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Social sciences at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: social sciences

key words found 1 - 61 of 61

Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American Institute for Social Sciences) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by the UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. Since 1982, the Argentinian office of FLACSO has an area and website for education and educational research. Two programmes are central to this education area: the [...]

SMERU Research Institute does research in socio-economic issues, among other on poverty and inequality, social protection, education, health, children and youth, community-driven development, labor, microfinance, and more. The site about SMERU's research focus on education informs you about recent research activities and publications (free download). Education related [...]

Palestinian Territories
The Institute was founded in 1963 in Lebanon and claims to be the "oldest institute in the world devoted exclusively to documentation, research, analysis, and publication on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict." Its website mainly proposes their two main publications, the "Journal of Palestine Studies" and "Jerusalem Quarterly"; under "Resources", you will find [...]

Israel; international
"Chartered by law in 1961, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities acts as a national focal point for Israeli scholarship in both the natural sciences and the humanities [The Ministry of Education has a say in certain matters]. The Academy (...) monitor[s] and promote[s] Israeli intellectual excellence, advise[s] the government on scientific planning, fund[s] and [...]

The National Center of Social Research –ΕΚΚΕ- was established in 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and is the only public institution in Greece dedicated to the social sciences. ΕΚΚΕ is a public law legal entity supervised by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and religious matters. [...]

Ukraine; international
This website provides introductory texts for students. The text about "Basics of Social and Educational Research (Lecture)" linked here provides an general overview over educational research in an Ukrainian perspectivem even though the focus is not solely on Ukrainian educational research. The website provides further texts in the category "pedagogy", but also in "psychology" [...]

Website of the Faculty for Education of the University of Campinas, Brazil. The website provides ample information on teaching and research of the faculty. Furthermore, you have free access to a number of e-journals published by the Faculty (see the table under "Journals" or the Faculty's journal list). The faculty has the following departments and hence also foci: * DECISE [...]

Russian Federation
"The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) is a network of Russian scientists and scientific research institutes. With the science and research organisation run by the Academy, it constitutes the main center of basic research in the fields of natural and social sciences in Russia." See also information on the adopted reform / dissolution of RAN in 2013. [Abstract: Editors of [...]

The three libraries, Education, Jewish Education and Social Work, amalgamated in July 2003 to form a unified library at the Mount Scopus campus, as part of the Libraries Authority. The multi-disciplinary collections include education, social work and related fields such as psychology, psychotherapy, sociology and anthropology, connected to different age groups and population [...]

The Data without Boundaries – DwB – project exists to support equal and easy access to official microdata for the European Research Area, within a structured framework where responsibilities and liability are equally shared. DwB also takes part in the discussion about metadata standards (SDMX/DDI) with the aim of building a single point of access for official microdata. [...]

The Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Ludwig Boltzmann Society), which was founded in 1960, is a private sponsor of research establishments in Austria. Its Institutes deal with questions relating to medicine, humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences. The LBG, which is financed from public and private resources, is divided into Institutes and Clusters and currently [...]

The IBE was founded in the year 1980 as a non-profit assoication by the worker representiative organization, unions, companies and the Johannes Kepler University Linz. The intention of this foundation was to establish a research institut which does education research from employee´s perspective. So the basis for present academic work was laid - the exploration of the labour [...]

Ecuador; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. IThe homepage of the Ecuadorian office presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text information as well as the educational journal "Propuesta [...]

The Royal Society of Canada (RSC) is the senior national body of distinguished Canadian scholars, artists and scientists. The primary objective of the RSC is to promote learning and research in the arts and sciences. The RSC consists of nearly 2000 Fellows, who are selected by their peers for outstanding contributions to the natural and social sciences, in the arts and in the [...]

The website links to evaluation reports on education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information and a variety of specialised topics. It provides information on the mode of independent UNESCO external evaluation, on various reports to governing bodies and the aims of the Internal Oversight Service (IOS) which was established in 2001. [...]

Europe; international
NET4SOCIETY is the international network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7). National Contact Points are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding. NET4SOCIETY offers dedicated networking workshops, specific high quality trainings, and mentoring to the SSH [...]

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
Korea Research Foundation (KRF) is a national organization dedicated to social and scientific development. Main tasks of the KRF are as follows: 1) promotion of basic research, 2) support for women and young scientists, 3) promotion of scientific exchange and cooperation between North and South Korea and international research partners, 4) advancing progress in science and [...]

"VSJF - German Association for Social Science Research on Japan" was founded in 1988. Its general aim was and still is to strengthen the study of contemporary Japan in the German-speaking countries. Under "activities" you can find the section group on education. The database experts allows the search for experts in specific fields.

The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies (FIV-IBLK) is a cooperation of 12 independent German and one nordic research institute. Together, they produce the database "World Affairs Online", one of the largest bibliographic social science databases in Europe. The main subject areas covered are global and regional developments, for eign and security [...]

Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East
The four regional libraries of the GIGA Information Centre collect literature on economic, political and social developments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Besides library catalogues the service comprises online bibliographies and internet resources. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies emerged from the German Overseas Institute (founded in [...]

United Kingdom
The EPPI-Centre is dedicated to making reliable research findings about health, education and welfare accessible to the people who need them, whether they are making policy, practice, or personal decisions. The Evidence Library contains summaries and full reports of all of the EPPI- Centre's systematic reviews. EPPI also offers courses on systematic research synthesis.

United States of America (USA)
The Future of Children is a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution. The mission of The Future of Children is to translate the best social science research about children and youth into information that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant-makers, advocates, the media, and [...]

The Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) represents the interests of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences sectors, promotes the contribution of the sectors to government, industry and the public and serves as a coordinating forum for academics, students, business, and the broader community. Its website contains information on the CHASS, its [...]

United States of America (USA)
NBCDI sponsors educational programs to assist in the development of children. ln many regions of the country, the NBCDI is represented by affiliate chapters that provide direct services at the community level. Focus is to improve child welfare services, make universal early care and education a reality, build family support services, press for educational reform and provide [...]

"The UNESCO Library provides reference and information services, including online searches, to the organization as a whole, as well as to the general public with an interest in UNESCO's fields of competence." The collections comprise library and archive services, UNESCO publications, periodicals and documentation resources.

United Kingdom
TCRU is a multidisciplinary research unit within the Institute of Education at the University of London. The Unit was founded in 1973 by Professor Jack Tizard and focusses on four streams of research: 1) Health and well-being of children, young people, and families; 2) Research on parenting and family support; 3.) Studies of children's services and environments; 4.) Studies [...]

The Austrian Institute for Family Studies (ÖIF) was founded as an independent, non-profit organisation in 1994 to carry out social research in an interdisciplinary way. This approach allows a broad yet differentiated analysis of family issues and constitutes a challenge in the Institute's research orientation. In view of the fact that 'family science' has not yet [...]

Argentina; Latin America
The Network FLACSO (Latin American institute for social science) is an international organisation in research and documentation founded in 1957 by UNESCO. It has offices in 16 Latin American Countries. The homepage of the office in Argentina presents abundant information on educational issues: Programs and projects, publications, products, research results, full text [...]

The objective of this project is to improve and develop social science and the scientific use of the internet in Peru. The following links "Bibilioteca" - "Educacion" provide full text information ( PDF) about the area of education in Peru and Latin America.

Africa South of the Sahara; Cape Verde; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Senegal; Sierre Leone
The UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa / Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'éducation en Afrique (BREDA) in Dakar is the largest UNESCO Office in Africa. Established in 1970 to address educational planning issues in Africa South of the Sahara, BREDA, over years, extended its fields of action so much that it now covers not only other education sub-sectors but [...]

United Kingdom
ELSE is an interdisciplinary research centre based at University College London. Its research is concerned with the modelling of human behaviour in the social sciences. Research efforts are devoted to the area in which anthropology, economics and psychology come together. Most of the research effort at ELSE is formulated and pursued within the conceptual framework provided by [...]

The aim of the website is to enable teachers, students (and parents) of Civic, Social and Political Education with the aim to develop active participatory citizens. Information on human rights and global issues and presentation of action projects.

international; Asia; Pacific Rim
The Institute has two roles. As the Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, it is the technical advisory body to all field offices and Member States of the region and the site of regional programmes in most areas covered by the Education Sector. It also houses regional advisory units in Culture and Social and Human Sciences and staff from the Communication and [...]

The aims of ACT are to support the teachers of Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and to represent them. Information on the constitution, action projects and events. Free access to 'ACTIVATE' , the newsletter of ACT. Full text articles and statements and commented useful links for CSPE teachers are available.

Comhairle is the national support agency responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on social services, belonging as a statutory agency, to the Department of Social & Family Affairs. Access to research reports on social policy. The Citizens Information Database (CID) covers all aspects of civil and social rights and entitlements [...]

Norway; Iceland; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Faroe Islands; Northern Europe
NOSP contains references to serials available in Nordic and Baltic libraries. Article copies may be requested from the holding libraries via the online ordering service. NOSP covers all subject areas. The main emphasis is, however, on natural science, medicine and social science. NOSP has been existing since 1977 and is based on a co-operation between national union [...]

Access to the online Catalogue (accessible in English, Dutch, French), digitized and other collections, archives, overview of all research projects and publications related to information on social history.

The research project database 'TUHTI' includes information on more than 2000 research projects at the University of Helsinki. Fast search and advanced search forms are available or search can be done via the project index, projects by department or subject search. The output menu presents the resources with an abstract in English, keywords, a link to seperate project sites [...]

The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences covers the entire field of learning, comprising two divisions: a Science Division and a Humanities and Social Sciences Division. The main objective is advising the government in all fields of science. KNAW is also responsible for a number of leading institutes which carry out fundamental research in the life sciences, humanities and [...]

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) is the federal research funding agency that promotes and supports postsecondary-based research and training in the humanities and social sciences. By focusing on developing Talent, generating Insights and forging Connections across campuses and communities, SSHRC strategically supports world-leading [...]

NSD, established in 1971, is a national multidisciplinary research service facility under the Research Council of Norway with a strategic responsibility for maintaining data resources and data access for Norwegian research. NSD has established e.g. the Norwegian Research Database (NFI) and a national database for statistics on higher education. The homepages gives access to [...]

NOVA is a social research institute under the auspices of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. It was founded 1996, bringing together the following research institutions: Institute of Applied Social Research, Norwegian Institute of Child Welfare Research, The Norwegian Youth Research Centre and the Norwegian Institute of Gerontology. The website informs about [...]

NorFA is funded by the Nordic countries, and operates under the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers. It is a platform for analysis and dialogue for Nordic research training and research co- operation. NorFa initiates networks i. g. in social sciences/education. The homepage presents the organisation, more than 56 networks, a catalogue of research courses and [...]

NTNU is a centre for technological education and research in Norway, with a solid foundation in the natural sciences. This tradition is interwoven with broadly based expertise in the classical university disciplines. Acces to the NTNU Library, the oldest academic library in Norway (its origin can be traced back to 1768) and to the journal "GEMINI" - research news. Further [...]

The SCP Office of the Netherlands is a government agency doing independent scientific research. The main fields studied are health, welfare, social security, labour market and education, and especially the interfaces between these different social fields. Most publications are available in Dutch with an English summary. Some publications are entirely in English. They can be [...]

ITS has specialized on interdisciplinary policy research. It belongs to the University of Nimwegen. Particualr competence is also offered in the educational sector. The website presents the institute, research projects (around 200 per year) and their services. Reports and publications can only be odered via E-Mail or directly in at ITS.

The objective of the Institute is to conduct social science research and studies in the fields of labour relations, welfare policy and living conditions at the national and international levels.Research activities and studies are organised into two institutes: Fafo, Institute for Labour and Social Research (Link!), Fafo, Institute for Applied International Studies.- This [...]

Sierre Leone
This is the web-site of the Njala University in Sierra Leone, reopened in 2005 after having been heavily damaged during the civil war in the 1990s. The university provides academic programmes in agriculture, education, technology, community health services, social sciences and environmental sciences. The university campus is still in its initial stages and depends on support [...]

CODESRIA's principal objectives are facilitating research, promoting research-based publishing and creating multiple fora geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. It challenges the fragmentation of research through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.- In particular this website [...]

This website provides information on the eight research areas of the department, its research results since 1990, current research projects, projects submitted for approval, activities and co-operation at international level. Main concern is a contribution to the modernization of education in Lithuania. The department is part of the Institute of Educational Studies of the [...]

Latin America
Founded in 1967, the network CLACSO now counts more than 580 participating institutes, centres and associations in more than 45 countries doing social science research on and in Latin America. Among the members and research subjects, you will also find educational ones. CLACSO moreover runs a network of virtual libraries and repositories with an overall search over more than [...]

The Hungarian Institute for Higher Educational Research is an academic institution dedicated to social research on education. It carries out economical, sociological and statistical researches on the educational system at national, regional and institutional levels. With empirical sociological research methods, statistical analysis and case studies HIER contributes to the [...]

The Centre for Research and Business Education is a higher education institution specialized in the field of social sciences. For more than 25 years experiences have been gained which are utilized to acquire and spread knowledge on essential issues of contemporary social reality. Providing specific and modern core programmes of high quality and priority a contribution is to be [...]

EGRIS is a research network consisting of partners in Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The main activities consider the changing structures and processes of social integration in the context of new trajectories between youth and adulthood as well as the consequencies for education and welfare.- This homepages offers [...]

AOIFE is a European association for Women's Studies based on institutional membership, a structure which links institutions dedicated to initiating and supporting feminist education and research in Europe, a forum for collectively addressing and acting on issues concerning Women's Studies by means of co-operation and networking, a platform from which to submit carefully [...]

United Kingdom
"BIDS is the best known and most widely used bibliographic service for the academic community in the UK". It offers free access to bibliographic databases for various subjects, full text delivery of journal articles is possible. A password is necessary.

The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation carries out studies and promotes an international dialogue about education across OECD countries. As part of the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development, based in Paris, it is a focal point for information and discussion on trends in education systems throughout the industrialised world. The website gives [...]

The data service of FORS is a national resources centre for the sociological research and teachings. The principal purpose of the data service is it to revalue the research potential for sociological researchers and students by making available a rich data corpus for the secondary analysis.

The Academy coordinates research and teaching in the field of humanities and social sciences. The site contains: a newsletter, an agenda, information about fellowship, a publication list, documents concerning educational policy.

United Kingdom
"The ESRC is the UK's largest independent funding agency for research and postgraduate training into social and economic issues". There is a list of publications that can be ordered online, access to the database REGARD (on research in the social sciences) and a link list.

United Kingdom; international
"SOSIG is an online catalogue of thousands of high quality Internet resources relevant to social science education and research. Every resource has been selected and described by a librarian or subject specialist". The emphasis is on the UK with a growing number of international links. There are also conferences, courses and full texts on subject guides for downloading.

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