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Social competence at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: social competence

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Task and aim of the Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft is to raise parent´s and experts´ awareness of an active partnership between parents and children in their upbringing and education, and of a careful and cooperative approach to children in order to establish human relations. Children should not be passive objects in the educational efforts of adults. It is therefore [...]

The Management for Social Responsibility of Corporations in the Educative Sector (DIRSSE) is an organ of the ministry for education and culture of Paraguay. Its task is the creation of public-private alliances for the promotion and the expansion of social responsibility in the educative sector on all its levels: entrepreneurial, corporative, university, public and gloabl, [...]

The Initial and Primary Education Council (CEIP) is an organ of the National Administration of Public Education which is entrusted with the administration of initial and primary education of the country. The objective of initial education is the stimulation of social and intellectual development of children from 3-5 years. The CEIP designs an integral education which promotes [...]

The Education Alliance for the Construction of Cultures of Peace consists of national and international institutions. Its aim is to work on the education level for the construction of peaceful cultures and democratic coexistence on the national, regional and local level. Therefore, the alliance provides technical help and cooperation. Furthermore, there is an intensive [...]

The Interdisciplinary Research Group for Socialisation, Education and Formation (GIRSEF) works in the fields of sociology, psychology and education sciences. It was founded in 1998 by the Université catholique de Louvain. The central objective of the GIRSEF is the development of fundamental research and applied research in the field of education and formation. Until now [...]

The National Youth Office (SENAJU) is an organism of the Peruvian state under the direction of the ministry of education. It is the central institution for youth affairs in Peru. SENAJU is entrusted with the promotion, the coordination and the evaluation of policies, projects and programs which deal with youth affairs in the public or private sector. The aim of the office is [...]

The mission of A Partner In Education (APIE) is to encourage ongoing education for all, regardless of means or background, to further the UN Millennium Development Goals, most specifically the achievement of universal primary education by 2015, to facilitate and improve basic literacy and numeracy to enhance lives and livelihoods, to promote creativity, critical thinking and [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The Catholic student youth (JEC) of Cote d`Ivoire is a pupil and student movement with the aim to promote youth collaboration in scholar and university milieus, to heigthen the awareness of the members in regard to social questions - and this in a catholic environment.

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