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Socialisation at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: socialisation

key words found 1 - 12 of 12

United States of America (USA)
SENG is one of the most well-known and probably also one of the oldest (starting in 1981) organisations in the USA dealing with giftedness among children and adults. Whereas, according to SENG, other organisations and institutions rather focus on the intellectual needs of gifted people, SENG draws its attention to their social and emotional needs. The website provides [...]

Costa Rica
The State of the Nation Program is a research and capacity building centre focusing on the appraisal and promotion of sustainable human development (SHD). Its main purpose is to provide citizens with easily accessible instruments to measure SHD performance, to enhance accountability of public affairs, to strengthen mechanisms for participation, and to improve the quality of [...]

The objectives of the ministry of education of Bolivia are to design and implement policies as well as inlcusive, equitable, intercultural, plurilingual, scientific and technological education strategies to effect a highest possible quality of education which is strengthened by social participation in a territorial realm. Through the plurinational education system created by [...]

The Education Alliance for the Construction of Cultures of Peace consists of national and international institutions. Its aim is to work on the education level for the construction of peaceful cultures and democratic coexistence on the national, regional and local level. Therefore, the alliance provides technical help and cooperation. Furthermore, there is an intensive [...]

The Centre of Peace Education and Investigation (CEIPAZ) analyzes and popularizes, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the connection between conflicts, development and education. Furthermore, it investigates the principal tendencies of the international system and promotes education, development and peace.

The task of the National Centre for the Promotion and Education of Health (CNPES) is to contribute to the promotion of life quality of the Cuban population by favoring life styles which effect beneficial conducts as well as that life styles, which contain risks are modified to prevent diseases or deviations of the health system.

RedVITEC links the areas of connection of the national universities and university institutions which form the Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional and supports them in their tasks with regard to the productive efficiency of the networks by promoting the performance of the processes and by optimating the resources. The task of RedVITEC is the fostering of life quality of the [...]

The Interdisciplinary Research Group for Socialisation, Education and Formation (GIRSEF) works in the fields of sociology, psychology and education sciences. It was founded in 1998 by the Université catholique de Louvain. The central objective of the GIRSEF is the development of fundamental research and applied research in the field of education and formation. Until now [...]

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is a public institution dedicated to research in Spain. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Secretary of State for Research, its main objective is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scientific and technological progress, and it is prepared to collaborate with Spanish and [...]

The object of the National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS) is the research and development in the field of social and humanist sciences. Therefore, the institute’s main object of activity is to carry out surveys and research with theoretical-applicative character in fields of national interest regarding the human resources management, [...]

Buea school for the Deaf is a boarding school for deaf children. It was opened in 2003 and placed under the authorisation of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Its objectives are to provide formal education programs that foster the moral, intellectual, physical and social development of deaf children and youths, to promote the effective integration of deaf children and youths [...]

Côte d'Ivoire
The Catholic student youth (JEC) of Cote d`Ivoire is a pupil and student movement with the aim to promote youth collaboration in scholar and university milieus, to heigthen the awareness of the members in regard to social questions - and this in a catholic environment.

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