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Progressive education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: progressive education

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The Rudolf Steiner publishing house publishes the complete works of Rudolf Steiner. Apart from the complete edition of now 335 volumes these comprise a large collection of works of art.

The Rudolf Steiner Archive is the centre for the dokumentation and editing of the scientific and artistic works of Rudolf Steiner. The website informs about the archive collection, editions and research as well as exhibitions.

Steiner Education Australia is the umbrella organisation for Australian Steiner schools (Waldorf schools). The website provides a list of (member) Waldorf schools, information on the teacher education conference, on further education courses for teachers as well as various resources for teachers and parents. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This page offers an overview and adresses about all Rudolf Steiner Schools in Swiss and the ideas of the Waldorf pedagogy.

Cyprus, Republic of
The Montessori Centre in Nocosia is a private institution established in 1993. It functions as a well established school with a carefully planned, structured educational programme.- The website offers detailed information and a photo album.

Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Ecuador; Colombia; Mexico; Peru; Uruguay
This website shows postal and internet addresses of Waldorf schools, teacher training institutions, teacher associations and school associations.

Information about the association of Waldorf-schools in Norway, schools, activities, conferences, linklists.

New Zealand
The site provides information about Montessori-institutions (schools) in New Zealand, information for Montessori teachers and information about schools which are members of the Montessori Association ("schools near you"). Furthermore, there are texts about the Montessori theory.

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