United Kingdom
The NEU was created in 2017 by merging the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. It is now the biggest education union in the UK. The site offers a wide range of information on all aspects of the teacher profession as well as on the union's work. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

England; United Kingdom
"The Council will aim to: Raise the status and public standing of teachers by representing their professional interests; influence education policy by advising the Secretary of State on professional matters; guarantee high professional standards through the Register of Teachers and Code of Practice".

The Guilde is an association in the Internet which provides information and resources devoted to PhD-training in France. The homepage has links to information texts about doctoral training, the thesis, labour opportunities for graduates, additional useful links, a search engine, discussion list and journal. (Abridged versions of the French web-site are available in English, [...]

EFECOT is a European organization, which devotes itself to the right of appropriate education of occupational travellers. EFECOT is a European federation of parties involved in the education of the children of bargee, circus families, fairground families and seasonal workers.

"The Institute of Guidance Counsellors is the professional body representing over 700 practitioners in second level schools and in other settings...It promotes standards for entry into the profession and for the practice of guidance and counselling". The website offers information about the profession and how to become a counsellor, but mainly it is intended as a forum for [...]

United Kingdom
"The University and College Union has been formed by the amalgamation of the Association of University Teachers and NATFHE - The University & College Lecturers' Union. UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK."

The LCH (umbrella organisation of Swiss teacher associations) promotes the reputation of the teaching profession, stands up for good working conditions and supports professional development. It represents the opinions of teachers in public and in the media and initiates developments in education. The site offers access to the current issues and archive of the periodical [...]

The association of Swiss nursery school teachers represents the intentions and interests of nursery schools and primary schools (the first two years) and of their personnel, watches the news in the educational domain for children between 4 and 8 years and takes an interest in questions of educational policy. The website refers to publications of the association´s own [...]

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