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Youth culture at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: youth culture

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The Uruguayan Children and Adolescents Institute (INAU) is the rector of policies which are destined to promote, protect and restore the rights of children and the youth. Furthermore, it fosters social integration of the youth of the INAU in cooperation with housing, work, education and health policies. Also, INAU promotes the cultural transformation through communicative [...]

The objective of the General Administration of Physical Education (DIGEF) is the promotion of students through qualitative education processes and programs which establish a sport culture. Through physical education - sports as well as recreation - health and activity of the Guatemalan youth are ensured.

Costa Rica
The objectives of the Ministry of Culture and Youth (MCJ) are the development of the transformative potential of communities and artistic skills as well as the promotion of universal access to culture and art as superior language of communication and recognition. Also, MCJ creates a multicultural identity of the society conducive to improving the quality of life of the [...]

The project "Punto J" is under the directorate of the institute for education and health. It tries, with online information, an online radio channel and specific activities, to explain sexuality as well as the causes and consequences of AIDS to youth. In this connection, the cooperation of the youth is of central importance. On the homepage, general information about HIV/AIDS [...]

The youth portal is an initiative of the research centre of the Calandria association in cooperation with other members, to facilitate youth work on a national level through ICT. For this purpose, the portal provides a meeting point an helpful tool for youth organisations, political decision makers, ONGs and researchers which deal with youth affairs. The objectives of the [...]

The National Youth Office (SENAJU) is an organism of the Peruvian state under the direction of the ministry of education. It is the central institution for youth affairs in Peru. SENAJU is entrusted with the promotion, the coordination and the evaluation of policies, projects and programs which deal with youth affairs in the public or private sector. The aim of the office is [...]

The National Institute for Youth (INJUV) is an organism of the public service, which is entrusted with the design, the planning and the coordination of politics which deal with youth affairs. The INJUV orients its work on youth from 15 to 29, coordinating the public youth politics. It generates programs which foster the social inclusion and the respect for the rights of the [...]

Dominican Republic
The mission of the Ministry of Youth (MJ) of the Dominican Republic is to ensure the integrated development of the Dominican Youth from the age of 15 to 35 in the frame of an effective coordination through the execution of youth policies in the processes of decision-making, execution and activities with a pluralistic and democratic notion complying with a gender focus within [...]

The Rwanda National Youth Council is a Government institution which started in February 1998. The National Youth Council comprises of the following 3 major organs: The General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the Executive Secretariat. The mission of the National Youth Council is to educate the youth on the culture of patriotism, to sensitise the youth on the fight [...]

The Austrian National Youth Council (BJV) is the legally embedded representation of interests of Austrian children and adolescents and is supported by currently (November 2013) 52 children and youth organizations. It agitates for the concerns of young people. The BJV bundles the political, social, economical and cultural interest of young people and gives them a hearing of [...]

The institute for research on youth culture deals with applied youth research; it carries out questionnaire surveys, content analyses, qualitative social research etc. The institute also offers seminars.

The institute for philosophy for children, whose support is the Austrian society for philosophy for children, exists since 1985. It fosters education and further education of children, adolescents and adults, advises pedagogical institutions, generates project descriptions, develops and recommends seminar and work papers and serves as philosophical counselling point. On the [...]

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