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Quality of education at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: quality of education

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The Egyptian Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform and its successor, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, offer so-called "Voluntary National Reports" on the status of achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. These include 2-3 pages each on Goal 4 "Quality Education". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The "Indicadores nacionales de la mejora continua de la educación en México" (National indicators for the continuous improvement of education in Mexico) can be seen as a follow-up publication to the "Informes sobre la Educación Obligatoria en México" (Reports on compulsory education in Mexico). . The "National Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education" [...]

Africa South of the Sahara; Ghana; Kenya; Uganda; Zambia
ESSA describes itself as "charity using evidence to improve education in sub-Saharan Africa". This is done primarily through evidence-based research. Focus countries in the period 2021-2026 are Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. Priority topics are access to education, quality of education, transition from school to work, the promotion of African researchers and women in [...]

The "Informes sobre la Educación Obligatoria en México" (Reports on Compulsory Education in Mexico) were published by the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) from 2014 to 2019. They summarised the various studies, evaluations and statistics produced by the INEE for the year in question. As other reports are also listed under the link provided, we offer [...]

The indicators on this website provide information on Belgium’s progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations. Using three indicators per SDG, the Federal Planning Bureau assesses for Belgium the trends of indicators towards the SDGs. We link to the indicators for education. [Abstract: Site editors' information supplemented by [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Afghanistan you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Ministry of Basic Education is presented shortly on the website of the Government of Botswana. The ministry itself has no website. Botswana also has a Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology which has a facebook page. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Cnesco is composed of researchers, parlamentarians, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. It is in charge of doing analyses, studies, and evaluations of the French educational system and give advice based on their results. The website, which is also available in English, provides fulltext documents of reports based on evaluations etc. in different [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For France you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement was founded on 1 September, 2010 and is the legal successor of the National Center for Educational Accreditation. The centre is responsible for the authorisation and accreditation of Georgian educational institutions. Further tasks comprise the quality enhancement of qualifications and professional standards, the [...]

The main goal of Teacher’s Professional Development Center is to improve teaching quality at schools, set high standards of teaching and learning, as well as to raise teachers’ status. The center carries out its activities in the following areas: professional development of teachers; to attract and support qualified staff and new candidates during preparation process and [...]

The National Assessment and Examinations Center is the well-established organization acting in the field of examination and assessment and serving pupils, students, teachers, educational organizations, governmental and non-governmental agencies and others through the provision of valid and reliable instruments of assessment. The website provides information on the research, [...]

The Open Education Research Hub (OER Hub) is a team of scientists who do research on the impact of open educational resources (OER) on teaching and learning practices. The website offers information about current projects, provides research outputs as publications, reports, presentations, infographics and datasets. It also links to online courses which are open entry. Via a [...]

As an interactive online tool the UNESCO eAtlas for Education 2030 presents worldwide statistical information which is collected to achieve the aims the Education 2030 Framework for Action has set. Users can individualize and combine the data given to the different sub-targets, draw up excel-files or graphical maps, and finally download and share it.

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For the Netherlands you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The website of the Dutch School Inspectorate provides a lot of information on its work, the process of inspection, criteria for evaluating school, as well as many fulltext documents (reports, studies, results from school inspections etc.). The Dutch website moreover provides a school finder where you can filter for many different criteria. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Belgium you can find documents starting in the year 2000 - for the French and the Flemish community, not for the German community. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of [...]

The website of the Education Inspectorate of Flanders is not available in English. For an English profile of the inspectorate of 2009, please visit the website of the Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI). The Dutch website provides detailed information on the tasks and concrete work of the inspectorste, including a lot of documents evaluating educational [...]

Belgium; Netherlands
Together, the Netherlands and Flanders run an entity for accreditation and quality assurance of educational institutions in their respective countries. The NVAO also organises the accredition of foreign qualifications. Its website provides a lot of information on the work processes of NVAO, including annual reports on accreditation processes, guidelines, criteria and much [...]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Finland you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Ukraine you can find documents starting in the year 1991. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Argentina; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The "Iberoamerican Network for Research on School Change and Efficiency" RINACE unites national networks with the same focus in Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Its website provides information on RINACE's organisation, on the members of the national networks, on activities, research, three fulltext journals (Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en [...]

South Africa, Republic
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For South Africa you can find documents starting in the year 1997. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Russian Federation
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Russia you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For India you can find documents starting in the year 1968 (in the same document as 1998). Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Brazil you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

China, People's Republic of
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For China you can find documents starting in the year 1995. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Indonesia you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Indonesia Mengajar is a programme founded in 2010 by Indonesian Minister for Education Anies Baswedan (since 27.10.2014). Young students in education or young teachers get recruited to teach in some rural and remote areas of Indonesia for some time. The programme is based on the expreience that remote areas often lack good teachers who don't want to teach in these areas for [...]

"FINEEC started its operations on 1 May 2014. It was formed by combining the evaluation activities of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council, the Finnish Education Evaluation Council and the Finnish National Board of Education. (...) [FINEEC] is an independent government agency responsible for the evaluation of education [in Finland]". The website is divided into the [...]

Finnish Education Evaluation Council is in charge of the evaluation of Finnish primary, secondary, vocational and adult education. The information on its English website was last updated in 2012. Under "publications", you can find short English abstracts of the evaluations carried out so far. Furthermore, you can find information on projects run in the different education [...]

Palestinian Territories
This website of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education provides a list of fulltext documents (official documents, working papers, drafts, ..) on its educational planning for 2014 to 2019 and on the evaluation of the previous planning 2008-2012. The main document of the planning 2014-2019, "Education Development Strategic Plan 2014-2019", also provides a [...]

Palestinian Territories
The database Planipolis provides official fulltext documents on educational policy and planning from UNESCO member states. For Palestine you can find documents starting in the year 2000. Planipolis is provided by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Palestinian Territories
The National Institute for Educational Training (NIET) is in charge of teacher and other instructors' education and training in Palestine. This one information page in English provides an overview over tasks, goals and activities of the NIET. The rest of the website is in Arabic. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

An article of Arnd Zickgraf about managing education in Sweden. Developments and reasons are given for the success of the Swedish school system with its juxtaposition of local autonomy and national objectives as an instrument of control.

Russian Federation; international
The Russian Center for Educational Quality Assessment provides ample information about and data from international assessments like TIMSS, PISA,PIRLS,CIVIC, SITES, IAEP II as well as from some national assessments - unfortunately, this information is available only in English. Furthermore, you will find the presentations of an international conference on "Russian Education in [...]

The link leads you to a chapter of the book "Quality Research in Literacy and Science Education: International Perspectives and Gold Standards" by Mack C. Shelley II,Larry D. Yore and Brian Hand. The chapter can be read in its full length in GoogleBooks. Sub-chapters are: 6.8.1 Monitoring the Quality of Educational Research in Brazil 6.8.2 Factors Impacting upon the Quality [...]

ABAVE is an association for people working in the field of educational evaluation and assessment in Brazil. The website mainly contains documents from this sector (dating from 2006 to 2011), some general news, and information on the conference CONBRATRI - Congresso Brasileiro de Teoria da Resposta ao Item. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is responsible for all matters concerning Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in Sweden. It analyses labour market demands for qualified workforce, decides which vocational programmes are to be provided as HVE and allocates public funding to education providers. It also monitors and audit education quality and outcome.

The agency is responsible for the National Framework of Qualifications and the quality assurance of further and higher education and training (including English language provision) in Ireland. Quality and Qualifications Ireland was established on 6 November 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. The new Authority was created by [...]

The Österreichische Fachverband für Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Zweitsprache (ÖDaF) is a network and forum for its members and for anyone who is interested in the field of German as a foreign language (´Deutsch als Fremdsprache´, DaF) or German as a second language (´Deutsch als Zweitsprache´, DaZ). On ÖDaF´s web page, information can be found concerning club activities, [...]

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1971, Knowledge Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on learning and applying what works to dramatically improve K-12 public education. We advocate for the greater use of research-based knowledge in education policy and practice at the federal, state, and local levels. Knowledge Alliance is comprised of leading education organizations that are [...]

The research projects at BIFIE cover the whole school system. In detail, the federal institute has to fulfil the following tasks: 1. Quality advancement of the school system through innovative school projects, teacher education and the development of teaching materials; 2. Education monitoring (observation of the Austrian school system) including the development of education [...]

United States of America (USA)
This site offers information and resources on educational leadership in the USA. You will find information on the following topics: interaction between policy, scholastic administrators, teachers, parents and students; cooperation and coordination between policy-makers, administrators, teachers and parents; curriculum planning and more.

Puerto Rico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The Association of Teachers of Puerto Rico (AMPR) is a professional, non-profit organisation which offers services to education professionals which contribute to improve education quality in Puerto Rico. AMPR assists in the elimination of inequalities in the education sector by influencing public education towards integrity, transparency and stability.

The Centre for Active Education (CEA) supports the integral development of every student by an adaptive pedagogical offer, which adds up to an appropriate teaching-learning-offer. In the CEA, the teaching-learning-process is seen as an active operation, education is therefore adapted to the profil of every pupil.

United Kingdom
On 11 March 2011, the Secretary of State for Education announced the details of a Review of Teachers’ Standards. The first report of the Review was published on 14 July 2011 and ministers have accepted the Review´s recommendations for a new set of standards, which will set the minimum requirements for teachers´ practice and conduct. This section contains information about [...]

The Management for Social Responsibility of Corporations in the Educative Sector (DIRSSE) is an organ of the ministry for education and culture of Paraguay. Its task is the creation of public-private alliances for the promotion and the expansion of social responsibility in the educative sector on all its levels: entrepreneurial, corporative, university, public and gloabl, [...]

The education radio Paraguay was started in 1998. It offers cultural and educative programs which communicate ethical, environmental and civic values and strive for the preservation of traditions. The radio has its listeners in Alto Paraná, Iguazú (Argentina) and a large part of Paraná (Brazil).

The Ministry of Education of Honduras is responsible for the guarantee of qualitative education services for children, youth and adults with consideration of the criteria of integrity and the contextualization in constitutive mandates and international agreements. It offers public and private education services which respond to the necessities of the country and of human [...]

The Federation of University Students of Uruguay (FEUU) represents all students of the country which study at universities. Its decision-making organ is the "Convención" which gathers every two years and which discusses about political as well as strategical issues of the FUEE. It also elects an executive board which implements the decisions of the Convención. The main [...]

Skolinspektionen (Swedish Schools Inspectorate) supervises schools in Sweden from pre-school to adult eduation. It verifies that the municipality or the independent school complies with the laws and regulations and monitors its quality and results. The website contains information for schools as well as for parents. Reduced information is available in several foreign languages.

Ten-Year Plan of the Beninese Ministry of Education for the development of the education sector and the implementation of Milennium Development Goals - 2006-2015 - Summary

The Evaluation, Accreditation and Assurance Counsil for the Quality of Higher Education (CEAACES) contributes to the guarantee of quality of the institutions, programs and careers which are integrated in the national higher education system. This is effected by the application of continuous processes of autoevaluation, external evaluation and accreditation.

Ecuador; Guyana; Suriname; Colombia; Venezuela; Peru; Brazil; Bolivia
The Amazonian Universities Association (UNAMAZ) promotes the specialization of professionals and researchers in the countries of the Amazon region to be able to guarantee a better conservation of nature and a better quality of life of the population. Therefore, the objectives of UNAMAZ are the promotion of reciprocal knowledge of the member institutions as well as the [...]

EducarEcuador is an education portal of the ministry of education. It is a working basis which supports all pedagogic issues of the teaching staff on the level of early education, basic education and secondary education. The portal is a virtual space which allows teachers to participate actively in learning processes and thereby contribute to the qualitative improvement of the [...]

The National Directorate for Education Services (DINSE) is an entity of the ministry of education which is charged with the planification and the improvement of educational infrastructure, technological equipment and student furniture as well as the supervision and the control of those fields. DINSE participates as well in the fabrication and the commercialisation of school [...]

The Panamanian Institute for Radio Education (IPER) offers formal education programs on different levels to raise the standard of education of the Panamanian population. This is effected by the radio as efficient, inclusive and participatory system of distance education which is supported by the population, enterprises and the government of Panama.

The objective of the Ministry of Education (MEDUCA) of Panama is to transform education to a fundamental instrument of human development, prosperity, equity and opportunities as well as social mobility to achieve sustainable development of the productive, economical and social factors of the country. Therefore, it creates an education system, which responds to the needs of the [...]

Educación Sin Fronteras is a non-governmental, independent, laic and non-profit development organisation which consists of persons which participate actively in the challenge to effect a more just and more solid education in which the values of equity, democracy and respect of diversity prevail. The organisation was founded in 1988 by a group of professionals of education [...]

Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Palestinian Territories; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; North Africa
World Bank report on the progress of education reforms in the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa), as of 2008.

The report on higher education in Tunisia by the EU's higher education programme TEMPUS initially provides a detailed description of the Tunisian higher education system. In further chapters it examines current challenges, such as the Bologna process, and participation in EU programs. TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher [...]

The objective of the Multinational Observatory for the Quality of Education (OPCE) is to gather generate information about the situation of education and to design policies respectively proposals which deal with problems of education identified by a multinational control, measuring, evaluation and accreditation system. This shall contribute to the orientation and the [...]

The objectives of the ministry of education of Bolivia are to design and implement policies as well as inlcusive, equitable, intercultural, plurilingual, scientific and technological education strategies to effect a highest possible quality of education which is strengthened by social participation in a territorial realm. Through the plurinational education system created by [...]

The Education Alliance consists of several universities and colleges. It promotes a qualitative education in Colombia as effective method to effect an equality of opportunity in society. The alliance sees itself as institution of intellectual, social, ethical and esthetical education of individuals.

Educación - Compromiso de Todos is a private iniciative which was founded in 1998 by the UNICEF, several foundations and the Universidad de los Andes as well as the Universidad del Norte. The project contributes to the guarantee of an education as human right on the principles of equality and quality. Starting points for its activities are the government, society as well as [...]

The Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation (ICFES) is a specialized entity that offers educational assessment in all educational levels. It supports the National Ministry of Education in the development and administration in matters of state assessments and in systematic investigation about the factors that influence the quality of education, to provide useful and [...]

The social objective of the Central Institute for Educational Sciences (ICCP) is, since its foundation in 2001, the normative and methodological management of research activities and pedagogical experimentation to perfect and transform the national education system. It contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of education and observes the implementation of [...]

Cuba; Caribbean; Latin America
The objective of the Latin-American and Caribbean Pedagogic Institute (IPLAC) is the promotion of the professionality and the continuing vocational training of educators in Latin-America and the Caribbean in the field of educational sciences which is pursued by special programs for teachers, professors and directors of education. Furthermore, the institute contributes to the [...]

The French High Council of Education (Haut Conseil de l'Éducation) is a consultative institution for the French educational system and it is composed of representatives of the important institutions of the French educational system. Founded due to the demand of the French ministry of education (Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la [...]

The tasks of the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education are to advance the development of the Nicaraguans through further training and formation on different levels and with different education programs, to increase the participation of civil society in administration, together with the local government, directors and teachers, to strengthen the autodevelopment of the educational [...]

EAQUALS is a pan-European association of providers of language courses. All members are committed to a quality standard. The association was founded in 1991.

The data in this statistical bulletin are official statistics for the Ministry of Education. The Educational Statistical Bulletin (ESB) is an important part of the Ministry of Education’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) that has developed over time. The Bulletin provides statistics that facilitate the formulation of informed decisions that effect the [...]

The website of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Zambia concentrates on the development in the field of education since the year 2000. By providing statistical data concerning the pupils' enrolment in Zambia, they show an overview of important issues in Zambian education policy due to the enourmous raise of pupils' registration in schools and the problem of guaranteeing a [...]

The Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science and Technology is presented shortly on the website of the Government of Botswana. The ministry itself has no website apart from a facebook page. Botswana also has a Ministry of Basic Education which has no website or social media page apart from the presentation on the government website. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

The National Education Council (CNE) is a technical, specialized, consultative and autonomous organ which is subordinate to the ministry of education. Its task is to contribute to the formulation, the arrangement, the implementation and the evaluation of the national education project as well as to develop, together with the ministry of education, the medium- and long-term [...]

The Teacher College of Peru (CPPe) was founded in 2004. It is an institution with legal status, which gathers education professionals of Peru. The CPPe is a professional, ethic and deontological institution which promotes the competence of the teaching profession, its professional revaloration as well as the quality of education and the national development.

The National Forum for `Education for All` was created by governmental institutions and civil-society organisations as a multisectorial commission of the education sector to integrate the public and private efforts in the world education forum Dakar-Senegal which is organised by the UNESCO. One of the main objectives of the forum was the formulation and elaboration of the [...]

The Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation (DISDE) is a specialized organ of the ministry of education which is charged with the promotion and implementation of the research which can serve as basis for the development of a qualitative educational supply, as well as with the supervision and the verification of the efficiency of this supply which is [...]

The Centre for Continuing Education, Experimentation and Educational Research (CPEIP), a department of the Chilean Ministry of Education, has the task to develop, implement and evaluate programs which facilitate the professional development of teachers and managers relating to educational policies of the Ministry of Education. These programs are developed with regard to the [...]

The State universities of Chile have organized a consortium to create an authority, which ensures coordination, cooperation and complementation between the universities. Problem areas of public politics are identified and analysed, joint academical, administrative and economical programs are developed and the common use of available resources is organised by the consortium. [...]

UVirtual is a network of higher education institutions that fosters the integral use of ICT and supports the acquisition of new knowledge and capabilities in this area. UVirtual tries, through innovation and competences, to increase the development in professional and technical information with the efficient use of methodological and technical ressources. Furthermore, UVirtual [...]

Department for Evaluation, Survey and Educational Registration (DEMRE) is the technical organism of the university of Chile which is responsible for the development and the construction of evaluation and inspection instruments which are entrusted with the survey of the capacities and abilities of the university graduates of secondary education. Also, DEMRE is responsible for [...]

UNICEF partners with government and non-governmental organisations (NGO) to ensure that the basic learning needs and potential of all child ren are met, and to build the capacity of schools and authorities to assist children, especially those from vulnerable communities. The website presents UNICEFs activities in Romania. Under the categories "The Children" > "Early [...]

The Commission wishes to present an overview of higher education in Kenya. The Website also informs the public of the existing structure and operations of the Commission.

The mission of the Kenya Institute of Education is to provide curriculum and curriculum support materials. Sections on the website are for example training courses, library services, E-learning, events and a download section

Dominican Republic
Educar is a space for virtual learning communities which serves as source for local education contents, tools, methodology, consultation material, recources and for virtual local and regional communities, which support persons and groups to get independent, to have a direct impact on their close vicinity and to contribute to a better future for themselves and for their [...]

Arab States; North Africa; Middle East
Excellence in Learning and Leadership Foundation (ELLF) is a non-religious, non-political institution which works with every segment and class of the Arab society and responds to their needs by offering capacity building services to aspiring Arab youth, teachers, business leaders and administrators. Sustainable development, social solidarity, good citizenship, social [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
The Education and Training Inspectorate provides inspection services for a number of organisations. These include the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Employment and Learning, the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. All Inspection Reports published by the [...]

The Inspectorate General of Education (IGE) was created to work out the standards of education and to control the implementation of the standards of education for the improvement of the quality of education to enable Rwandese to compete on the world market. The improvement is ensured at different levels (nursery, primary, secondary, vocational training, specialized education, [...]

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Rwanda Chapter, is a non-profit membership organisation that brings together people interested in promoting female education in Rwanda. Since its inception in November 1997, FAWE Rwanda has broadened its scope of assistance in Education throughout the country. FAWE’s core mission is to work, together with its partners, to [...]

The Rwanda Education Commons (REC) aims to help Rwanda expand access to quality education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It hopes to realize this goal by improving the climate for collaboration in the use of ICTs in education, and by implementing activities that use ICTs to supplement teaching and learning. The REC aims to realize a [...]

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is a statutory agency, a supervisor for quality and relevant higher education established under the "Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001" to regulate higher education and to guide the country in the establishment of institutions of higher learning as well as ensure that quality and relevant education is [...]

SchoolNet Uganda was started 1997 as a program jointly supported by World Links for Development (WorLD), currently World Links Organization (, World Bank Institute – ICT for Education Program and Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda. SchoolNet Uganda is an iEARN (International Education and Research Network) centre. As an iEARN centre, [...]

The Education Department equips the people with knowledge, attitude, values, and skills for Christian living. Its goal is to empower the Church for the provision of holistic education services. The Education Department oversees 55 Pre-primary Schools, 4,904 church-founded Primary Schools, 460 Secondary Schools, 50 post-Primary schools, including Vocational Training Schools, [...]

United States of America (USA)
ESCORT is a national resource center located at the State University College of New York at Oneonta since 1986. It is dedicated to improving educational opportunities for all students, with expertise in serving highly mobile and at-risk populations, specifically children of migrant farmworkers, English learners, homeless students and struggling readers. ESCORT provides [...]

Uganda; Germany
The association Tukolere Wamu incorporated society is active in Uganda as well as in Germany. In Uganda, it plans, supports and realizes projects which serve the help for self-help, the promotion of education and upbringing, the formation, further education and continuing education, the improvement of the live situation for certain socially weak groups, the promotion [...]

Egypt; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Morocco; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Tunisia; Yemen; United Arab Emirates; Middle East; North Africa
AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program. Today [...]

The Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) proposes changes on the field of higher education and assures their application in conformity with the law. Within the realm of applicable law and reglementations, the ministry aims at the studying of organisation and development measures on the different levels of higher education necessary for a global [...]

The main objectives of the Regional Conference for Eastern Universities (CRUE) are the development of networks for higher education insitutions, ways and means of education of regional development and scientific information networks, reglementations with regard to pedagogic, sciences and administration and regional commissions for the evaluation of new offers of graduate and [...]

USAID’s strategy for education programming reflects unique niches for youth assistance and is based on a two pronged approach. The first prong will target in-school youth through improvements to education quality and relevance aimed at the crucial middle school years in an effort to enhance educational attainment and stem the tide of youth dropping out of school. The [...]

Initiated by Project ALEF of USAID , with support from Microsoft and UNESCO , is a community portal that stimulates the discussion and sharing of information between teachers, parents, experts and other education professionals to help improve the quality of education in Morocco.

The Moroccan Association for the Improvement of Education Quality (AMAQUEN) is an association which unites people with the conviction that the wellbeing of the education system depends from the application of concepts of quality management. It wants to realize the following goals: 1. To create and to publish research work which deal with quality improvement in the education [...]

Togo; Mexico; Tunisia; Madagascar; Cameroon; Senegal
This website of the CEPED (Centre Population et Développement) offers full texts about different educational topics of individual countries; Togo (Identités sexuées et relations entre personnages dans les manuels togolais de mathématiques), Tunisia (Les manuels scolaires en Tunisie reflètent-ils la réalité tunisienne ?), Cameroon (Évolution des rapports de genre au fil [...]

The European Institute of Education and Social Policy is a non-profit organisation with thirty-four years experience in the analysis of education and training policies in Europe and in the partner countries of the European Union. The institute was founded in 1975 by the European Cultural Foundation to meet a need of the European Commission by contributing to the development of [...]

Every year the Dutch Inspectorate of Education publishes the Annual Education Report on the state of education. This report outlines developments and key themes in Dutch education and includes findings for primary, secondary and higher education. An English summary informs about the most important subjects of the report. There is an extra website for the reports. [...]

SIRIS is an information system that informs about important aspects of the Swedish education system. It presents on school level educational statistics, inspection reports, reports of the schools and communities on quality assurance, expenditure and promotion in the education sector as well as a section on tools for statistical analysis.

EQAVET is a community uniting 33 member states, diverse social partners and the European Commission in order to promote European collaboration in the fields of developing and improving quality assurance in VET. To reach this aim, EQAVET makes use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework. The website informs about EQAVET members, network activities, European policy [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The INP-HB was established as an Ivorian umbrella organisation for higher education institutions and vocational schools in the fields of business, technical, geological and administrative education. The institute intends to mediate between education policy and its practice and aims to improve the quality of professional qualifications in order to strengthening the Ivorian [...]

With the Q.I.S.-Quality in Schools project the Austrian Ministry of Education intends to encourage and to support schools to review, monitor and develop their own quality. Teachers, pupils and parents who occupy themselves jointly and systematically with quality issues will in future be an indispensable part of school culture. Autonomous quality assurance and quality [...]

This comprehensive and well-structured overview of the situation of information and communication technology in Norway focuses on ICT in the education system as well as taking its broader use into perspective. It addresses strategies, implementation, financing, monitoring and evaluation, teacher trainning, and e-inclusion, that is measures targeting the accessibility of ICT [...]

United Kingdom
The General Social Care Council is responsible for setting standards of conduct and practice for social care workers and their employers, for regulating the workforce, and for regulating social work education and training. The GSCC is a Non Departmental Public Body established in October 2001 under the Care Standards Act 2000. It is sponsored by the Department of Health but [...]

United Kingdom
The Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards represents, promotes and supports the 21 Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) across the UK. SSCs are the employer-led skills organisations covering in total approximately 90% of the UK workforce. They work with over 550,000 employers to define skills needs and skills standards in their industry. The Federation is the [...]

Commonwealth; international
Our goal is to support Commonwealth governments in their efforts to attain universal, sustainable and high quality education for all citizens. We work closely with ministries of Education and various partners to address the six action areas in education across the Commonwealth. These include achieving Universal Primary Education; eliminating gender disparities in education; [...]

United Kingdom
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the agency responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) Associations. On this website you can access reports on inspections ISI has undertaken since 2000. You can also find the latest information, news and documents relating to the inspections.

Scotland; United Kingdom
SQA is an executive non-departmental public body (NDPB) sponsored by the Scottish Government Schools Directorate. It is the national body in Scotland responsible for the development, accreditation, assessment and certification of qualifications other than degrees.

United Kingdom
AUA is the professional body for higher education managers and administrators in the UK and worldwide. AUA is committed to promoting excellence in higher education management, advancing a code of professional standards, providing information networks, developing international links, and enhancing the profile of the profession nationally and internationally.

ENTEP exists to promote co-operation among European Union Member States regarding their teacher education policies in relation to initial, in- service and continuous professional development programmes, in order to: Develop opportunities to learn from each other by analysing and comparing policies and issues, as well as by sharing good practices; Promote the discussion and [...]

The aim of the clearinghouse is to identify good practice in education. It creates an overview of the current best knowledge of good educational practice and communicates it to practitioners and politicians. The main product is the systematic review, which is carried out according to a standard method. The International evidence base is a database of systematic reviews in the [...]

Founded in 1953, UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network ( ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of some 7 900 educational institutions in 176 countries ( ranging from pre-schools and primary to secondary schools and teacher training institutions), who work in support of quality education in practice. On this site you will find [...]

United Kingdom; Wales
The Care Council for Wales was established in October 2001 to promote high standards of conduct and practice among social care workers and high standards in their training. The aim is to ensure that children and adults who are receiving social care services (e.g. child day care) in Wales can rely on a workforce that is properly trained, appropriately qualified and effectively [...]

Through evaluation, accreditation and recognition of quality systems, institutions and course provisions, the purpose of NOKUT is to supervise and help to develop the quality of higher education in Norway. In addition, NOKUT considers individual applications for general recognition of foreign qualifications. As the Norwegian ENIC-NARIC center NOKUT is also responsible for [...]

EQAO´s tests measure student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. The resulting data are supposed to provide accountability and a gauge of quality in Ontario´s publicly funded education system. The objective and reliable results from EQAO´s tests complement the information obtained from classroom and other [...]

European Network of Innovative Schools The website of ENIS, the European Network of Innovative Schools, provides amongst others Information on the establishment of the network, its four essential objectives, the selection of schools as well as their activities and work results. It is a network of 400 schools in national networks of innovation in 19 countries. ENIS schools are [...]

This website serves the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe as a platform for discussion of developments in educational assessment in Europe, fostering co-operation and facilitating liaison between organisations and persons active in educational assessment across the whole of Europe. AEA-Europe defines educational assessment in its broadest sense including [...]

This the official Australian Government website for advice on study in Australia. It helps prospective students to explore the opportunities they have for study in Australia. The site provides impartial and reliable information about courses, institutions, study and living costs, the application process, visa requirements and more.

The website informs about the shared efforts and goals of the EU member states to improve the competitiveness of the education systems in Europe and to enhance the quality of general and vocational education and training until 2010. The site offers background documents, full texts of biennial joint reports, information on key objectives and areas of cooperation as well as [...]

This website of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) founded in 2002 as an association with twelve member institutions provides information on the mission of of LERU, its members, publications and activities. The League - sharing the values of high- quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research - acknowledges that Europe has lost [...]

This website of the National Directorate for Information and Evaluation of Education Quality (DiNIECE) is a structural unit of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. It is responsible for the evaluation of the national education system and renders its contribution to the development of educational information and educational investigations according to the aims and [...]

Central Europe
This homepage provides an introduction to the 10 components of the EU-Project INTERREG IIIA Education Quality (EdQ). It comprises amongst others a Model of Basic Competencies, an Online-Library, and a Romance Language Network. The project contributes to educational co-operation in the Central European region. It aims to resume the successful work of the Central European [...]

RIEME is a network of networks. The bilingual website, designed by the Spanish Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa ( CIDE), is an information and communication platform of the Iberoamerican Educational Research Network which organizes co-operation among 18 countries. Various links refer to activities regarding improvement of quality, effectiveness, and equity [...]

The European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning ( EUROCALL) is an association of language teaching professionals from Europe and world-wide, which aims - according its website information - to: (1) promote the use of foreign languages within Europe, (2) provide a European focus for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice relating to [...]

The full text presents results from a study on the national tertiary education system in Iceland, which were presented in September 2005, and refer to OECD guidelines. The following issues are addressed: the system of tertiary education in Iceland, regional aspects, tertiary education and the labour market, equity, research, quality assurance, and international aspects.

The site lists titles of official documents published by the Ministry of Education, which can be accessed as pdf files. Apart from national issues in education, the papers cover international aspects such as the co-operation with other Nordic countries and the EU, and OECD.

United States of America (USA)
CAEP was founded in 1954 as an independent accrediting body. It focusses to help establish high quality teacher preparation. The U. S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognize CAEP as a professional accrediting body for teacher preparation. The websites captures among others information on national standards in teacher education, [...]

The Australian Institute for Quality Teaching and School Leadership (AIQTSL) was set up in June 2004 as an independent body with funding from the Australian Government to support and advance the quality of teaching in Australian schools as well as the quality of school leadership. Its website provides information on the institute, its completed and current projects as well as [...]

The Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) was established in 1983 to provide national advocacy and leadership in curriculum. It draws its membership from all levels and sectors. The website informs about ACSA, its publications and projects.

United States of America (USA)
Changes in Child Care Staffing , 1994 - 2000, is the first large-scale longitudinal study based on observations of quality in the same childcare centers in three California communities at three points in time (1994, 1996 , and 2000) . Through interviews with teachers and directors, the study captures the characteristics of teachers and directors who stay at , left or entered [...]

The Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) is an independent, not-for-profit national agency that promotes, audits, and reports on quality assurance in Australian higher education. The website contains information on AUQA and gives access to full-text versions of its publications as well as to the Good Practice Database, which contains Good Practices in higher [...]

Switzerland is the Swiss Specialist Agency for ICT and Education. As an agency of the Confederation and the cantons it plays an important role in the quality development of ICT in compulsive and upper-secondary education. It offers services with the aim to: ensure accessibility to digital learning content and online services. Defend the interests of schools against commercial [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Child Care Bureau is dedicated to enhancing the quality, affordability, and availability of child care for all families. It administers federal funds to states, territories, and strives to assist low-income families in accessing quality child care for children when the parents work or participate in education or training. The website features statistical reports, provider [...]

United States of America (USA)
Formelry "The National Association of Child Care Resources & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA)", Child Care Aware is a national network of more than 850 child care resource and referral centers (CCR&Rs) located in every state and most communities across the US. CCR&R centers help families, child care providers, and communities find, provide, and plan for affordable, quality child [...]

This Link provides the report on Australia produced for PISA 2003 as a pdf-file. The focus of this report is on mathematical literacy among 15- year-old students in Australia.

Further down on this page a full text provides information on the education system in Bulgaria. It contains general statements on the development of education since 1989 and takes up issues of educational reform and improvement of quality in education.

The central education authority of Liechtenstein offers detailed information on the topics: school types, curricula, education authorities, supportive measures, scholarship/ loans, Council of Europe, European Union programmes, quality assurance and development, school statistics, as well as publications, and holidays calendars.

This page describes the mission of the National Training Fund in the Czech Republic. Since its origin in 1994, the NVF has been engaged in the enhancement of quality and effectiveness of human resource development, lifelong learning development, support of employment and social development on the national level and it aspires to promote the importance of this issue in the [...]

This network shall contribute to the process of the educational reform of Malta. The document, which you can download from this web site, focuses on the creation of new school networks at state primary and secondary education levels, and the restructuring of the Education Division.

From this web site you can download a guide to the principles, standards and regulations of early childcare in Malta. This is a document of the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity and the Ministry for Education, Youth and Employment. The national standards were developed in consideration of day care and educational services for children below three years of age. They [...]

Early Childhood Ireland (ECI) was created in 2012 by merging two organisations: the Irish Preschool Play Association (IPPA) and the National Children’s Nurseries Associations (NCNA). This made ECI the largest membership organisation in the sector of early childhood education. Membership extends not only to persons working in this sector, but also to parents, toddlers, [...]

Shanghai Jiao Tong University developed this ranking list of 500 top universities of the world. It also contains a list of the 100 top universities in Europe. Other links on the homepage lead amongst other things to full texts with regard to ranking methodology and to relevant statistical tables.

China, People's Republic of
This list compiled by China Internet Information Center offers above all links on basic education. Furthermore there are links on the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China and on information with regard to the advancement of the quality of education: preschool education as a promising industry; measures against school failure; extension of native-speaking [...]

With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, the Charlotte Bühler association ( registered association) was founded in 1992. Its aim is to conduct an institute for early childhood research combining theory as well as practice. The institute was given the name "Charlotte Bühler Institute for Practice-Oriented Early Childhood Research" [...]

United Kingdom
The agency is a non-departmental public body and the successor to the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA). It also hosts some of the resources of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), other ALI- resources are now available from Ofsted. The role of the QIA is to work across the learning and skills sector to improve performance. The agency conducts research, [...]

United States of America (USA)
This is the website of the Education Development Center, Inc., with its Headquarters in Boston, USA. The EDC is an international, non-profit organization with more than 335 projects dedicated to improving schools, enhancing learning, building communities, promoting health, and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

The council of universities for applied sciences (FHR) is an authority responsible for quality assurance in the Austrian university of applied sciences-sector (UAS-sector). The main tasks of the FHR are the accreditation and evaluation of courses of study. Under the heading ' quality assurance UAS-sector' ('Qualitätssicherung FH-Sektor') this site report on evaluation [...]

This full text offers a historical retrospective and an up-to-date overview on the development of education in Armenia. In particular it describes the reform process with significant decisions with regard to decentalization, language of teaching and structure of the education system. In this context also core problems and deficits in the Armenian school sector are raised.

This full text, comprising six pages (A4-format), offers basic information on the following aspects: main issues in basic education, democratization of the education system, strategies for improving access and providing funds, strategies for assuring the quality of education.

Europe; Austria
"Kulturkontakt Austria" is in own words one of the biggest Centres of Competency for cultural education, mediation of culture in schools and beyond, and for educational and cultural cooperation in Middle, East, and Southeast Europe. The site contains among others: education management and quality assurance, new methods of teaching and learning, projects of art and culture in [...]

The IAU is an international association of universities from all over the world. It aims at establishing sustainable high quality university education. The home page lists the association policy, references and publications as well as a link leading to online databases. The following data bases are available: Education Systems (search by country), Higher Education and List of [...]

This website of the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) serves music educators - teachers, artists, scientists - as a platform in order to increase their commitment to enlarging and improving music lessons throughout the countries of Europe. A special page, at present still under construction and titled "Music education in the school systems of Europe" takes users [...]

The report reflects the efforts of the Croatian government to strenghten the educational sector. Focal point will be the area of higher education regarding the following aims: acceptance of European standards; assurance of quality in teaching and research; increase in the number of students and the budgetary investment. This full text contains statements on the new Higher [...]

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Historical background; 2. The process and impact of institutional reform; 3. The ingredients of institutional transformation; 4. Economic, political and education sector transformation; 5. unfinished business.

The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Students: access and equity; 4. Teaching Staff; 5. Relevance, quality and quantity; 6. ICT policies and use; 7. Finance and governance; 8. Conclusions and recommendations.

The case study concentrates particularly on Makerere University and contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Historical background; 3. Problems of Makerere University in the context of political climate (1970-1990); 4. Change and recovery through institutional reform; 5. Challenges and unfinished business: 6. Recommendations; 7. Conclusion.

South Africa, Republic
The case study contains the following chapters: 1. Transforming South African Higher Education, 1990-2003: Goals, Policy Initiatives and Critical Challenges and Issues; 2. Equity and Development in Post-Apartheid South African Higher Education; 3. Strategic Co-operation Scenarios for Post-School Education in the Eastern Cape; 4. Assessing the Eastern Cape Study.

The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa is an initiative of foundations of the United States for supporting higher education in African countries. This website contains information about the Partnership, the full text of publications sponsored by the Partnership, and links to other sites.

This website of the East African state provides information on the educational aims and the mission of education. Besides essential documents and news are available. The link "Strategic objectives" shows that access, equal opportunity and the provision of quality education play a central role in the implementation of educational policy in Uganda.

"CASTME is a professional organisation that links Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Educators across the Commonwealth." Its objective is the enhancement of teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics throughout the Commonwealth.

The website of the UNESCO New Delhi section presents an overview of the mid-term project "Education For All" (EFA, duration 2002-2007), which aims at establishing education as a basic human right. It describes the main objectives in innovation, diversification and quality maintenance, further links lead to other UNESCO activities, the library and publications.

NAAC is an autonomous body affiliated to the University Grants Council. It is concerned with the assessment and accreditation of financial support to higher education institutions such as grants, stipends and project financing. The home page outlines its primeval goal of developing quality criteria for higher education by evaluation and self assessment. The page provides links [...]

The umbrella organisation unites the Tibetan exile schools located in India. Its objective is to co-ordinate school activities concerning the development of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher training. The home page further lists information on financial aid to students and quality assessment. It contains links to schools, curriculum information, and management

"This council was formed with a view to promoting the growth of technical and vocational education and training in order to enhance the competitive position of Barbados." One of its functions is the establishment of standards for technical and vocational education and training and the development of national vocational qualifications.

The Counsil of Rectors of Panama has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e. g.coordination and information of the member universities and developing regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees. The web site provides information about these tasks, the organisation structure, projects and [...]

Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo is an Mexican institution which seeks in cooperation with the Secretary of Education to improve the quality and equity of education for marginalised groups and within rural communities by developing regional programs and initiatives. The website offers abundant information about the objectives, projects and programs in the area of [...]

The Bolivian Centre for Investigation and Educative Action (CEBIAE) is a Christian ecumenical institution conducting research activities in the field of education in cooperation with other public and private institutions. Its objectives are to support educational reforms and to improve the quality of education in Bolivia. The homepage offers access to information about the [...]

The Institute for Socio-Economic Research (IISEC) conducts research activities in Bolivia in the field of economics, education and sociology. Under the link "working papers" the homepage provides access to full text information about educational sociology, bilingualism and intercultural education, vocational school system as well as quality in education in Bolivia. The reports [...]

Chile; Latin America
PRIE is a regional project of the Chilean Government in cooperation with Latin American governments and international organisations. Its objective is to develop comparable indicators for education quality and statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean. The homepage provides an overview about the school systems in different countries taking in to account geographic, [...]

The national institute develops indicators for education quality for teaching and learning - in the field of pre school, primary and secondary education at public school. It conducts and publishes evaluations. Purpose of INEE is to get a broad picture of the achievements of representative samples of Mexican school students at successive points in time. The website informs [...]

The objective of the Institute for the Promotion of a Quality Education (EDUCA) is to improve the quality of education in public schools and to support the innovation of teacher education and further education of teachers. The homepage leads to information about these programs and the implementation of these projects.

The homepage of the Ministry of Education of Belarus is not available for the moment. We therefore link to a copy of the homepage in the Internet Archive (as of April 2023).

The main purpose of the Network is to collect and disseminate information on current and developing theory and practice in the assessment, improvement and maintenance of quality in higher education. The Network should a. o. facilitate research in the effectiveness of quality management, assist the development of new quality assurance agencies and facilitate links between [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland is the statutory, independent body for the teaching profession and is dedicated to enhancing the status of teaching and promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice."

Wales; United Kingdom
"The General Teaching Council for Wales is the statutory, self- regulating professional body for teachers in Wales. It seeks to raise the status of teaching by maintaining and promoting the highest standards of professional practice and conduct in the interests of teachers, pupils and the general public."

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment ( CCEA) was established on 1 April 1994 and is a non-departmental public body reporting to the Department of Education in Northern Ireland." Its tasks comprise: advising government on what should be taught in Northern Ireland's schools and colleges, monitoring standards and awarding qualifications.

The web site provides an overview of mission, policy and organizational structure of the Ministry and adjunct administrative bodies. Additional pages cover educational institutions in school, higher, vocational and adult education, loans applications, testing and evaluation, curriculum and learning resources.

This organization coordinates the four private universities in Peru. Its objective is to promote the quality of the universities' research and teaching through joint efforts in order to promote a modern development of the country. The homepage provides links to the four member universities, to the university network Red Universitaria para el Desarrollo (http:// [...]

This governmental commission has as its objective to establish a system of accreditation which secures quality in higher education. This system evaluates (on a voluntary basis) all programmes offered by Chilenian higher education institutions. The homepage provides information about contents and procedure of accreditation, criteria of evaluation, reference to legal texts and [...]

The National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) is the successor of the former CEDE (Centro Europeo dell´ Educazione) and has been established in 1999. Its considerably increased tasks as an "agency supporting the autonomy of schools" are as follows: 1. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system as a whole and in detail - [...]

This web site provides access to many pdf-files with the text of the Spanish Law on Quality in Education, its draft, its implementing ordinances, special regulations and debates about it. There is also a space for expressions of opinions of the public. The text of the law has the URL:

In this full text report to UNESCO the author provides an overview on the current development of higher technical education in Tajikistan and the efforts to improve the quality of education in all areas and at all levels of education. He refers to the socioeconomic framework conditions and focal points of higher educational policy in the country.

international; Latin America
This organization has as its objectives to promote postgraduate studies and assure the quality of the training of university staff in the member states and, furthermore, to provide information about respective programmes. With the button Información one gets information texts about statutes, activities and objectives of the AUIP. Additionally, there is a list of member [...]

Australia; New Zealand
AADES represents school level distance education throughout Australia and New Zealand. This website provides information about the efforts of the Association to work as a professional advocate for the views and needs of school sector distance education at a state and national level. Besides, it reflects the activities of AADES to promote the innovative high quality practices [...]

Schools of the Air provide educational services to families in remote areas in Australia. This is a list of other Schools of the Air within Australia. The majority of them has Internet access. The SOA in Alice Springs is being considered here as a special case based on its outstanding and innovative role in Central Australia. In order to see where the Schools are located the [...]

This is the website of the ICPA, a voluntary national parent body dedicated to ensuring that all geographically isolated students have equality with their non-isolated peers, of access to an appropriate education. The Association has over 3,300 member families, residing in the more remote parts of Australia. The website is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the provision of [...]

The main objective of this administrative body is to promote and evaluate quality in higher education in Catalonia, based on the resp. law. Other objectives are assessment, accreditation and certification of study programmes and of academic degrees and evaluation of the teaching staff. The web site provides details concerning these tasks, links to publications (among others [...]

The Council's members are the persons responsible for higher education in the regional governments, the heads of the universities and 21 representatives of the society. It executes various functions of higher education policy, e.g. creation and accreditation of universities, planning of study programs and diplomas, regulation of admission etc. The homepage has navigation [...]

Sri Lanka
The objective of this institution is to provide guidance towards excellence in educational achievement and certification activities using evaluation instrument and methodologies ensuring reliability and validity to suit national needs. Information about services and some test results are available on the homepage.

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The institute is a government-funded educational research institution. The research carried out by KICE covers not only national curriculum and educational evaluation, but also improvement of teaching and learning techniques, development and authorization of textbooks and implementation of national-level educational testing. The web site provides more detailed information [...]

The Commission is the governing body covering both public and private higher education institutions as well as degree-granting programs in all tertiary educational institutions in the Philippines. It shall promote quality education and take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all. The website provides information about: the higher education [...]

The Commission has been set up to facilitate the development of the universities of Pakistan to be world-class centres of education, research and development. The mandate of the HEC encompasses all degree granting universities and institutions, and supports the attainment of quality education in these institutions by facilitating and co-ordinating self-assessment of academic [...]

The Peruvian National Rectors Assembly has several functions to rise the quality of public and private universities and their administration, e.g. coordination and information of the member universities, development of regulations concerning minimal requirements for academic degrees or conflict solving within the universities. The web site provides information about these [...]

The council of Chilenian university heads has as its main objectives to develop high quality research, to accredit the study programs and to create the prerequisites for a more equal access to higher education. The web site provides information about these objectives and the organisational structure of the council; mainly there are links to the member universities and to their [...]

This organization is the policy formulation and coordinating body for Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) programs in Nepal. CTEVT formulates policies, ensures quality control, coordinates all the technical education and vocational training related stakeholders, provides services to facilitate technical education and vocational training programs to prepare and [...]

This country analysis on state and perspectives of secondary education and training in Romania was elaborated by Fretwell and Wheeler for the World Bank, which finances educational projects in Romania. This full text in pdf-format comprises 22 pages.

The Ministry of Education and Sports (2001) forms a combination of the structures of three former Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). On the website the new structure can be viewed. Besides the site offers a comprehensive description of aims and measures with regard to the educational reform and information on the document "Quality education for all - Strategy [...]

Latin America; Caribbean
The Regional Office of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago de Chile provides on its homepage information about the following issues: programs and projects, activities and events, regional education statistics, publications and about the services of the Documentation Centre (data base, bibliographies). The menu point "laboratorio" offers texts about research [...]

Costa Rica
The mission of PROMECE is to coordinate and execute the ressources of the project "Equidad y Eficiencia de la Educación" for equity and quality of the rural education in Costa Rica. A full text presents information about the mission, legal bases and beneficiaries of the Programme of Improvement of the Quality of Pre- school and Basic Education in Costa Rica.

SIMCE is the instrument for quality evaluation of all schools in Chile, based on annual examinations of students between the fourth to eight level of basic education and the second of middle schools. The web site provides the results since 1998, a description of the exams and examples of the questions.

This web site provides comprehensive and detailed information about basic education in Chile. Beside the general overview there are separate sites about rural basic education, intercultural and bilingual education and special needs education. Via the box at the right margin one can access new educational programs, curricula and other innovations; the link PME provides a [...]

This agency's task is to improve the quality of the tertiary system by making public its performance through evaluation and other measures leading to certification and accreditation. The web site shows a navigation point "programas" which provides information about the five tasks: institutional evaluation, certification, accreditation, evaluation ot the professorate and [...]

This web site provides the texts of legal prescriptions which were promulgated in order to improve the quality of tertiary education. Texts of the results of respective evaluations are also offered.

United Kingdom
Information of the Department for Education and Skills on the various initiatives and projects as well as research and practice concerning education standards.

United Kingdom
"Nacell is a Department for Education and Skills Initiative to promote and develop the provision and quality of Modern Foreign Language learning in the Primary sector." The website comprises information on school projects, materials, professional development and a good practice guide.

An article of Arnd Zickgraf about managing education in Sweden. Developments and reasons are given for the success of the Swedish school system with its juxtaposition of local autonomy and national objectives as an instrument of control.

This full text confirms officially that the process of reforming vocational secondary education system has started in the frameworks of the EU- funded TACIS project with the support of several international organizations (as of February 2005). Since 1999, when the report of Armenia National Observatory has been developed and published, remarkable changes have taken place in [...]

The ZEM organizes didactical and educational-methodical training courses for teachers at schools of upper secondary level. In the range of quality development it provides training for school leaders and persons who are responsible for quality and advises schools in matters of quality development. The website provides an overview of the various training courses.

Education, Research and Science are by nature international and qualitatively involve cooperation around the world. The international character of research is particularly important where the necessary financial investments to set up the infrastructure needed for research are beyond the capacities of an individual country. On the other hand, the oppurtunities provided by [...]

TAURIS Publishing House (DNT) is a publishing entity focusing on the area of education. It is part of the Institute for Information on Education ( IIE) and has its own graphic studio and printing works. Every year TAURIS publishes statistical yearbooks of education. It publishes for specialists and the general public.- This page provides information on the publishing [...]

The research database contains data for the PISA cycles 2003 and 2006. It offers the opportunity to combine individual indicators from the topics "Quality of learning outcomes", "Equity and distribution", "Learner characteristics", "School resources" and "School policies and practices" and to compare the data of the participating countries. The data sets can be downloaded as a [...]

This is a core document (Prague, 2001 submitted by the Centre for Higher Education Studies of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the purpose of comparison with other European countries. This country report consists of six sections. Central part is section 3 on Higher Education which includes almost all essential aspects of this educational level: history, [...]

This is the country report of the Mongolian coordinator in the framework of the activity "Education for All - Assessment 2000" based on the World Declaration "Basic Education for All" launched in Jomtien/Thailand in 1990. Respective measures are financed by international organizations, e. g. Unesco and World Bank. This analysis offers an overview on state and perspectives of [...]

In this policy document, available as a text in pdf-format, the Minister of Science, Technology, Education and Culture of Mongolia , Ayurzana Tsanyid, analyses some basic problems of education in his country and identifies strategies for solving cardinal problems.

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
"The Education and Training Inspectorate in promoting the highest possible standards of learning and teaching by: monitoring, inspecting and reporting on the standard of education and training provided by schools, colleges and other grant-aided organisations; and providing relevant advice to the Department of Education, the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure and the [...]

Wales; United Kingdom
Estyn's aim is "to raise standards and quality of education and training in Wales through inspection and advice, in support of the vision and strategic direction set out by the Welsh Assembly Government." Inspection reports are available as pdf-files.

This project of the Worldbank is aimed to build institutional capacity for planning, management and quality assurance of education in an increasingly decentralized system. The information (1994, 86 pages, PDF-Format) are giving an overview on the Albanian education system, success and financing of the project.

The National Quality Teacher Information Exchange Project is being undertaken from July 2001- June 2003. This is the Commonwealth Quality Teacher Programme national website. The website plays the dual role of providing information and acting as an interactive communication place (news, newsletter, calendar, teacher stories, chat) . It offers access to research papers, [...]

The White Paper is published by the Irish Department of Education. It "focuses on children from birth to six years. It covers the whole spectrum of educational needs: the development of very young children in the home, supports to parents concerning how best to help their children to learn, a wide range of supports for private providers and voluntary/community groups and a [...]

New Zealand
ERO is the government department which reports publicly on the quality of education in all New Zealand schools and early childhood services, including private schools, kura kaupapa Mäori (Mäori language immersion schools), special schools and ngä köhanga reo (Mäori language early childhood groups). A broad range of online ressources free of charge (handbooks with legal [...]

In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for so called host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide some useful links on [...]

El Salvador
In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID) renders assistance for so called host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for socalled host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

Within the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for so called host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education as well as community development. In this context, this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

Latin America; Colombia; Guatemala
The foundation Escuela Nueva is an innovation in the area of basic primary education, especially in rural communities, focusing on community education, co-operative, active and participatory education, a strong connection to the community and a flexible transition of pupils to higher levels. The website provides information about the objectives of the organization and their [...]

Paper presented at ICSEI (International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement) Australia 2003 (ppt) on the methods of self-evaluation at the Danish Folkeskole.

SDPI was established in 1999 to stimulate and strengthen a culture of collaborative development planning in schools, with a view to promoting school improvement and effectiveness. Introduction of services and broad range of guideline materials for schools on school planning (to download). Link list of school planning and educational websites.

The institute is situated in the University of Iceland. It offers a variety of courses from vocational courses, personal development to general interest courses in languages, literature, philosophy, the Icelandic sagas, geography and history among others. Thus the institute works actively in improving the educational level for adults. Access to detailed course information.

United States of America (USA)
Information on partnerships and their value to strengthen quality in education at public schools, published by the Council for Corporate and School Partnership, and have an positive impact on business in the regions. PDF- file, 36 pages.

The web site provides an overview of higher education in Switzerland. Via a Swiss map one can connect to the web sites of the individual universities and technical colleges.

Dominican Republic
The mission of the Ministry of Education (MINERD) is to regulate the Dominican education system according to the education laws and thus guarantee the equal right to quality education for every Dominican. This is possible by means of the formation of liberal, critical and creative Dominicans which are capable of participating and constructing a free, democratic, participative, [...]

The Swiss Federation of Private Schools (SFPS) is comprised of 240 schools, including some of the most significant and oldest in the country. About 100'000 pupils, students and apprentices from Switzerland and from over 100 countries, including Switzerland attend Swiss private schools.

The action plan 'Better Education' published by the Danish government in 2002, should strengthen the proficiency and competence level in upper secondary education, in higher education and in adult and further education and continuing training. Access to the whole publication without or with illustration, the publication as PDF- file and to the table of contents.

The Norwegian Council for Higher Education was founded 8th May 2000 as a merger of the Norwegian Council of State Colleges and the Norwegian Council of Universities. It is a co-operative body for Norwegian universities, national schools of higher learning, and university colleges ( the former state colleges). The aim is to develop strategies for the Norwegian system of higher [...]

United States of America (USA) (a non profit organisation) is a source of school information on elementary, middle and high schools. The net provides information about public, private and charter schools in all 50 states and detailed school profiles for California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and Washington. Access to the databases : search for schools ( National School Guide, State School [...]

CSHE is a national and international leader in higher education policy research and educational development. CSHE provides independent, research-based advice and support on matters of teaching and learning, the student experience, professional development for academics, and quality assurance policies and processes. The website offers links to full texts (statements, research [...]

United States of America (USA)
NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) is collecting, analyzing, and disseminating statistics and other data related to education in the United States and other nations. Two programs - the International Activities Program (IAP) and the Annual Reports Program - produce international comparisons in education. Access to reports, international indicators, publications, [...]

United States of America (USA)
The NCTQ has its origins in the 'Teacher Quality Initiative', a joint project of the 'Education Leaders Council' and the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation. NCTQ is a nonprofit organization devoted to the pursuit of teacher quality. It aims to provide up-to-the-minute information on what the various education policy options are, which may work well, which seem not to work at [...]

United States of America (USA)
CTA is a teacher organization that represents and serves more than 330, 000 members - consisting of teachers and other education employees in California. Comprehensive information offer on e.g. training, legal services, quality education, higher education. Link to the Student California Teachers Association's ( SCTA), the own magazine "California Educator" (online features, [...]

United States of America (USA)
Information and links provided by the U.S. Department of Education on educational statistics, evaluations and assessments.

United States of America (USA)
ATE's aim is to improve the effectiveness of teacher education through development of quality programs to prepare teachers, by analyzing issues and practices relating to professional development. Information on research in teacher education and awards and on standards (also as PDF-brochure). A broad range of publications: journals ( subscription necessary), newsletter free, [...]

United States of America (USA)
Founded in 1915, the association has helped to shape American higher education by developing standards and procedures for quality education and academic freedom in American colleges and universities. Highly reputated publications as 'The Redbook' - Widely regarded as an authoritative source on sound academic practice (can be ordered from Johns Hopkins University Press); [...]

The project 'Internationalisation of and Innovation in Teacher Education In Europe' was established in 1982 and was dedicated to the development of a European dimension in teacher education. It is now an established network with a successful history of innovative and collaborative programmes that involved many universities and colleges across Europe. On the homepage the aims [...]

Step by Step Program Foundation is a non-governmental organization working in the field of education in Bulgaria. The main activities of this organization are the monitoring evaluation and research of educational projects and the developing of projects in the field of permanent education as well as in the field of training and re-training teachers.

South Africa, Republic
The Council on Higher Education is an independent statutory body established in 1998. It contributes to the development of the South African higher education system by providing advice to the Minister of Education, through the activities of its Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), and through the publication of relevant information. The website provides information about [...]

Russian Federation
The Russian public foundation "Education in the Third Millennium" was founded in 1999 in order to facilitate education by using new information technologies, television and Internet at first hand. This website provides access to School TV, TeleSchool, Careerscope, MediaStart and Video Library. SCHOOL TV is broadcast in more than 50 regions of Russia.

Curriculum Corporation works in the education sector and is owned by all Australian Education Ministers. It is the key national organisation providing curriculum support to schools and school systems, and producing and disseminating high quality education products and services including books, videos, magazines, multimedia, online services and professional development. Its [...]

MERI is located within the Faculty of Education at The University of Melbourne. MERI's prime role is to identify and support fields of research of genuine international significance, ensure collaborative planning between research and teaching programs and provide assistance and support for researchers and research teams.

In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for socalled host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for socalled host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

In the framework of the "Improving Education Quality Project", the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) renders assistance for socalled host countries to implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. In this context this website was developed to provide basic information on [...]

This publication (HTML Format) presents a number of general indicators, which are to be seen as directions for where the development goes or is expected to go in the Danish education system. The indicators are grouped under three headings: 1.) Resources. 2.) Pupil / student flows 3.) Results. A presentation of the Danish Education System is preceding. The whole publications is [...]

The Improving Education Quality Project is a long-term initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Bureau to assist USAID Missions and host countries implement their educational reform efforts in primary and early childhood education, as well as community development. The website includes ( see "materials") information about the program [...]

United States of America (USA)
NSDC is the National Staff Development Council. It is a national non- profit association of about 10,000 educators, committed to ensuring success for all students by applying high standards for professional development for everyone who affects student learning. The homepage links to information on standards, the NSDC Academy, membership, and on their publications. A quarterly [...]

United States of America (USA)
NAEYC, founded in 1926, is an organization of early childhood educators dedicated to improve the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade. The website offers information on their accreditation programs, which set professional standards for early childhood education programs. The section "Early Childhood Issues" provides information and research reports [...]

United States of America (USA)
CFNN was established in 1996. Its mission is to promote quality charter schools by connecting and supporting resource centers, charter school associations and other state-level charter support organizations and activities. Research, publications, online communications, a grant program, and multi-state initiatives on high priority issues of common concern to charter schools [...]

This full text "National Education Programme" in Armenia is provided by the Open Society Institute Armenia, an institution sponsored by the SOROS Foundation Network centers in New York and Budapest. The programme is one out of 13 (as of July 2002) directed towards various areas of social transformation in the country. This page includes information on the Programme Strategy [...]

Report in (HTML-format) of the Norwegian Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs.

This page belongs to the website of ACT- DET (a website with comprehensive information about the Australian education system, schools and education in Australia). Publications and ressources here offered are: general publications, annual reports (since 1998), census of ACT government preschools, census of ACT government schools and a wide range of reports. The fulltexts are [...]

The report has three main purposes. It provides: an overview of the higher education sector in 2001, including new government policies and initiatives; a review of the performance of higher education institutions and information on the allocation of funding for the 2002-2004 triennium. The report, the executive summary, references and an index can each be downloaded as [...]

The Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education was established in 2002 assuming the responsibilities of the former Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC). Its aim is to promote and support strategic change in higher education institutions for the enhancement of learning and teaching, including curriculum development and assessment. Its website [...]

United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This paper examine the significant changes the Act will have in future education for children, teacher, parents and the whole American education system (30 pages, pdf. format for download).

United States of America (USA)
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2001 and is in effect for six years. It builds on the foundation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This document is a copy of the complete statute (670 pages, pdf. format for download).

United States of America (USA)
SERVE is an education organization with the mission to support the continuous improvement of educational opportunities for learners in the Southeast of America. The website informs about developed educational programmes and tools for educational practitioners and policymakers. Link to the ELO programs (Expanded Learning Opportunities programs). A variety of free and low-cost [...]

United States of America (USA)
COPSSE, is supported by a cooperative agreement between the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs ( OSEP), and the University of Florida. Fostering research in special education focus is laid on teacher quality in the area of special education. Project overview in a brochure to download. Profile of special education in each state. Access to papers [...]

United States of America (USA)
The NSBA is a not-for profit federation of state associations of school boards across the United States ( including Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Aims are to foster excellence and equity in public elementary and secondary education in the United States. This internetportal offers a sitemap as guide to the comprehensive information about NSBA, the Federation, the [...]

FETAC is a single statutory awarding body for further education and training. Its key acitivities are to make, to determine and to promote awards. Standards for awards will be determined by FETAC in partnership with education, training and industry. The homepage informs about FETAC, provides a list of more than 200 certificates and their meanings, a newsletter, links to [...]

The NQAI established in February 2001 has three principal objects: 1) to establish and maintain a framework of qualifications for education and training 2) to establish and improve standards of awards of the further and higher education and training sector 3) to liaise with bodies outside the State for the mutual recognition of awards at transnational level. Comprehensive [...]

The Association of Estonian Adult Educators (AEAE) ANDRAS is an Estonian non-governmental organisation, which unites the representatives of different branches of adult education and aims at increasing the competence of it members in the field of andragogics, the science and practice of adult education according to new requirements. The respective website offers information on [...]

This website provides the entire text of the national education planning which comprises the years 2006 - 2010, its management, implementation, funding and particular plans.

This fulltext, published by Leena Ikonen at the University of Helsinki, illuminates against the background of the OECD-PISA study how Finland itself discusses the success of reading in international comparison. (link to the on-line magazine "Universitas Helsingiensis").

South America; Central America; Caribbean; Latin America; international
This website provides information texts of various kinds about problems of vocational training in the two Americas. Thematic areas are: labour competencies; quality management; youth, training and employment; women, training and work; trade unions and training. Publications of CINTERFOR and related links are also presented.

The purpose of ICSEI is to provide a forum for researchers, policy makers, professional developers, administrators and practitioners to share ideas, promote research, and encourage practices that will enhance the quality and equity of education for all students. The website provides: information on members and activities, annual conferences, a journal, list of websites and [...]

The purpose of the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Polytechnics ARENE is to develop an internationally first-class system of polytechnics. ARENE, located in Helsinki, approves recommendations and declarations and issues statements. Linklists of all Finnish Polytechnics, to Education Ministeries and Organisations as well as to sources about Finland in general are published.

The National University Evaluation and Accrediation Committee (CONEAU), part of the Education Ministry, is responsible for questions of evaluation and accreditation within the higher education system of Argentina. The website provides full texts with descriptions and basic texts regarding external evaluation, accreditation of curricula and courses, postgraduate study and [...]

The UGC is a national body for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of University education. It serves as a vital link between the Union and State Governments and the institution of higher learning. In addition to its role of giving grants to universities and colleges, it also advises Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for the [...]

The website "Education and Science" of the portal of the Principality of Liechtenstein offers information to every field of education available in Liechtenstein as well as links for career counseling and university research.

United Kingdom
This website provides full text information about the examination and certification system in the United Kingdom at the end of the upper secondary general education. The United Kingdom was one of the 17 countries participating in a Pilot Electronic Conference (1999) and submitting a report on the present-day situation in this field by formulating statements to six conference [...]

United States of America (USA)
This website of the U.S. Network for Education Information offers a structured full text with links on the education system in the U.S. according to the following items: General Resources; Organisation of U.S. Education; U.S. Institutions and Programs; Studying in the United States; Teaching in the United States.

Scotland; United Kingdom
"HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) began operating as an Executive Agency of the Scottish Executive on 1 April 2001. HM Inspectors undertake first-hand, independent evaluations of the quality of educational provision. Each year we also investigate and publish reports on key aspects of education. Our collation, analysis and publication of the evidence and conclusions from [...]

Quality assurance in Thai higher education refers to activities as a mechanism, planning, and systematic activities implemented. The homepage provides texts about quality assurance policy and processes / methods and quality assurance reports of each single higher education institution in Thailand.

South Africa, Republic
Comissioned by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, the SAQA develops the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for South Africa. It furthermore controlls the enforcement of the NQF and accredits educational institutions working according to the NQF. SAQA is also in charge of the accreditaion of foreign qualifications. The website provides information on the work [...]

United States of America (USA)
The CRESST mission focuses on the assessment of educational quality, addressing persistent problems in the design and use of assessment systems to serve multiple purposes. The homepage offers a link to the description of the 5 research programs, links to the reports and publications (library), to the services, information pages for parents and tools for searching the site.

This website of the International Confederation of Principals offers brief and up-to-date news on education worldwide. Focal point on this site are the so-called Position Papers on the work of school heads and school leadership.

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, identification of special educational needs, special needs education within the education system, teacher training, - basic and specialist teacher training, [...]

Russian Federation
The National Fund for the Training of Personnel is a non-commercial organization established in 1994 according to a resolution of the Russian Federation. Its strategic aim is the training of personnel for the educational system and the economy of the country. - This portal provides links to projects, results, procedures and partners as well as to full texts on various hot [...]

The homepage contains current messages and announcements of events from the Liechtensteiner education sector. Within the navigation bar one finds links with detailed material on: PISA 2003, school types, curricula, education authorities, further services, first day at school/ change of school, promotion funds, scholarship/loan, preparing choice of career, Council of Europe, [...]

The International Association for Continuing Education and Training is a non-profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programmes. IACET certifies education providers that meet strict continuing education guidelines created in 1968.- These guidelines and criteria as well as a link list of authorised providers can be found on this website.

The Association (founded in 1981) is an international, educational and professional not-for profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory, and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with information technology.- This website in particular informs about Inter-Organizational Projects.

EFVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to support and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational co-operation by building a pan-European network of institutions and practitioners.- [...]

The UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference in October, 1999. The Institute is headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Institute's primary responsibility will be to develop the capacities of institutions in Africa working in the areas [...]

ENQA is a European Network to disseminate information, experiences, good practices and new developments in the field of quality assessment and quality assurance in higher education between interested parties: public authorities, higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies.- The Website aims at assisting the enqa member agencies find and share information about [...]

This is the home page of a non-violent approach for helping children and adults with special needs. It offers access to the following buttons: gentle teaching international; gentle teaching places; gentle teaching schools; quality of life; quality of life profile; sensory integration; personal teaching plan; placements and courses.

The AQF is a unified system of 12 quality-assured qualifications in schools, vocational education and training and the higher education sector, i.e. vocational and academic qualifications are part of a single system. The Framework assists learners to plan their career progression, at whatever stage they are within their life time. The homepage provides information texts about [...]

The operations of Universitetskanslersämbetet (the Swedish Higher Education Authority) comprise three main areas: Quality assurance of higher education and appraisal of the degree-awarding powers of public-sector higher education institutions. Legal supervision of higher education. Monitoring efficiency, follow-up and horizon scanning as well as responsibility for statistics [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
The Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) is a central advisory agency of Korean universities to enhance the quality of university education and cooperation among member institutions. It is an intermediate organization between government and university community. KCEU has made efforts to promote the development of Korean higher education by expanding university [...]

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
This URL provides the full text of the regional framework for action adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All for Sub- Saharan Africa Johannesburg, South Africa, 6-10 December 1999. The guiding principles, areas of action and targets are presented.

The World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal, April 2000) was the first and most important event in education at the dawn of the new century. By adopting the Dakar Framework for Action, the 1,100 participants of the Forum reaffirmed their commitment to achieving Education for All by the year 2015 and entrusted UNESCO with the overall responsibility of co-ordination. Through this [...]

Asia; Oceania; Pacific Rim
This URL provides the full text of the regional framework for action adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All adopted by the Asia-Pacific Conference on EFA 2000 Assessment Bangkok, Thailand, 17-20 January 2000. Guiding principles, specific goals and targets for 2015 are presented.

Arab States
This URL provides the full text of the regional framework for action adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All for the Arab States Cairo, Egypt, 24-27 January 2000. The leading principles, areas of action and targets are presented.

Latin America; Caribbean
This URL provides the full text of the regional framework for action adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All adopted by the Regional Meeting on Education for All in the Americas, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 10-12 February 2000. The leading principles, areas of action and targets are presented.

Europe; United States of America (USA); Canada
This URL provides the full text of the regional framework for action adopted by the Regional Conference on Education for All in Europe and North America Warsaw, Poland, 6-8 February 2000 .The leading principles, areas of action and targets are presented.

The text gives an overview of the function and implementation of the Norwegian part of the project

United States of America (USA)
The South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Tennessee Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Vermont Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The West Virginia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Utah State Office of Education is the central governmental authority for education in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The South Carolina Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nevada Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Hampshire Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The State of New Mexico Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U. S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website i s ma inly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Ohio Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Nebraska Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kansas State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Kentucky Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Louisiana State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maine Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Massachusetts Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Michigan Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Mississippi Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Montana Office of Public Instruction is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S. A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United Kingdom
The website contains information on the curriculum by key stages, programmes of study by subject, other curriculum subjects, curriculum assessment, and curriculum interviews.

United States of America (USA)
The Arkansas Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Colorado Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Delaware Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Florida Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Georgia Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Hawaii Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Idaho Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Illinois State Board of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. The Board supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Iowa Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Indiana Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Texas Education Agency is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: curriculum and [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Connecticut State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New York State Education Department is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The New Jersey Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alabama Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The California Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Maryland State Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Arizona Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Oregon Department of Education is the central governmental authority in this federal state of the U.S.A. It coordinates and regulates K-12 public education. A Board of Education supervises instruction in the public schools. Information of this website is mainly addressed to teachers, parents and pupils/ students.- The following issues are focal points of these pages: [...]

SICI is the organisation of national and regional inspectorates of education in Europe. It was founded in 1995 and has at this moment 25 members. SICI provides services to its member organisations and contributes to the development of education in Europe with data and analyses based on direct observation of school practices.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports provides on these pages information on Vocational Education and Training. A list of links comprises among others: occupational categories, admission criteria, certificates, EU programmes and contact addresses in the provinces of Spain.

The SPC is a state non-profit educational institution. It was founded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania in 2001 after the restructuring of the Institute of Pedagogy. The website comprises information about the SPC, a virtual library of education, services (consulting...), research project (Textbook Research and Information Centre, a project [...]

IGEN and IGAENR are the principal authorities of the French education inspection which evaluates and controls all types of educational institutions, its personnel and contents, and supplies the Ministry with proposals for education policy. The website informs about the organizational structure and the activities of IGEN and IGAENR and provides full texts of its published [...]

HERDSA is a scholarly society which encourages and promotes quality teaching and learning in higher education in Australasia. Its website provides information on the society and its activities as well as links to teaching resources from Australasian Universities and other related websites.

United States of America (USA)
IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the right of every child to a quality education. For more than 20 years, IDRA has worked for excellence and equity in education in Texas and across the United States. IDRA conducts research and development activities; creates, implements and administers innovative education programmes; and provides teacher, [...]

The Mexican Council of Educational Research is an association aiming at coordinationg actions and interests of educational researchers and at promoting quality research. This homepage provides in tabular form information on status, organization and activities of the Council.

Association for Research and Educational Development in Extremadura.- This website is thought as a interdisciplinary platform to exchange educational materials as in-service training tools. Collaborations are accepted.

The main aim of the European Association for International Education is to stimulate and facilitate the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and to enhance the quality of international education.- This website provides information on forthcoming annual conferences and current training courses and publishes a newsletter and papers on issues of concern to those [...]

The International Study Association on Teacher Thinking - ISATT has recently changed its name to the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, to reflect the broadened nature of the research and interests of its growing membership. It was founded in October 1983 at a symposium for research on teacher thinking at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. The purpose [...]

INEE, the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System, is a department of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science that depends on the General Secretary of Education and Vocational Training. It is located in the Spanish capital Madrid. Its main goal is to evaluate the quality of the education system. Important supplementary information will be found in [...]

El Salvador; Central America
The site of the Ministry contains full texts of some areas of activity and projects of educational policy, e.g. about quality, modernization and funding of the education system. Furthermore, the Ministry presents itself and provides information about current issues (see "comunidad".

The homepage of the Ministry of Education in Brazil leads to the organizational structure of educational administration, to actions and programmes and to research. There are also navigation facilities to different areas of education (higher education, postgraduate studies, vocational training, distance education, special education, school education, elementary education, youth [...]

United Kingdom
ASCL, is the professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges. Heads, principals, deputy heads, vice-principals, assistant heads, assistant principals, bursars and other senior post holders are eligible for ASCL membership. Members of ASCL are entitled to professional advice and guidance from experienced national and local officials, legal and hotline [...]

The Centre coordinates the regular self-evaluation process of research/ development and pedagogical activity of the State and Nonstate research and of higher education institutions. It organises expert assessment (pier review), accumulates and publishes information about the quality of that activity and offers suggestions about its improvement. Besides it gives information, [...]

The institute is engaged in research and development activities that aim to improve the efficiency of public education. The institute assists in making professionally well-founded decisions, improving school teaching and learning, strengthening the innovative ability of education and integrating Hungary´s school structure into the European educational environment. The [...]

The National Accreditation Council (CNA) is responsible for the accreditation of institutions and programs of higher education; the result of the evaluation process is a proposal about the accreditation which is given to the Education Ministry if the program seems appropriate. The website provides information texts about the structure and mission of CNA, the standards used, [...]

The IIEP was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1963 as a specialized centre for training and research in the field of educational planning and management. It was set up to meet the critical needs of UNESCO Member States - many of which were newly-independent - that sought to improve their educational systems. Thhe [...]

The ICP is the leading international organisation for school principals. It was founded in 1990 with the clear intention to promote better understanding and closer relationships among principals of all nations, and to enhance their professional and leadership qualities. The objective of this mandate is to develop ICP members who are more responsive to the needs and aspirations [...]

"TESDA takes responsibility for the provision of relevant, high quality technical education and skills development supportive of the needs of enterprises and the country's goals through enabling policies, responsive programs and quality standards." Full texts about mission, structure, programmes and services offered are available at this site.

The website of the Colombian Education Ministry provides information about the mission and objectives of education in Colombia (peace, equality), assessment and accountability, and access to relevant material for the different sectors (from pre-primary to tertiary education).

The CNED is a public and autonomous institution with the mission of accreditation, control, evaluation and quality assurance of the private higher education sector (strongly represented in Chile). The homepage leads to full texts about the accreditation process, its legal basis (regulations), implementation, methods, instruments (handbooks) and to a guide for students and [...]

This project is a joint venture of CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Educational Training), together with the Research Forum WIFO Berlin, to provide an Overview of European Research ( ERO) on vocational education and training (VET) and human resource development (HRD). ERO is designed as a web-based meeting point of networks with the aim of sharing information on [...]

England; United Kingdom
"The Council will aim to: Raise the status and public standing of teachers by representing their professional interests; influence education policy by advising the Secretary of State on professional matters; guarantee high professional standards through the Register of Teachers and Code of Practice".

HETAC is the qualifications awarding body for third-level educational and training institutions outside the university sector. It is the legal successor to the National Council for Educational Awards (NCEA). On the website information can be obtained about the setting of standards for higher education and training awards, the validation of higher education and training [...]

The English version does not provide active links for all of the issues which the homepage shows. Accessible are: the Directorate of Examinations, the Capacity Building Project in Management of Qualitative Development of Education Services, a text on e-learning and one on ICT use in education. Furthermore, there is one about the "Vision Forum or the Future of Education in [...]

This homepage is subdivided into the following parts: organization of the ministry, services for teachers and students, history of education policy in Turkey, qualitative developments in education, the educational system, objectives and strategies of education policy, management and inspection of the educational organisation, innovations, educational statistics, international [...]

Pakistan; international
The Aga Khan University's Institute for Educational Development (AKU- IED) aims to improve the quality of education in developing countries through research, educational programmes, capacity-building, partnerships, policy initiatives and a commitment to wider social development. Established in 1993, with grant support of US $ 12.5 million from the Commission of the European [...]

Palestinian Territories
We provide the link to the Minister od Education as we could not find a website for the Ministry of Education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom
"A partnership to promote the education of children from birth to thirteen". Its activities include the publication of the journal "New Childhood" and an annual conference.

Wales; United Kingdom
The Welsh Government provides ample information on education and skills on its topic site.

The SNED evaluates the schools in Chile. A general overview and an text about methodological issues are accessible - evaluation results of specific regions, communities or schools are accessible only for registered customers.

New Zealand
NZEALS is a professional body which provides support and professional development for educational leaders across all sectors. It is a national organisation with branches covering most parts of New Zealand and links with kindred organisations throughout the world. The site contains information about the organisation, activities and a link list concerning information on [...]

CHEPS is a research institute that seeks to make a significant contribution to understanding policy-making, governance and management in higher education. The website provides an informative overview of CHEPS: work, projects and publications, and staff. Research topics: higher education governance and management; quality assurance and quality management; higher education [...]

United States of America (USA)
The mission of the Association for Experiential Education is to develop and promote experiential education in all settings. The Association is committed to support professional development, theoretical advancement, and evaluation in the field of experiential education worldwide. Based in the USA, AEE has approximately 2, 000 members in over 20 countries. The focus is on [...]

The Englisch homepage of the Thai Education Ministry leads to full texts about 1) the Ministry and its Departments, 2) Education statistics (budget, personnel, student numbers, also Buddhist institutions), 3 ) international schools in Thailand (regulations and standards). 4) The button "about MOE" gives access to various texts about the education reform 1996-2007 and 5) [...]

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) is an independent European organisation dedicated to the support, improvement, management and analysis of academic cooperation within Europe and between Europe and other parts of the world. It was created in July 1993 with the legal status of a non-profit-making international association according to Belgian law and a secretariat in [...]

The Academia Europaea was founded in 1988 as an international, non- governmental association of individual scientists and scholars, aiming to promote learning, education and research. It currently brings together nearly 1800 members from 35 European and seven non- European countries. The Academia's membership covers a wide range of disciplines, including the physical sciences [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Center for Education Reform is a national, independent, non-profit advocacy organization founded in 1993 to provide support and guidance to parents and teachers, community and civic groups, policymakers and grassroots leaders, and all who are working to bring fundamental reforms to their schools. The homepage offers different views and services for the mentioned target [...]

United Kingdom
"The Agency's main business is to review the performance of universities and colleges of higher education. It does this by visiting institutions to audit their overall academic management, including arrangements for collaboration with overseas partners; and to assess the quality and standards of teaching and learning at subject level". The reports of the agency are available [...]

New Zealand
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority coordinates qualifications in secondary schools and in post-school education and training, maintains national standards, ensures recognition of overseas qualifications and administers national secondary and tertiary examinations. Scholarships and awards, adresses of education professionals, teaching and examination materials, [...]

United Kingdom; Scotland
"The General Teaching Council for Scotland is a statutory body, formally established by the Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965. Its overarching role is the maintenance and wherever possible the enhancement of professional standards. All its activities are directed towards improving the quality of teaching in Scotland. The work of most of the Council's committees can be [...]

United Kingdom
The Teaching Agency is responsible for initial teacher training (ITT) in England. It provides a comprehensive programme of support, providing guidance all the way through the application process.

The Commission d´évaluation de l´enseignement collégial du Québec (CEEC) is an – from the government independently acting – organization whose evaluation mandate covers most aspects of college education, with special emphasis on student achievement and programs of studies. Legislation attributes the power to evaluate and make recommendations, as well as declaratory [...]

This institution examines and evaluates universities, schools and other (cultural) establishments in charge of the Education Ministry. It prepares recommendations for improving quality and efficiency of the French education system. The homepage contains links to: a description of CNE, contact addresses, phone numbers and e-mail numbers of CNE, full-text information of [...]

United States of America (USA)
U.S. News & World Report's exclusive college rankings are taken from the printed edition of America's Best Colleges. The rankings allow to sort schools based on the criteria most important to the interested student, e.g. lowest acceptance rate, highest graduation rate etc. Furthermore, a school directory contains key statistics for more than 1, 400 accredited colleges and [...]

United Kingdom
Ofsted regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care and inspects: schools, colleges, initial teacher education, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, education and training in prisons and other secure establishments, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass). The reports are accessible via a database.

SVEB Switzerland is the umbrella organization of adult education and lifelong learning in Switzerland. It is a non governemental organisation, which represents nationwide private and state institutions, associations, representatives responsible for adult education on a cantonal level, institutions, in-house training departments and personnel managers. It also extends its [...]

United Kingdom
"SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education, and was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training [...]

United Kingdom
"The Society for Research into Higher Education, established in 1965, exists to stimulate and co-ordinate research into all aspects of higher education. It aims to improve the quality of higher education through the encouragement of debate and publication on issues of policy, on the organisation and management of higher education institutions, and on the curriculum, teaching [...]

United Kingdom; England
"The Council's main function is to distribute funds provided by the Secretary of State for Education and Employment. The Council funds education and research at 136 universities and higher education colleges in England. It also funds courses at 74 further education colleges, who receive their main funding from the Further Education Funding Council". There are full texts on [...]

The International Bureau of Education (IBE) is the UNESCO institute specializing in educational contents, methods and structures. Its overall mission is to contribute to the attainment of quality Education for All (EFA). To this end, the IBE builds networks to share expertise on curriculum development in all regions of the world, and aims to introduce innovative approaches in [...]

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is Australia's principal research and evaluation organisation for the vocational education and training sector in Australia. It is an independent organisation responsible to a board of directors representing employers, unions, education and training organisations, government, and others with an interest in [...]

APS International invites teachers to learn about modern models for instruction, based on up to date, research based knowledge in such a way that these models can be applied in local settings. We also understand the need to involve principals, parents, education officials and the community at large in any school improvement effort. APS International aims at generously sharing [...]

United Kingdom; international
"The magazine is designed to act as: a resource for Educational Developers, Librarians and Academic Staff, with material arranged by Discipline and by Educational Issue; a forum for readers to discuss and develop ideas, and identify resources that will aid their work. Content includes: evaluated case studies of teaching and learning in subject discipline areas; contact lists [...]

This website offers topic-related data from the recently published issues of the journal, in particular on evaluation, achievement and quality assurance in schools as well as analyses for decision-making and school administration.

Revista de Educación is a quarterly published journal of the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE), which belongs to the Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. On the website the recently published issues on twelve subject categories are offered dealing among others with student [...]

United Kingdom
"The Institute is the largest institution in the United Kingdom devoted to the study of education and related areas...The Institute of Education' s mission is to pursue excellence in education by engaging in: research and scholarship of national and international significance, which builds on the Institute's strong research base; high quality, innovative postgraduate and [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
"The Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (SFC) is the body that distributes funding for teaching and learning, research and other activities in Scotland's colleges and universities. There are 43 colleges and 20 higher education institutions in Scotland funded by SFC. The SFC also provides colleges with bursary, hardship and childcare funding for their [...]

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain is responsible for all areas and levels of education in the country. There is an organizational chart of the Ministry on the website. According to the different responsibilities of this governmental institution links to educational institutions in the field of vocational training and adult education are available as well [...]

United Kingdom
NISS provides a comprehensive link list to institutions, online services and government sites from all sectors of education as well as sites on funding and support, quality and standards. There is also information on reference, bibliographic and directory material, conferences and training and a search engine for the site.

United Kingdom; Scotland
"This web site hosts the reports we submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Employment, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in July 1997. Our Committee was appointed with bipartisan support on 10 May 1996 to make recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to meet [...]

Scotland; United Kingdom
Responsibilities include: Further and higher education, science and lifelong learning, school education, training and skills, HM Inspectorate of Education and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, nurseries and childcare, children's services, children's hearings, social work and HM Social Work Inspectorate.

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