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Search engine at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: search engine

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Kenya is an Educational Directory & Portal for Searching & Learning about courses, careers, schools, colleges and universities.

Kenya is a database with information on many educational institutions in Kenya. Their Dynamic College Search simplifies the complex process of finding a college.

Dominican Republic
Cámbrico is an interactive portal, which functions as data base and search engine for primarily academical information and, therefore, ensures a more qualitative knowledge acquisition. This tool filtres and analyzes in objective and precise search processes in the temporal and geographical context, to find adequate data in all its depth. This project satisfies the prevailing [...]

Dominican Republic
Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual was created to contribute to the education and formation of students. Its objective is to facilitate the research and competence process. It is a tool for professionals respectively for all those who want to deepen their knowledge, according to the large variety and profundity of themes and branches. Currently (mai 2011), the homepage contains more [...]

The site of the Royal Library of Belgium offers a broad access to the onlince catalogues of the Belgian libraries and universities and a overview of current publications and source collections of the library's inventory. Additionally, it exists the possibility to inform about library services, current expositions, projects and a sector with online publications.

The offers of the Internet portal are amongst others a search in and after libraries, journals, data bases and online literature concerning adult education, information about promotion possibilities, links to job fairs and publications of the bm:ukk. Shortly (state: 12.2010), this offer is extended by a database unique in Austria which provides different [...]

This site offers a database for practical further training courses in Belgium. You can search for examples of training and vocational programmes, continuing education and language courses, as well as companies or educational institutions. Additionally, in the sector "bibliothèque", there are selected literary abstracts available.

The site provides information on study opportunities in Flanders, Belgium: It answers questions about Flanders, living in Flanders, the education system of Flanders and funding opportunities. The database can be searched for study programmes or for Flemish higher education institutions. Besides, the brochure "Study in Flanders" is available for download.

The aim of the Pedagogics and Psychology Gateway is to be part of the umbrella of information gateways under DEFF (Denmark's Electronic Research Library), and in this structure the provider of national and international information ressources in relation to Pedagogics and Psychology. To offer a joint entrance to electronic ressources in Pedagogics and Psychology. The gateway [...]

The Higher Education Register is a legal register that contains all the accredited higher education programmes in Flanders, Belgium. The search engine ('Find a programme') gives access to all these programmes. The Website provides also links and information about studying in Flanders, the degree structure, admission and visa requirements, institutions of higher education, [...]

eduVista is a meta-search engine across up to 40 databases in the field of adult education. The sources for searching are the regional education databases of the 8 Austrian states and the event calendars of the participating organisations of the Austria´s adult education conference. The searching results contain contributions from different forms of education, namely: [...]

This search engine on the homepage enables users - after selection of a country and a language school - to find an ideal English language course. The homepage offers further services, particularly for English Language Teachers (ELT).

Choike is a portal on Southern civil societies that provides full length reports, an NGO directory, news, and links to international campaigns such as the UNESCO Literacy Decade (2003-2012). It covers aspects concerning society, communication, globalization and environment. The section on education can be searched for literacy campaigns and target groups as well as NGOs and [...]

This website aims to raise the quality of education in Tanzania by means of modern technology. It was developed in 2002 as a project in co- operation between Tanzania Education and the Information Services Trust. Various links and a search engine offer information amongst other things about national educational policy and educational projects. The offer is supplemented by [...]

Under "Educacion Online", this link list provides links for the following fields: Institutes, academies, primary and secondary schools (Colegios), universities, distant learning, rights of children, international organisations, information resources for teachers and educational publications in Paraguay. There are didactical resources and text material für all curriculum [...]

This link list provides annotated link lists in alphabetic order in the following fields: research centres, institutes, academies, organisations, pre schools, primary and secondary schools (Colegios), universities, information resources, projects, congresses and other activities in the area of education in Venezuela.

The homepage of the Argentinian National Library has links with texts about its objectives and structure and to the databases and catalogues which are searchable online. It provides a link list of national libraries woldwide, information on librarian formation as well as cultural events.

Arab States
This is a collection of internet links to educational institutions, organisations and associations as well as to research institutes in Arab countries or where Arab is the language of communication. All educational levels and subject matters are included.

This website addresses all persons working as educators, students and parents. The information given is arranged according to the target group. An important thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides information texts on aspects of education in Peru and abroad, texts for teachers, resources, link lists concerning educational software, [...]

The portal of the Peruvian scientific net Red Científica Peruana provides a comprehensive link list of Peruvian and Latin American internet content. One of these links at the homepage refers to "educación" and offers a link list of schools (Colegios), universities, academies and institutes of further education, arranged according to the provinces in Peru. Links to libraries, [...]

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

Latin America
This portal for university graduates provides access to various information which could be important for these persons: link lists of institutions, departments and institutes, lists of libraries and research institutions, advice for internet facilities and international contacts etc.

This website is intended to serve as a platform for information, advice and exchange for all persons interested in the topic of science education in the elementary and primary sector. This is done through online and print documents, discussion lists, subscription to current information, search engines, publications and expert consultation.

international; Latin America
Educational information can be accessed from this web site by firstly clicking the respective country and then activating the link "Education and Research" in the country web site. This provides a list of educational and training institutions and other relevant organisations.

This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]

This web site offers an introductory text about the two educational levels, including a timetable, and a link to search engines which enable searches for preschool and primary institutions in each province.

This web site provides an introductory information text about the secondary education system and its structure and curricular contents, a list of all legislative documents concerning secondary education and a link to a search engine with which individual schools can be searched.

This web site provides an extensive information text about the final examination of the secondary school, e.g. the various forms and grades of the examination (professional, technical etc.), the curriculum contents, the execution and legal prescriptions. Via a search engine one can search individual secondary schools.

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

This website allows to search a distinct school in Spain, either geographically via a map or according to levels or curriculum subjects.

This search engine finds bibliographical data, resources and persons / groups in the areas of peace education intercultural education and development education.

This URL provides a list of links and addresses of schools in Singapore (directly searchable by names or by regions) - schools with gifted education programmes are registered separately. Furthermore, schools can be selected according to certain criteria.

The aim of the website is to enable teachers, students (and parents) of Civic, Social and Political Education with the aim to develop active participatory citizens. Information on human rights and global issues and presentation of action projects.

CDVEC is the local education authority for Dublin City and its inner suburbs. It provides a wide range of opportunities for the younger generation of Dubliners, and its life-long education programme offers to adults in all age groups career- improvement, leisure, and self-development courses. Access to a course database, the CDVEC Newsletter ( in extracts online), information [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Directory is intended to help you identify and contact organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics. Various search facilities (simple, advanced search, organization list, state- territory search). Description and comments on each organisation with links on their internet presences.

The Post-Primary Languages Initiative is in place since September 2000 with the purpose of implementing the policy of the Department of Education & Science Ireland of enhancing and expanding the teaching of languages in second-level schools. The initiative is also engaged in research on teaching materials, the planning networking days for teachers and the dissemination of [...]

This page offers a link list and a search engine about all types of Swiss educational institutions such as schools, higher and adult education institutions etc. Furthermore, links are provided which concern web sites for school education and teaching (teaching and learning software, teaching aids etc), special servers and educational organizations.

Denmark's strategy for education, learning and IT, published by the Danish Ministry of Education. Access to publications and relevant links. Only in Danish.

This site contains a link list of Swiss universities and links about studying, teaching and research in Swiss universities.

This site is a link list of important websites for the purpose of procuring of information (libraries, information centres, education servers etc.) für education and instruction. The focus is on vocational and secondary education. Meanwhile, the WWW provides a wealth of institutions and information abouth this branch of knowledge. Here, one finds a variety of international, [...]

The AfricaEducation homepage provides access to information in the area of education and development in Africa by offering links in different sections as curriculum resources, institutions, who's who, research reports, free resources ( services), school and other projects or online courses for teachers and learners. A text search engine is available to search the site and the [...]

This abundant website addresses all persons working as educators - the thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides the following sub-groups: (official) information texts for teachers; resources, i.e. link lists concerning educational software, curriculum materials for curriculum subjects and extra- curricular applications; forums for [...]

The Centre of Educational Information and Communication (formerly PNTIC) provides this searchable database, which shall serve teachers to learn how to use information and communication technology in their classrooms. The homepage shows links to texts of teaching aids and information material to be used in distant study.

Offer for professionals involved in vocational education. The portal comprises information from apprentice ship firms, professional associations, charges for vocational education, vocational schools and other related institutions. The links are arranged in these groups: vocational schools and training companies, training of teaching staff, vocational education in Switzerland [...]

PANDORA is the National Collection of Australian Online Publications. This link offers access to hundreds of online resources (among them full texts to download) on education via links. Advanced search is possible. Other subjects are available. Pandora ist maintained by the National Library of Australia and partners.

ALG is a free one-stop-shop for information on more than 5,400 Australian libraries, their collections and services. The Gateway has been developed on behalf of the Australian library community by the National Library of Australia and received initial funding as part of Australia's Cultural Network (ACN). On the website, guides to information retrieval with a special page for [...]

SURFnet is the national computer network for higher education and research in the Netherlands. SURFnet connects the networks of universities, colleges, research centres, academic hospitals and scientific libraries to one another and to other networks in Europe and the rest of the world. On the website information on the organisation SURF, seminars and innovative projects can [...]

SURF is the joint network services and ICT organisation of the Dutch institutions of higher education and research. It supports and facilitates realisations in the field of ICT. The internet platform for the network is SURFnet ( On the website the organisation and a comprehensive list of projects with relevant links are provided. Publications can be [...]

The ODIN Internet portal leads to information about Norway and the Norwegian society (in English, German...). The menu item "Norway as country" gives access to a comprehensive collection of articles, backgroundinformation and links. Further links e.g. to the education ministry, educational and research institutes and particular information on the Norwegian education system.

"myfuture" (launched in 2002) is a high quality system, covering education, training and employment for all Australians. It is designed to explore skills and interests, identify possible career paths, develop career plan and research options for further study and training. With a guide (password necessary/free of charge) assistance in determining personal carrier can be [...]

NTIS is a database on vocational education and training in Australia. It contains detailed information about courses, qualifications, training packages, competency standards, new projects and a linklist of training organisations.

This internet portal offers two search facilities 1. to find information about courses offered by Australian education institutions, 2. and/or education institutions themselves. The search can be defined and limited through offered search criteria. The results the databases are supplying are: 1. overview of all search results with the headings links, provider, course degree, [...]

The Education Portal is the online entry point to a comprehensive array of Commonwealth Government information and services concerning all aspects and levels of education in Australia. It also provides links to key education and training sites at the national, state and territory level.

United States of America (USA)
The NSBA is a not-for profit federation of state associations of school boards across the United States ( including Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Aims are to foster excellence and equity in public elementary and secondary education in the United States. This internetportal offers a sitemap as guide to the comprehensive information about NSBA, the Federation, the [...]

ScoilNet is managed by the National Center for Technology in Education (NCTE) and is part of the project "Schools IT 2000". It is an online support service giving information on educational issues generally, for pupils, parents and teachers. The teachers and parents pages offer information about school, curricula, teaching material for download, download of "Education Matters" [...]

HEAnet is the name given to the Internet portal providing a collection of networking services and facilities which support the communication requirements of the Irish education and research community (including the Universities and Institutes of Technology). The website provides access to the National Information Server. A number of major dataset services for the education and [...]

"Educationmatters" is Irelands foremost monthly educational journal, published as print version, in the Internet and can be obtained via Email. The Internet homepage provides up to date national and international information in all educational fields.The comprehensive information is offered mostly in short articles or fulltexts (only a few for download. A forum provides the [...]

This website of the French public administration offers an opportunity for all citizens to get information about their rights in vocational education. There is a pre-prepared list of themes which includes VET for specific groups (e.g. handicapped, youth, unemployed), but one may also search for one' s own specific questions.

The Institute for Educational Research (KTL), a national centre for educational research is a multidisciplinary research institute based at the University of Jyväskylä, established in 1968. The national task of the KTL is investigating, assessing and developing the Finnish educational system and school culture. The institute' s website navigation leads to: introduction, [...]

This site provides selected information sources and databases on Africa (Africa Studies). Information ressources include, for example, country specific information sources; subject related information sources; libraries and databases; journals and magazines.

This URL provides the entry to all information about the teacher education institutes at universities: the courses of study, educational and documentary resources (teaching material in a broad sense), the IT facilities, research and international contacts. Additionally there are links to discussion lists and search engines. A country map provides links to the local IUFMs.

Association for Research and Educational Development in Extremadura.- This website is thought as a interdisciplinary platform to exchange educational materials as in-service training tools. Collaborations are accepted.

This is a Spanish portal to educational information in the Internet. By clicking on "inicio" or "indice" a list of 13 portals or link lists ( directorios) is opened.

A search engine gives access to all information secondary school students should have about the French secondary school leaving examinations (baccalauréat), e.g. official regulations, admission, realization, results, statistics, elaboration of the exam themes.

Search machine combining several catalogues on vocational training and further education in Luxembourg, mainly offers and providers in this area

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
OEI is an international organization of the Ibero-American countries which promotes the co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture and has a "governmental" character. Its aim is to advance an integrated development of the region in these matters. The website offers (see "que es la OEI?") information about the organizational structure, implemented activities [...]

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

EuroEducation Net aims to provide useful information and assist students in choosing undergraduate, postgraduate and a variety of other academic courses offered by over 900 education institutions in Europe, Russia and the CIS. The entry profiles include: description of courses and schools, contact details, application procedures, admission requirements, cost of studies, [...]

The Guilde is an association in the Internet which provides information and resources devoted to PhD-training in France. The homepage has links to information texts about doctoral training, the thesis, labour opportunities for graduates, additional useful links, a search engine, discussion list and journal. (Abridged versions of the French web-site are available in English, [...]

This portal decribes itself as the starting site to Austrian institutions in the fields of science, research, education, art and culture and other useful links to information resources in Austria. E.g. it provides a list of Austrian higher education institutions, learned societies, libraries, associations and other institutions in the academic world. This site offers direct [...]

United Kingdom
The website offers information about the BBC's educational programme, interactive language courses and a large number of online resources for schools and further education.

BIBSYS is a shared library system for all Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library and a number of research libraries. The BIBSYS database contains information about books, series, journals etc. that is held by these libraries (more than 6 million copies).

INTO "is the largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland and at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland". Besides information on the union's services, policy and publications the website contains a section on professional development, an electronic journal and offers a variety of interactive [...]

Find the right university, college, career college, language school, secondary (high) school or elementary school for you. Students interested in learning English as a second language can find out about ESL and TOEFL scores. Post-secondary programs such as MBA, computer science, engineering and business are also featured. Learn about visas, tuition, application requirements [...]

"India Literacy Project, ILP, is a US-based non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to spreading the cause of literacy in India". The website gives information on the various projects in India and how the organisation can be supported. There is also a newsletter in full text.

This service allows to quickly find post-secondary schools offering a specific program. It provides links to other web sites, applications and program information, links to Canadian Colleges and Universities.

United States of America (USA)
The IMS project was formed as a catalyst for the development of a substantial body of instructional software, the creation of an online infrastructure for managing access to learning materials and environments, the facilitation of collaborative and authentic learning activities, and the certification of acquired skills and knowledge.

United Kingdom; international
The site informs about titles obtainable from libraries.

"The Faculty of Education has taken on a variety of roles that are linked to a wider conception of education and training. Its main focus remains pre-service and in-service teacher education." The Faculty's website offers a short survey of its main fields of study, courses, admission, boards, conferences, programmes, projects and journals as well as addresses and publications [...]

The European Library is now in Europeana. Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. Europeana provides access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help you find what you’re looking for.

The National Documentation Centre (NDC) constitutes the national provider of digital information services on Research & Technology. Establishedin 1980, NDC is a national infrastructure within the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The wide range of information sources, the expertised staff, along with [...]

United Kingdom; international
"The BUBL Mission To provide value-added access to Internet resources and services of academic, research, and professional significance to the UK Higher Education community". There are numerous links on education.

Austrian school server with links to at present 146 general and vocational schools. To many links is given a description of the emphasis and special supplies of the school mentioned.

The Swiss Association for Continuing Education "Swissuni" is an association based in Bern (year of foundation: 2002). Its purpose is to promote continuing education at universities in Switzerland and to promote cooperation between the continuing education offices of the universities (cantonal universities and federal institutes of technology). Members are the continuing [...]

CEDEFOP is a European agency that helps policy-makers and practitioners of the European Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make informed choices about vocational training policy.- This homepage offers links to the Electronic Training Village and to a variety of publications related to VET.

"Europa" is the portal site of the European Union. It provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration, also in the field of education. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion, access the websites of each of the EU institutions and find out about the policies administered by the [...]

The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]

United States of America (USA)
Formerly known as the "National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)" and belonging to the U.S. Department of Education, NIDILRR now has a slightly changed name and belongs to the Department of Health and Human Services. The institute supports and analyses the situtation and rights of persons with disabilities. The website provides information on funding [...]

United Kingdom
The Independent Schools Council offers general information about the UK independent sector and advice on how to go about choosing an appropriate school for your child. The site includes a database of nearly 1300 independent schools.

This homepage offers an opportunity to reach more than 16.800 libraries world-wide by means of a powerful search engine. Users have to insert a keyword or part of the name of the respective library for getting access. With the entry "Spain" 20 links to Spanish libraries are provided, including pedagogical ones.

"EdNA Online is a service that aims to support and promote the benefits of the Internet for learning, education and training in Australia. It provides a directory about education and training in Australia and a database of web-based resources useful for teaching and learning." In addition, it provides full text versions of relevant publications, several newsletters and [...]

United Kingdom
NISS provides a comprehensive link list to institutions, online services and government sites from all sectors of education as well as sites on funding and support, quality and standards. There is also information on reference, bibliographic and directory material, conferences and training and a search engine for the site.

United Kingdom; Scotland
"This web site hosts the reports we submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Employment, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in July 1997. Our Committee was appointed with bipartisan support on 10 May 1996 to make recommendations on how the purposes, shape, structure, size and funding of higher education, including support for students, should develop to meet [...]

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