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School counsellor at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school counsellor

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Asia; Pacific Rim; Australia; New Zealand; Canada; United States of America (USA); China, People's Republic of; India; Indonesia; Japan; Cambodia; Guam; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Malaysia; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Vietnam
The Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) provides a forum for professionals working in career guidance and counselling in our about Asia and the Pacific - from early to adult education. Its website provides information about APCDA, about regional country members, about the annual APCDA conference, webinars, and publications (a newsletter and the Asia Pacific [...]

The Canadian Association of School Social Workers and Attendance Counsellors (CASSWAC) is a national organization that links school social workers and attendance counsellors. The mandate of CASSWAC is to promote and encourage the development of quality school social work and attendance counselling in Canada. As a national organization the CASSWAC have an opportunity to be [...]

The IAEVG is an international association of institutions and organisations active in educational counselling and guidance. Its focus lies on the professional qualification of school and vocational education counsellors. The association provides a list of national organisations worldwide, the e-journal "International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance" (subject to [...]

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