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Teaching of religion at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: teaching of religion

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This paper examines practices of the Afghan Taliban in relation to the provision of education in Afghanistan. In particular, it focuses on the Ministry of Education’s (MoE) general curriculum, which includes mathematics, sciences, social studies, languages, arts, and culture. Schools run by the MoE (maktabs) also provide several hours per week of Islamic education, though [...]

The website of the Indonesian Ministry for Religious Affairs does not have an English version. The ministry is in charge of Islamic Education in Indonesia. You can find the respective department under "Unit Kerja > Ditjen Pendidikan Islam". Departments in charge of other religions also have some data about education (for example about Catholic schools). [Abstract: Editors of [...]

The objectives of the Uruguayan Association of Catholic Education (AUDEC) are one the one hand the coordination and representation of catholic institutions of formal and nonformal education on their diverse levels in the national frame. On the other hand, AUDEC stimulates the integral development of persons through a socio-educative process. Furthermore, AUDEC promotes, [...]

The objectives of the Goodness and Mercy Missions (GMM) are the support of disadvantaged people in Cameroonian communities, the supply of education programs which allow youths to enter adult life successfully as well as the fostering of equality for women, the supply of community leadership trainings and the dissemination of the teachings of Christianity.

The ECAM unites private educational institutes which are under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Morocco (diocese Rabat) and whose persons responsibles are interested in the amelioration of pedagogical activity. The institutions pursue a common educational project which is defined by intern documents of the ECAM.

This full text dating from 2008 analyses religious education in Uzbekistan since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The text has a focus on the presentation of islam in schools, universities and in the mass media.

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