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Teaching-learning process at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: teaching-learning process

key words found 1 - 9 of 9

The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER) is a multidisciplinary centre of educational research based at the University of Jyväskylä. It is one of the most important centres for educational research in Finland, receiving nearly half of its budget from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and the European Commission. Amongst others, it is in charge of the [...]

The objective of the Council for Training in Education (CFE) is the formation of professionals in social pedagogics. Therefore, it develops teaching-learning processes which correspond to the respective education level and supervizes the development of the plans, programs and courses which result from these processes.

EducaPanamá is the portal of the ministry of education. Its purpose is to promote innovation, creativity and technological actualisation of the population of Panama. Also, it supports the development of academical, cultural, scientifical and technological activities as well as the integration of the education community in cooperative spaces to ensure the exchange of [...]

Spain; Latin America
The Cervantes Institute is a public institution which was founded in 1991 by the promotion of Spanish teaching and language and for t he diffusion of Spanish and Latin-American culture. It is located in Madrid, Spain and in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, the birth place of Miguel de Cervantes. The centres of the institute are located in all five continents. The tasks and functions [...]

The Centres for Techical-Productive Education in Peru (CETPROs) are institutions which offer educational services in the different education sectors and by that obtain the authorization to enact certificates and corresponding technical titles with accordance to the reglementation. They conduct further education activities, actualization and structural change of the work fields [...]

The Regional Directorate of Education of the region Amazonas strives for an efficient management which allows to meet the educational needs of the population. This includes, that it pays maximum attention to this topic and assures that the teacher conduct in the teaching-learning process favors the integral development of the pupil and thereby ensures the acces of a secure [...]

The Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation (DISDE) is a specialized organ of the ministry of education which is charged with the promotion and implementation of the research which can serve as basis for the development of a qualitative educational supply, as well as with the supervision and the verification of the efficiency of this supply which is [...]

The Education Portal PerúEduca is an interactive communication channel where the different education participants can gather and which is maintained by teachers as well as students in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the homepage offers information for teachers/lecturers, pupils/students as well as information about courses and the education community in Peru.

The Rwanda Education Commons (REC) aims to help Rwanda expand access to quality education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It hopes to realize this goal by improving the climate for collaboration in the use of ICTs in education, and by implementing activities that use ICTs to supplement teaching and learning. The REC aims to realize a [...]

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