Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: ANIMAL)

Es wurden 103 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Vokabeln Animal Groups - Tiergruppen

    Schülerinnen und Schüler hören hier die englische Übersetzung zu den Tiergruppen und können selbst eine Hörübung starten. 

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  • Animal Dictionary

    Auf den Seiten von lehrer-online finden Sie eine Dokumentation über ein Unterrichtsprojekt zum Thema ʺAnimal Dictionary - Ein Deutsch-Englisches Tierwörterbuchʺ.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1136074" }

  • Animal Flash Cards (pdf)

    Animal Flash Cards stehen hier zum kostenlosen pdf-Download zur Verfügung.

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  • George Orwell: Introduction to Animal Farm

    The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell is an allegory for the Russian Revolution.  Your task will be to search various internet resources to answer questions about George Orwell and the Russian Revolution.  Since Animal Farm is an allegory, and based off of real events and real people, your task will also be to research who, and what happened so that you can understand ...

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  • Lesson plans for 1984, Animal Farm, and other books

    Eine Linkliste mit Verweisen zu verschiedenen Lesson plans.

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  • Shape of life: The Story of the Animal Kingdom

    This series of documentary films (approximately fifteen minutes in length) is aimed at middle-school level learners. The videos are accompanied by related lesson plans and resources (USA: PBS Learning Media 2017)

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  • Animal Farm - study guide

    sehr ausführliches Skript (Student's Book)  This module is designed to provide students with reading and listening practice. It contains many reading exercises and activities as well as many group discussion questions. Students will be able to practice group speaking and reading as well as have a better understanding of new words and definitions. There are also many ...

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