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Social work in school at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: social work in school

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The Canadian Association of School Social Workers and Attendance Counsellors (CASSWAC) is a national organization that links school social workers and attendance counsellors. The mandate of CASSWAC is to promote and encourage the development of quality school social work and attendance counselling in Canada. As a national organization the CASSWAC have an opportunity to be [...]

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs supports several pilot projects in the range of school social work in Austria. The website offers information about these projects and provides further publications for download.

School social work (Schulsozialarbeit in German) is a relatively new field of work in Switzerland. In the German speaking part of Switzerland, school social work was established in the mid-1990`s and has expanded rapidly since. It is the fastest growing service amongst all youth services in Switzerland. The website offers a list of school social work offices in the cantons and [...]

Webseite of the French Centre for Research on Education and Training at the University Paris Nanterre. You will find information on the centre and its 4 research foci: * adult education * Knowledge and its transmission * Crisis, school and sensitive grounds * family education and social interventions. Each research focus has its own website including information on [...]

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