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Social work at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: social work

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The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is the global body for the profession. The Federation and its national members strive for social justice, human rights and inclusive, sustainable social development through the promotion of social work best practice and engagement in international cooperation.

Website of the Institutе of Pedagogy and Psychology of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (LNU) in Kiev. The website informs in English about the history of the institute as well as its departments. Not all of them have English descriptions. You will find the following depratments: - Department of Pre-school Education and Primary Education - Department of [...]

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs supports several pilot projects in the range of school social work in Austria. The website offers information about these projects and provides further publications for download.

The three libraries, Education, Jewish Education and Social Work, amalgamated in July 2003 to form a unified library at the Mount Scopus campus, as part of the Libraries Authority. The multi-disciplinary collections include education, social work and related fields such as psychology, psychotherapy, sociology and anthropology, connected to different age groups and population [...]

School social work (Schulsozialarbeit in German) is a relatively new field of work in Switzerland. In the German speaking part of Switzerland, school social work was established in the mid-1990`s and has expanded rapidly since. It is the fastest growing service amongst all youth services in Switzerland. The website offers a list of school social work offices in the cantons and [...]

The Training Centers for Methods of Active Education (CEMÉA) are a movement of persons which are engaged in the practics of the values and principles of the `Éducation Nouvelle` and which develop methods of active education to improve the milieus and institutions through the activation of individuals. They offer diverse internships in the quotidian fields of education, [...]

Fundatia Link Romania Moldavia is an independant Romanian registered Christian charity promoting a culture of dignity and respect by fostering the human potential within every person and encouraging personal autonomy and self-sustainability. The foundation works with children in need of help, homeless people and other persons in misery, to make a firmed existence possible for [...]

The International Association of Schools of Social Work, IASSW, is the worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary level social work educational programmes, and social work educators. The IASSW promotes the development of social work education throughout the world, develops standards to enhance quality of social work education, encourages international [...]

United States of America (USA)
The School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) was founded in 1994. SSWAA is the only national organization solely dedicated to advancing the profession of School Social Work. The School Social Work Association of America is dedicated to promoting the profession of school social work and the professional development of school social workers in order to enhance the [...]

United Kingdom
The national education report "The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills" is published by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED). OFSTED provides regular reports on early years and childcare, children's social care, schools, learning and skills. The quality of providers is recorded by various indicators. We [...]

Moldova, Republic of
The Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe n-ost links journalists and media initiatives from about twenty European countries. The focus of n-ost is on detailed reports from and about eastern Europe. The present article reports about the changing of the labour market since the end of the Soviet Union and about the (lacking) chances for young people to work and earn money in [...]

FESET (Formation d'Educateurs Sociaux Européens / European Social Educator Training) is a European association of training centres for socio-educational care work. Besides promoting the education and training for socio-educational purposes, its aims are to participate in programmes of European bodies and to ensure that the training centres be represented at the institutions [...]

The CEC (or the Cultural Cross-way for international exchanges) is an organisation which has the aim to organisate exchanges with people from Togo with those both at home and abroad. Those exchanges shell show people how different living can be. Further more you will find several functions the organisation deals with. Such as further education for nonworkers in category groups [...]

The EASSW unites about 300 different schools, universities and institutions supporting social work education. Its mission is to promote social development and to develop high quality education and knowledge for social work practice, services and social welfare policies in Europe.The Association represents the interest of social work education on the European level, it [...]

ECCE aims to support activities in the sense of "community education" as well as to sensitize young people for intercultural understanding. For this purpose multicultural exchange programmes are suggested, developed and supported, intercultural learning possibilities for specialists in community education are created and networks for the exchange of information in this area [...]

The purpose of the association is to emphasize and promote the philosophy of social education and its uniqueness in being actively involved in partnership with clients, working with them, not only individually but in groups, families, communities, in the milieu, towards the development of their strengths and in resolving personal, social, and community difficulties. The [...]

United Kingdom
The General Social Care Council is responsible for setting standards of conduct and practice for social care workers and their employers, for regulating the workforce, and for regulating social work education and training. The GSCC is a Non Departmental Public Body established in October 2001 under the Care Standards Act 2000. It is sponsored by the Department of Health but [...]

Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
NISCC is the regulatory body for the Northern Ireland social care workforce. We are an independent public body, established to increase public protection by improving and regulating standards of training and practice for social care workers.

Scotland; United Kingdom
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) is responsible for registering people who work in social services and regulating their education and training. The SSSC was set up to raise standards in social services. Our role is to increase the protection of people who use social services, to raise standards of practice and to strengthen and support the professionalism of the [...]

United Kingdom; England
The website provided by the Department of Health informs about social work in England and routes to qualifications. A course database is offered.

United Kingdom; Wales
The Care Council for Wales was established in October 2001 to promote high standards of conduct and practice among social care workers and high standards in their training. The aim is to ensure that children and adults who are receiving social care services (e.g. child day care) in Wales can rely on a workforce that is properly trained, appropriately qualified and effectively [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. The website features information on child care, child support, child-youth and families, Early Childhood Education, the Head Start [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Child Trends DataBank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children. For each indicator it summarizes what the research says about its importance to children’s development, tracks trends over time and by subgroup, and highlights strategies likely to improve well-being. It also provides links to state, local, and [...]

The Commission helps to meet the demand for an adequate number of professionals working in different fields related to disability, doing work that is supported by applied, scientific research. For instance, there is a training and research programme named PEKTUR for people with disabilities and their families, other concerned individuals, practitioners, administrators, policy [...]

The Department of Health and Children's statutory role is to support the Minister in the formulation and evaluation of policies for the health services. One of the divisions is the Child Care and National Children's Office. Information on social services nurseries from birth to four years, on childcare acts and further legislation. Further related publications for download.

The Mission of the INNFA is to propose, to support and to execute innovative solutions to the problems of children, adolescents and Ecuadorian families, especially the vulnerable and excluded groups of rights. The website provides information about the vision and mission, organization, the instruments for modernization and the various programs.

An all-Ireland network to promote effective interventions with young people at risk. Project database and examples of good practice, information about involved agencies, networking, online journal free of charge, link list.

CASWE-ACFTS is a national, charitable voluntary, association of university faculties, schools, departments, and modules offering social work education in Canada. The Association´s primary mandate is to support the promotion of excellence in social work education, scholarship, and practice. This mandate is primarily carried out through the accreditation of BSW and MSW social [...]

SMILEchildren is a non-profit, international charitable network. Its mission is to enhance the education and welfare of primary and secondary school-children in Myanmar; especially those who are less advantaged from suburban and rural areas. The homepage provides information about the organization, its members and donors; pictures illustrate the different projects.

NIZW is an independent organization which targets innovation and improvement in the care and welfare sector. It provides information and support to professionals and volunteers working in fields as varied as child care, social services, community work, services for the elderly, youth care, shelter, nursing homes, home care and services for disabled people. Concrete products [...]

Eastern Europe
The East East Programme "Partnership Across Borders" (coordinated by the Open Society Institute Budapest) supports practical cross-border work between Eastern European countries in the process of social transformation particularly in the field of education. This website provides information on the programme principles and forthcoming activities.

The association is the professional respresentative body of social workers in Australia. It promotes research and development in the area of social work and represents also the interests of the clients. The homepage provides links to full texts about the mission of the association, its community services, the library and news and events in Australian social policy.

The National Institute for Youth (INJU) is responsible for all issues concerning adolescents and promotes the integration of youth into society by means of education, vocational education, counselling, health education, information, cultural and social work and other political activities. The homepage presents links to texts from these and other areas. The link "C. de [...]

Webseite of the French Centre for Research on Education and Training at the University Paris Nanterre. You will find information on the centre and its 4 research foci: * adult education * Knowledge and its transmission * Crisis, school and sensitive grounds * family education and social interventions. Each research focus has its own website including information on [...]

Pakistan; international
The Aga Khan University's Institute for Educational Development (AKU- IED) aims to improve the quality of education in developing countries through research, educational programmes, capacity-building, partnerships, policy initiatives and a commitment to wider social development. Established in 1993, with grant support of US $ 12.5 million from the Commission of the European [...]

This site has been prepared for people interested in social work and "for all persons concerned with special education"; it contains a wealth of information. Beside an employment market for relevant jobs, discussion lists, and full texts about the formation of social workers, the site mainly consists of a collection of links (with short descriptions) arranged under the [...]

United States of America (USA)
ACF is a federal agency funding state, local, and tribal organizations to provide family assistance (welfare), child support, child care, Head Start, child welfare, and other programs relating to children and families. The homepage provides access to information about ACF programs and projects, contacts, grants and contracts (funding opportunities), state and local resources [...]

United Kingdom
Ofsted regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care and inspects: schools, colleges, initial teacher education, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, education and training in prisons and other secure establishments, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass). The reports are accessible via a database.

The German Education Server (eduserver) is an information portal maintained by the federal authorities and the sixteen federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver provides access to information on the education system of the Federal Republic of Germany. The eduserver makes the high-quality information available through a system of databases. The range of [...]

United Kingdom
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children´s services. The website offers information on schools, transition from school to training or higher education, early learning, family eduation and social work as well as information on research and statistics and publications.

Scotland; United Kingdom
Responsibilities include: Further and higher education, science and lifelong learning, school education, training and skills, HM Inspectorate of Education and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, nurseries and childcare, children's services, children's hearings, social work and HM Social Work Inspectorate.

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