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University management at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: university management

key words found 1 - 13 of 13

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
On June, 2, 2016, British and German university leaders met in Berlin on the occasion of a jointly organised Rectors' Conference. Among others, they pointed out "how the EU helps academics to carry out cutting-edge research and enables students to study in other parts of the EU". They also warned against the "devastating consequences for study and research" in case of a [...]

Austria; Germany; Croatia; Hungary; Slovenia; Italy; international
The aim and purpose of founding the Rectors´ Conference was to enable collaboration between the universities and colleges and to seize the diverse opportunities available for scientific, artistic and future-oriented cooperation. Issues of cultural, scientific, political or general importance are dealt with in the form of symposia and research projects.

The National Interuniversity Council (CIN) was founded in 1985. Since then, it is the nucleus for the national universities, which joined the organisation voluntarily, according to their autonomy. Thus, the CIN is the coordinative organisation of university politics. The highest authority of the CIN is the plenary of rectors. It gathers every six months for an ordinary session.

The Councils for the Regional Planning of Higher Education (CPRES) are institutions which unite all actors of Argentinian higher education: National and private universities as well as national and provincial government offices. Thus it is the only horizontal organ of coordination, an authority of exchange of the higher education sector on a regional level. It performs [...]

Dominican Republic
The mission of the Dominican Association of University Principals (ADRU) is the promotion of the development of the member institutions in the frame of quality, autonomy and academical pluralism. Also, it wants to favor strategies which aim for the strengthening of the university education system as well as of science and technology of the Dominican Republic. The association [...]

Equatorial Guinea; Angola; Benin; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Ethiopia; Eritrea; Gabon; Ghana; Guinea-Bissau; Guinea; Equatorial Guinea; Kenya; Comoros; Madagascar; Mali; Mauritania; Mozambique; Niger; Togo; Chad; Central African Republic; Uganda; Seychelles; Sao Tome and Principe; South Africa, Republic; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Senegal
The French website France diplomatie is a website of the ministry of foreign affairs which offers a useful listage of 28 African countries. On following the links, one will find descriptions concerning the organisation of the higher education system of each of those countries. Furthermore you will get a detailed overview of the state-aided institutions as well as the [...]

HUMANE is a European organisation with the aim of grouping all heads of university administration. It is an informal network devoted to professional development and best practice in the field of university management and administration, provided with encouragement and financial support from the European Commission. One of the main activities of the network is the organization [...]

The CRUI is the association of the rectors of Italian state and private universities. Since 2001, the Conference of Italian University Rectors has been flanked in its managerial and executive functions by the CRUI Foundation. The strategic instruments of the CRUI and the CRUI Foundation are as follows: The School for University Management and the Promotion of New Educational [...]

"The Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) is the major professional association for educational leaders. It draws its membership from all sectors of education in Australia." Its website offers information on ACEL, its activities and publications.

Australia; New Zealand
"The mission of the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT) is to promote and advance the use and support of information technology in teaching and learning, research and administration in the Universities of Australia and New Zealand." Its website offers information about CAUDIT and its projects, access to its annual reports and links to [...]

Universities Denmark is the organization of the eight Danish universities to enhance their cooperation, visibility and impact. Universities Denmark works to ensure that its members have the best possible conditions for shouldering their responsibility towards research, research-based education and dissemination of knowledge. University management and staff convene at [...]

Eastern Europe
CBUR is open to all universities and equivalent institutions with full academic rights in the Baltic Sea area. CBUR aims at promoting inter- university cooperation in the Baltic Sea area, and to further its communities. The association intends to engage in joint research, to share didactic experience, and to create and develop mutual contacts of academic staff and students of [...]

The AVCC is the peak organisation representing Australian universities nationally and internationally. It seeks to advance higher education through voluntary, cooperative and coordinated action. Besides a description of AVCC, its policies and actions, the website provides information about Australian universities (overview of the university system, links to individual [...]

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