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Vereinigung association at Education Systems International

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We link to the automatic Google translation of a list of associations in the education sector in Turkey. Among them, you will find professional associations in educational research as well as many educators' associations for different subjects. The educators' associations sometimes also have some information on research and publications. [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Society for Disability Studies is an association of more than 400 artists, scholars and activists. The website provides information on the society, its link lists, conferences, awards and publications. Unfortunately, a lot of these short informations don't offer further links. The item with the most content is the Society's journal "Disability Studies Quarterly", whose [...]

Palestinian Territories
As the Palestinian General Union of People With Disability doesn't seem to have a website of its own, we link you to (contact) information about the Union on another website. You will find information about the mission and activities from 2010 to 2012, as well as an information brochure for download in pdf format. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"The Association of Greek Researchers is a lobbying association of Greek researchers that are employed in the public research centres and institutes representing the interests of its members." The NGO was established in 1996 and has its seat in Athens. On their webpage they provide information about their activities and offer a list of research instituts that are supervised by [...]

The notion of conference here is used to describe a kind of association which only encompasses a special type of public schools, and not all schools that call themselves "public". The Indian Public Schools' Conference (IPSC) was founded in 1939 and meanwhile has 79 member schools. The website provides information on IPSC history, goals, members, rules, guidelines for [...]

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